diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex index c0f9362505d..25e7073c3b1 100644 --- a/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex +++ b/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ defmodule Regex do * `:all_names` - captures all named subpattern matches in the Regex as a list ordered **alphabetically** by the names of the subpatterns - * `list(binary)` - a list of named captures to capture + * `list(binary | atom)` - a list of named captures to capture ## Character classes @@ -186,7 +186,27 @@ defmodule Regex do defstruct re_pattern: nil, source: "", opts: [], re_version: "" - @type t :: %__MODULE__{re_pattern: term, source: binary, opts: binary | [term]} + @type re_option :: + :unicode + | :caseless + | :dotall + | :multiline + | :extended + | :firstline + | :ungreedy + | :anchored + | :dollar_endonly + | :no_auto_capture + | :newline + + @type t :: %__MODULE__{re_pattern: term, source: binary, opts: binary | [re_option()]} + + @type capture_option :: + :all | :first | :all_but_first | :none | :all_names | [binary() | atom()] + @type run_option :: + {:return, :binary | :index} + | {:capture, capture_option()} + | {:offset, non_neg_integer()} defmodule CompileError do @moduledoc """ @@ -222,7 +242,7 @@ defmodule Regex do {:ok, Regex.compile!("foo", [:caseless])} """ - @spec compile(binary, binary | [term]) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, any} + @spec compile(binary, binary | [re_option()]) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, any} def compile(source, opts \\ "") when is_binary(source) do compile(source, opts, version()) end @@ -250,7 +270,7 @@ defmodule Regex do @doc """ Compiles the regular expression and raises `Regex.CompileError` in case of errors. """ - @spec compile!(binary, binary | [term]) :: t + @spec compile!(binary, binary | [re_option()]) :: t def compile!(source, options \\ "") when is_binary(source) do case compile(source, options) do {:ok, regex} -> regex @@ -334,7 +354,7 @@ defmodule Regex do * `:return` - when set to `:index`, returns byte index and match length. Defaults to `:binary`. - * `:capture` - what to capture in the result. Check the moduledoc for `Regex` + * `:capture` - what to capture in the result. See the ["Captures" section](#module-captures) to see the possible capture values. * `:offset` - (since v1.12.0) specifies the starting offset to match in the given string. Defaults to zero. @@ -350,8 +370,14 @@ defmodule Regex do iex> Regex.run(~r/c(d)/, "abcd", return: :index) [{2, 2}, {3, 1}] + iex> Regex.run(~r/c(d)/, "abcd", capture: :first) + ["cd"] + + iex> Regex.run(~r/c(?d)/, "abcd", capture: ["foo", "bar"]) + ["d", ""] + """ - @spec run(t, binary, [term]) :: nil | [binary] | [{integer, integer}] + @spec run(t, binary, [run_option()]) :: nil | [binary] | [{integer, integer}] def run(regex, string, options \\ []) def run(%Regex{} = regex, string, options) when is_binary(string) do @@ -386,7 +412,7 @@ defmodule Regex do nil """ - @spec named_captures(t, String.t(), [term]) :: map | nil + @spec named_captures(t, String.t(), [{:return, :binary | :index}]) :: map | nil def named_captures(regex, string, options \\ []) when is_binary(string) do names = names(regex) options = Keyword.put(options, :capture, names) @@ -430,7 +456,7 @@ defmodule Regex do [:caseless] """ - @spec opts(t) :: [term] + @spec opts(t) :: [re_option()] def opts(%Regex{opts: opts}) do opts end @@ -470,7 +496,7 @@ defmodule Regex do * `:return` - when set to `:index`, returns byte index and match length. Defaults to `:binary`. - * `:capture` - what to capture in the result. Check the moduledoc for `Regex` + * `:capture` - what to capture in the result. See the ["Captures" section](#module-captures) to see the possible capture values. * `:offset` - (since v1.12.0) specifies the starting offset to match in the given string. Defaults to zero. @@ -498,8 +524,11 @@ defmodule Regex do iex> Regex.scan(~r/=+/, "=ü†ƒ8===", return: :index) [[{0, 1}], [{9, 3}]] + iex> Regex.scan(~r/c(d|e)/, "abcd abce", capture: :first) + [["cd"], ["ce"]] + """ - @spec scan(t(), String.t(), [term()]) :: [[String.t()]] | [[{integer(), integer()}]] + @spec scan(t(), String.t(), [run_option()]) :: [[String.t()]] | [[{integer(), integer()}]] def scan(regex, string, options \\ []) def scan(%Regex{} = regex, string, options) when is_binary(string) do @@ -549,7 +578,7 @@ defmodule Regex do * `:on` - specifies which captures to split the string on, and in what order. Defaults to `:first` which means captures inside the regex do not - affect the splitting process. Check the moduledoc for `Regex` + affect the splitting process. See the ["Captures" section](#module-captures) to see the possible capture values. * `:include_captures` - when `true`, includes in the result the matches of @@ -582,8 +611,16 @@ defmodule Regex do iex> Regex.split(~r{a(?b)c}, "abc", on: [:second], include_captures: true) ["a", "b", "c"] + iex> Regex.split(~r{-}, "-a-b--c", trim: true) + ["a", "b", "c"] + """ - @spec split(t, String.t(), [term]) :: [String.t()] + @spec split(t, String.t(), [ + {:parts, pos_integer() | :infinity} + | {:trim, boolean()} + | {:on, capture_option()} + | {:include_captures, boolean()} + ]) :: [String.t()] def split(regex, string, options \\ []) def split(%Regex{}, "", opts) do @@ -711,7 +748,8 @@ defmodule Regex do "Abcadc" """ - @spec replace(t, String.t(), String.t() | (... -> String.t()), [term]) :: String.t() + @spec replace(t, String.t(), String.t() | (... -> String.t()), [{:global, boolean()}]) :: + String.t() def replace(%Regex{} = regex, string, replacement, options \\ []) when is_binary(string) and is_list(options) do opts = if Keyword.get(options, :global) != false, do: [:global], else: []