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Sven Fuchs committed Nov 17, 2008
2 parents d922065 + 912a71e commit 3f30bb6
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Showing 3 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
Empty file added generators/db_backend.rb
Empty file.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions generators/templates/db_backend_migration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
class ActsAsTaggableMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :globalize_translations do |t|
t.string :locale, :null => false
t.string :key, :null => false
t.string :translation

# TODO: FINISH DOING MIGRATION -- stopped in the middle

create_table :globalize_translations_map do |t|
t.string :key, :null => false
t.integer :translation_id, :null => false

add_index :taggings, :tag_id
add_index :taggings, [:taggable_id, :taggable_type]

def self.down
drop_table :globalize_translations
drop_table :tags
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions notes.textile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Stopped DB Backend in the middle, here's where we left off:

h1. Some Notes

* Started doing the migration generator in generators/db_backend.rb
* Translation keys will be in dotted string format
* Question: Do we need a plural_key column, or can we build it in to the dotted key?
* We will probably have to code the following methods from scratch, to optimize db calls:
** translate
** localize
** pluralize
* We should refactor @interpolation@ code so that it can be included into backend code without inheriting SimpleBackend
** Rationale: interpolation is something done entirely after a string is fetched from the data store
** Alternately, it could be done from within the I18n module

h1. Schema

There will be two db tables.

# globalize_translations will have: locale, key, translation, created_at, updated_at.
# globalize_translations_map will have: key, translation_id.

globalize_translations_map will let us easily fetch entire sub-trees of namespaces.
However, this table may not be necessary, as it may be feasible to just use key LIKE "some.namespace.%".

h1. Caching

We'll almost certainly want to implement caching in the backend. Should probably be a customized
implementation based on the Rails caching mechanism, to support memcached, etc.

h1. Queries

We'll want to pull in lots of stuff at once and return a single translation based on some
quick Ruby selection. The query will look something like this:

SELECT * FROM globalize_translations
WHERE locale in (<fallbacks>) AND
key IN (key, default_key)

The Ruby code would then pick the first translation that satisfies a fallback, in fallback order.
Of course, the records with the supplied key would take precedence of those with the default key.

h1. Misc

We should revisit the :zero plural code. On the one hand it's certainly useful for
many apps in many languages. On the other hand it's not mentioned in CLDR, and not a real
concept in language pluralization. Right now, I'm feeling it's still a good idea to keep it in.

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