##HTML5: All Your Games Are Belong To Us
How do you build games in HTML5? In this talk we will learn about the basics of game development and how to apply it in a canvas based HTML5 game. We will be building a simple game live on the screen by leveraging JavaScript and new HTML5 features. We will learn about drawing to the HTML5 canvas, handling key input, maintaining frame rate, the subtleties of performing rotations and translations, setting up audio, sprite animations, basic game physics, and multiplayer support! I will also discuss some lessons in game programming that I learned the hard way so that you don't have to. If you are interested in web game development, come learn about everything you need to make your first game --from the basics to the advanced.
This presentation was created with revealjs and the ace code editor.
To run the presentation, start a server in the top directory and navigate to the index!