- Introduction
- Notation
- Custom types
- Constants
- Preset
- Configuration
- Containers
- Helper functions
- Math
- Crypto
- Predicates
- Misc
- Beacon state accessors
- Beacon state mutators
- Genesis
- Beacon chain state transition function
This document represents the specification for Phase 0 -- The Beacon Chain.
At the core of Ethereum proof-of-stake is a system chain called the "beacon chain". The beacon chain stores and manages the registry of validators. In the initial deployment phases of proof-of-stake, the only mechanism to become a validator is to make a one-way ETH transaction to a deposit contract on the Ethereum proof-of-work chain. Activation as a validator happens when deposit receipts are processed by the beacon chain, the activation balance is reached, and a queuing process is completed. Exit is either voluntary or done forcibly as a penalty for misbehavior. The primary source of load on the beacon chain is "attestations". Attestations are simultaneously availability votes for a shard block (in a later upgrade) and proof-of-stake votes for a beacon block (Phase 0).
Code snippets appearing in this style
are to be interpreted as Python 3 code.
We define the following Python custom types for type hinting and readability:
Name | SSZ equivalent | Description |
Slot |
uint64 |
a slot number |
Epoch |
uint64 |
an epoch number |
CommitteeIndex |
uint64 |
a committee index at a slot |
ValidatorIndex |
uint64 |
a validator registry index |
Gwei |
uint64 |
an amount in Gwei |
Root |
Bytes32 |
a Merkle root |
Hash32 |
Bytes32 |
a 256-bit hash |
Version |
Bytes4 |
a fork version number |
DomainType |
Bytes4 |
a domain type |
ForkDigest |
Bytes4 |
a digest of the current fork data |
Domain |
Bytes32 |
a signature domain |
BLSPubkey |
Bytes48 |
a BLS12-381 public key |
BLSSignature |
Bytes96 |
a BLS12-381 signature |
The following values are (non-configurable) constants used throughout the specification.
Name | Value |
uint64(2**64 - 1) |
uint64(4294967295) |
Slot(0) |
Epoch(0) |
Epoch(2**64 - 1) |
uint64(4) |
uint64(2**5) (= 32) |
uint64(4) |
'little' |
Name | Value |
Bytes1('0x00') |
Bytes1('0x01') |
Name | Value |
DomainType('0x00000000') |
DomainType('0x01000000') |
DomainType('0x02000000') |
DomainType('0x03000000') |
DomainType('0x04000000') |
DomainType('0x05000000') |
DomainType('0x06000000') |
DomainType('0x00000001') |
reserves the rest of the bitspace in DomainType
for application usage. This means for some DomainType
MUST be non-zero. This expression for any other DomainType
in the consensus specs MUST be zero.
Note: The below configuration is bundled as a preset: a bundle of configuration variables which are expected to differ
between different modes of operation, e.g. testing, but not generally between different networks.
Additional preset configurations can be found in the configs
Name | Value |
uint64(2**6) (= 64) |
uint64(2**7) (= 128) |
uint64(2**11) (= 2,048) |
uint64(90) |
uint64(4) |
uint64(1) |
uint64(5) |
- For the safety of committees,
exceeds the recommended minimum committee size of 111; with sufficient active validators (at leastSLOTS_PER_EPOCH * TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE
), the shuffling algorithm ensures committee sizes of at leastTARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE
. (Unbiasable randomness with a Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) will improve committee robustness and lower the safe minimum committee size.)
