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27 lines (19 loc) · 1017 Bytes


File metadata and controls

27 lines (19 loc) · 1017 Bytes


A part is a building block that can be placed on a page or into a region. As with pages, a part is composed of a descriptor, a controller and and optionally - a view.

The part descriptor is required to register the part and allows us to set up user input fields to configure the part. A part cannot contain any regions.


To drive this part, we will also need a controller controller.js.


The part needs a root element with the attribute data-portal-component-type. In this case, it will be a part, but we can also resolve it dynamically as explained in the example. The things parameter is basically just JSON data, and we can loop it easily in Thymeleaf and print its value.


The part can now be added to the page via drag and drop. You will be able to configure the part in the context window in live-edit.