diff --git a/assets/nsis/Bin/LibraryLocal.exe b/assets/nsis/Bin/LibraryLocal.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d930cf0 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Bin/LibraryLocal.exe differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Bin/RegTool.bin b/assets/nsis/Bin/RegTool.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea06d34 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Bin/RegTool.bin differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Bin/makensis.exe b/assets/nsis/Bin/makensis.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba1bbea Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Bin/makensis.exe differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Bin/zlib1.dll b/assets/nsis/Bin/zlib1.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afe71c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Bin/zlib1.dll differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/COPYING b/assets/nsis/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bcbd10 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +COPYRIGHT +--------- + +Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Contributors + +More detailed copyright information can be found in the individual source code files. + +APPLICABLE LICENSES +------------------- + +* All NSIS source code, plug-ins, documentation, examples, header files and graphics, with the exception of the compression modules and where otherwise noted, are licensed under the zlib/libpng license. + +* The zlib compression module for NSIS is licensed under the zlib/libpng license. + +* The bzip2 compression module for NSIS is licensed under the bzip2 license. + +* The LZMA compression module for NSIS is licensed under the Common Public License version 1.0. + +ZLIB/LIBPNG LICENSE +------------------- + +This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. + +Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. + + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. + + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. + +BZIP2 LICENSE +------------- + +This program, "bzip2" and associated library "libbzip2", are copyright (C) 1996-2000 Julian R Seward. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. + + 3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. + + 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +Julian Seward, Cambridge, UK. + +jseward@acm.org + +COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 1.0 +--------------------------------- + +THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. + +1. DEFINITIONS + +"Contribution" means: + + a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and + b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: + + i) changes to the Program, and + + ii) additions to the Program; + + where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program. + +"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program. + +"Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program. + +"Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this Agreement. + +"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors. + +2. GRANT OF RIGHTS + + a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form. + + b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder. + + c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the Program. + + d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license set forth in this Agreement. + +3. REQUIREMENTS + +A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that: + + a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and + + b) its license agreement: + + i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; + + ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits; + + iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and + + iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange. + +When the Program is made available in source code form: + + a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and + + b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program. + +Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained within the Program. + +Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution. + +4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION + +Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own expense. + +For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor must pay those damages. + +5. NO WARRANTY + +EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. + +6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY + +EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + +7. GENERAL + +If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable. + +If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that Contributor to such Recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. In addition, if Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. + +All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive. + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. IBM is the initial Agreement Steward. IBM may assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved. + +This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation. + +SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR LZMA COMPRESSION MODULE +--------------------------------------------- + +Igor Pavlov and Amir Szekely, the authors of the LZMA compression module for NSIS, expressly permit you to statically or dynamically link your code (or bind by name) to the files from the LZMA compression module for NSIS without subjecting your linked code to the terms of the Common Public license version 1.0. Any modifications or additions to files from the LZMA compression module for NSIS, however, are subject to the terms of the Common Public License version 1.0. diff --git a/assets/nsis/Docs/MultiUser/Readme.html b/assets/nsis/Docs/MultiUser/Readme.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..493ca30 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Docs/MultiUser/Readme.html @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ + + + + Multi-User Header File (MultiUser.nsh) + + + + +

+ Multi-User Header File (MultiUser.nsh)


+ Installer configuration for multi-user Windows environments


+ Table of Contents

+ +

+ Introduction


+ Modern Windows versions support multiple users accounts on a single computer, each + with different privileges. For security reasons, the privileges of applications + can also be limited. For an installer, the execution level and installation + mode are important. The execution level determines the privileges of the + installer application. For example, to install hardware drivers, administrator privileges + are required. Applications can also be installed for a single user or for all users + on a computer, which is determined by the installation mode. Installation for all + users requires a higher execution level as compared with a single user setup. The + MultiUser.nsh header files provides the features to automatically handle all these + aspects related to user accounts and installer privileges.


+ Note that all settings need to be set before including the MultiUser.nsh header + file.


+ Initialization and Execution Level 


+ Before the MultiUser.nsh file is included, the MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL define should + be set to one of the following values depending on the execution level that is required:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Value + + Description + + Typical application +
+ Admin + + Administrator privileges are required + + Access data of all users accounts +
+ Power + + Power User privileges are required
+ (Power Users no longer exist in Windows Vista. For Vista this is equivalent to Admin) +
+ Installation for all users (writing to "Program Files" or HKLM registry + keys), driver installation +
+ Highest + + Request the highest possible execution level for the current user + + Mixed-mode installer that can both be installed per-machine or per-user +
+ Standard + + No special rights required + + Installation for current user only +

+ Insert the MULTIUSER_INIT and MULTIUSER_UNINT macros in the .onInit and un.onInit + function to verify these privileges. If no uninstaller is created in the script, + set MULTIUSER_NOUNINSTALL.

+;!define MULTIUSER_NOUNINSTALL ;Uncomment if no uninstaller is created
+!include MultiUser.nsh
+Function .onInit
+  !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT
+Function un.onInit
+  !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT

+ Whether the required privileges can be obtained depends on the user that starts + the installer:

+ +

+ It is recommended to insert these initialization macros before macros that require + user intervention. For example, it does not make sense to ask a user for an installer + language if the installer will quit afterwards because the user account does not + have the required privileges. After the macros are inserted, the variable $MultiUser.Privileges + will contain the current execution level (Admin, Power, User or Guest).


+ The following additional settings are available to customize the initialization:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Setting + Description +
+ MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED + + Error message to be displayed when administrator rights are required but not available. +
+ MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED + + Error message to be displayed when Power User rights are required but not available. +
+ MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE + + Error message to be displayed when administrator or Power User rights are required + because of an installation mode setting on the command line (see below) but are + not available. +
+ A custom function to be called when the installer is closed due to insufficient + privileges. +

+ Installation Mode


+ As mentioned before, applications can both be installed for a single users or for + all users on a computer. Applications for all users are typically installed in the + Program Files folder and appear in the Start Menu of every user. On the contrary, + applications for a single user are usually installed in the local Application Data + folder and only a appear in the Start Menu of the user who installed the application.


+ By default, MultiUser.nsh will set the installation mode for a per-machine installation + if Administrator or Power User rights are available (this is always the case if + the execution level is set to Admin or Power, if Highest is set it depends on the + user account). For the Standard execution level the installation will always be + for a single user. On Windows 95/98/Me installation for a single user is not possible.


+ The following settings are available to change the default installation mode: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Setting + + Description +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_CURRENTUSER + + Set default to a per-user installation, even if the rights for a per-machine installation + are available. +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + + Non-empty registry key that is created during the installation in either HKCU or + HKLM. The default installation mode will automatically be set to the previously + selected mode depending on the location of the key. +

+ After initialization, the variable $MultiUser.InstallMode will contain the current + installation mode (AllUsers or CurrentUser). +


+ Mixed-Mode Installation


+ For the Admin and Power levels, both a per-machine as well as a per-user installation + is possible. If the Highest level is set and the user is an Administrator or Power + User, both options are also available.


