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federation 4.4 Identity Federation Architectural Analysis

Steve Jones edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 1 revision


Support login to the console using Globus Auth OpenID Connect (oidc)


  • Status: Step #1, initial draft

Related Features

Features in the 5.0 release that are relevant for this feature.


Identity, Permissions, Resources and Credentials

Federated users do not have the unique identifier or metadata that regular IAM users are associated with. To identify a federated user the ARN can be used. The permissions for a federated user are determined from a base role or user plus any further restrictions from policies supplied at credential creation time.

The resourcesaccessible to a federated user are those in the account that the user belongs to. The permissions for the user can further restrict the accessible resources.

If a federated user is permitted to create additional users and associated policies/credentials then they can access all resources in the account including those created by other federated users. If federated users have full account access then they could remove any account configuration related to web identity federation (for example)

AWS OpenID Connect Support

AWS supports accessing role credentials for an oidc identity using the following steps:

  1. Configure an application with the oidc provider
  2. In IAM create an oidc provider
  3. In IAM create a role to be assumed
  4. In IAM configure the policy for the role

A user can then access AWS by:

  1. Getting token from the oidc provider for the application
  2. In STS calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
  3. Accessing a permitted AWS service using the obtained credentials

During policy evaluation AWS support additional IAM condtion keys related to oidc principals.

AWS Console Federated Login Support

The AWS console supports a federation endpoint:

which allows the actions:

  • login

The sign in token action exchanges temporary security credentials for a token.

The login action performs the login and accepts additional parameters to specify the destination page (page shown when logged in) and to specify the URL to redirect the user to on credential expiration.

Account Provisioning

Accounts in the cloud would need to be either created in advance or on first use.

Globus Auth Authorization

Web applications can be configured to allow login via Globus Auth. An application would be registered and would receive credentials to use for interactions.

The OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect specification are followed to perform authorization and subsequently access identity information sufficient for use with the AWS STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action.

Identity Mapping

Identities must be mapped between oidc / globus identity and a cloud account (or more accurately a role ARN)

Configuration of OpenID Connect identity providers would either be performed per target account or globus auth would be added as a recognized provider for the cloud (as are some providers with aws/iam)

The target account would be identified to the STS service by the role ARN specified in the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request.

No Mapping

In this case there is no identity mapping, all oidc identities map to a single account. Using a single account means resources of one identity could be visible to other identities, quotas could not be used to control resource usage by identities, etc.

Contextual Mapping

The account information is provided to the console, possibly by the user entering an account number when logging in.

Console Mapping

The console stores mappings between oidc identities and accounts. Mappings would be configured as part of account provisioning.

Globus Mapping

The account or role arn is included in information from globus.

Account Alias Mapping

The account alias is configured to match some information from globus, allowing the console to construct the appropriate role ARN. This requires use of non-standard role arns.

Region Federation

Existing console region federation support would allow access to multiple regions.

Service APIs

The following summarizes the API actions we would need to support:

Service Action Comments
IAM AddClientIdToOpenIDConnectProvider
IAM CreateOpenIDConnectProvider
IAM DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider
IAM GetOpenIDConnectProvider
IAM ListOpenIDConnectProviders
IAM RemoveClientIDFromOpenIdConnectProvider
IAM UpdateOpenIDConnectProviderThumbprint
STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity Except Policy and ProviderId request parameters

Use Cases

Admin Use Cases

Initial Setup

An administrator configures external systems (globus) for use with eucalyptus, e.g.

  • OAuth 2.0 client registration - for client identifier and confidential client credentials

Account Setup

An administrator creates an account and configures it for federated use, e.g:

  • Create an account
  • Create an identity provider in the account
  • Create a role in the count for use with the identity provider / registered client

Account Teardown

An administrator removes an account, e.g.

  • Delete role and identity provider
  • Terminate / delete any resources in use
  • Delete the account

User Use Cases

Use Account via Console

A federated identity accesses an account, e.g.

  • Logs in to console using federated identity / credentials

Use Account via Portal

A federated identity accesses cloud via portal, e.g.

  • User authenticated (\w globus) on third-party site accesses link to console
  • Console transparently authorizes user and goes to post-login screen

Assumptions and Questions

Assumptions and open questions around requirements for the feature.


  • we do not need to support additional policy when assuming role

Open questions:

  • What are requirements for "portal" use case?
  • API access requirements for federated users
  • Mapping between globus and eucalyptus identities
  • Are resource usage restrictions required? (e.g. quotas), per-user restrictions will not work for federated users



An external client, accessing the console using a web identity.


The console, allowing login using a web identity.

OpenID Connect Provider

An external identity provider.


The TokensService , allowing a role to be assumed using a web identity.


The EuareService providing metadata for OIDC providers.


A service allowing access using temporary credentials such as a role assumed via a web identity.


STS Assume Role

An unauthenticated client passes an OpenID Connect ID token to assume a role. The TokensService performs discovery for the OpenID Connect provider using provider metadata from IAM for trust. The discovered provider metadata is used to verify the OpenID Connect ID token and the roles policy is used for authorization. If other checks (e.g. expiry) pass then credentials are returned to the client.

EC2 Service Use

Temporary credentials from an assumed role are used to access the ComputeService. STS authenticates the temporary credentials and IAM provides the policy for the client to be authorized.


JSON Web KeyA signing key obtained via OpenID Connect discovery used to verify a signed JSON Web Token such as an OpenID Connect id token.

OpenID Connect ID TokenA JSON Web Token instance suitable for assuming a role via STS.

OpenID Connect Provider

Persistent metadata for an OIDC provider created in IAM for an account.

Identifies a third-party provider and has properties defining trust for discovery (thumbprint) and assuming roles (client ids)


Sprint 1

Functionality target for sprint 1 is:

  • IAM functionality implemented for managed of OpenID Connect providers
  • Proof of concept implementation of STS assume role with web identity
  • Proof of concept implementation of console log in with globus

Sprint X

Functionality with no current target is:

  • STS assume role with web identity full implementation
  • Console log in with globus complete
  • Console log in with globus portal use case
  • Multiple region support (region federation)
  • Support for federation specific IAM policy keys (outside of STS)
  • Euca2ools support for new IAM actions


Areas currently identified as risks:

  • Mapping of identities between globus and eucalyptus
  • Possible requirement of global provider configuration (so not per-account which we will initially support)


tag:confluence tag:rls-4.4 tag:federation

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