Build for the Github Game Off 2012, Echo is a game where you collect, recycle and destroy sounds on your way to the king of space.
- Go to, wait for the game to load and press play.
- Look around with your mouse.
- Move around either using arrow keys or WASD.
- Try to pull sounds in by targeting them while holding the right mouse button down.
- Push sounds back into the game by targeting a surface (or another sound) while pressing the left mouse button down;
- Use Space to jump ;>
- THREE.js, the most awesome javascript 3D library, from mrdoob -
- TWEEN.js, js tweening library -
- Modified Turtle graphics class for the THREE.js from progma -
- Inspiration from Dinahmoe's Web Audio API implementation -
- Neat sound impulse response from sandyrb -
- Cute icon of a sound wave from Alessandro Suraci -
- jQuery, as usual -
At this stage, this game is not quite finished threfore treat it as such. If it breaks, be kind and let me know any issues you encountered. Echo is my first attempt at writing an HTML5 game so sorry for the mess that is my code. Do not expect a game with full levels and so - my time simply ran out before the Game Off deadline so I leave exciting stuff for later. Future is bright!