+ Usually it's a good thing to give the user to choice between these options. For + users of the Modern UI version 2, a page is provided that asks the user for the + installation mode. To use this page, define MULTIUSER_MUI before including User.nsh. + Then, the MULTIUSER_PAGE_INSTALLMODE macro can be used just like a normal Modern + UI page (this page will automatically be skipped when running Windows 95/98/Me):

+!include MultiUser.nsh
+!include MUI2.nsh
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES 
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE English
+Function .onInit
+  !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT
+Function un.onInit
+  !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT

+ The MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE setting that also appears in this example + enables the installation mode to be set using the /AllUsers or /CurrentUser command + line parameters. This is especially useful for silent setup.


+ The following settings can be used to customize the texts on the page (in addition + to the general Modern UI page settings):

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Setting + + Description +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_TOP + + Text to display on the top of the page. +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_ALLUSERS + + Text to display on the combo button for a per-machine installation. +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_CURRENTUSER + + Text to display on the combo button for a per-user installation. +

+ Installation Mode Initalization


+ The SetShellVarContext flag (which determines the folders for e.g. shortcuts, like + $DESKTOP) is automatically set depending on the installation mode. In addition, + the following settings can be used to perform additional actions when the installation + mode is initialized:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Setting + + Description +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR + + Name of the folder in which to install the application, without a path. This folder + will be located in Program Files for a per-machine installation and in the local + Application Data folder for a per-user installation (if supported). +
+ MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + + Registry key from which to obtain a previously stored installation folder. It will + be retrieved from HKCU for per-user and HKLM for per-machine. +
+ A custom fuction to be called during the initialization of the installation mode + to set additional installer settings that depend on the mode +

