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Adjusting sdescs of calls with stack arguments
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Chris Stavrakakis authored and yiannist committed Mar 5, 2014
1 parent dec8314 commit 18b518b
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Showing 2 changed files with 98 additions and 35 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_bin.erl
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@

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130 changes: 96 additions & 34 deletions lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_llvm_main.erl
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@


rtl_to_native(RTL, _Options) ->
%% Get LLVM Instruction List
{LLVMCode, RelocsDict, ConstMap, ConstAlign, ConstSize, TempLabelMap} = hipe_rtl2llvm:translate(RTL),
Expand All @@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ rtl_to_native(RTL, _Options) ->
LabelMap = fix_labelmap(TempLabelMap, Labels),
%% Create relocation list
Relocs1 = fix_relocations(Relocs, RelocsDict, Mod_Name),
FinalRelocs = [{4, SDescs}|Relocs1],
SDescs2 = fix_sdescs(RelocsDict, Relocs1, SDescs),
FinalRelocs = [{4, SDescs2}|Relocs1],
%% Get binary code and write to file
BinCode = elf64_format:extract_text(ObjBin),
ok = file:write_file(Filename ++ "_code.o", BinCode, [binary]),
Expand All @@ -56,39 +59,6 @@ rtl_to_native(RTL, _Options) ->

%more_than_4(Relocs) ->
% io:format("~w~n",[Relocs]),
% A = lists:filter(fun ({X,Y}) -> case X of 3 -> true; 2-> true ; _ -> false end end, Relocs),
% io:format("~w~n",[A]),
% {_,B} = lists:unzip(A),
% io:format("~w~n",[B]),
% C = lists:filter(fun ({F,_}) -> case F of {_,_,Num} when Num>4 -> true; _ ->
% false end end, lists:flatten(B)),
% io:format("~w~n",[C]),
% Offsets = lists:map(fun ({{_,_,Arity},[Offset]}) -> {Arity-4,Offset+4} end, C),
% io:format("~w~n",[Offsets]),
% Offsets.
%fix_gc_desc(Sdescs, []) -> Sdescs;
%fix_gc_desc(Sdescs, [{FixAr, Offset}]) ->
% [{{[],FrameSize,Arity,Roots},Offs}] = Sdescs,
% NewFrameSize = FrameSize-FixAr,
% Roots2= tuple_to_list(Roots),
% {NewRoots,_} = lists:split(length(Roots2)-FixAr, Roots2),
% NewOffs = lists:delete(Offset, Offs),
% Foo=[{{[],FrameSize,Arity,Roots},NewOffs},
% {{[],NewFrameSize,Arity,list_to_tuple(NewRoots)},[Offset]}
% ],
% io:format("~w~n",[Foo]),
% Foo.

%%------------------------- LLVM TOOL CHAIN ---------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,3 +209,95 @@ fix_reloc_name(Name) ->

%% Fixing Stack Descriptors

%% This function is responssible for correcting the stack descriptors of the
%% calls that are found in the code and have more than NR_ARG_REGS(so
%% some of their arguments are passed to the stack). Because of the
%% Reserved Call Frame that the LLVM uses, the stack descriptors are no the
%% correct since at the point of call the frame size is reduced proportionally
%% to the number of arguments that are passed to the stack. Also the offsets
%% of the roots need to be readjusted.
fix_sdescs(RelocsDict, Relocs, SDescs) ->
NeedsSDescFix = calls_with_stack_args(RelocsDict),
OffsetsArity = calls_offsets_arity(Relocs, NeedsSDescFix),
hipe_llvm_bin:merge_refs(fix_sdescs1(SDescs, OffsetsArity)).

%% This function takes as argument the relocation dictionary as produced by the
%% translation of RTL code to LLVM and finds the names of the calls (MFA and
%% BIF calls) that have more than NR_ARG_REGS.
calls_with_stack_args(Dict) ->
HasStackArgs =
fun(_, Value) ->
case Value of
{call, {_,_,Arity}} when Arity>?NR_ARG_REGS ->
_ ->
Calls1 = dict:filter(HasStackArgs, Dict),
Calls2 = dict:to_list(Calls1),
FindNameArity =
fun({_, {call, Y}}) ->
case Y of
{bif, Name, Arity} ->
{Name, Arity};
MFA ->
lists:map(FindNameArity, Calls2).

%% This functions extracts the stack arity and the offset in the code of the
%% calls that have stack arguments.
calls_offsets_arity(Relocs, CallsWithStackArgs) ->
{_, Calls1} = lists:unzip(lists:filter(
fun ({X,_}) ->
case X of 3 -> true;
2-> true;
_ -> false
end, Relocs)),
Calls2 = lists:flatten(Calls1),
OffsetsArity1 = lists:map(
fun(X) -> case lists:keyfind(X, 1, Calls2) of
{X, Offs} ->
Arity = case X of
{_, A} -> A;
{_, _, A} -> A
lists:map(fun(Z) -> {Z+4, Arity-?NR_ARG_REGS} end, Offs);
false -> []
end, CallsWithStackArgs),

fix_sdescs1(SDescs, OffsetsArity) ->
lists:foldl(fun fix_sdescs2/2, SDescs, OffsetsArity).

fix_sdescs2(OffsetsArity, SDescs) ->
fun(X, Acc) -> fix_sdescs3(OffsetsArity, X) ++ Acc end, [], SDescs).

%% If the offset of the call belongs to the offsets of the sdesc then
%% remove the offset from the sdesc and create a new desc with the correct
%% frame size and roots offsets.
fix_sdescs3({Offset, Arity}, {{ ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots},
OldOffsets} = SDesc) ->
DecRoot = fun(X) -> X-Arity end,
case lists:member(Offset, OldOffsets) of
false ->
true ->
NewRoots = list_to_tuple(lists:map(DecRoot, tuple_to_list(Roots))),
NewSDesc = {{ExnHandler, FrameSize-Arity, StkArity, NewRoots}, [Offset]},
RestOffsets = lists:delete(Offset, OldOffsets),
RestSDesc = {{ExnHandler, FrameSize, StkArity, Roots},
[NewSDesc, RestSDesc]


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