This is an API server that functions has an abstraction layer for an arbitary set of depth sensors, irregardless of sensor vendors. In addition, there is a web management console in HTTP/Javascript to manage the list of API.
Fig 1.1 Web Management Console - Viewing
Minimum :
2 Depth Sensors - Vendor Independent
Minority Viewport Depth Sensors Client
Windows 7/Linux OS
Calibrate all the depth sensors
1.1 Navigate to http://LOCALHOST_URL/calibration.html
1.2 Select the depth sensor to calibrate
1.3 Choose lock and once skeleton pairs have been obtained, click calibrate -
View the Unified Viewport
- Clone the repo.
- Setup Boost and OpenCV
- Add into compile include dependencies C:\opencv\build\include;C:\Boost\include\boost-1_55;
- Add into libraries include directories C:\opencv\build\x86\vc11\lib;C:\Boost\lib;
- Add into additional libraries dependencies opencv_core248d.lib;opencv_imgproc248d.lib;opencv_highgui248d.lib;opencv_ml248d.lib;opencv_video248d.lib; opencv_features2d248d.lib;opencv_calib3d248d.lib;opencv_objdetect248d.lib;opencv_contrib248d.lib; opencv_legacy248d.lib;opencv_flann248d.lib;
Lim Zhi Hao (Ethan) (@ethanlim)
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