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Ulf Wiger committed Oct 27, 2010
1 parent 06a1066 commit 049ea9f
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Showing 6 changed files with 564 additions and 337 deletions.
48 changes: 31 additions & 17 deletions doc/
@@ -1,24 +1,30 @@

#The parse_trans application#
<h1>The parse_trans application</h1>

The parse_trans application
A generic parse transform library
This library is intended to simplify the task of writing parse transform
modules for Erlang.

__Authors:__ Ulf Wiger ([``](

A generic parse transform library
This library is intended to simplify the task of writing parse transform
modules for Erlang.

#Introduction to parse transforms#
<h1>Introduction to parse transforms</h1>

##The simplest transform##
<h2>The simplest transform</h2>

Expand All @@ -33,12 +39,13 @@ This will enlighten us as to what the forms actually look like.

parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
io:fwrite("Forms = ~p~n", [Forms]),
io:fwrite("Forms = ~p~n", [Forms]),

Trying this with a very simple module:

Expand All @@ -47,47 +54,54 @@ Trying this with a very simple module:

add(X,Y) ->
X + Y.
X + Y.

1> c(ex1, [{parse_transform,test_pt}]).
Forms = [{attribute,1,file,{"./ex1.erl",1}},



#Current limitations#
<h1>Current limitations</h1>


<h2 class="indextitle">Modules</h2>

<table width="100%" border="0" summary="list of modules">
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">ct_expand</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">exprecs</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">parse_trans</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">parse_trans_codegen</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">parse_trans_pp</a></td></tr></table>

54 changes: 35 additions & 19 deletions doc/
Expand Up @@ -2,48 +2,64 @@ Module ct_expand

#Module ct_expand#
<h1>Module ct_expand</h1>

* [Description](#description)
* [Function Index](#index)
* [Function Details](#functions)
Compile-time expansion utility.

__Authors:__ : Ulf Wiger ([``](

##<a name="description">Description</a>##
<h2><a name="description">Description</a></h2>

Compile-time expansion utility

This module serves as an example of parse_trans-based transforms,
but might also be a useful utility in its own right.
The transform searches for calls to the pseudo-function
`ct_expand:term(Expr)`, and then replaces the call site with the
result of evaluating `Expr` at compile-time.

but might also be a useful utility in its own right.
The transform searches for calls to the pseudo-function
`ct_expand:term(Expr)`, and then replaces the call site with the
result of evaluating `Expr` at compile-time.

For example, the line


would be expanded at compile-time to `[1,2,3,4,5]`.

##<a name="index">Function Index</a>##
would be expanded at compile-time to `[1,2,3,4,5]`.

<h2><a name="index">Function Index</a></h2>

<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" summary="function index"><tr><td valign="top"><a href="#parse_transform-2">parse_transform/2</a></td><td></td></tr></table>

<a name="functions"></a>

##Function Details##
<h2>Function Details</h2>

<a name="parse_transform-2"></a>


`parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> any()`

_Generated by EDoc, Oct 26 2010, 21:17:38._

_Generated by EDoc, Oct 27 2010, 20:50:39._

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