Tomas Valent - a.k.a Equivalent
This file is a Bio/Portfolio to keep track of my professional developer & open source highlights.
Why?: Because I have a memory of a Squirrel :squirrel: ! What I don't write down I forget and then I loose track of stuff I've already done or Pull Requested.
It already happened to me several time that I've done the same PR twice ( and GitHub activity log is not much help either), here is my stupid narcissistic list of:
(here is my stupid narcissistic list of:)
2022-12-29 PR to Propshaft Rails
2022-09-07 PR to ActionText Rails
2022-05-00 Propshaft gem issue reportss & PRs:
2022-05-09 Rails PR - docs no azure related to issue #44960
2022-05-09 gem GRPC issue
2021-09-28 Rails issue on ffmpeg snap installation
2021-05-14 - AWS Apmplify bug report
2021-04-17 aws/elastic-beanstalk-roadmap#163
2021-01-11 - Lamby PR 61 add
2021-01-11 - stimulus-rails PR 22 typo fix in docs
2020-02-06 - open source Slovak goverment portal - I've creted 2 PRs to enforce not logging user data remove logs and enforce STDOUT logs and other small PRs: 1 2 3
I've stopped tracking contributions for couple of months
2019-09-30 Rails 6 ActionView::Template::Error wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) 2 bugreport
2019-04-26 Unsplash gem documentation note merged
2019-03-04 Pull Request
2018-12-12 Pull Request serverless-sinatra-sample - rakefile test setup 🐹 merged
2018-12-12 Pull Request serverless-sinatra-sample - refactor Dynamo DB to store seperate fields + tests 🐹 merged
2018-12-12 Pull Request serverless-sinatra-sample - rvm setup 🐹 merged
2018-03-12 Issue RVM -
is not same asbundler
in RVM setup -
2018-02-13 Pull Request
delegate prvite: true
merged 🐹 🐹 🐹 -
2018-02-08 Pull Request
- ability to delegate methods while keeping them private closed -
2018-02-08 Issue feature proposal: delegate private for Rails
2017-12-04 Issue for RSpec negative mather
2017-11-15 Pull Request for mini_magick gem - just Readme update 🐹 merged
2017-11-01 Issue Raised for google drive Ruby SDK - trashed folders are treated as regular folders
2017-11-01 Comment 1 && Comment 2 on Reddit/r/aws topic: "We are the AWS Lambda & Serverless team. Ask the Experts!"
2017-06-22 Pull Request for Wonde Ruby client SDK
2017-06-22 Pull Request for Wonde Ruby client SDK
2017-04-07 Comment and Pull Request on Arc Elixir on Phoenix 1.2 not supporting recommende deps
2017-01-30 Pull Requset on cloudwatchlogger on how to set up different region and log stream name update; 🐹 merged
2017-01-16 Pull Request on adding Wiki page on how to set up Multi Tenant to README of AzureAD/omniauth-azure-activedirectory (Wiki entry created by me too)
2017-01-13 Comment on Azure AD mustitenant for AzureAD/omniauth-azure-activedirectory fix
2017-01-06 Pull Request on omniauth-azure-activedirectory gem - naming convention
2016-11-14 Pull Request on Ruby Style Guide - comma for last element in multiple line hash
2016-11-05 Comment on Ubuntu 16.04 docker instalation hanging
2016-10-22 Comment on Gist on flash message for bootstrap
2016-10-19 Article comment on [](how to deal with Rails asset compilation in Docker for CDN)
2016-09-21 Wiky entry to Rails Admin
2016-08-24 Comment ruby style guide long chain format
2016-07-26 Comment on travis failing due to
NoMethodError: undefined method
spec' for nil:NilClass` due to old Bundler version by TravisCI -
2016-07-26 Pull Request on carrierwave gem fixing deprication message; 🐹 merged
2016-07-22 Pull Request on Elasticsearch Rails gem - Active Job async indexation example
2016-07-22 Issue / Feature proposal on Elasticsearch Rails gem
