import leon.collection._ import leon.lang._ import scala.Any import leon.annotation._ import leon.proof._ import leon.instrumentation._ import leon.invariant._ import leon.util.Random object Scheduler { import Runqueue._ case class Task(id: BigInt, tick: BigInt, core: Core) { require(tick >= 0) def updateTick(t:BigInt):Task = { require(t >= 0) Task(id, t, core) } ensuring(res => containsEquivLemma(core.tasks, this, res) && ((core.current.isDefined && != && !contains(core.tasks, res)) ==> containsLemma5(core.tasks, res, core.current.get)) ); // ensure that the resulting task is equivalent to "this" from a core point of view } case class Core(id: BigInt, tasks: List[Task], current: Option[Task]) { require(isSorted(tasks) && isUnique(tasks) && (current.isDefined ==> !contains(tasks,current.get))) } def tick(t:Task):Task = { Task(, t.tick + 1, t.core) } def insertBack(c: Core, t: Task): Core = { require(!contains(c.tasks, t)) if(containsEquivLemma(c.tasks, t, tick(t))) { Core(, sortedIns(c.tasks, tick(t)), None[Task]()) } else { error[Core]("Tick changes task id\n"); } } /* Comment me! */ def test(c: Core): Core = { c } ensuring(rec < 5); } object Runqueue { import Scheduler._ /* * 1/ Tasks in the runqueue must be unique ==> no two tasks can have the same id */ @induct def contains(tasks: List[Task], v: Task): Boolean = (tasks match { case Cons(Task(id, tick, c), t) => id == || contains(t, v) case Nil() => false }) ensuring(res => (!res ==> !tasks.contains(v))); def isUnique(tasks: List[Task]): Boolean = { tasks match { case Nil() => true case Cons(h, Nil()) => true case Cons(h, t) => !contains(t,h) && isUnique(t) } } @induct // if two tasks have the same id, then they are both in the list or both not in the list def containsEquivLemma(l: List[Task], e:Task, t: Task) = { == ==> (contains(l, e) == contains(l, t)) }.holds; @induct // super important lemma: if we were not in the a list, and not inserted in the list, then we are still not in the list! def containsLemma5(l: List[Task], e:Task, t: Task) = { require(isSorted(l) && isUnique(l) && !contains(l, e) && !contains(l, t) && != !contains(sortedIns(l, e), t) }.holds; /* * 2/ A runqueue must also be sorted */ def isSorted(tasks: List[Task]): Boolean = { tasks match { case Nil() => true case Cons(t, Nil()) => true case Cons(Task(_,t1, c1), ts@Cons(Task(_,t2, c2), _)) => t1 <= t2 && isSorted(ts) } } /* * 3/ The task => queue insert function that shows that a queue is still unique and sorted after the insert */ @induct def sortedIns(l: List[Task], e:Task): List[Task] = { require(isSorted(l) && isUnique(l) && !contains(l, e)) l match { case Nil() => Cons(e, Nil()) case Cons(Task(id,x, c), xs) => if (x <= e.tick) Cons(Task(id,x,c), sortedIns(xs, e)) else Cons(e, l) } } ensuring(res => isSorted(res) && res.content == l.content ++ Set(e) && res.contains(e) && contains(res, e) && isUnique(res) because ({ l match { case Nil() => isUnique(res) case Cons(t, xs) => if(t.tick <= e.tick) isUnique(xs) && isSorted(xs) && !contains(xs, t) && !contains(xs, e) && != && containsLemma5(xs, e, t) && !contains(sortedIns(xs, e), t) && isUnique(res) else isUnique(res) } })); }