The The Box of Shadows is a CSS box shadow generator, adapted from two tutorials:
Together, the lessons taught me about the efficacy of CSS variables and HTMLElement datasets in dynamically rendering elements with JavaScript.
Functionality was extended with the following:
Clipboard.js implementation
Accessibility and installability as a progressive web app
Ability to change theme, multiple color inputs, and reset code
git clone git@github.com:emjose/box-of-shadows.git && cd box-of-shadows
open index.html
• The Box of Shadows is best viewed on a destop or laptop computer browser.
• The Box of Shadows can be viewed on mobile devices, but large shadow values will be cropped.
• The Box of Shadows is a responsive and progressive web app.
GIF demo: Changing Shadow Values
Users can change values for horizontal and vertical offset, as well as blur and spread radius.
GIF demo: Changing Color Values
Body, shadow, or box color can be changed. The color picker is not visible in the GIF, see image below.
GIF demo: Copying and Resetting
• The box-shadow
CSS code can be copied to the clipboard, with vendor prefixes for common browsers.
• Shadow and color settings can be reset to default values for either light or dark mode.
GIF demo: Light or Dark Mode
Users can switch between light or dark mode, with preference saved to local storage.
GIF demo: Accessibility
• The Box of Shadows is keyboard-navigable.
• For keyboard navigation, the inset checkbox can be checked or unchecked by pressing the space
There are a number of areas of improvement for The Box of Shadows:
Option for box shadow opacity.
Option for multiple box shadow layers.
Option to copy CSS lines for body or box color properties.
Custom shadow values persisting on refresh, and persisting between light and dark modes.
Maintain automatic contrast and legibility for text, buttons, and slider ranges when box color is changed.
© Box of Shadows. All Rights Reserved.
Project and README assets are copyright of © Emmanuel Jose. All Rights Reserved.