Name | Value |
Gwei(2**0 * 10**9) (= 1,000,000,000) |
Gwei(2**5 * 10**9) (= 32,000,000,000) |
Gwei(2**0 * 10**9) (= 1,000,000,000) |
Name | Value | Unit | Duration |
uint64(2**0) (= 1) |
slots | 12 seconds |
uint64(2**5) (= 32) |
slots | 6.4 minutes |
uint64(2**0) (= 1) |
epochs | 6.4 minutes |
uint64(2**2) (= 4) |
epochs | 25.6 minutes |
uint64(2**2) (= 4) |
epochs | 25.6 minutes |
uint64(2**6) (= 64) |
epochs | ~6.8 hours |
uint64(2**13) (= 8,192) |
slots | ~27 hours |
Name | Value | Unit | Duration |
uint64(2**16) (= 65,536) |
epochs | ~0.8 years |
uint64(2**13) (= 8,192) |
epochs | ~36 days |
uint64(2**24) (= 16,777,216) |
historical roots | ~52,262 years |
uint64(2**40) (= 1,099,511,627,776) |
validators |
Name | Value |
uint64(2**6) (= 64) |
uint64(2**9) (= 512) |
uint64(2**3) (= 8) |
uint64(2**26) (= 67,108,864) |
uint64(2**7) (= 128) |
uint64(1) |
epochs (about 36 days) is the time it takes the inactivity penalty to reduce the balance of non-participating validators to about1/sqrt(e) ~= 60.6%
. Indeed, the balance retained by offline validators aftern
epochs is about(1 - 1/INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT)**(n**2/2)
epochs, it is roughly(1 - 1/INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT)**(INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT/2) ~= 1/sqrt(e)
. Note this value will be upgraded to2**24
after Phase 0 mainnet stabilizes to provide a faster recovery in the event of an inactivity leak. -
is set to1
at initial mainnet launch, resulting in one-third of the minimum accountable safety margin in the event of a finality attack. After Phase 0 mainnet stabilizes, this value will be upgraded to3
to provide the maximal minimum accountable safety margin.
Name | Value |
2**4 (= 16) |
2**1 (= 2) |
2**7 (= 128) |
2**4 (= 16) |
2**4 (= 16) |
Note: The default mainnet configuration values are included here for illustrative purposes.
Defaults for this more dynamic type of configuration are available with the presets in the configs
Testnets and other types of chain instances may use a different configuration.
Name | Value |
uint64(2**14) (= 16,384) |
uint64(1606824000) (Dec 1, 2020, 12pm UTC) |
Version('0x00000000') |
uint64(604800) (7 days) |
Name | Value | Unit | Duration |
uint64(12) |
seconds | 12 seconds |
uint64(14) |
seconds | 14 seconds |
uint64(2**8) (= 256) |
epochs | ~27 hours |
uint64(2**8) (= 256) |
epochs | ~27 hours |
uint64(2**11) (= 2,048) |
Eth1 blocks | ~8 hours |
Name | Value |
Gwei(2**4 * 10**9) (= 16,000,000,000) |
uint64(2**2) (= 4) |
uint64(2**16) (= 65,536) |
The following types are SimpleSerialize (SSZ) containers.
Note: The definitions are ordered topologically to facilitate execution of the spec.
Note: Fields missing in container instantiations default to their zero value.
class Fork(Container):
previous_version: Version
current_version: Version
epoch: Epoch # Epoch of latest fork
class ForkData(Container):
current_version: Version
genesis_validators_root: Root
class Checkpoint(Container):
epoch: Epoch
root: Root
class Validator(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32 # Commitment to pubkey for withdrawals
effective_balance: Gwei # Balance at stake
slashed: boolean
# Status epochs
activation_eligibility_epoch: Epoch # When criteria for activation were met
activation_epoch: Epoch
exit_epoch: Epoch
withdrawable_epoch: Epoch # When validator can withdraw funds
class AttestationData(Container):
slot: Slot
index: CommitteeIndex
# LMD GHOST vote
beacon_block_root: Root
# FFG vote
source: Checkpoint
target: Checkpoint
class IndexedAttestation(Container):
attesting_indices: List[ValidatorIndex, MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE]
data: AttestationData
signature: BLSSignature
class PendingAttestation(Container):
aggregation_bits: Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE]
data: AttestationData
inclusion_delay: Slot
proposer_index: ValidatorIndex
class Eth1Data(Container):
deposit_root: Root
deposit_count: uint64
block_hash: Hash32
class HistoricalBatch(Container):
block_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
state_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
class DepositMessage(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32
amount: Gwei
class DepositData(Container):
pubkey: BLSPubkey
withdrawal_credentials: Bytes32
amount: Gwei