+ To set the installation mode manually, call one of these four functions:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Function name + + Installation mode +
+ MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + + Installer: Per-machine installation +
+ MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + + Installer: Per-user installation +
+ un.MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + Uninstaller: Per-machine installation +
+ un.MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + Uninstaller: Per-user installation +
+ + diff --git a/assets/nsis/Docs/StrFunc/StrFunc.txt b/assets/nsis/Docs/StrFunc/StrFunc.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400f383 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Docs/StrFunc/StrFunc.txt @@ -0,0 +1,707 @@ +String Functions Header File Readme +----------------------------------- + +String Functions Header File contains a set of good string manipulation +functions in a much simpler way to include and call in NSIS scripts. + +How to use +---------- + + Basic Syntax + ------------ + + Parameters are specified in this format: + required (required) (option1 | option2) [optional or add. options] + [option1 | option2] + + The stars in command titles (*****) are the function usefulness in my + opinion. The more starts, the more useful it is. 5 stars (*****) is the + most useful. + + Any time when is mentioned "Default is" means that you can use the value + mentioned or keep it blank, the result is the same. + + If you want a certain value (e.g. a text) to be language-specific, set a + language string (using LangString) and define $(STRINGNAME) as value. + + If you want to add ` to a string, you should always escape it using $\` + because the header file macro functions use ` to separate parameters. + + 1. Include Header file + ---------------------- + + !include "StrFunc.nsh" + + StrFunc.nsh has to be inside Include directory, so you don't have to + specify a path. + + You have to put this command before any command used in this header file. + + 2. Defines + ---------- + + This header file contains defines that automate the life of some who + fear a lot of changes sometimes imposed in this header file, or who have + applications that put it to work at maximum capacity. Before you try + these, take a look at the information below: + + - Every item on a define value is separated by a "|", and every subitem + (items in an item) is separated by " ". + + - Use ${StrTok} $var "${DefineName}" "|" "$counter" "0" to get every + item inside the define. For subitems, use ${StrTok} $var2 "$var" " " + "$counter2" "0" after getting the value for a desired item. + + - ${StrFunc_List} is automatically made by the header file. The rest + is manually added to the header. + + 2.1 Defines List: + ----------------- + + StrFunc_List - Lists all function names currently available on StrFunc + header file. + + *_List - Lists all parameter names currently available for "*" + function. (* = function name - i.e. StrTok_List). + + *_TypeList - Lists the types of all parameters on "*" function. + (* = function name - i.e. StrTok_List). Possible types + for each parameter: + + - Output - Needs a variable to output a function result. + + - Text - Needs text or number to be input. + + - Mixed - Needs text, number or option to be inputed. + Each subitem following the "Mixed" word is an + option. The first option is ever the default + one. Two following spaces " " means that + that subitem is empty. + + - Option - Needs an option to be inputed. Each subitem + following the "Option" word is an option. + The first option is ever the default one. Two + following spaces " " means that that subitem + is empty. + + 3. Commands + ----------- + + Some commands have special specifications to work. Consult command's + documentation on "3.3 Commands" section. + + 3.1 How To Use Commands In Install Sections and Functions + --------------------------------------------------------- + + Every command used in install sections and functions have to be called + first before and out of any sections and functions, and without + parameters. + + Example: + -------- + + ${StrStr} + + 3.2 How To Use Commands In Uninstall Sections and Functions + ----------------------------------------------------------- + + Commands with Uninstall Sections and Functions support have "Un" before + the words inside curly brackets "{}". + + Example: + -------- + + ${UnStrStr} + + A complete example with both Install and Uninstall Commands: + ------------------------------------------------------------ + + + !include "StrFunc.nsh" + + ${StrStr} # Supportable for Install Sections and Functions + + ${UnStrStr} # Supportable for Uninstall Sections and Functions + + Section + + ${StrStr} $0 "OK! Now what?" "wh" + + SectionEnd + + Section Uninstall + + ${UnStrStr} $0 "OK! Now what?" "wh" + + SectionEnd + + 3.3 Commands + ------------ + + ========================================================================= + ** ${StrCase} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String Type(|L|U|T|S|<>) + ========================================================================= + Converts "String" to "Type" Case. Uses LogicLib. + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String to convert to "Type" case. + + Type + Type of string case to convert to: + + - "" = Original Case (same as "String") + - L = Lower Case (this is just an example. a very simple one.) + - U = Upper Case (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. A VERY SIMPLE ONE.) + - T = Title Case (This Is Just An Example. A Very Simple One.) + - S = Sentence Case (This is just an example. A very simple one.) + - <> = Switch Case (This is just an example. A very simple one.) + + Default value is "" (Original Case). + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" in "Type" case. + + Example: + + ${StrCase} $0 '"Você" is "You" in English.' "U" + [__(_)__()___()__()__(____)_] + + $0 = '"VOCÊ" IS "YOU" IN ENGLISH.' + + ========================================================================= + * ${StrClb} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String Action(|>|<|<>) + ========================================================================= + Makes an action with the clipboard depending on value of parameter + "Action". Uses LogicLib. + + Parameters: + + String + If "Action" = ">" or "<>" - String to put on the clipboard. + + Action + Can be one of the following values: + + - "" = Cleans the clipboard. + - ">" = Set string to clipboard. + - "<" = Get string from clipboard. + - "<>" = Swap string with clipboard's. + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + If "Action" = "<" or "<>" - String found on the clipboard. + + ========================================================================= + *** ${StrIOToNSIS} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String + ========================================================================= + Convert "String" from Install Options plugin to be supported by NSIS. + Escape, back-slash, carriage return, line feed and tab characters are + converted. + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String to convert to be supportable for NSIS. + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" supportable for NSIS. + + Example: + + ${StrIOToNSIS} $0 "\r\n\t\\This is just an example\\" + [()()()()_______________________()] + + $0 = "$\r$\n$\t\This is just an example\" + + ========================================================================= + * ${StrLoc} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String StrToSearchFor CounterDirection(>|<) + ========================================================================= + Searches for "StrToSearchFor" in "String" and returns its location, + according to "CounterDirection". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search "StrToSearchFor". + + StrToSearchFor + String to search in "String". + + CounterDirection(>|<) + Direction where the counter increases to. Default is ">". + (> = increases from left to right, < = increases from right to left) + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + Where "StrToSearchFor" is, according to "OffsetDirection". + + Example: + + ${StrLoc} $0 "This is just an example" "just" "<" + (__)<<<<<<<<<<< + + $0 = "11" + + ========================================================================= + *** ${StrNSISToIO} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String + ========================================================================= + Converts "String" from NSIS to be supported by Install Options plugin. + Escape, back-slash, carriage return, line feed and tab characters are + converted. + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String to convert to be supportable for Install Options plugin. + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" supportable for Install Options plugin. + + Example: + + ${StrNSISToIO} $0 "$\r$\n$\t\This is just an example\" + [(_)(_)(_)^_______________________^] + + $0 = "\r\n\t\\This is just an example\\" + + ========================================================================= + ***** ${StrRep} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String StrToReplace ReplacementString + ========================================================================= + Searches for all "StrToReplace" in "String" replacing those with + "ReplacementString". