- Open Science in Software Engineering, book chapter highlighting general principles, concepts and terms, and how-to's to open science (with focus on registered reports, open access, and open data)
- rOpenSci's Introduction with an overview to reproducibility
- Stodden et al (2013). "Setting the Default to Reproducible: Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics", ICERM workshop.
- Stodden's (2009) proposal for a Reproducible Research Standard (RRS).
- ReScience Journal for publishing the replication of existing computational research.
- Allison et al (2018). "Reproducibility of research: Issues and proposed remedies", introduction to special issue, PNAS, 2018.
- Open Science Framework (OSF.io) provides project management support for researchers across the entire research lifecycle. Developed by the Center for Open Science.
- CodeCheck: guidelines and tools to evaluate computer programs underlying scientific papers
- Registered Reports (RR) FAQ from OSF
- OSF's RR resources
- RR Facts for Editors
- What's next for Registered Reports? by Chris Chambers in Nature, September 2019.
- Overview and summary of what has been learnt about Registered Reports so far.
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology: A Manifesto for Reforming the Culture of Scientific Practice by Chris Chambers.
- Detailed summary of the many problems with bias and unreliability in Psychology (but applicable to many empirical fields). Proposes pre-registration as a main remedy but also discusses other steps that can be taken.
- Does Pre-registration lead to different results? Yes, without pre-registration effect size was more than double (0.36 without (N=900) and 0.16 (N=93) with RR) in this study within psychology by Schäfer and Schwarz: "The Meaningfulness of Effect Sizes in Psychological Research: Differences Between Sub-Disciplines and the Impact of Potential Biases", April 2019, frontiers in Psychology.
- Open Science Software list collected by Martin Monperrus