signature: BLSSignature # Signing over DepositMessage
class BeaconBlockHeader(Container):
slot: Slot
proposer_index: ValidatorIndex
parent_root: Root
state_root: Root
body_root: Root
class SigningData(Container):
object_root: Root
domain: Domain
class ProposerSlashing(Container):
signed_header_1: SignedBeaconBlockHeader
signed_header_2: SignedBeaconBlockHeader
class AttesterSlashing(Container):
attestation_1: IndexedAttestation
attestation_2: IndexedAttestation
class Attestation(Container):
aggregation_bits: Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE]
data: AttestationData
signature: BLSSignature
class Deposit(Container):
proof: Vector[Bytes32, DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH + 1] # Merkle path to deposit root
data: DepositData
class VoluntaryExit(Container):
epoch: Epoch # Earliest epoch when voluntary exit can be processed
validator_index: ValidatorIndex
class BeaconBlockBody(Container):
randao_reveal: BLSSignature
eth1_data: Eth1Data # Eth1 data vote
graffiti: Bytes32 # Arbitrary data
# Operations
proposer_slashings: List[ProposerSlashing, MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS]
attester_slashings: List[AttesterSlashing, MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS]
attestations: List[Attestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS]
deposits: List[Deposit, MAX_DEPOSITS]
voluntary_exits: List[SignedVoluntaryExit, MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS]
class BeaconBlock(Container):
slot: Slot
proposer_index: ValidatorIndex
parent_root: Root
state_root: Root
body: BeaconBlockBody
class BeaconState(Container):
# Versioning
genesis_time: uint64
genesis_validators_root: Root
slot: Slot
fork: Fork
# History
latest_block_header: BeaconBlockHeader
block_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
state_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
historical_roots: List[Root, HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT]
# Eth1
eth1_data: Eth1Data
eth1_data_votes: List[Eth1Data, EPOCHS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH]
eth1_deposit_index: uint64
# Registry
validators: List[Validator, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
# Randomness
randao_mixes: Vector[Bytes32, EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR]
# Slashings
slashings: Vector[Gwei, EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR] # Per-epoch sums of slashed effective balances
# Attestations
previous_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH]
current_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH]
# Finality
justification_bits: Bitvector[JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH] # Bit set for every recent justified epoch
previous_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint # Previous epoch snapshot
current_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint
finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint
class SignedVoluntaryExit(Container):
message: VoluntaryExit
signature: BLSSignature
class SignedBeaconBlock(Container):
message: BeaconBlock
signature: BLSSignature
class SignedBeaconBlockHeader(Container):
message: BeaconBlockHeader
signature: BLSSignature
Note: The definitions below are for specification purposes and are not necessarily optimal implementations.
def integer_squareroot(n: uint64) -> uint64:
Return the largest integer ``x`` such that ``x**2 <= n``.
if n == UINT64_MAX:
return UINT64_MAX_SQRT
x = n
y = (x + 1) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
def xor(bytes_1: Bytes32, bytes_2: Bytes32) -> Bytes32:
Return the exclusive-or of two 32-byte strings.
return Bytes32(a ^ b for a, b in zip(bytes_1, bytes_2))
def uint_to_bytes(n: uint) -> bytes
is a function for serializing the uint
type object to bytes in ENDIANNESS
-endian. The expected length of the output is the byte-length of the uint
def bytes_to_uint64(data: bytes) -> uint64:
Return the integer deserialization of ``data`` interpreted as ``ENDIANNESS``-endian.
return uint64(int.from_bytes(data, ENDIANNESS))
def saturating_sub(a: int, b: int) -> int:
Computes a - b, saturating at numeric bounds.
return a - b if a > b else 0
def hash(data: bytes) -> Bytes32
is SHA256.
def hash_tree_root(object: SSZSerializable) -> Root
is a function for hashing objects into a single root by utilizing a hash tree structure, as defined in the SSZ spec.
