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chat: interface improvements, mini chat in hud.
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Robin Redeker committed Jul 19, 2011
1 parent ea60578 commit 13a3958
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 79 deletions.
201 changes: 123 additions & 78 deletions lib/Games/Construder/Client/
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ sub new {

$self->{con} = AnyEvent::IRC::Client->new;

$self->{con}->ctcp_auto_reply ('VERSION', ['VERSION', "Games-Construder:$Games::Construder::VERSION\:Perl"]);
$self->{con}->ctcp_auto_reply ('PING', sub { ['PING', $_[4]] });

$self->{con}->reg_cb (
registered => sub {
my ($con) = @_;
Expand All @@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ sub new {
disconnect => sub {
my ($con) = @_;
$self->chat_log (error => "Disconnected from $con->{host}:$con->{port}: $_[1]");
connect => sub {
my ($con, $err) = @_;
Expand All @@ -57,20 +61,55 @@ sub new {
} else {
$self->chat_log (info => "Connected to $con->{host}:$con->{port}.");

$self->{show_hud} = 1;

error => sub {
my ($con, $code, $msg, $ircmsg) = @_;
$self->chat_log (error => "IRC Error: $code, $msg");
privatemsg => sub {
my ($con, $nick, $ircmsg) = @_;
$self->chat_log (private => "{$nick} $ircmsg->{params}->[-1]");
my $n = prefix_nick ($ircmsg);
my $msg = sprintf "{%s} %s", $n, $ircmsg->{params}->[-1];
if ($ircmsg->{command} eq 'NOTICE') {
$self->chat_log (info => $msg);
} else {
$self->chat_log (private => $msg);
unless ($self->{privhelp}->{$n}) {
$self->chat_log (info => "(private message from '$n', answer with '/msg $n <your message here>')");
$self->{privhelp}->{$n} = 1;
publicmsg => sub {
my ($con, $targ, $ircmsg) = @_;
$self->chat_log (public =>
sprintf "<%10s> %s",
prefix_nick ($ircmsg), $ircmsg->{params}->[-1]);
if ($ircmsg->{command} eq 'NOTICE') {
$self->chat_log (info => sprintf "{%s} %s", prefix_nick ($ircmsg), $ircmsg->{params}->[-1]);

my $nick = $con->nick;
if ($ircmsg->{params}->[-1] =~ /^\b$nick\b/i) {
$self->chat_log (public_hl =>
sprintf "<%s> %s",
prefix_nick ($ircmsg), $ircmsg->{params}->[-1]);
} else {
$self->chat_log (public =>
sprintf "<%s> %s",
prefix_nick ($ircmsg), $ircmsg->{params}->[-1]);
ctcp_action => sub {
my ($con, $src, $targ, $msg, $type) = @_;
if ($con->is_channel_name ($targ)) {
$self->chat_log (public => sprintf "* %s %s", $src, $msg);
} else {
$self->chat_log (private => sprintf "* %s %s", $src, $msg);
quit => sub {
my ($con, $nick, $msg) = @_;
Expand All @@ -81,7 +120,6 @@ sub new {
if ($is_me) {
$self->chat_log (public => "* $nick was kicked from $chan by $kicker: $msg");
my $settings = ($self->{front}->{res}->{config}->{chat} ||= {});
$settings->{con} = "disconnect";

} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,19 +159,23 @@ sub chat_log {
sub get_chat_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
my $settings = ($self->{front}->{res}->{config}->{chat} ||= {});
my $srv_chat = $self->{front}->{res}->{config}->{srv_chat};
my $nick = $settings->{nick} ne '' ? $settings->{nick} : $settings->{recent_login_name};
my $chan = $settings->{chan} ne '' ? $settings->{chan} : "#construder";
my $host = $settings->{host} ne '' ? $settings->{host} : "";
my $port = $settings->{port} ne '' ? $settings->{port} : 6667;
my $chan = $settings->{chan} ne '' ? $settings->{chan} : $srv_chat->{channel};
my $host = $settings->{host} ne '' ? $settings->{host} : $srv_chat->{host};
my $port = $settings->{port} ne '' ? $settings->{port} : $srv_chat->{port};

