Quickpose is a version control system for Processing 4 designed for creative exploration. With 1-click forking and navigating, canvas annotations and notes, and automatic saves and backups, Quickpose isn't just a version control system, it helps you manage your entire creative process.
This is an ongoing research project by Eric Rawn as a version control system for Processing.
Download at the Project Homepage
Quickpose is a version control system inside of a canvas editor — it directly links your canvas to your code state:
If you're interested in this project and want to learn more, shoot me an email at erawn@berkeley.edu. Quickpose is currently in two parts: a canvas-editor front-end which is a fork of Tldraw, by steve ruiz, and a backend written as a Tool for Processing 4
This project relies on the amazing work in Tldraw and Processing - please consider becoming a sponsor of Steve's and donating to the Processing Foundation