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Action Packed React

Config Files

The cli searches for config files using cosmiconfig. It will find config files in the following formats.

  • apr property in a package.json file.
  • .aprrc file with JSON or YAML syntax.
  • .aprrc.json file.
  • .aprrc.yaml, .aprrc.yml, or .aprrc.js file.
  • apr.config.js which should be a CommonJS module.

rc options

The options listed are the defaults.

module.exports = {
  /* Webpack dev server options */
  // port: 8080,                         // Webpack dev server port
  // host: "localhost",                  // Webpack dev server host

Initial Release

See the initial release milestone


Packages or organized using yarn workspaces, so yarn is required.

First thing you should do is run yarn install

Next is to understand the organization of the project.

├── action-packed-react   # Libraries/framework
├── apr-cli               # CLI for running builds, development, and generation
├── apr-website           # Future home for the documentation
└── create-apr            # Boilerplate package, for easy setup.

There is another package named playground, that is git ignored. If you run yarn playground-init, it will wiped clean, and re-initialized with a fresh install of action packed react.

Dev flow

  1. Make any changes you want on a package.
  2. from the root, run yarn playground-init
  3. cd playground
  4. the apr cli can be accessed by resolving it with yarn. yarn apr g route for example.
  5. Generate some things with the cli.
  6. Make sure things work as expected. Make sure storybooks yarn apr s and yarn apr d work as expected.