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Setup a new Rails project using Docker and Compose


  • Be able to setup and run a new Rails project, without having the Ruby and Rails versions installed locally.
  • Have an easy development setup that could be run in any machine.
  • (?) Easy production deployment.

Easy mode

  • Clone this repo on your "projects" folder.

    • cd ~/projects && git clone
  • Create a new folder for your new Rails project, with the content on the banana folder. Let's pretend the name of your project is my-new-orange-project.

    • cp -R setup-docker-rails/banana my-new-orange-project.
  • Enter the new folder, and find and replace every banana string on the files by your project's name.

    • cd my-new-orange-project;
    • find . -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/banana/my-new-orange-project/g;s/BANANA/MY_NEW_ORANGE_PROJECT/g' {} +.
  • Build the container image, and create a new Rails project from inside it.

    • docker-compose run rails rails new . --database=postgresql --webpacker --webpack=react --skip-git --force.
  • Replace your config/database.yml with one that will reach into the Postgres container.

    • mv fixed-database.yml config/database.yml.
  • Replace your config/webpacker.yml with one that will reach into the Webpack container.

    • mv fixed-webpacker.yml config/webpacker.yml
  • Rebuild the image with the new dependencies added by rails new.

    • docker-compose build.
  • Run the project. You should see the usual Yay! You’re on Rails! page.

    • docker-compose up.
  • This is a good moment to make your initial commit. And send it to a remote repository.

    • git init;
    • git commit -m "Initial commit";
    • git add remote origin;
    • git push origin master.
  • Later on, you may want to add Ruby or JS dependencies. You should not need to rebuild the container image to do so, in development.

    • Just docker-compose run rails bundle add devise, and docker-compose run rails yarn add jquery;
    • Or docker-compose run rails bundle install, and docker-compose run rails yarn install, as needed.
  • Similarly, you may want to run some migrations.

    • Just docker-compose run rails rails db:migrate or docker-compose run rails rails db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed, etc.
  • You can also already remove the clone of this repository.

    • rm -Rf ../setup-docker-rails
  • To be able to interact with binding.pry, attach a interactive session to the running Rails server.

    • bin/pry does just that.
    • Consider also changing config/puma.rb to just 1 thread on development.


For debugging, and studying.


  • Write a Dockerfile that will install Ruby, and the basic Rails dependencies inside the container.
  • Set up a volume that will permit changes to the code made inside the container to reflect on our local folder.
  • Run rails new inside the container, writing the Rails scaffold to our local folder.
  • Fix the database connection generated by rails new, to be able to reach into the Postgres container that will be run alongside.
  • Fix the webpacker configuration, to reach into the Webpack container that will be run alongside.
  • Rebuild the container image to actually build the Rails dependencies into the container.
  • Rerun the container to actually run the application.


  • Create a .gitignore and an identical .dockerignore, just by inputting Rails on

  • Write a minimal Gemfile, it will be overwritten by rails new later:

    source ''
    ruby '2.6.5'
    gem 'rails', '~> 6.0.2'
  • Create an empty Gemfile.lock.

  • Create a minimal package.json, it will be overwritten by rails new later.

      "name": "my-new-orange-project"
  • Create an empty yarn.lock.

  • Create a minimal Dockerfile:

    FROM ruby:2.6.5-alpine3.10
    # Minimal requirements to run a Rails app
    RUN apk add --no-cache --update \
      build-base \
      linux-headers \
      git \
      postgresql-dev \
      nodejs \
      tzdata \
      yarn \
    RUN mkdir /home/my-new-orange-project
    WORKDIR /home/my-new-orange-project
    COPY ./Gemfile ./Gemfile.lock ./
    RUN bundle install --jobs 3 --retry 3
    COPY ./package.json ./yarn.lock ./
    RUN yarn install && yarn cache clean
    COPY . .
  • Create the docker-compose.yml:

    version: '3'
        image: postgres:12.1-alpine
          - "5432"
          - database_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        build: .
        command: bash -c "rm ./tmp/pids/ ; rails db:prepare ; rails s -p 3000 -b ''"
          - .:/home/banana
          - node_modules:/home/banana/node_modules
          - packs:/home/banana/public/packs
          - "3000:3000"
          - "3000"
          - postgres
          - webpack
        tty: true
        stdin_open: true
        build: .
        command: bash -c "yarn install ; bin/webpack-dev-server"
        command: bin/webpack-dev-server
          - .:/home/banana
          - node_modules:/home/banana/node_modules
          - packs:/home/banana/public/packs
          - "3035:3035"
          - "3035"
  • Run docker-compose run rails rails new . --database=postgresql --webpacker --webpack=react --skip-git --force

    • This shall build the container image using our Dockerfile, and run rails new inside it. But as we setted up a volume inside our docker-compose.yml, we shall get the Rails scaffold put into our local folder.
  • Run docker-compose up to run the app. Access localhost:3000 on your browser. You should see an error about not being able to connect to the database.

  • Modify the config/database.yml created by rails new. Change it to match the configurations below.

    • Pay attention that the test key will change from inheriting from default to inherit from development.
    • The most important lines are the configuration of username, password and host of the development server.
    development: &development
      <<: *default
      database: banana_development
      username: postgres
      host: postgres
      <<: *development
      database: banana_test
  • Run the migrations, to create the database docker-compose run rails rails db:prepare. We have a volume configured for the postgres container, so the data will be stored between executions.

  • Run the application again, docker-compose up. Yay! You’re on Rails!

  • As you develop on it, you will see that the JS/CSS assets are being provided by the Rails application running Webpacker on-the-fly. We should provide the assets using our Webpack container. Change the config/webpacker.yml to match the following:

    • The most important line is the configuration of host of the development server.
      <<: *default
        https: false
        host: webpack
        port: 3035
        public: localhost:3035
  • Later on, you can execute other things using the dependencies inside the container by running docker-compose run rails ...

    • Eg. docker-compose run rails yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js
