These notes go along with the Intro to Python3 course created by Will Button.
I also included some helpful illustrations I use to understand some of these concepts better. I hope they make sense to you too!
Learners will gain a great working knowledge of Python. Once you finish the course, you will be able to create your own puython projects from scratch. You'll also be able to jump into an existing Python codebase and read, understand, and contribute to the application.
Enjoy the course!
- 01- Install Python
- 02- Manage Dependencies with Python Virtual Environments
- 03- Use Python Interactively with the REPL Console
- 04- Check for None (Null) in Python
- 05- Understand Mutable vs. Immutable objects in Python
- 06- Execute a Python Script
- 07- Perform Math Operations in Python
- 08 Format Strings in Python
- 09- Manipulate and Search Strings with Python Methods
- 10- Add Flow Control to your Python application
- 11- Use Comparison Operators in Python
- 12- Use Lists in Python
- 13- Slice Lists in Python
- 14- Understand List Comprehensions in Python
- 15- Manipulate Data with Dictionaries in Python
- 16- Create Immutable Values in Python with Tuples
- 17- Create Unique Unordered Collections in Python with Set
- 18- Invoke the Built-in Help System with Python's dir and help Methods
- 19- Create a Log for Your Python Application
- 20- Read Input in Python from the Console
- 21- Create Reusable Components with Functions in Python
- 22- Reuse Code in Multiple Projects with Python Modules
- 23- Read and Parse Files in Python
- 24- Write to a File in Python
- 25- Handle Exceptions to Prevent Crashes in Python
- 26- Understand Scope in Python
- 27- Use Python Classes
- 28- Manage Packages With pip in Python
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Ceora Ford 🖋 |