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search "StrToReplace". + + StrToReplaceFor + String to search in "String". + + StringToBeReplacedWith + String to replace "StringToReplace" when it is found in "String". + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" with all occurrences of "StringToReplace" replaced with + "ReplacementString". + + Example: + + ${StrRep} $0 "This is just an example" "an" "one" + [____________()_______] + + $0 = "This is just one example" + + ========================================================================= + *** ${StrSort} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String LeftStr CenterStr RightStr IncludeLeftStr(1|0) + IncludeCenterStr(1|0) IncludeRightStr(1|0) + ========================================================================= + Searches for "CenterStr" in "String", and returns only the value + between "LeftStr" and "RightStr", including or not the "CenterStr" using + "IncludeCenterStr" and/or the "LeftStr" using "IncludeLeftStr" and + "RightStr" using "IncludeRightStr". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search "CenterStr". + + LeftStr + The first occurrence of "LeftStr" on the left of "CenterStr". + If it is an empty value, or was not found, will return + everything on the left of "CenterStr". + + CenterStr + String to search in "String". + + RightStr + The first occurrence of "RightStr" on the right of "CenterStr". + If it is an empty value, or was not found, will return + everything on the right of "CenterStr". + + IncludeLeftStr(1|0) + Include or not the "LeftStr" in the result value. Default is 1 + (True). (1 = True, 0 = False) + + IncludeCenterStr(1|0) + Include or not the "CenterStr" in the result value. Default is 1 + (True). (1 = True, 0 = False) + + IncludeRightStr(1|0) + Include or not the "RightStr" in the result value. Default is 1 + (True). (1 = True, 0 = False) + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + String between "LeftStr" and "RightStr" of a found "CenterStr" + including or not the "LeftStr" and "RightStr" if + "IncludeLeftRightStr" is 1 and/or the "CenterStr" if + "IncludeCenterStr" is 1. + + Example: + + ${StrSort} $0 "This is just an example" " just" "" "ple" "0" "0" "0" + [_______(___)_______]( ) + C R + + $0 = "This is an exam" + + ========================================================================= + ***** ${StrStr} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String StrToSearchFor + ========================================================================= + Searches for "StrToSearchFor" in "String". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search "StrToSearchFor". + + StrToSearchFor + String to search in "String". + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "StrToSearchFor" + the string after where "StrToSearchFor" was found in + "String". + + Example: + + ${StrStr} $0 "This is just an example" "just" + >>>>>>>>>{_)____________] + + $0 = "just an example" + + ========================================================================= + ***** ${StrStrAdv} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String StrToSearchFor SearchDirection(>|<) + ResultStrDirection(>|<) DisplayStrToSearch(1|0) Loops CaseSensitive(0|1) + ========================================================================= + Searches for "StrToSearchFor" in "String" in the direction specified by + "SearchDirection" and looping "Loops" times. + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search "StrToSearchFor". + + StrToSearchFor + String to search in "String". + + SearchDirection (>|<) + Where do you want to direct the search. Default is ">" (to right). + (< = To left, > = To right) + + ResultStrDirection (>|<) + Where the result string will be based on in relation of + "StrToSearchFor" + position. Default is ">" (to right). (< = To left, > = To right) + + DisplayStrToSearch (1|0) + Display "StrToSearchFor" in the result. Default is "1" (True). + (1 = True, 0 = False) + + Loops + Number of times the code will search "StrToSearchFor" in "String" not + including the original execution. Default is "0" (1 code execution). + + CaseSensitive(0|1) + If "1" the search will be case-sensitive (differentiates between cases). + If "0" it is case-insensitive (does not differentiate between cases). + Default is "0" (Case-Insensitive). + + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "StrToSearchFor" if "DisplayStrToSearch" is 1 + the result string after + or before "StrToSearchFor", depending on "ResultStrDirection". + + Result with Errors: + + When "StrToSearchFor" was not found, will return an empty string. + + When you put nothing in "StrToSearchFor", will return "String" and set + error flag. + + When you put nothing in "String", will return an empty string and set + error flag. + + Example: + + ${StrStrAdv} $0 "This IS really just an example" "IS " ">" ">" "0" "0" "1" + >>>>>( )[____________________] + + + $0 = "really just an example" + + ========================================================================= + **** ${StrTok} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String Separators ResultPart[L] SkipEmptyParts(1|0) + ========================================================================= + Returns the part "ResultPart" between two "Separators" inside + "String". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search for "Separators". + + Separators + Characters to find on "String". + + ResultPart[L] + The part want to be found on "StrToTokenize" between two "Separators". + Can be any number, starting at 0, and "L" that is the last part. + Default is L (Last part). + + SkipEmptyParts(1|0) + Skips empty string parts between two "Separators". Default is 1 (True). + (1 = True, 0 = False) + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" part number "Part" between two "Separators". + + Examples: + + 1) ${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "1" + ( ) () () () [_] ( ) () ( ) + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 + $0 = "not" + + 2) ${StrTok} $0 "This is, or is not, just an example" " ," "4" "0" + ( ) () ^() [] ( ) ^( ) () ( ) + 0 1 23 4 5 67 8 9 + $0 = "is" + + ========================================================================= + * ${StrTrimNewLines} + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ResultVar String + ========================================================================= + Deletes unnecessary new lines at end of "String". + + Parameters: + + ResultVar + Destination where result is returned. + + String + String where to search unnecessary new lines at end of "String". + + Result Value -> ResultVar: + + "String" with unnecessary end new lines removed. + + Example: + + ${StrTrimNewLines} $0 "$\r$\nThis is just an example$\r$\n$\r$\n" + [_____________________________(_)(_)(_)(_)] + + $0 = "$\r$\nThis is just an example" + +Functions included and not included +-------------------------------------------------- + +11 functions have been included + They are not available on Archive + They are on LogicLib format + +15 functions have not been included + 12 were not included because of better functions + 6 were not included because of AdvStrTok (called here as StrTok) + First String Part Function + Save on Variables Function + Sort Strings (1, 2 and 3) Functions + StrTok Function + 2 were not included because of StrCase + StrLower Function + StrUpper Function + 2 were not included because of StrClb + StrClbSet Function + StrClbGet Function + 1 was not included because of NSISToIO and IOToNSIS + Convert / to // in Paths Function + 1 was not included because of original String Replace Function (called + here as StrRep) + Another String Replace Function + 2 were not included because they aren't useful anymore + Slash <-> Backslash Converter Function + Trim Function + 1 was not included because of bugs + Number to String Converter Function + +Version History +--------------- + +1.09 - 10/22/2004 + +- Fixed stack problems involving: StrCase, StrRep, StrSort, StrTok. +- Fixed StrClb: When "Action" = "<>", handle was wrongly outputed as + text. +- Fixed StrSort, StrStrAdv documentation examples. +- Fixed StrIOToNSIS, StrLoc, StrNSISToIO, StrRep, StrStr: sometimes + didn't find "StrToSearch" at all. + +1.08 - 10/12/2004 + +- Converted all the functions to LogicLib. +- StrSort: Totally remade and it can break old scripts. See + documentation for details. +- StrTok: "ResultPart" has to start from 0 and it can break old scripts. + See documentation for details. +- Added defines: StrFunc_List, *_List and *_TypeList. +- Fixed StrStrAdv: Variables $R0-$R3 couldn't be used on scripts before + calling. +- StrRep: Cut down some variables. +- Arranged correctly the order of StrSort on the documentation. + +1.07 - 09/21/2004 + +- Removed ${UnStrFunc} command. Now you can just include uninstall + functions commands like ${UnStrStr} to be supported by uninstall functions + and sections. +- Added case-sensitive comparation option for StrStrAdv. +- StrCase now uses System.dll which makes case conversions effective with +all latin letters (i.e. ê). +- Added switch case and original case for StrCase. +- StrClbSet and StrClbGet removed, added StrClb. +- Made compact the most usual operations inside the header file. File size +reduced. + +1.06 - 03/26/2004 + +- StrNumToStr removed due to complex number handling on some languages. +- Fixed the bug where the old string was attached to string returned by + StrCase when $R5 variable was used. + +1.05 - 03/17/2004 + +- Fixed a bug with StrCase, Title Case wasn't working as should be. +- Fixed a bug with StrStrAdv, previous fix created another bug, string not + returned correctly when using backwards search with "DisplayStrToSearch" as + "0". + +1.04 - 03/07/2004 + +- Added new StrCase, removed StrLower and StrUpper. +- Organized by name commands inside header and readme files. + +1.03 - 02/12/2004 + +- Added commands support for uninstall sections and functions. +- Fixed variables switch in "StrLoc" and "StrTok" after using these. + +1.02 - 02/07/2004 + +- Fixed StrLoc. +- Fixed Documentation about StrLoc. "Direction" is really "OffsetDirection". +- Added my new AdvStrSort, and removed the old one. + +1.01 - 02/05/2004 + +- Fixed Documentation about StrSort and StrTok. +- Fixed StrTok default value for the string part. Now it's "L". +- Fixed StrStrAdv fixed wrong search when had a combination of same + substrings one after another in a string. +- Fixed StrLoc: when a string isn't found, don't return any value at all. + +1.00 - 02/01/2004 + +- Added documentation. +- Renamed header file to "StrFunc.nsh". +- Added 1 function, StrLoc. +- Modified StrStrAdv, removed some lines. +- Fixed StrTok, 2 simple numbers made it loop everytime. +- Fixed some small issues on the header file. + +0.02 - 01/24/2004 + +- Completed StrFunc.nsh file. Need some tests and the readme. + +0.01 - 01/22/2004 + +- First version to test ideas... + +Credits +------- + + Made by Diego Pedroso (aka deguix). + +Functions Credits +----------------- + +- All functions are made by Diego Pedroso on LogicLib format. They + are based on functions by Amir Szekely, Dave Laundon, Hendri + Adriaens, Nik Medved, Joost Verburg, Stuart Welch, Ximon Eighteen, + "bigmac666" and "bluenet". "bluenet"'s version of StrIOToNSIS and + StrNSISToIO on LogicLib format were included. + +License +------- + +This header file is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied +warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages +arising from the use of this header file. + +Permission is granted to anyone to use this header file for any purpose, +including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute +it freely, subject to the following restrictions: + +1. The origin of this header file must not be misrepresented; + you must not claim that you wrote the original header file. + If you use this header file in a product, an acknowledgment in the + product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. +2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, + and must not be misrepresented as being the original header file. +3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/License.txt b/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/License.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccb71be --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/License.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Rainwater + +This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied +warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages +arising from the use of this software. + +Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, +including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it +freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not + claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software + in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be + appreciated but is not required. + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be + misrepresented as being the original software. + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. diff --git a/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/Readme.txt b/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/Readme.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f397da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Docs/makensisw/Readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +---------------------------------------------------- +MakeNSISW - MakeNSIS Windows Wrapper +---------------------------------------------------- + + +About MakeNSISW +--------------- +MakeNSISW is a wrapper for the MakeNSIS that is distributed with +NSIS (http://www.nullsoft.com/free/nsis/). MakeNSISW allows you +to compile NSIS scripts using a Windows GUI interface. To install +MakeNSISW, compile the source using Visual C++ or Mingw. + + +Requirements +------------ +MakeNSISW requires NSIS be installed on your system. The default +directory for this installation is $PROGRAMFILES\NSIS\Contrib\MakeNSISW. + + +Usage: +------ +If you installed the Shell Extensions option during the installation, then +all that is required is that you choose 'Compile NSI' from the right- +click menu on a NSIS script. This will invoke MakeNSISW. + +The format of the parameters when calling MakeNSISW from the commandline is: + makensisw [options] [script.nsi | - [...]] + +For the options, please see the MakeNSIS documentation. + + +Shortcut Keys +------------- +Ctrl+A: Select All text +Ctrl+B: Open Script Folder +Ctrl+C: Copy selected text +Ctrl+D: Opens the Define Symbols dialog +Ctrl+E: Edits the script +Ctrl+F: Find text +Ctrl+L: Load a script +Ctrl+R: Recompiles the script +Ctrl+T: Tests the installer +Ctrl+W: Clear Log Window +Alt+X: Exits the application +F1: View Documentation + + +Version History +--------------- +0.1 + - Initial Release + +0.2 + - Added ability to save output and copy output + +0.3 + - Added option to recompile script (F2 or File|Recompile) + - Added Help Menu + - Return code is now always set + - Added Accelerator key support for Exit and Recompile + - No longer uses NSIS's version string + - Made clearer status message in title bar + - Disabled menu/accelerator functions during compile + +0.4 + - Fixed Copy Selected bug + +0.5 + - Minor Makefile changes (mingw) + - Moved strings into global strings to make editing easier + - Added Clear Log Command under Edit menu + - Recompile no longer clears the log window (use F5) + - Close is now the default button when you hit enter + - added VC++ project, updated resources to work with VC++ + - rearranged directory structure + - makefiles now target ../../makensisw.exe + - removed makensisw home link in help menu (hope this is ok, + doesn't really seem needed to me) + - made display use a fixed width font (Some people may not like + this, but I do) + - added 'test' button (peeks output for 'Output' line) + - made it so that the log shows the most recent 32k. + - made it so that the log always clears on a recompile. + - compiled with VC++ so no longer needs msvcrt.dll + - made the compiler name be a full path (for more flexibility) + +0.6 + - print correct usage if unable to execute compiler + - removed mingw warnings + - set title/branding before errors + - some docs changes + - Added Edit|Edit Script function + +0.7 + - Edit Script should now work for output>32k + - Added resize support (thanks to felfert) + - Added window position saving (thanks to felfert) + - Disable some items when exec of makensis failed + +0.8 + - Added window size constraints (thanks to bcheck) + - Cleaned up the resource file + +0.9 + - Removed global strings (moved into #defines) + - Some GUI changes + - No longer focused Close button (its default anyways) + - Fixed resize bug on minimize/restore (thanks to felfert) + - Made window placement stored in HKLM instead of HKCU, cause + I hate things that get littered in HKCU. + +1.0 + - Fixed bug with large output causing crash + +1.1 + - Crash may actually be fixed + +1.2 + - XP visual style support + +1.3 + - Added Documentation menu item + - Fix GUI problem with About dialog + +1.4 + - Edit Script command will now work with or without file associations + - Added default filename for save dialog + - Use standard fonts + - Documentation menuitem caused recompile + +1.5 + - Fixed Copy All function + +1.6 + - Reduced size from 44k to 12k (kichik) + - Editbox not limited to 32k (now using richedit control) + - Made the log window font-size smaller. + +1.7 + - Added check for warnings + - Added sound for sucessfull compilations + - Update home page and documentation menu items to Sourceforge page + +1.8 + - Contents of log window are now streamed in + - Empty log window check (to prevent random crashes) + +1.9 + - Text always scrolls to bottom (kichik) + - Updated link to new docs + - Makensisw now takes the same parameters as makensis.exe + - Fixed some random crashes + - Drag and Drop Support into the Makensisw window + - Updated icon to more sexy one + - Added Load Script option on File menu + - Added Search Dialog (Ctrl+F) (kichik) + - Added Select All (Ctrl+A), Copy (Ctrl+C), Exit (Alt+X) keys + - Branding text now reflects NSIS version + - Added some simple tool tips + - Added Context Menu in log window + - Added resize gripper + - Ctrl+L loads a script + - Added Clear Log (Ctrl+W) + - Browse Script (Ctrl+B) launches explorer in script directory + - Check for Update command + - Added link to the NSIS Forum under Help menu + - Bunch of other stuff not worth mentioning + - Define Symbols menu (Ctrl+D) + +2.0 + - Improved user interface + - Define Symbols is available even if a script is not loaded + - Defined Symbols are saved on exit and reloaded on start + - Added NSIS Update menu + - Added toolbar for commonly used menus + - Made the Toolbar style flat + - Added option for compile & run + - Added compressor setting option + - Added support for lzma compression + - Added named Symbols sets. + +2.1 + - Added "Cancel compilation" menu item + +2.2 +- Settings saved in HKCU instead of HKLM +- Added menu accelerators to MRU list + +2.3 +- Escape button closes MakeNSISw + +2.3.1 +- Fixed broken command line parameter handling + +2.3.2 +- The size gripper can be used to resize the window + +2.3.3 +- Update check switched from JNetLib to WinInet +- New file type icons + + +Copyright Information +--------------------- +Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Rainwater +Contributors: Justin Frankel, Fritz Elfert, Amir Szekely, + Sunil Kamath, Joost Verburg, Anders Kjersem. + +This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied +warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages +arising from the use of this software. + +Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, +including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it +freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not + claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software + in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be + appreciated but is not required. + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be + misrepresented as being the original software. + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Colors.