[some background on the data]
Different projects have provided transliterations. An ongoing effort is https://apps.dsa.info/wenker/
The texts provided here try to remain as close as possible to the original hand-written survey responses. An attempt has been made to harmonize the diacritis as much as possible, while retaining the idiosyncracies of the originals.
Note the following uses of brackets:
- Parts that are difficult to decipher are indicated by square brackets
[ ]
. For any further processing of the texts these brackets should be removed. However, sometimes these parts are not legible at all, and then a questionmark is inserted between the square brackets, ideally one questionmark for each non-legible character of the original, e.g.[??]
. Such characters have to be treated as not-available data. - Commentary inserted into the text by the original respondent is marked by angled brackets
< >
. To retain a verbatim transliteration of the original response, only these brackets have to be removed. To obtain the pure text without commentary, everything inside these brackets has to be removed as well. - Commentary inserted in the process of digitization is marked by curly brackets
{ }
. For most uses of these text these brackets and everything in between should probably simply be removed.