The IETF BLS signature draft standard v4 with ciphersuite BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_POP_
defines the following functions:
def Sign(privkey: int, message: Bytes) -> BLSSignature
def Verify(pubkey: BLSPubkey, message: Bytes, signature: BLSSignature) -> bool
def Aggregate(signatures: Sequence[BLSSignature]) -> BLSSignature
def FastAggregateVerify(pubkeys: Sequence[BLSPubkey], message: Bytes, signature: BLSSignature) -> bool
def AggregateVerify(pubkeys: Sequence[BLSPubkey], messages: Sequence[Bytes], signature: BLSSignature) -> bool
def KeyValidate(pubkey: BLSPubkey) -> bool
The above functions are accessed through the bls
module, e.g. bls.Verify
def is_active_validator(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch) -> bool:
Check if ``validator`` is active.
return validator.activation_epoch <= epoch < validator.exit_epoch
def is_eligible_for_activation_queue(validator: Validator) -> bool:
Check if ``validator`` is eligible to be placed into the activation queue.
return (
validator.activation_eligibility_epoch == FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH
and validator.effective_balance == MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE
def is_eligible_for_activation(state: BeaconState, validator: Validator) -> bool:
Check if ``validator`` is eligible for activation.
return (
# Placement in queue is finalized
validator.activation_eligibility_epoch <= state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch
# Has not yet been activated
and validator.activation_epoch == FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH
def is_slashable_validator(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch) -> bool:
Check if ``validator`` is slashable.
return (not validator.slashed) and (validator.activation_epoch <= epoch < validator.withdrawable_epoch)
def is_slashable_attestation_data(data_1: AttestationData, data_2: AttestationData) -> bool:
Check if ``data_1`` and ``data_2`` are slashable according to Casper FFG rules.
return (
# Double vote
(data_1 != data_2 and data_1.target.epoch == data_2.target.epoch) or
# Surround vote
(data_1.source.epoch < data_2.source.epoch and data_2.target.epoch < data_1.target.epoch)
def is_valid_indexed_attestation(state: BeaconState, indexed_attestation: IndexedAttestation) -> bool:
Check if ``indexed_attestation`` is not empty, has sorted and unique indices and has a valid aggregate signature.
# Verify indices are sorted and unique
indices = indexed_attestation.attesting_indices
if len(indices) == 0 or not indices == sorted(set(indices)):
return False
# Verify aggregate signature
pubkeys = [state.validators[i].pubkey for i in indices]
domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_BEACON_ATTESTER, indexed_attestation.data.target.epoch)
signing_root = compute_signing_root(indexed_attestation.data, domain)
return bls.FastAggregateVerify(pubkeys, signing_root, indexed_attestation.signature)
def is_valid_merkle_branch(leaf: Bytes32, branch: Sequence[Bytes32], depth: uint64, index: uint64, root: Root) -> bool:
Check if ``leaf`` at ``index`` verifies against the Merkle ``root`` and ``branch``.
value = leaf
for i in range(depth):
if index // (2**i) % 2:
value = hash(branch[i] + value)
value = hash(value + branch[i])
return value == root
def compute_shuffled_index(index: uint64, index_count: uint64, seed: Bytes32) -> uint64:
Return the shuffled index corresponding to ``seed`` (and ``index_count``).
assert index < index_count
# Swap or not (https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-642-32009-5_1.pdf)
# See the 'generalized domain' algorithm on page 3
for current_round in range(SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT):
pivot = bytes_to_uint64(hash(seed + uint_to_bytes(uint8(current_round)))[0:8]) % index_count
flip = (pivot + index_count - index) % index_count
position = max(index, flip)
source = hash(
+ uint_to_bytes(uint8(current_round))
+ uint_to_bytes(uint32(position // 256))
byte = uint8(source[(position % 256) // 8])
bit = (byte >> (position % 8)) % 2
index = flip if bit else index
return index
def compute_proposer_index(state: BeaconState, indices: Sequence[ValidatorIndex], seed: Bytes32) -> ValidatorIndex:
Return from ``indices`` a random index sampled by effective balance.
assert len(indices) > 0
MAX_RANDOM_BYTE = 2**8 - 1
i = uint64(0)
total = uint64(len(indices))
while True:
candidate_index = indices[compute_shuffled_index(i % total, total, seed)]
random_byte = hash(seed + uint_to_bytes(uint64(i // 32)))[i % 32]
effective_balance = state.validators[candidate_index].effective_balance
if effective_balance * MAX_RANDOM_BYTE >= MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE * random_byte:
return candidate_index
i += 1
def compute_committee(indices: Sequence[ValidatorIndex],
seed: Bytes32,
index: uint64,
count: uint64) -> Sequence[ValidatorIndex]:
Return the committee corresponding to ``indices``, ``seed``, ``index``, and committee ``count``.