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Colors.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64ca3a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Colors.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +!ifndef COLORS_NSH +!define COLORS_NSH + +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +# Squad +# Rob Segal +# Joel +# Yathosho + + +# Predefined HTML Hex colors +!define WHITE "FFFFFF" +!define BLACK "000000" +!define YELLOW "FFFF00" +!define RED "FF0000" +!define GREEN "00FF00" +!define BLUE "0000FF" +!define MAGENTA "FF00FF" +!define CYAN "00FFFF" + +# Function to convert red , green and blue integer values to HTML Hex format +!define RGB '!insertmacro rgb2hex' + +# Function to convert red, green and blue integer values to Hexadecimal (0xRRGGBB) format +!define HEX '!insertmacro rgb2hex2' + +# Function to get the r value from a RGB number +!define GetRvalue '!insertmacro redvalue' + +# Function to get the g value from a RGB number +!define GetGvalue '!insertmacro greenvalue' + +# Function to get the b value from a RGB number +!define GetBvalue '!insertmacro bluevalue' + +# Function to get the r value from a Hex number +!define GetRvalueX '!insertmacro bluevalue' + +# Function to get the g value from a Hex number +!define GetGvalueX '!insertmacro greenvalue' + +# Function to get the r value from a HEX number +!define GetBvalueX '!insertmacro redvalue' + +!macro rgb2hex output R G B +IntFmt "${output}" "%02X" "${R}" +IntFmt "${output}" "${output}%02X" "${G}" +IntFmt "${output}" "${output}%02X" "${B}" +!macroend + +!macro rgb2hex2 output R G B +IntFmt "${output}" "%02X" "${B}" +IntFmt "${output}" "${output}%02X" "${G}" +IntFmt "${output}" "${output}%02X" "${R}" +!macroend + +!macro redvalue output hexval +StrCpy ${output} ${hexval} 2 0 +IntFmt "${output}" "%02i" "0x${output}" +!macroend + +!macro greenvalue output hexval +StrCpy ${output} ${hexval} 2 2 +IntFmt "${output}" "%02i" "0x${output}" +!macroend + +!macro bluevalue output hexval +StrCpy ${output} ${hexval} 2 4 +IntFmt "${output}" "%02i" "0x${output}" +!macroend + +!verbose pop +!endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/FileFunc.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/FileFunc.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76f4cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/FileFunc.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,2015 @@ +/* +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + File Functions Header v3.4 +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + 2006 Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (Shengalts@mail.ru) + + See documentation for more information about the following functions. + + Usage in script: + 1. !include "FileFunc.nsh" + 2. [Section|Function] + ${FileFunction} "Param1" "Param2" "..." $var + [SectionEnd|FunctionEnd] + + + FileFunction=[Locate|GetSize|DriveSpace|GetDrives|GetTime|GetFileAttributes| + GetFileVersion|GetExeName|GetExePath|GetParameters|GetOptions| + GetOptionsS|GetRoot|GetParent|GetFileName|GetBaseName|GetFileExt| + BannerTrimPath|DirState|RefreshShellIcons] + +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + Thanks to: +_____________________________________________________________________________ + +GetSize + KiCHiK (Function "FindFiles") +DriveSpace + sunjammer (Function "CheckSpaceFree") +GetDrives + deguix (Based on his idea of Function "DetectDrives") +GetTime + Takhir (Script "StatTest") and deguix (Function "FileModifiedDate") +GetFileVersion + KiCHiK (Based on his example for command "GetDLLVersion") +GetParameters + sunjammer (Based on his Function "GetParameters") +GetRoot + KiCHiK (Based on his Function "GetRoot") +GetParent + sunjammer (Based on his Function "GetParent") +GetFileName + KiCHiK (Based on his Function "GetFileName") +GetBaseName + comperio (Based on his idea of Function "GetBaseName") +GetFileExt + opher (author) +RefreshShellIcons + jerome tremblay (author) +*/ + + +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Macros +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Change log window verbosity (default: 3=no script) +; +; Example: +; !include "FileFunc.nsh" +; !insertmacro Locate +; ${FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} 4 # all verbosity +; !insertmacro VersionCompare +; ${FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} 3 # no script + +!ifndef FILEFUNC_INCLUDED + +!verbose push 3 +!define /IfNDef _FILEFUNC_VERBOSE 3 +!verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} +!define FILEFUNC_VERBOSE `!insertmacro FILEFUNC_VERBOSE` + +!define FILEFUNC_INCLUDED + +!include Util.nsh + + +!macro FILEFUNC_VERBOSE _VERBOSE + !verbose push 3 + !define /ReDef _FILEFUNC_VERBOSE ${_VERBOSE} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro LocateCall _PATH _OPTIONS _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_PATH}` + Push `${_OPTIONS}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} Locate_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetSizeCall _PATH _OPTIONS _RESULT1 _RESULT2 _RESULT3 + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATH}` + Push `${_OPTIONS}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetSize_ + Pop ${_RESULT1} + Pop ${_RESULT2} + Pop ${_RESULT3} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro DriveSpaceCall _DRIVE _OPTIONS _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_DRIVE}` + Push `${_OPTIONS}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} DriveSpace_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetDrivesCall _DRV _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_DRV}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetDrives_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetTimeCall _FILE _OPTION _RESULT1 _RESULT2 _RESULT3 _RESULT4 _RESULT5 _RESULT6 _RESULT7 + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetTime_ + Pop ${_RESULT1} + Pop ${_RESULT2} + Pop ${_RESULT3} + Pop ${_RESULT4} + Pop ${_RESULT5} + Pop ${_RESULT6} + Pop ${_RESULT7} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetFileAttributesCall _PATH _ATTR _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATH}` + Push `${_ATTR}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetFileAttributes_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetFileVersionCall _FILE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetFileVersion_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetExeNameCall _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetExeName_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetExePathCall _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetExePath_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetParametersCall _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetParameters_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetOptionsCall _PARAMETERS _OPTION _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PARAMETERS}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetOptions_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetOptionsSCall _PARAMETERS _OPTION _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PARAMETERS}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetOptionsS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetRootCall _FULLPATH _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FULLPATH}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetRoot_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetParentCall _PATHSTRING _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATHSTRING}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetParent_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetFileNameCall _PATHSTRING _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATHSTRING}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetFileName_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetBaseNameCall _FILESTRING _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILESTRING}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetBaseName_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetFileExtCall _FILESTRING _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILESTRING}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} GetFileExt_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro BannerTrimPathCall _PATH _LENGHT _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATH}` + Push `${_LENGHT}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} BannerTrimPath_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro DirStateCall _PATH _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_PATH}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} DirState_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro RefreshShellIconsCall + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + ${CallArtificialFunction} RefreshShellIcons_ + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define Locate `!insertmacro LocateCall` +!define un.Locate `!insertmacro LocateCall` + +!macro Locate +!macroend + +!macro un.Locate +!macroend + +!macro Locate_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + Push $R9 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $3 '' + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + StrCpy $7 '' + StrCpy $8 0 + StrCpy $R7 '' + + StrCpy $R9 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $R9 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + IfFileExists '$0\*.*' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + + FileFunc_Locate_option: + StrCpy $R9 $1 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 + StrCmp $R9 ' ' -2 + StrCmp $R9 '' FileFunc_Locate_sizeset + StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -4 + StrCpy $9 -1 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + StrCpy $R9 $1 1 $9 + StrCmp $R9 '' +2 + StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -3 + StrCpy $R8 $1 $9 + StrCpy $R8 $R8 '' 2 + StrCpy $R9 $R8 '' -1 + StrCmp $R9 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R8 $R8 -1 + goto -3 + StrCpy $R9 $1 2 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' $9 + + StrCmp $R9 'L=' 0 FileFunc_Locate_mask + StrCpy $3 $R8 + StrCmp $3 '' +6 + StrCmp $3 'FD' +5 + StrCmp $3 'F' +4 + StrCmp $3 'D' +3 + StrCmp $3 'DE' +2 + StrCmp $3 'FDE' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + goto FileFunc_Locate_option + + FileFunc_Locate_mask: + StrCmp $R9 'M=' 0 FileFunc_Locate_size + StrCpy $4 $R8 + goto FileFunc_Locate_option + + FileFunc_Locate_size: + StrCmp $R9 'S=' 0 FileFunc_Locate_gotosubdir + StrCpy $6 $R8 + goto FileFunc_Locate_option + + FileFunc_Locate_gotosubdir: + StrCmp $R9 'G=' 0 FileFunc_Locate_banner + StrCpy $7 $R8 + StrCmp $7 '' +3 + StrCmp $7 '1' +2 + StrCmp $7 '0' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + goto FileFunc_Locate_option + + FileFunc_Locate_banner: + StrCmp $R9 'B=' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + StrCpy $R7 $R8 + StrCmp $R7 '' +3 + StrCmp $R7 '1' +2 + StrCmp $R7 '0' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + goto FileFunc_Locate_option + + FileFunc_Locate_sizeset: + StrCmp $6 '' FileFunc_Locate_default + StrCpy $9 0 + StrCpy $R9 $6 1 $9 + StrCmp $R9 '' +4 + StrCmp $R9 ':' +3 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + goto -4 + StrCpy $5 $6 $9 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + StrCpy $1 $6 1 -1 + StrCpy $6 $6 -1 $9 + StrCmp $5 '' +2 + IntOp $5 $5 + 0 + StrCmp $6 '' +2 + IntOp $6 $6 + 0 + + StrCmp $1 'B' 0 +3 + StrCpy $1 1 + goto FileFunc_Locate_default + StrCmp $1 'K' 0 +3 + StrCpy $1 1024 + goto FileFunc_Locate_default + StrCmp $1 'M' 0 +3 + StrCpy $1 1048576 + goto FileFunc_Locate_default + StrCmp $1 'G' 0 FileFunc_Locate_error + StrCpy $1 1073741824 + + FileFunc_Locate_default: + StrCmp $3 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'FD' + StrCmp $4 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 '*.*' + StrCmp $7 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $7 '1' + StrCmp $R7 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $R7 '0' + StrCpy $7 'G$7B$R7' + + StrCpy $8 1 + Push $0 + SetDetailsPrint textonly + + FileFunc_Locate_nextdir: + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + Pop $R8 + + StrCpy $9 $7 2 2 + StrCmp $9 'B0' +3 + GetLabelAddress $9 FileFunc_Locate_findfirst + goto call + DetailPrint 'Search in: $R8' + + FileFunc_Locate_findfirst: + FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\$4' + IfErrors FileFunc_Locate_subdir + StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 FileFunc_Locate_dir + FindNext $0 $R7 + StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 FileFunc_Locate_dir + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_Locate_dir + FindClose $0 + goto FileFunc_Locate_subdir + + FileFunc_Locate_dir: + IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 FileFunc_Locate_file + StrCpy $R6 '' + StrCmp $3 'DE' +4 + StrCmp $3 'FDE' +3 + StrCmp $3 'FD' FileFunc_Locate_precall + StrCmp $3 'F' FileFunc_Locate_findnext FileFunc_Locate_precall + FindFirst $9 $R9 '$R8\$R7\*.*' + StrCmp $R9 '.' 0 +4 + FindNext $9 $R9 + StrCmp $R9 '..' 0 +2 + FindNext $9 $R9 + FindClose $9 + IfErrors FileFunc_Locate_precall FileFunc_Locate_findnext + + FileFunc_Locate_file: + StrCmp $3 'FDE' +3 + StrCmp $3 'FD' +2 + StrCmp $3 'F' 0 FileFunc_Locate_findnext + StrCpy $R6 0 + StrCmp $5$6 '' FileFunc_Locate_precall + FileOpen $9 '$R8\$R7' r + IfErrors +3 + FileSeek $9 0 END $R6 + FileClose $9 + System::Int64Op $R6 / $1 + Pop $R6 + StrCmp $5 '' +2 + IntCmp $R6 $5 0 FileFunc_Locate_findnext + StrCmp $6 '' +2 + IntCmp $R6 $6 0 0 FileFunc_Locate_findnext + + FileFunc_Locate_precall: + StrCpy $9 0 + StrCpy $R9 '$R8\$R7' + + call: + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + StrCmp $9 0 +4 + StrCpy $R6 '' + StrCpy $R7 '' + StrCpy $R9 '' + Call $2 + Pop $R9 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + IfErrors 0 +3 + FindClose $0 + goto FileFunc_Locate_error + StrCmp $R9 'StopLocate' 0 +3 + FindClose $0 + goto FileFunc_Locate_clearstack + goto $9 + + FileFunc_Locate_findnext: + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_Locate_dir + FindClose $0 + + FileFunc_Locate_subdir: + StrCpy $9 $7 2 + StrCmp $9 'G0' FileFunc_Locate_end + FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\*.*' + StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 FileFunc_Locate_pushdir + FindNext $0 $R7 + StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 FileFunc_Locate_pushdir + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_Locate_pushdir + FindClose $0 + StrCmp $8 0 FileFunc_Locate_end FileFunc_Locate_nextdir + + FileFunc_Locate_pushdir: + IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 +3 + Push '$R8\$R7' + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_Locate_pushdir + FindClose $0 + StrCmp $8 0 FileFunc_Locate_end FileFunc_Locate_nextdir + + FileFunc_Locate_error: + SetErrors + + FileFunc_Locate_clearstack: + StrCmp $8 0 FileFunc_Locate_end + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + Pop $R8 + goto FileFunc_Locate_clearstack + + FileFunc_Locate_end: + SetDetailsPrint both + Pop $R9 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetSize `!insertmacro GetSizeCall` +!define un.GetSize `!insertmacro GetSizeCall` + +!macro GetSize +!macroend + +!macro un.GetSize +!macroend + +!macro GetSize_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + Push $R9 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R9 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $R9 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + IfFileExists '$0\*.*' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_error + + StrCpy $3 '' + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + StrCpy $8 0 + StrCpy $R3 '' + StrCpy $R4 '' + StrCpy $R5 '' + + FileFunc_GetSize_option: + StrCpy $R9 $1 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 + StrCmp $R9 ' ' -2 + StrCmp $R9 '' FileFunc_GetSize_sizeset + StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -4 + + StrCpy $9 -1 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + StrCpy $R9 $1 1 $9 + StrCmp $R9 '' +2 + StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -3 + StrCpy $8 $1 $9 + StrCpy $8 $8 '' 2 + StrCpy $R9 $8 '' -1 + StrCmp $R9 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $8 $8 -1 + goto -3 + StrCpy $R9 $1 2 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' $9 + + StrCmp $R9 'M=' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_size + StrCpy $4 $8 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_option + + FileFunc_GetSize_size: + StrCmp $R9 'S=' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_gotosubdir + StrCpy $6 $8 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_option + + FileFunc_GetSize_gotosubdir: + StrCmp $R9 'G=' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_error + StrCpy $7 $8 + StrCmp $7 '' +3 + StrCmp $7 '1' +2 + StrCmp $7 '0' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_error + goto FileFunc_GetSize_option + + FileFunc_GetSize_sizeset: + StrCmp $6 '' FileFunc_GetSize_default + StrCpy $9 0 + StrCpy $R9 $6 1 $9 + StrCmp $R9 '' +4 + StrCmp $R9 ':' +3 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + goto -4 + StrCpy $5 $6 $9 + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + StrCpy $1 $6 1 -1 + StrCpy $6 $6 -1 $9 + StrCmp $5 '' +2 + IntOp $5 $5 + 0 + StrCmp $6 '' +2 + IntOp $6 $6 + 0 + + StrCmp $1 'B' 0 +4 + StrCpy $1 1 + StrCpy $2 bytes + goto FileFunc_GetSize_default + StrCmp $1 'K' 0 +4 + StrCpy $1 1024 + StrCpy $2 Kb + goto FileFunc_GetSize_default + StrCmp $1 'M' 0 +4 + StrCpy $1 1048576 + StrCpy $2 Mb + goto FileFunc_GetSize_default + StrCmp $1 'G' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_error + StrCpy $1 1073741824 + StrCpy $2 Gb + + FileFunc_GetSize_default: + StrCmp $4 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 '*.