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new routine for a single matrix fit
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urbach committed Jun 29, 2013
1 parent 35708bb commit 48ffc13
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Showing 4 changed files with 208 additions and 10 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/bootstrapnumber.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
mean.index <- function(data, indexvector) {
meanindexed <- function(data, indexvector) {

Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ bootstrap.analysis <- function(data, skip=0, boot.R=100,
cat("mean value = ", data.mean, "\n")
cat("naive error = ", error.naive, "\n")

data.boot <- boot(data=data, statistic=mean.index, R=boot.R, stype="i")
data.boot <- boot(data=data, statistic=meanindexed, R=boot.R, stype="i") <-, type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"))

cat(" mean -err +err stderr bias\n")
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ bootstrap.analysis <- function(data, skip=0, boot.R=100,
while((length(data))/boot.l > 20) {
ndata <- block.ts(data, l=boot.l)
j <- j+1
data.tsboot <- boot(ndata, statistic=mean.index, R=boot.R)
data.tsboot <- boot(ndata, statistic=meanindexed, R=boot.R)
## use the same seed ...
data.sdboot <- boot(ndata, statistic=sd.index, R=boot.R)
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions R/matrixfit.R
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
bootstrap.meanerror <- function(data, R=400, l=20) {
bootit <- boot(block.ts(data, l=l), meanindexed, R=R)

matrixChisqr <- function(par, t, y, M, T, parind) {
z <- (y-0.5*par[parind[,1]]*par[parind[,2]]*(exp(-par[3]*(T-t)) + exp(-par[3]*t)))
return( z %*% M %*% z )

matrixfit <- function(cf, t1, t2, symmetrise=TRUE, boot.R=400, boot.l=20, noObs=1,
matrix.size=2, useCov=FALSE) {
##if(symmetrise) {
matrix.size <- 2
Cor <- apply(cf$cf, 2, mean)
Err <- apply(cf$cf, 2, bootstrap.meanerror, R=boot.R, l=boot.l)

t1p1 <- t1+1
t2p1 <- t2+1
N <- length(cf$cf[,1])
Thalfp1 <- cf$T/2+1
t <- c(0:(cf$T/2))
CF=data.frame(t=t, Cor=Cor, Err=Err)
rm(Cor, Err)
ii <- c((t1p1):(t2p1), (t1p1+Thalfp1):(t2p1+Thalfp1), (t1p1+2*Thalfp1):(t2p1+2*Thalfp1), (t1p1+3*Thalfp1):(t2p1+3*Thalfp1))
parind <- array(1, dim=c(length(CF$Cor),2))
parind[(Thalfp1+1):(2*Thalfp1),2] <- 2
parind[(2*Thalfp1+1):(4*Thalfp1),1] <- 2
parind[(3*Thalfp1+1):(4*Thalfp1),2] <- 2
mSize <- length(CF$Cor)/length(t)
if(mSize != matrix.size^2) {
stop("matrix is not a square matrix, but we expect a square matrix!")

M <- diag(1/CF$Err[ii]^2)
CovMatrix <- numeric()
if(useCov) {
## compute correlation matrix and compute the correctly normalised inverse
## see C. Michael hep-lat/9412087
## block data first
ncf <- block.ts(cf$cf, l=boot.l)
## compute covariance matrix and invert
CovMatrix <- cov(ncf[,ii])
cov.svd <- svd(CovMatrix)
if(floor(sqrt(length(cov.svd$d))) < length(cf$cf[,1])) {
cov.svd$d[floor(sqrt(length(cov.svd$d))):length(cov.svd$d)] <- mean(cov.svd$d[floor(sqrt(length(cov.svd$d))):length(cov.svd$d)])
D <- diag(1/cov.svd$d)
M <- floor(N/boot.l)*cov.svd$v %*% D %*% t(cov.svd$u)

par <- numeric(3)
## we get initial guesses for fit parameters from effective masses
par[3] <- -log(CF$Cor[t1p1+1]/CF$Cor[t1p1])
par[1] <- sqrt(CF$Cor[t1p1]/0.5/exp(-par[3]*t1))
par[2] <- sqrt(CF$Cor[(t1p1+3*Thalfp1)]/0.5/exp(-par[3]*t1))