2016-07-06 Pull Request on Airbrake gem - update changelog v4 to v5 closed ,... but idea was merged in this PR by
2016-06-27 Pull Request on Elasticsearch Rails adding example on how to render Paperclip images without unecesarry ActiveRecord calls
2016-06-27 Pull Request on Elasticsearch Rails adding example on how to use custom analyzers & edge_ngrams; megred as this commit
2016-06-23 Comment on Issue, Factory girl generating to
folder isteadspec
folder -
2016-06-07 Comment on Issue, ImageMagick 6.9.4-7 issue on Paperclip
2016-05-23 Comment on Issue, docker
Error initializing network controller: could not delete the default bridge network
error -
2016-04-29 Comment on Issue relatedand to
processors and oppened a Pull Request updating documentation on how to deal with this issue; 🐹 merged -
2016-04-29 Pull Request on
gem - updat documentation link; 🐹 merged -
2016-04-28 oppened Issue for Sidekiq gem -
returning zero. Redis version issue. -
2016-04-19 commentn on Puma server issue - puma loading long time
2016-04-12 Updated Sidekiq gem Getting Started Wiky page on
as a default method for Rails 4.2 and up -
2016-03-04 Pull Request on Ruby AWS SDK gem updating documentation on how to use SQS
2016-01-28 Pull Request on Resque gem - updating documentation, how to introduce custom Logger
2015-12-10 Pull Request on json-api documentation to include link to
version of the documentation. 🌀TODO -
2015-01-13 Comment on Devise Invitable gem - solution for "invalid token after upgrading Devise"
2015-12-10 create a mirror for json-api RC-3 as there was no backreference to older version. github
2015-03-24 Issue open on Devise gem - extracting password encryption to sep. gem
2015-05-22 Issue open on Simple Form radio buttons readonly when value is false
2015-06-17 Pull Request on rails-dev-box Vagrant file - no network ubuntu vagrant virtual box issue; 😢 closed
2014-10-23 Pull Request on gem Party Foul to fix reporting of sessions after Rails 4 change
2014-10-23 Pull Request on gem Party Foul to fix marshaling issue; 🐹 merged
2014-05-08 Pull Request on gem wysihtml5n-rails to fix Lists were not displayed in the default view
2014-05-08 Pull Request on gem wysihtml5n-rails to enable Rails 4 support
2013-09-06 Create Project gem to extend Shoulda Matchers to allow test Model callbacks (PR comment bellow)
2013-09-06 Pull Request on Shoulda Matchers allow developer to check if callback on a Model is present Closed
2013-08-30 Pull Request on cached at gem to providae custom cache key
2012 Comment on Handlebars.js discussion around handlebars if condition
- We want FaaS for Ruby ! - petition
- 2017-07-28 Phoenix comment on static compilation
- 2016-04-29 Dummy Sinatra-Puma socket app running on Docker for debugging NginX confix that is comunicating with Puma via Socket; status: alive 💚
- 2015-12-10 JSON API RC3 (github) - old RC3 version of JSON API as a documentation for websites that were build before version 1.0 stable; status: alive 💚
- 2014-06 Public UID ; status: alive 💚
- 2013 Shoulda::Matchers::Callbacks; status: dead 💔, should work with Rails 3, Rails 4, not tested/updated with Rails 5
- Ruby Weekly 534
- ...I've lost track, some featured mentioned are missing from this list
- 2019-06-06 Ruby Weekly 453
- 2018-12-20 ServerlesStatus 81
- 2018-12-13 Ruby Weekly 429 article on aws lamda sinatra
- 2018-06-21 Ruby Weekly 404 article [Rails CSRF Protection for Single-Page Applications )[]
- 2017-03-03 Awesome Ruby #42
- 2017-02-09 - Article "POST != Create and PUT != Update"
- 2017-02-05 Green Ruby News #209 - Article "POST != Create and PUT != Update"
- 2016-12-16
- 2016-12-16
- 2016-12-15
- 2016-11-00
- 2016-08
- 2016-07
- 2016-04
- 2016-06