CALCAM ERROR REPORT =================== This file was generated by Calcam to help report/debug an unhandled exception. To report the error, please go to: and open an issue describing when the error happened, and attach this file. DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION ---------------------- Platform: win32 Python version: 3.5.2 |Enthought, Inc. (x86_64)| (default, Mar 2 2017, 16:37:47) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] Calcam version: 2.2.3 VTK version: 8.1.2 OpenCV version: 4.0.0 PyQt version: 5.11.2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "f:\python\calcam\calcam\gui\", line 340, in button.clicked.connect(lambda : self.browse_for_file(option['filter'],fname)) KeyError: 'filter'