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Sitecore Ignition

Ignition is an open source development accelerator designed by the team at Perficient and released to the Sitecore community as a quick-start tool for beginning Sitecore projects. It has two primary components: the Sitecore Information Architecture piece and the .NET MVC Solution. All along the way, the team has set things up so that we're using best practices for Sitecore development as well as good development practices and patterns. We embrace SOLID, and our code is designed to enable you, the consumer, to quickly extend, add onto, and test your own code.

Please note that Ignition is in beta and may still be a bit rough around the edges. We are diligently adding new features and polish to the project and we happily accept your thoughts, feature requests, and pull requests.

Get Started

  1. Setup a new Sitecore install on your machine.
  2. By default, Ignition uses http:\\ignition.localhost as the URL. Add this URL to your hosts file and add it to your site's IIS bindings.
  3. Clone the repository: git clone
  4. Copy the following Sitecore .dlls into the _lib folder:
    • Sitecore.ContentSearch.dll
    • Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.dll
    • Sitecore.Kernel.dll
    • Sitecore.Mvc.dll
  1. Open the solution Ignition.Tds.sln.
  2. Do a full build.
  3. Sync Ignition.Root.TDS.Master with TDS.
  4. Sync Ignition.Sc.TDS.Master with TDS.
  5. Open Sitecore, publish your site, and have fun!
  1. Open the solution Ignition.sln.
  2. Create a publishing profile called Ignition.Sc in the Ignition.Sc project.
  3. Create a publishing profile called Ignition.Root in the Ignition.Root project.
  4. Publish Ignition.Sc and then publish Ignition.Root.
  5. Navigate to the Update Installation Wizard and install the update packages found in the SitecorePackages folder.
  6. Publish your site and have fun!

Ignition has been tested using Sitecore 8.0 Update-4 and above. Ignition probably works with any version of the Sitecore 7 and 8 .dlls but we have not confirmed.

Solution Structure



Innermost library accessible to the entire solution that houses core functionality used in other layers.



Includes standard models used by the framework. This is where you'll add your own shared models.



Integration layer where Ignition interacts with Sitecore (e.g., pipeline events, commands, etc.) and external integrations.


Presentation layer. Add your Sitecore site here.


Demo Ignition site. Examples and reusable components.



Composition root for the solution. Where IoC container, Glass Mapper, and MVC are configured and initialized.


Copyright and License

Code and documentation copyright 2016 Jon Upchurch and Perficient, Inc. released under the MIT license.


An open source development accelerator designed by the team at Perficient and released to the Sitecore community as a quick-start tool for beginning Sitecore projects.







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  • CSS 65.9%
  • HTML 22.0%
  • C# 11.9%
  • JavaScript 0.2%