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gen_conf to improve the configuration of emqttd broker
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Feng committed Jul 19, 2016
1 parent ca44fd4 commit 03d6710
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Showing 14 changed files with 283 additions and 966 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions etc/acl.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
%% [ACL](
%% -type who() :: all | binary() |
%% {ipaddr, esockd_access:cidr()} |
%% {client, binary()} |
%% {user, binary()}.
%% -type access() :: subscribe | publish | pubsub.
%% -type topic() :: binary().
%% -type rule() :: {allow, all} |
%% {allow, who(), access(), list(topic())} |
%% {deny, all} |
%% {deny, who(), access(), list(topic())}.

{allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.

{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.

{allow, all}.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions etc/client.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions etc/emqttd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@

%% Authentication

%% Anonymous: Allow all
{auth, anonymous, []}.

%% Authentication with username, password
%% Passwd Hash: plain | md5 | sha | sha256
{auth, username, [{passwd, "etc/passwd.conf"}, {passwd_hash, plain}]}.

%% Authentication with clientId
{auth, clientid, [{clients, "etc/client.config"}, {password, no}]}.

%% ACL

{acl, anonymous, []}.

{acl, internal, [{config, "etc/acl.conf"}, {nomatch, allow}]}.

%% Broker

%% System interval of publishing broker $SYS messages
{broker_sys_interval, 60}.

%% Retained message

%% Expired after seconds, never expired if 0
{retained_expired_after, 0}.

%% Max number of retained messages
{retained_max_message_num, 100000}.

%% Max Payload Size of retained message
{retained_max_playload_size, 65536}.

%% MQTT Protocol

%% Max ClientId Length Allowed.
{mqtt_max_clientid_len, 512}.

%% Max Packet Size Allowed, 64K by default.
{mqtt_max_packet_size, 65536}.

%% Socket Idle Timeout.
{mqtt_client_idle_timeout, 30}. % Seconds

%% MQTT Session

%% Max number of QoS 1 and 2 messages that can be “inflight” at one time.
%% 0 means no limit
{session_max_inflight, 100}.

%% Retry interval for redelivering QoS1/2 messages.
{session_unack_retry_interval, 60}.

%% Awaiting PUBREL Timeout
{session_await_rel_timeout, 20}.

%% Max Packets that Awaiting PUBREL, 0 means no limit
{session_max_awaiting_rel, 0}.

%% Statistics Collection Interval(seconds)
{session_collect_interval, 0}.

%% Expired after 2 day (unit: minute)
{session_expired_after, 2880}.

%% Queue

%% Type: simple | priority
{queue_type, simple}.

%% Topic Priority: 0~255, Default is 0
%% {queue_priority, [{"topic/1", 10}, {"topic/2", 8}]}.

%% Max queue length. Enqueued messages when persistent client disconnected,
%% or inflight window is full.
{queue_max_length, infinity}.

%% Low-water mark of queued messages
{queue_low_watermark, 0.2}.

%% High-water mark of queued messages
{queue_high_watermark, 0.6}.

%% Queue Qos0 messages?
{queue_qos0, true}.

%% Listeners

%% Plain MQTT
{listener, mqtt, 1883, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 16},

%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 512},

%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},

%% Connection Options
{connopts, [
%% Rate Limit. Format is 'burst, rate', Unit is KB/Sec
%% {rate_limit, "100,10"} %% 100K burst, 10K rate

%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
%Set buffer if hight thoughtput
%{recbuf, 4096},
%{sndbuf, 4096},
%{buffer, 4096},
%{nodelay, true},
{backlog, 1024}

{listener, mqtts, 8883, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 4},

%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 512},

%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},

%% SSL certificate and key files
{ssl, [{certfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.crt"},
{keyfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.key"}]},

%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
{backlog, 1024}
%{buffer, 4096},

%% HTTP and WebSocket Listener
{listener, http, 8083, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 4},

%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 64},

%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},

%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
{backlog, 1024}
%{buffer, 4096},

%% PubSub

%% PubSub and Router. Default should be scheduler numbers.
{pubsub_pool_size, 8}.

%% Route aging time(seconds)
{pubsub_routing_age, 5}.

%% Bridge

%% TODO: Bridge Queue Size
{bridge_max_queue_len, 10000}.

%% Ping Interval of bridge node
{bridge_ping_down_interval, 1} %seconds

%% Plugins

%% Plugins Dir
{plugins_dir, "./plugins"}.

%% File to store loaded plugin names.
{plugins_loaded_file, "./data/loaded_plugins"}.

%% Modules

%% Client presence management module. Publish presence messages when client connected or disconnected
{module, presence, [{qos, 0}]}.

%% Subscribe topics automatically when client connected
{module, subscription, [{"$queue/clients/$c", 1}, backend]}.

%% [Rewrite](
{module, rewrite, [

%{topic, "x/#", [
% {rewrite, "^x/y/(.+)$", "z/y/$1"},
% {rewrite, "^x/(.+)$", "y/$1"}

%{topic, "y/+/z/#", [
% {rewrite, "^y/(.+)/z/(.+)$", "y/z/$2"}


%% Erlang System Monitor

%% Long GC, don't monitor in production mode for:

{sysmon_long_gc, false}.

%% Long Schedule(ms)
{sysmon_long_schedule, 240}.

%% 8M words. 32MB on 32-bit VM, 64MB on 64-bit VM.
%% 8 * 1024 * 1024
{sysmon_large_heap, 8388608}.

%% Busy Port
{sysmon_busy_port, false}.

%% Busy Dist Port
{sysmon_busy_dist_port, true}.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions etc/passwd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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