opt.res <- optim(par, matrixChisqr, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=500, parscale=par, REPORT=50),
t=CF$t[ii], y=CF$Cor[ii], M=M, T=cf$T, parind=parind[ii,])
opt.res <- optim(opt.res$par, matrixChisqr, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=500, parscale=opt.res$par, REPORT=50),
t=CF$t[ii], y=CF$Cor[ii], M=M, T=cf$T, parind=parind[ii,])

dof <- (length(CF$t[ii])-length(par))
Qval <- 1-pchisq(opt.res$value, dof)

opt.tsboot <- tsboot(tseries=cf$cf[,ii], statistic=fit.formatrixboot, R=boot.R, l=boot.l, sim="geom",
par=opt.res$par, t=CF$t[ii], M=M, T=cf$T, parind=parind[ii,])

res <- list(CF=CF, M=M, parind=parind, ii=ii, opt.res=opt.res, opt.tsboot=opt.tsboot,
boot.R=boot.R, boot.l=boot.l, useCov=useCov, CovMatrix=CovMatrix,
Qval=Qval, chisqr=opt.res$value, dof=dof, mSize=mSize, cf=cf, t1=t1, t2=t2)
attr(res, "class") <- c("matrixfit", "list")

plot.matrixfit <- function(mfit, ...) {
par <- mfit$opt.res$par
parind <- mfit$parind
T <- mfit$cf$T
Thalfp1 <- T/2+1
plotwitherror(mfit$CF$t, mfit$CF$Cor, mfit$CF$Err, log="y", ...)
tx <- seq(mfit$t1, mfit$t2, 0.005)
for(i in c(1:mfit$mSize)) {
y <- 0.5*par[parind[(i-1)*Thalfp1+1,1]]*par[parind[(i-1)*Thalfp1+1,2]]*(exp(-par[3]*(T-tx)) + exp(-par[3]*tx))
col=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue")
lines(tx, y, col=col[i], lwd=c(3))

summary.matrixfit <- function(mfit) {
cat("\n ** Result **\n\n")
cat("based on", length(mfit$cf$cf[,1]), "measurements\n")
cat("m \t=\t", mfit$opt.res$par[3], "\n")
cat("dm\t=\t", sd(mfit$opt.tsboot$t[,3]), "\n")
cat("P_1 \t=\t", mfit$opt.res$par[1], "\n")
cat("dP_1\t=\t", sd(mfit$opt.tsboot$t[,1]), "\n\n")
cat("P_2 \t=\t", mfit$opt.res$par[2], "\n")
cat("dP_2\t=\t", sd(mfit$opt.tsboot$t[,2]), "\n\n")

cat("boot.R\t=\t", mfit$boot.R, "\n")
cat("boot.l\t=\t", mfit$boot.l, "\n")
cat("useCov\t=\t", mfit$useCov, "\n")
cat("chisqr\t=\t", mfit$opt.res$value, "\ndof\t=\t", mfit$dof, "\nchisqr/dof=\t",
mfit$opt.res$value/mfit$dof, "\n")
## probability to find a larger chi^2 value
## if the data is generated again with the same statistics
## given the model is correct
cat("Quality of the fit (p-value):", mfit$Qval, "\n")


fit.formatrixboot <- function(cf, par, t, M, T, parind) {
opt.res <- optim(par, matrixChisqr, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=500, parscale=par, REPORT=50),
t=t, y=apply(cf,2,mean), M=M, T=T, parind=parind)
opt.res <- optim(opt.res$par, matrixChisqr, method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=500, parscale=opt.res$par, REPORT=50),
t=t, y=apply(cf,2,mean), M=M, T=T, parind=parind)
return(c(opt.res$par, opt.res$value))
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions R/readutils.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
readcmicor <- function(filename) {
data <- read.table(filename, header=F,
attr(data, "class") <- c("cmicor", "data.frame")
Expand All @@ -24,14 +24,16 @@ readcmidatafiles <- function(path="./", basename="onlinemeas", skip=1,
if(verbose) {
cat("Reading from file", ofiles[i], "\n")
cmicor <- rbind(cmicor, read.table(paste(path, ofiles[i], sep=""), skip=skip))
cmicor <- rbind(cmicor, read.table(paste(path, ofiles[i], sep=""), skip=skip, header=F,
colClasses=c("integer", "integer","integer","numeric","numeric")))
j <- j+1
attr(cmicor, "class") <- c("cmicor", "data.frame")

