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patrickheeney committed Nov 4, 2015
1 parent 20d3b97 commit 3afa51b
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 1 deletion.
54 changes: 53 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1,3 +1,55 @@
# Metalsmith Base
A base starter for metalsmith project

A metalsmith base starter kit used at []( Some features:

- [Metalsmith](
- [Gulp](
- [Bootstrap 4](
- [jQuery](
- [Babel / ES6](
- [Development Server](
- [Static Site, Blog, Robots, Sitemap](
- [MIT license](

## Install

mkdir newproject
git clone newproject
cd newproject
npm install
## Develop

This command will fully build a development version of the site, start the gulp watchers, and setup a development server. The command output will list the server address to open in your browser.

npm run start

## Build

This command will build a production version of the site and sync it with a git repository, ready to be comitted.

To link the build process to your repository, you can do of the following options:

1. Create a repo dotfile: `echo "" > .buildrepo`
1. Edit `package.json` script section: `"build": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp --production --build && ./"`

After the repository is setup, simply run:

npm run build

## Commands

1. `npm run dev` - Run a development build
1. `npm run start` - Run a development build, start the development server and watchers
1. `npm run debug` - Run a development build in debug mode
1. `npm run production` - Run a production build, compiles assets and minifies
1. `npm run build` - Run a production build and sync with git
1. `npm run watch` - Start the gulp watchers
1. `npm run vendor` - Copies over any vendor files from node_modules to metalsmith assets

All commands can be run directly with: `./node_modules/.bin/gulp`

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