($nick, $chan, $host, $port, $settings->{con})
($nick, $chan, $host, $port)

sub check_chat_update {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{mode} eq 'chat' && $self->{front}->{active_uis}->{irc_chat}) {
if ($self->{front}->{active_uis}->{irc_chat}) {
if ($self->{front}->{active_uis}->{irc_chat_hud}) {

sub show {
Expand All @@ -154,38 +196,22 @@ sub show_chat_settings {
$self->{front}->activate_ui (irc_chat => {
ui_window ("Chat Settings",
ui_key_explain (F6 => "Show Chat"),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
$con eq 'connect'
? ui_select_item (chat_conn => "disconnect", ui_subtext ("Leave Chat"))
: ui_select_item (chat_conn => "connect", ui_subtext ("Enter Chat"))),
ui_key_inline_expl (F6 => "Show Chat"),
ui_key_inline_expl (c => "Toggle HUD Chat"),
ui_desc ("Chat Status: "
. ($self->{con}->is_connected ? "connected" : "disconnected")),
? ui_select_item (chat_conn => "disconnect", ui_subtext ("Disconnect"))
: ui_select_item (chat_conn => "connect", ui_subtext ("Connect"))),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Used Nickname: "), ui_subdesc ($nick)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Custom Nickname:"),
ui_entry (cust_nick => $settings->{nick}, 10)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Used Host: "),
ui_subdesc ($host)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Custom Host:"),
ui_entry (cust_host => $settings->{host}, 30)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Used Port: "),
ui_subdesc ($port)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Custom Port:"),
ui_entry (cust_port => $settings->{port}, 6)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Used Channel: "),
ui_subdesc ($chan)),
ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_desc ("Custom Channel:"),
ui_entry (cust_chan => $settings->{chan}, 6)),
commands => {
default_keys => { return => "set", f6 => "chat" }
default_keys => { return => "set", f6 => "chat", c => "hud" }
command_cb => sub {
my ($cmd, $arg, $need_selection) = @_;
Expand All @@ -194,15 +220,20 @@ sub show_chat_settings {
$settings->{nick} = $arg->{cust_nick};
$settings->{host} = $arg->{cust_host};
$settings->{port} = $arg->{cust_port};
$settings->{con} = $arg->{chat_conn};
if ($arg->{chat_conn} eq 'connect') {
} elsif ($arg->{chat_conn} eq 'disconnect') {
if ($settings->{con} eq 'connect') {
$self->{mode} = "chat";
return 1;

} elsif ($cmd eq 'hud') {
$self->{show_hud} = not $self->{show_hud};

} elsif ($cmd eq 'chat') {
$self->{mode} = "chat";
Expand All @@ -212,35 +243,22 @@ sub show_chat_settings {

sub check_connection {
sub chat_connect {
my ($self) = @_;

my ($nick, $chan, $host, $port, $connect) = $self->get_chat_settings;

my $info = { nick => $nick, real => "G:C:C $Games::Construder::VERSION ($^O)" };
$self->{con}->connect ($host, $port, $info);

if ($connect eq 'connect'
&& !$self->{con}->is_connected
) {
$self->{con}->connect ($host, $port, $info);
sub chat_disconnect {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{con}->disconnect ("user request");

if ($connect eq 'disconnect'
&& $self->{con}->is_connected
) {
$self->{con}->disconnect ("user request");
sub check_connection {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($self->{con}->is_connected) {
if ($self->{con}->{host} ne $host
|| $self->{con}->{port} ne $port
) {
$self->{con}->connect ($host, $port, $info);
my ($nick, $chan, $host, $port, $connect) = $self->get_chat_settings;

if ($self->{con}->registered) {
if ($self->{con}->nick ne $nick) {
Expand All @@ -249,44 +267,71 @@ sub check_connection {

sub show_chat {
sub show_hud {
my ($self) = @_;
unless ($self->{show_hud}) {
$self->{front}->deactivate_ui ('irc_chat_hud');

my $mode = $self->{mode};
my @txt = $self->chat_backlog_as_ui (4, 0, "small");

