Identifies sets of SET cards in images.
Install preequisites into a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the solver:
python3 [input_filename] [output_basename]
This project is a deliberately retro approach to computer vision—no machine learning practioners were harmed in the making of this software! Instead, it uses domain-specific segmentation and classification techniques built using OpenCV primitives.
Segmentation roughly follows these steps:
Identify line segments in the input image. Line segments are taken from both the grayscale and HSV saturation-channel versions of the input image because this combination seems to identify the most useful lines.
Build a graph of line segments connected to one another (roughly) at 90-degree angles.
Find 4-cycles in the connection graph to identify candidate rectangles.
Filter candidates for uniqueness, dimensions, etc.
Extract card images using a perspective transform.
Classification roughly follows these steps:
Flatten the card image into two colours. Separate the shape from the card in HSV.
Classify the count by extracting the largest exterior contours from the image.
Classify the colour by finding the nearest match to predetermined reference colours. These reference values were calculated by finding the average colour in the reference set of cards.
Classify the fill by looking at the center row of a shape and assessing how filled/lined/empty it is.
Classify the SET shape by looking at the complexity and convexity/concavity of the shape contour.
Solving is, perhaps unsurprisingly, the most straightfoward part of the whole affair. The only novelty is that we only need to look at all pairs of cards and determine whether the missing third card in the set is part of the game. This operation is made vaguely more efficient by using a bit-packed representation for the card attributes.
This project also contains an Android app that acts as a mobile front-end to the solver deployed on AWS as a Lambda function. This approach seemed more tractable than rewriting the Python/OpenCV implementation. The deployment leverages AWS SAM to simplify and automate packaging the solver into a Docker container and hosting it via Lambda and API Gateway.