start = (len(indices) * index) // count
end = (len(indices) * uint64(index + 1)) // count
return [indices[compute_shuffled_index(uint64(i), uint64(len(indices)), seed)] for i in range(start, end)]
def compute_epoch_at_slot(slot: Slot) -> Epoch:
Return the epoch number at ``slot``.
return Epoch(slot // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH)
def compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch: Epoch) -> Slot:
Return the start slot of ``epoch``.
return Slot(epoch * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH)
def compute_activation_exit_epoch(epoch: Epoch) -> Epoch:
Return the epoch during which validator activations and exits initiated in ``epoch`` take effect.
return Epoch(epoch + 1 + MAX_SEED_LOOKAHEAD)
def compute_fork_data_root(current_version: Version, genesis_validators_root: Root) -> Root:
Return the 32-byte fork data root for the ``current_version`` and ``genesis_validators_root``.
This is used primarily in signature domains to avoid collisions across forks/chains.
return hash_tree_root(ForkData(
def compute_fork_digest(current_version: Version, genesis_validators_root: Root) -> ForkDigest:
Return the 4-byte fork digest for the ``current_version`` and ``genesis_validators_root``.
This is a digest primarily used for domain separation on the p2p layer.
4-bytes suffices for practical separation of forks/chains.
return ForkDigest(compute_fork_data_root(current_version, genesis_validators_root)[:4])
def compute_domain(domain_type: DomainType, fork_version: Version=None, genesis_validators_root: Root=None) -> Domain:
Return the domain for the ``domain_type`` and ``fork_version``.
if fork_version is None:
if genesis_validators_root is None:
genesis_validators_root = Root() # all bytes zero by default
fork_data_root = compute_fork_data_root(fork_version, genesis_validators_root)
return Domain(domain_type + fork_data_root[:28])
def compute_signing_root(ssz_object: SSZObject, domain: Domain) -> Root:
Return the signing root for the corresponding signing data.
return hash_tree_root(SigningData(
def get_current_epoch(state: BeaconState) -> Epoch:
Return the current epoch.
return compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot)
def get_previous_epoch(state: BeaconState) -> Epoch:
Return the previous epoch (unless the current epoch is ``GENESIS_EPOCH``).
current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
return GENESIS_EPOCH if current_epoch == GENESIS_EPOCH else Epoch(current_epoch - 1)
def get_block_root(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch) -> Root:
Return the block root at the start of a recent ``epoch``.
return get_block_root_at_slot(state, compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch))
def get_block_root_at_slot(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot) -> Root:
Return the block root at a recent ``slot``.
assert slot < state.slot <= slot + SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT
return state.block_roots[slot % SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT]
def get_randao_mix(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch) -> Bytes32:
Return the randao mix at a recent ``epoch``.
return state.randao_mixes[epoch % EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR]
def get_active_validator_indices(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch) -> Sequence[ValidatorIndex]:
Return the sequence of active validator indices at ``epoch``.
return [ValidatorIndex(i) for i, v in enumerate(state.validators) if is_active_validator(v, epoch)]
def get_validator_churn_limit(state: BeaconState) -> uint64:
Return the validator churn limit for the current epoch.
active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices(state, get_current_epoch(state))
return max(MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT, uint64(len(active_validator_indices)) // CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT)
def get_seed(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch, domain_type: DomainType) -> Bytes32:
Return the seed at ``epoch``.
mix = get_randao_mix(state, Epoch(epoch + EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR - MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD - 1)) # Avoid underflow
return hash(domain_type + uint_to_bytes(epoch) + mix)
def get_committee_count_per_slot(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch) -> uint64:
Return the number of committees in each slot for the given ``epoch``.
return max(uint64(1), min(
uint64(len(get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch))) // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH // TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE,
def get_beacon_committee(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot, index: CommitteeIndex) -> Sequence[ValidatorIndex]:
Return the beacon committee at ``slot`` for ``index``.
epoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(slot)
committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(state, epoch)
return compute_committee(
indices=get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch),
seed=get_seed(state, epoch, DOMAIN_BEACON_ATTESTER),
index=(slot % SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) * committees_per_slot + index,
count=committees_per_slot * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH,
def get_beacon_proposer_index(state: BeaconState) -> ValidatorIndex:
Return the beacon proposer index at the current slot.
epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
seed = hash(get_seed(state, epoch, DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER) + uint_to_bytes(state.slot))
indices = get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch)
return compute_proposer_index(state, indices, seed)
def get_total_balance(state: BeaconState, indices: Set[ValidatorIndex]) -> Gwei:
Return the combined effective balance of the ``indices``.
``EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT`` Gwei minimum to avoid divisions by zero.
Math safe up to ~10B ETH, after which this overflows uint64.
return Gwei(max(EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT, sum([state.validators[index].effective_balance for index in indices])))
def get_total_active_balance(state: BeaconState) -> Gwei:
Return the combined effective balance of the active validators.
Note: ``get_total_balance`` returns ``EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT`` Gwei minimum to avoid divisions by zero.
return get_total_balance(state, set(get_active_validator_indices(state, get_current_epoch(state))))
def get_domain(state: BeaconState, domain_type: DomainType, epoch: Epoch=None) -> Domain:
Return the signature domain (fork version concatenated with domain type) of a message.
epoch = get_current_epoch(state) if epoch is None else epoch
fork_version = state.fork.previous_version if epoch < state.fork.epoch else state.fork.current_version
return compute_domain(domain_type, fork_version, state.genesis_validators_root)
def get_indexed_attestation(state: BeaconState, attestation: Attestation) -> IndexedAttestation:
Return the indexed attestation corresponding to ``attestation``.
attesting_indices = get_attesting_indices(state, attestation)
return IndexedAttestation(
def get_attesting_indices(state: BeaconState, attestation: Attestation) -> Set[ValidatorIndex]:
Return the set of attesting indices corresponding to ``data`` and ``bits``.
committee = get_beacon_committee(state, attestation.data.slot, attestation.data.index)
return set(index for i, index in enumerate(committee) if attestation.aggregation_bits[i])
def increase_balance(state: BeaconState, index: ValidatorIndex, delta: Gwei) -> None:
Increase the validator balance at index ``index`` by ``delta``.
state.balances[index] += delta
def decrease_balance(state: BeaconState, index: ValidatorIndex, delta: Gwei) -> None:
Decrease the validator balance at index ``index`` by ``delta``, with underflow protection.
state.balances[index] = 0 if delta > state.balances[index] else state.balances[index] - delta
def initiate_validator_exit(state: BeaconState, index: ValidatorIndex) -> None:
Initiate the exit of the validator with index ``index``.
# Return if validator already initiated exit
validator = state.validators[index]
if validator.exit_epoch != FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH:
# Compute exit queue epoch
exit_epochs = [v.exit_epoch for v in state.validators if v.exit_epoch != FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH]
exit_queue_epoch = max(exit_epochs + [compute_activation_exit_epoch(get_current_epoch(state))])
exit_queue_churn = len([v for v in state.validators if v.exit_epoch == exit_queue_epoch])
if exit_queue_churn >= get_validator_churn_limit(state):
exit_queue_epoch += Epoch(1)
# Set validator exit epoch and withdrawable epoch
validator.exit_epoch = exit_queue_epoch
validator.withdrawable_epoch = Epoch(validator.exit_epoch + MIN_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABILITY_DELAY)
def slash_validator(state: BeaconState,
slashed_index: ValidatorIndex,
whistleblower_index: ValidatorIndex=None) -> None:
Slash the validator with index ``slashed_index``.
epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
initiate_validator_exit(state, slashed_index)
validator = state.validators[slashed_index]
validator.slashed = True
validator.withdrawable_epoch = max(validator.withdrawable_epoch, Epoch(epoch + EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR))
state.slashings[epoch % EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR] += validator.effective_balance
decrease_balance(state, slashed_index, validator.effective_balance // MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT)
# Apply proposer and whistleblower rewards
proposer_index = get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
if whistleblower_index is None:
whistleblower_index = proposer_index
whistleblower_reward = Gwei(validator.effective_balance // WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT)
proposer_reward = Gwei(whistleblower_reward // PROPOSER_REWARD_QUOTIENT)
increase_balance(state, proposer_index, proposer_reward)
increase_balance(state, whistleblower_index, Gwei(whistleblower_reward - proposer_reward))
Before the Ethereum beacon chain genesis has been triggered, and for every Ethereum proof-of-work block, let candidate_state = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1(eth1_block_hash, eth1_timestamp, deposits)
is the hash of the Ethereum proof-of-work blocketh1_timestamp
is the Unix timestamp corresponding toeth1_block_hash
is the sequence of all deposits, ordered chronologically, up to (and including) the block with hasheth1_block_hash
Proof-of-work blocks must only be considered once they are at least SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE
seconds old (i.e. eth1_timestamp + SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE <= current_unix_time
, then the genesis_time
can happen before the time/state is first known. Values should be configured to avoid this case.
def initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1(eth1_block_hash: Hash32,
eth1_timestamp: uint64,
deposits: Sequence[Deposit]) -> BeaconState:
fork = Fork(
state = BeaconState(
genesis_time=eth1_timestamp + GENESIS_DELAY,
eth1_data=Eth1Data(block_hash=eth1_block_hash, deposit_count=uint64(len(deposits))),
randao_mixes=[eth1_block_hash] * EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR, # Seed RANDAO with Eth1 entropy
# Process deposits
leaves = list(map(lambda deposit: deposit.data, deposits))
for index, deposit in enumerate(deposits):
deposit_data_list = List[DepositData, 2**DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH](*leaves[:index + 1])
state.eth1_data.deposit_root = hash_tree_root(deposit_data_list)
process_deposit(state, deposit)
# Process activations
for index, validator in enumerate(state.validators):
balance = state.balances[index]
validator.effective_balance = min(balance - balance % EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT, MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE)
if validator.effective_balance == MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE:
validator.activation_eligibility_epoch = GENESIS_EPOCH
validator.activation_epoch = GENESIS_EPOCH
# Set genesis validators root for domain separation and chain versioning
state.genesis_validators_root = hash_tree_root(state.validators)
return state
Note: The ETH1 block with eth1_timestamp
meeting the minimum genesis active validator count criteria can also occur before MIN_GENESIS_TIME
Let genesis_state = candidate_state
whenever is_valid_genesis_state(candidate_state) is True
for the first time.
def is_valid_genesis_state(state: BeaconState) -> bool:
if state.genesis_time < MIN_GENESIS_TIME:
return False
if len(get_active_validator_indices(state, GENESIS_EPOCH)) < MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT:
return False
return True
Let genesis_block = BeaconBlock(state_root=hash_tree_root(genesis_state))
The post-state corresponding to a pre-state state
and a signed block signed_block
is defined as state_transition(state, signed_block)
. State transitions that trigger an unhandled exception (e.g. a failed assert
or an out-of-range list access) are considered invalid. State transitions that cause a uint64
overflow or underflow are also considered invalid.
def state_transition(state: BeaconState, signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock, validate_result: bool=True) -> None:
block = signed_block.message
# Process slots (including those with no blocks) since block
process_slots(state, block.slot)
# Verify signature
if validate_result:
assert verify_block_signature(state, signed_block)
# Process block
process_block(state, block)
# Verify state root
if validate_result:
assert block.state_root == hash_tree_root(state)
def verify_block_signature(state: BeaconState, signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock) -> bool:
proposer = state.validators[signed_block.message.proposer_index]
signing_root = compute_signing_root(signed_block.message, get_domain(state, DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER))
return bls.Verify(proposer.pubkey, signing_root, signed_block.signature)
def process_slots(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot) -> None:
assert state.slot < slot
while state.slot < slot:
# Process epoch on the start slot of the next epoch
if (state.slot + 1) % SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0:
state.slot = Slot(state.slot + 1)
def process_slot(state: BeaconState) -> None:
# Cache state root
previous_state_root = hash_tree_root(state)
state.state_roots[state.slot % SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] = previous_state_root
# Cache latest block header state root
if state.latest_block_header.state_root == Bytes32():
state.latest_block_header.state_root = previous_state_root
# Cache block root
previous_block_root = hash_tree_root(state.latest_block_header)
state.block_roots[state.slot % SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] = previous_block_root