ace-jump/easymotion provides "goto certain char in view", which let us moving without mouse, but it's still not efficient or intuitive enough, so I create this package to not just goto but also edit(copy,cut..) any word/symbol/string/paren/line in view by directly selecting hints, similar to ace-jump/easymotion but don't need to enter the leading char.
M-x package-install eno
(eno-set-all-letter-str "e trinaodsuh(k[lgm,bpcyfvwjqz")
letters used for generating hints
for qwerty: (eno-set-all-letter-str " sdfjkla;weioqpruvncmghxz,./")
(eno-set-same-finger-list '("(aq" "dtb" "sr," "lmjv" "gwpc" "uiy" "hnf" "koz["))
list of same finger letters, e.g. if you set it as '("qa" "ws"), then the hint "qa", "aq", "ws" and "sw" won't show.
for qwerty: (eno-set-same-finger-list '("qaz" "wsx" "edc" "rfvg" "ujmhn" "ik," "ol." "p;/"))
(NOTE: eno's hints generation algorithm is optimized for one and two letter, and doesn't support three or above letters)
(setq eno-stay-key-list '("<prior>" "<next>" "<wheel-up>" "<wheel-down>"))
by default if you entered a key that's not in the all-letter-str, eno will quit and trigger the key, except the key in this list.
face used for hints.
(defun eno (re &optional at-head aside) ...)
you can write your own command based on eno by calling it with a regexp to match strings in view, optionally passing the arguments to specify whether the hint should appear at head and whether appear aside the matching strings.
(require 'eno)
(require 'bind-key)
("M-S-a". eno-word-jump)
("M-S-b". eno-word-copy)
("M-S-c". eno-word-cut)
("M-S-d". eno-word-paste)
("M-S-e". eno-symbol-jump)
("M-S-f". eno-symbol-copy)
("M-S-g". eno-symbol-cut)
("M-S-h". eno-symbol-paste)
("M-S-i". eno-str-jump)
("M-S-j". eno-str-copy)
("M-S-k". eno-str-cut)
("M-S-i". eno-str-paste)
("M-S-m". eno-line-jump)
("M-S-n". eno-line-copy)
("M-S-o". eno-line-cut)
("M-S-p". eno-line-paste)
("M-S-q". eno-paren-jump)
("M-S-r". eno-paren-copy)
("M-S-s". eno-paren-cut)
("M-S-t". eno-paren-paste)
("H-S-a". eno-symbol-copy-to)
("H-S-b". eno-symbol-cut-to)
("H-S-c". eno-symbol-paste-to)
("H-S-d". eno-line-copy-to)
("H-S-e". eno-line-cut-to)
("H-S-f". eno-line-paste-to)
("H-S-g". eno-line-comment-to)
("H-S-h". eno-symbol-copy-from-to)
("H-S-i". eno-symbol-cut-from-to)
("H-S-j". eno-symbol-paste-from-to)
("H-S-k". eno-line-copy-from-to)
("H-S-l". eno-line-cut-from-to)
("H-S-m". eno-line-paste-from-to)
("H-S-n". eno-line-comment-from-to))
("H-S-o". eno-word-goto-inline)
("H-S-p". eno-word-copy-to-inline)
("H-S-q". eno-word-cut-to-inline)
("H-S-r". eno-word-paste-to-inline)
("H-S-s". eno-url-open)
("H-S-t". eno-clear-overlay)