$self->{front}->activate_ui (irc_chat_hud => {
ui_hud_window_transparent (
[left => "center", 0, 0.15], ui_border (@txt))


sub chat_backlog_as_ui {
my ($self, $lines, $scroll, $font) = @_;
$font = "normal" if $font eq '';
my @backlog = @{$self->{backlog}};

my @txt;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
my $l = pop @backlog
or last;
my ($type, $txt) = @$l;
my $txt = sprintf "%10s: %s", $type, $txt;
my $txt = sprintf "%7s: %s", $type, $txt;
if ($type eq 'public') {
$txt = [text => { font => "normal", align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ffffff" }, $txt];
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ffffff" }, $txt];
} elsif ($type eq 'public_hl') {
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ffffaa" }, $txt];
} elsif ($type eq 'private') {
$txt = [text => { font => "normal", align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ffaaaa" }, $txt];
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ffaaaa" }, $txt];
} elsif ($type eq 'error') {
$txt = [text => { font => "normal", align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ff0000" }, $txt];
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#ff0000" }, $txt];
} elsif ($type eq 'info') {
$txt = [text => { font => "normal", align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#0000dd" }, $txt];
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#6666FF" }, $txt];
} else {
$txt = [text => { font => "normal", align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#dddddd" }, $txt];
$txt = [text => { font => $font, align => "left", wrap => -60, color => "#dddddd" }, $txt];
unshift @txt, $txt;


sub show_chat {
my ($self) = @_;

my $mode = $self->{mode};

my @txt = $self->chat_backlog_as_ui (12);

$self->{front}->activate_ui (irc_chat => {
ui_window (($mode eq 'community' ? "Community Chat" : "Chat"),
ui_border (
ui_entry_small (irc => "", 100),
ui_border (@txt),
ui_border (ui_pad_box (hor =>
ui_subdesc ("Entry: "), ui_entry_small (irc => "", 90)
ui_key_inline_expl (return => "Send message"),
ui_key_inline_expl ("page up" => "Scroll backlog up"),
ui_key_inline_expl ("page down" => "Scroll backlog down"),
# ui_key_inline_expl ("F5" => "Toggle Minichat visibility"),
ui_key_inline_expl ("F6" => "Chat Settings"),
ui_key_inline_expl ("F9" => "Hide Chat"),
Expand All @@ -304,18 +349,18 @@ sub show_chat {
my ($nick, $chan, $host, $port, $connect) = $self->get_chat_settings;

if ($cmd eq 'send') {
if ($arg->{irc} =~ /^\/(\S+)\s*(.*)/) {
if ($arg->{irc} =~ /^\s*\/(\S+)\s*(.*)/) {
my ($c, $a) = ($1, $2);
if ($c eq 'msg' && $a =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
$self->{con}->send_srv (PRIVMSG => $1, $2);
$self->chat_log (private => sprintf "<%10s -> %-10s> %s", $self->{con}->nick, $1, $2);
$self->chat_log (private => sprintf "<%s -> %s> %s", $self->{con}->nick, $1, $2);
} else {
$self->chat_log (error => "unknown command: /$c");

} else {
$self->{con}->send_srv (PRIVMSG => $chan, $arg->{irc});
$self->chat_log (public => sprintf "<%10s> %s", $self->{con}->nick, $arg->{irc});
$self->chat_log (public => sprintf "<%s> %s", $self->{con}->nick, $arg->{irc});
return 1;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/Games/Construder/Server/
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ sub layout {

ui_hud_window_transparent (
[center => "center", -0.25],
[center => "center", -0.3],
ui_warning ($msg)
Expand Down

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