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Machine Learning Software that predicts planet
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Machine Learning Software that predicts planets based on their distance from the sun, number of satellites and various properties
I developed Machine Learning Software that predicts planets based on their distance from the sun, number of satellites and various properties. This machine learning software is based on Random Forest Classifier and Random Forest Regression. Based on the principles of Supervised Learning, machine learning software predicts planets by their distance from the sun, Confirmed Moons, Provisional Moons, Total Moons, Volume (cubic kilometers) and planet's diameter.
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emirhanai committed Aug 29, 2021
1 parent 6389dac commit 5e9d3d7
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Showing 16 changed files with 147 additions and 2 deletions.
54 changes: 52 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,2 +1,52 @@
# Machine-Learning-Software-that-predicts-planets-based-on-their-distance-from-the-sun-number-of-sate
Machine Learning Software that predicts planets based on their distance from the sun, number of satellites and various properties
# **Machine Learning Software that predicts planets based on their distance from the sun, number of satellites and various properties**
I developed Machine Learning Software that predicts planets based on their distance from the sun, number of satellites and various properties. This machine learning software is based on Random Forest Classifier and Random Forest Regression. Based on the principles of Supervised Learning, machine learning software predicts planets by their distance from the sun, Confirmed Moons, Provisional Moons, Total Moons, Volume (cubic kilometers) and planet's diameter.

The values you enter should be (respectively):

**1) Enter to Distance From The Sun**

**2) Enter to Confirmed Moons**

**3) Enter to Provisional Moons**

**4) Enter to Total Moons**

**5) Enter to Volume (Enter the state / - Cubic (km)**

**6) Enter to Diameter Of Planet (km)**

_Example:_ `model_run = model.predict([[Distance_From_The_Sun,Confirmed_Moons, Provisional_Moons, Total_Moons, Volume_1000000000_cubic_km, Diameter_of_Planet_km]])`

_Outpot :_ `Predicted Planet: ['Mercury']`

**I am happy to present this software to you!**

Data Source: [DataSource] , [DataSource1]
###**The coding language used:**

`Python 3.9.6`

###**Libraries Used:**



### **Developer Information:**

Name-Surname: **Emirhan BULUT**

Contact (Email) : ****

LinkedIn : **[][LinkedinAccount]**


Official Website: **[][OfficialWebSite]**



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85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions
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from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
import pandas as pd

def save_decision_trees_as_dot(clf, iteration, feature_name, target_name):
file_name = open("emirhan_project_planet" + str(iteration) + ".dot",'w')
dot_data = export_graphviz(
print("Decision Tree in forest :) {} saved as dot file".format(iteration + 1))

df = pd.read_csv('planets_large_data.csv')

X= df.drop(['Planet'], axis = 'columns')
y= df.drop(['Distance From The Sun','Confirmed Moons','Provisional Moons','Total Moons','(Volume/1000000000-cubic km)','Diameter of Planet(km)'], axis= 'columns')

y_data = LabelEncoder()
#LabelEncoder() function :))

y['Planet_Data'] = y_data.fit_transform(y['Planet'])
# Planet Columns value change to Planet_Data with fit_transform function


y_n = y.drop(['Planet'],axis='columns')
#New Columns of Target :))

# In additionnn: print(y_n)

feature_names = X.columns
#a few fetaure names..

target_names = y_n.columns
# one of the columns is target name :)

model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1)

# our model like to above :),y_n)
#our model training to the above...


#The collection of fitted sub-estimators = estimators_

for i in range(len(model.estimators_)):
save_decision_trees_as_dot(model.estimators_[i], i, feature_names, target_names)

#prediction is the PLANET!

Distance_From_The_Sun = int(input("Enter to Distance From The Sun: "))
Confirmed_Moons = int(input("Enter to Confirmed Moons: "))
Provisional_Moons = int(input("Enter to Provisional Moons: "))
Total_Moons = int(input("Enter to Total Moons: "))
Volume_1000000000_cubic_km = int(input("Enter to Volume (Enter the state / - Cubic (km) : "))
Diameter_of_Planet_km = int(input("Enter to Diameter Of Planet (km): "))

while True:
model_run = model.predict([[Distance_From_The_Sun,Confirmed_Moons, Provisional_Moons, Total_Moons, Volume_1000000000_cubic_km, Diameter_of_Planet_km]])
planets = pd.read_csv('planets_name.csv',index_col=None, na_values=None)
planet_detect_algorithm = planets.columns.values[model_run]
print("Predicted Planet: {}".format(planet_detect_algorithm))

print("Try again!")
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions planets_large_data.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Planet,Distance From The Sun,Confirmed Moons,Provisional Moons,Total Moons,(Volume/1000000000-cubic km),Diameter of Planet(km)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions planets_name.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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