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Add Mountain Lion-notifications-compatible growlnotify script.
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This accepts the same args as Growl's growlnotify
script, but displays notifications in Mountain Lion's
Notification Center, instead of in growl.

Before using this script, install the `terminal-notifier`
gem in your default ruby:

  [sudo] gem install terminal-notifier
  • Loading branch information
emmanuel committed Aug 22, 2012
1 parent 906009e commit e5105e2
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 0 deletions.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions bin/growlnotify
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
# == Synopsis
# Requires the terminal-notifier gem ([sudo] gem install terminal-notifier)

# growlnotify wrapper to turn Growl alerts into Mountain Lion notifications
# Uses growlnotify option syntax to keep your old scripts working with the new shiny.
# If you use Growl via growlnotify in your shell scripting, this script
# will replace Growl's alerts with Mountain Lion notifications.
# Name this script `growlnotify`, make it executable and replace
# `/usr/local/bin/growlnotify` (your location may vary) with it
# Now you shouldn't have to update any of your existing tools.
# == Examples
# Send a Mountain Lion notification with title and message
# growlnotify -m "message" -t "title"
# == Usage
# growlnotify -m "search string" [-[tn] "title"]
# For help use: growlnotify -h
# == Options
# -m, --message MESSAGE Copy just the url, defaults to full HTML tag
# -t, --title TITLE Title
# -h, --help Display this screen
# -v, --version Display version info
# -n, --name NAME Pseudonym for --title
# -s, --sticky Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# --appIcon APPICON Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -i, --icon ICON Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -I, --iconpath ICONPATH Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# --image IMAGEFILE Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -p, --priority PRIO Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -d, --indentifier ID Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -H, --host HOSTNAME Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -P, --password PASSWORD Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -u, --udp Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# --port PORTNUM Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -a, --auth DIGEST Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -c, --crypt Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# -w, --wait Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# --progress VALUE Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier
# == Author
# Brett Terpstra
# == Copyright
# Public Domain


require 'optparse'
require 'rubygems'
require 'terminal-notifier'

options = {}
optparse = do|opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: growlnotify -m \"message\" -t \"title\""
options[:message] = false
opts.on( '-m', '--message MESSAGE', 'Copy just the url, defaults to full HTML tag' ) do|message|
options[:message] = message
options[:title] = false
opts.on( '-t', '--title TITLE', 'Title' ) do |title|
options[:title] = title
opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen' ) do
puts opts
opts.on('-v','--version','Display version info') do
opts.on('-n','--name NAME','Pseudonym for --title') do |name|
options[:title] = name unless options[:title]
opts.on('-s','--sticky','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-a','--appIcon APPICON','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-i','--icon ICON','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-I','--iconpath ICONPATH','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('--image IMAGEFILE','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-p', '--priority PRIO','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-d', '--indentifier ID','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-H', '--host HOSTNAME','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-P', '--password PASSWORD','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-u', '--udp','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('--port PORTNUM','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-a','--auth DIGEST','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-c','--crypt','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('-w','--wait','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')
opts.on('--progress VALUE','Disabled in grownlnotify-notifier')


unless options[:message]
puts "Message required."

options[:title] = "Terminal" unless options[:title]

TerminalNotifier.notify(options[:message], :title => options[:title])

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