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Added support for multiple cljsbuild builds in the same project.clj
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This is extremely convenient for doing library development in
ClojureScript. This allows cljsbuild to compile in all 4 optimization
levels at once, for easier testing, or to compile a test suite
alongside the library code.

Each build runs in parallel, with appropriate locking to ensure output
isn't garbled. It seems to work well in both 'once' and 'auto' modes.
  • Loading branch information
Luke VanderHart committed Jan 20, 2012
1 parent d551393 commit 5b1e9d1
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 38 deletions.
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/cljsbuild/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
[fs.core :as fs]))

(def lock (Object.))

(defn- println-safe
[& args]
(locking lock
(apply println args)

(defn- join-paths [& paths]
(apply str (interpose "/" paths)))

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(defn- compile-cljs [cljs-path compiler-options]
(let [output-file (:output-to compiler-options)
output-dir (fs/parent output-file)]
(print (str "Compiling " output-file " from " cljs-path "..."))
(println-safe (str "Compiling " output-file " from " cljs-path "..."))
(when output-dir
(fs/mkdirs output-dir))
(let [started-at (. System (nanoTime))]
(build cljs-path compiler-options)
(println (str " Done in " (elapsed started-at) "."))
(println-safe (str output-file " compiled in " (elapsed started-at) "."))
(catch Throwable e
(println " Failed!")
(println-safe " Failed!")
(pst+ e))))))

(defn- is-macro-file? [file]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +145,13 @@
(spit to-file (filtered-crossover-file from-resource))

(defn in-threads
"Given a seq and a function, applies the function to each item in a different thread
and returns a seq of the results. Launches all the threads at once."
[f s]
(doall (map deref (doall (map #(future (f %)) s)))))

(defn run-compiler [cljs-path crossovers compiler-options watch?]
(println "Compiling ClojureScript.")
(loop [last-dependency-mtimes {}]
(let [output-file (:output-to compiler-options)
output-mtime (if (fs/exists? output-file) (fs/mod-time output-file) 0)
Expand All @@ -163,7 +176,6 @@
(recur dependency-mtimes)))))

(defn cleanup-files [cljs-path crossovers compiler-options]
(println "Deleting generated files.")
(fs/delete (:output-to compiler-options))
(fs/delete-dir (:output-dir compiler-options))
(let [from-resources (find-crossovers crossovers)
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83 changes: 50 additions & 33 deletions src/leiningen/cljsbuild.clj
Expand Up @@ -65,34 +65,54 @@
(assoc-in {} dest value)))))
(keys relocations)))

(defn- run-local-project [project options form]
(defn- run-local-project [project option-seq form]
{:local-repo-classpath true
:source-path (:source-path project)
:extra-classpath-dirs (conj
:extra-classpath-dirs (concat
(:extra-classpath-dirs project)
(:source-path options))
(map :source-path option-seq))
:dependencies cljsbuild-dependencies}
'(require 'cljsbuild.core))

(defn- run-compiler [project options watch?]
(run-local-project project options
~(:source-path options)
'~(:crossovers options)
~(:compiler options)

(defn- cleanup-files [project options]
(run-local-project project options
~(:source-path options)
'~(:crossovers options)
~(:compiler options))))
(defn- run-compiler [project option-seq watch?]
(run-local-project project option-seq
(println "Compiling ClojureScript")
(fn [opts#] (cljsbuild.core/run-compiler
(:source-path opts#)
(:crossovers opts#)
(:compiler opts#)

(defn- cleanup-files [project option-seq]
(run-local-project project option-seq
(println "Deleting generated files.")
(fn [opts#] (cljsbuild.core/cleanup-files
(:source-path opts#)
(:crossovers opts#)
(:compiler opts#)))

(defn- normalize-options
"Sets default options and accounts for backwards compatibility"
(let [compat-options (backwards-compat orig-options)]
(when (not= orig-options compat-options)
(warn (str
"your deprecated :cljsbuild config was interpreted as:\n"
(deep-merge default-options compat-options)))

(defn cljsbuild
"Run the cljsbuild plugin.
Expand All @@ -106,22 +126,19 @@ Usage: lein cljsbuild [once|auto|clean]
([project mode]
(let [orig-options (:cljsbuild project)]
(when (nil? orig-options)
(warn "no :cljsbuild entry found in project definition."))
(let [compat-options (backwards-compat orig-options)
options (deep-merge default-options compat-options)]
(when (not= orig-options compat-options)
(warn (str
"your deprecated :cljsbuild config was interpreted as:\n"
(case mode
"once" (run-compiler project options false)
"auto" (run-compiler project options true)
"clean" (cleanup-files project options)
(when (nil? (:cljsbuild project))
(warn "no :cljsbuild entry found in project definition."))
(let [raw-options (:cljsbuild project)
option-seq (if (map? raw-options)
[(normalize-options raw-options)]
(map normalize-options raw-options))]
(case mode
"once" (run-compiler project option-seq false)
"auto" (run-compiler project option-seq true)
"clean" (cleanup-files project option-seq)

(defn compile-hook [task & args]
(cljsbuild (first args) "once")
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