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251 lines (190 loc) · 5.81 KB

Disallow this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects. (no-invalid-this)

Under the strict mode, this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects might be undefined and raise a TypeError.

Rule Details

This rule aims to flag usage of this keywords outside of classes or class-like objects.

Basically, this rule checks whether or not a function containing this keyword is a constructor or a method.

This rule judges from following conditions whether or not the function is a constructor:

  • The name of the function starts with uppercase.
  • The function is assigned to a variable which starts with an uppercase letter.
  • The function is a constructor of ES2015 Classes.

This rule judges from following conditions whether or not the function is a method:

  • The function is on an object literal.
  • The function is assigned to a property.
  • The function is a method/getter/setter of ES2015 Classes. (excepts static methods)

And this rule allows this keywords in functions below:

  • The call/apply/bind method of the function is called directly.
  • The function is a callback of array methods (such as .forEach()) if thisArg is given.
  • The function has @this tag in its JSDoc comment.

Otherwise are considered problems.

This rule applies only in strict mode. With "parserOptions": { "sourceType": "module" } in the ESLint configuration, your code is in strict mode even without a "use strict" directive.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule in strict mode:

/*eslint no-invalid-this: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

"use strict";

this.a = 0;
baz(() => this);

(function() {
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);

function foo() {
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);

var foo = function() {
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);

foo(function() {
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);
}); = () => {
    // `this` of arrow functions is the outer scope's.
    this.a = 0;

var obj = {
    aaa: function() {
        return function foo() {
            // There is in a method `aaa`, but `foo` is not a method.
            this.a = 0;
            baz(() => this);

foo.forEach(function() {
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);

Examples of correct code for this rule in strict mode:

/*eslint no-invalid-this: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

"use strict";

function Foo() {
    // OK, this is in a legacy style constructor.
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);

class Foo {
    constructor() {
        // OK, this is in a constructor.
        this.a = 0;
        baz(() => this);

var obj = {
    foo: function foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        this.a = 0;

var obj = {
    foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        this.a = 0;

var obj = {
    get foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        return this.a;

var obj = Object.create(null, {
    foo: {value: function foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        this.a = 0;

Object.defineProperty(obj, "foo", {
    value: function foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        this.a = 0;

Object.defineProperties(obj, {
    foo: {value: function foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function is on object literal).
        this.a = 0;

function Foo() { = function foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (this function assigns to a property).
        this.a = 0;
        baz(() => this);
} = function foo() {
    // OK, this is in a method (this function assigns to a property).
    this.a = 0;
}; = function foo() {
    // OK, this is in a method (this function assigns to a property).
    this.a = 0;

class Foo {
    foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method.
        this.a = 0;
        baz(() => this);

    static foo() {
        // OK, this is in a method (static methods also have valid this).
        this.a = 0;
        baz(() => this);

var foo = (function foo() {
    // OK, the `bind` method of this function is called directly.
    this.a = 0;

foo.forEach(function() {
    // OK, `thisArg` of `.forEach()` is given.
    this.a = 0;
    baz(() => this);
}, thisArg);

/** @this Foo */
function foo() {
    // OK, this function has a `@this` tag in its JSDoc comment.
    this.a = 0;


This rule has an object option, with one option:

  • "capIsConstructor": false (default true) disables the assumption that a function which name starts with an uppercase is a constructor.


By default, this rule always allows the use of this in functions which name starts with an uppercase and anonymous functions that are assigned to a variable which name starts with an uppercase, assuming that those functions are used as constructor functions.

Set "capIsConstructor" to false if you want those functions to be treated as 'regular' functions.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with "capIsConstructor" option set to false:

/*eslint no-invalid-this: ["error", { "capIsConstructor": false }]*/

"use strict";

function Foo() {
    this.a = 0;

var bar = function Foo() {
    this.a = 0;

var Bar = function() {
    this.a = 0;

Baz = function() {
    this.a = 0;

Examples of correct code for this rule with "capIsConstructor" option set to false:

/*eslint no-invalid-this: ["error", { "capIsConstructor": false }]*/

"use strict";

obj.Foo = function Foo() {
    // OK, this is in a method.
    this.a = 0;

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to be notified about usage of this keyword outside of classes or class-like objects, you can safely disable this rule.