extract.obs <- function(cmicor, vec.obs=c(1), ind.vec=c(1,2,3,4,5), sym.vec, verbose=FALSE) {
extract.obs <- function(cmicor, vec.obs=c(1), ind.vec=c(1,2,3,4,5),
sym.vec, sign.vec, verbose=FALSE) {
if(missing(cmicor)) {
stop("data missing in extract.obs\n")
Expand All @@ -54,25 +56,36 @@ extract.obs <- function(cmicor, vec.obs=c(1), ind.vec=c(1,2,3,4,5), sym.vec, ver
data[(data[,ind.vec[3]]!=0 & (data[,ind.vec[3]]!=(Thalf-1))),ind.vec[c(4,5)]]/2
## symmetrise or anti-symmetrise for given observable?
isym.vec <- rep(+1, times= nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes)
isign.vec <- rep(+1, times= nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes)
if(!missing(sym.vec)) {
if(length(sym.vec) != nrObs) {
stop("sym.vec was given, but had not the correct length")
for(i in c(1:nrObs)) {
if(!sym.vec) {
if(!sym.vec[i]) {
isym.vec[((i-1)*Thalf*nrStypes+1):((i)*Thalf*nrStypes)] <- -1
cf <- array((data[,ind.vec[4]] + isym.vec*data[,ind.vec[5]]),
dim=c(nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes, length(data[,1])/(nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes)))
if(!missing(sign.vec)) {
if(length(sign.vec) != nrObs) {
stop("sign.vec was given, but does not have the correct length")
for(i in c(1:nrObs)) {
if(sign.vec[i] < 0) {
isign.vec[((i-1)*Thalf*nrStypes+1):((i)*Thalf*nrStypes)] <- -1
cf <- t(array(isign.vec*(data[,ind.vec[4]] + isym.vec*data[,ind.vec[5]]),
dim=c(nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes, length(data[,1])/(nrObs*Thalf*nrStypes))))

return(invisible(list(cf=cf, Time=Time, nrStypes=nrStypes, nrObs=nrObs)))

readhlcor <- function(filename) {
return(invisible(read.table(filename, header=F,
colClasse=c("integer", "integer","integer","integer","numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric","integer"))))
colClasses=c("integer", "integer","integer","integer","numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric","integer"))))

readoutputdata <- function(filename) {
Expand Down
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions man/matrixfit.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
\title{Routine For A Factorising Matrix Fit}
Performs a factorising fit on a correlation matrix
matrixfit(cf, boot.l=2, t1=13, t2=22, useCov=TRUE)
correlation matrix obtained with a call to \code{extrac.obs}.
lower bound for the fitrange in time (t1,t2). Counting starts with 0.
upper bound for the fitrange in time (t1,t2). Counting starts with 0.
Symmetrise the matrix, not implemented yet.
number of bootstrap samples
block size for autocorrelation analysis
number of gamma matrix combinations in the matrix. Currently only 1
is implemented
matrix size, currently only 2 implemented
use correlated chisquare

The inverse covariance matrix is computed using a singular value
decomposition. If the sample size N is too small, only sqrt(N)
eigenvalues of the matrix are kept exactly, while all others are
replaced by the mean of the rest. This helps to reduce instabilities
induced by too small eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.
C. Michael, \href{hep-lat/9412087}{hep-lat/9412087}

\dontrun{readcmidatafiles(basename="outpr", verbose=TRUE, skip=1,
\dontrun{cf <- extract.obs(cmicor, verbose=T, vec.obs=c(1))}
\dontrun{x <- matrixfit(cf, boot.l=2, t1=13, t2=22, useCov=TRUE)}
\author{Carsten Urbach, \email{}}

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