*' + StrCmp $7 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $7 '1' + + StrCpy $8 1 + Push $0 + SetDetailsPrint textonly + + FileFunc_GetSize_nextdir: + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + Pop $R8 + FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\$4' + IfErrors FileFunc_GetSize_show + StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_dir + FindNext $0 $R7 + StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_dir + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_GetSize_dir + FindClose $0 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_show + + FileFunc_GetSize_dir: + IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_file + IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_findnext + + FileFunc_GetSize_file: + StrCpy $R6 0 + StrCmp $5$6 '' 0 +3 + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_findnext + FileOpen $9 '$R8\$R7' r + IfErrors +3 + FileSeek $9 0 END $R6 + FileClose $9 + StrCmp $5 '' +2 + IntCmp $R6 $5 0 FileFunc_GetSize_findnext + StrCmp $6 '' +2 + IntCmp $R6 $6 0 0 FileFunc_GetSize_findnext + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + System::Int64Op $R3 + $R6 + Pop $R3 + + FileFunc_GetSize_findnext: + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_GetSize_dir + FindClose $0 + + FileFunc_GetSize_show: + StrCmp $5$6 '' FileFunc_GetSize_nosize + System::Int64Op $R3 / $1 + Pop $9 + DetailPrint 'Size:$9 $2 Files:$R4 Folders:$R5' + goto FileFunc_GetSize_subdir + FileFunc_GetSize_nosize: + DetailPrint 'Files:$R4 Folders:$R5' + + FileFunc_GetSize_subdir: + StrCmp $7 0 FileFunc_GetSize_preend + FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\*.*' + StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_pushdir + FindNext $0 $R7 + StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 FileFunc_GetSize_pushdir + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_GetSize_pushdir + FindClose $0 + StrCmp $8 0 FileFunc_GetSize_preend FileFunc_GetSize_nextdir + + FileFunc_GetSize_pushdir: + IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 +3 + Push '$R8\$R7' + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + FindNext $0 $R7 + IfErrors 0 FileFunc_GetSize_pushdir + FindClose $0 + StrCmp $8 0 FileFunc_GetSize_preend FileFunc_GetSize_nextdir + + FileFunc_GetSize_preend: + StrCmp $R3 '' FileFunc_GetSize_nosizeend + System::Int64Op $R3 / $1 + Pop $R3 + FileFunc_GetSize_nosizeend: + StrCpy $2 $R4 + StrCpy $1 $R5 + StrCpy $0 $R3 + goto FileFunc_GetSize_end + + FileFunc_GetSize_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + StrCpy $1 '' + StrCpy $2 '' + + FileFunc_GetSize_end: + SetDetailsPrint both + Pop $R9 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define DriveSpace `!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall` +!define un.DriveSpace `!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall` + +!macro DriveSpace +!macroend + +!macro un.DriveSpace +!macroend + +!macro DriveSpace_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + IfFileExists '$0\NUL' 0 FileFunc_DriveSpace_error + + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_option: + StrCpy $2 $1 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 + StrCmp $2 ' ' -2 + StrCmp $2 '' FileFunc_DriveSpace_default + StrCmp $2 '/' 0 -4 + StrCpy $3 -1 + IntOp $3 $3 + 1 + StrCpy $2 $1 1 $3 + StrCmp $2 '' +2 + StrCmp $2 '/' 0 -3 + StrCpy $4 $1 $3 + StrCpy $4 $4 '' 2 + StrCpy $2 $4 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 $4 -1 + goto -3 + StrCpy $2 $1 2 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' $3 + + StrCmp $2 'D=' 0 FileFunc_DriveSpace_unit + StrCpy $5 $4 + StrCmp $5 '' +4 + StrCmp $5 'T' +3 + StrCmp $5 'O' +2 + StrCmp $5 'F' 0 FileFunc_DriveSpace_error + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_option + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_unit: + StrCmp $2 'S=' 0 FileFunc_DriveSpace_error + StrCpy $6 $4 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_option + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_default: + StrCmp $5 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $5 'T' + StrCmp $6 '' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '1' + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getspace + + StrCmp $6 'B' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 1 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getspace + StrCmp $6 'K' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 1024 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getspace + StrCmp $6 'M' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 1048576 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getspace + StrCmp $6 'G' 0 FileFunc_DriveSpace_error + StrCpy $6 1073741824 + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_getspace: + System::Call 'kernel32::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(t, *l, *l, *l)i(r0,.r2,.r3,.)' + + StrCmp $5 T 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $3 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getsize + StrCmp $5 O 0 +4 + System::Int64Op $3 - $2 + Pop $0 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_getsize + StrCmp $5 F 0 +2 + StrCpy $0 $2 + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_getsize: + System::Int64Op $0 / $6 + Pop $0 + goto FileFunc_DriveSpace_end + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_DriveSpace_end: + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetDrives `!insertmacro GetDrivesCall` +!define un.GetDrives `!insertmacro GetDrivesCall` + +!macro GetDrives +!macroend + +!macro un.GetDrives +!macroend + +!macro GetDrives_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $8 + Push $9 + + System::StrAlloc 1024 + Pop $2 + System::Call 'kernel32::GetLogicalDriveStrings(i,i) i(1024, r2)' + + StrCmp $0 ALL FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + StrCmp $0 '' 0 FileFunc_GetDrives_typeset + StrCpy $0 ALL + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + + FileFunc_GetDrives_typeset: + StrCpy $6 -1 + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCpy $8 $0 1 $6 + StrCmp $8$0 '' FileFunc_GetDrives_enumex + StrCmp $8 '' +2 + StrCmp $8 '+' 0 -4 + StrCpy $8 $0 $6 + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $6 + + StrCmp $8 'FDD' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 2 + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + StrCmp $8 'HDD' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 3 + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + StrCmp $8 'NET' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 4 + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + StrCmp $8 'CDROM' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 5 + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring + StrCmp $8 'RAM' 0 FileFunc_GetDrives_typeset + StrCpy $6 6 + + FileFunc_GetDrives_drivestring: + StrCpy $3 $2 + + FileFunc_GetDrives_enumok: + System::Call 'kernel32::lstrlen(t) i(i r3) .r4' + StrCmp $4$0 '0ALL' FileFunc_GetDrives_enumex + StrCmp $4 0 FileFunc_GetDrives_typeset + System::Call 'kernel32::GetDriveType(t) i(i r3) .r5' + + StrCmp $0 ALL +2 + StrCmp $5 $6 FileFunc_GetDrives_letter FileFunc_GetDrives_enumnext + StrCmp $5 2 0 +3 + StrCpy $8 FDD + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_letter + StrCmp $5 3 0 +3 + StrCpy $8 HDD + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_letter + StrCmp $5 4 0 +3 + StrCpy $8 NET + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_letter + StrCmp $5 5 0 +3 + StrCpy $8 CDROM + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_letter + StrCmp $5 6 0 FileFunc_GetDrives_enumex + StrCpy $8 RAM + + FileFunc_GetDrives_letter: + System::Call '*$3(&t1024 .r9)' + + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $8 + Call $1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + StrCmp $9 'StopGetDrives' FileFunc_GetDrives_enumex + + FileFunc_GetDrives_enumnext: + IntOp $4 $4 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} + IntOp $3 $3 + $4 + IntOp $3 $3 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} + goto FileFunc_GetDrives_enumok + + FileFunc_GetDrives_enumex: + System::Free $2 + + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetTime `!insertmacro GetTimeCall` +!define un.GetTime `!insertmacro GetTimeCall` + +!macro GetTime +!macroend + +!macro un.GetTime +!macroend + +!macro GetTime_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + ClearErrors + + StrCmp $1 'L' FileFunc_GetTime_gettime + StrCmp $1 'A' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + StrCmp $1 'C' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + StrCmp $1 'M' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + StrCmp $1 'LS' FileFunc_GetTime_gettime + StrCmp $1 'AS' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + StrCmp $1 'CS' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + StrCmp $1 'MS' FileFunc_GetTime_getfile + goto FileFunc_GetTime_error + + FileFunc_GetTime_getfile: + IfFileExists $0 0 FileFunc_GetTime_error + System::Call '*(i,l,l,l,i,i,i,i,&t260,&t14) p .r6' + System::Call 'kernel32::FindFirstFile(t,p)p(r0,r6) .r2' + System::Call 'kernel32::FindClose(i)i(r2)' + + FileFunc_GetTime_gettime: + System::Call '*(&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2) p .r7' + StrCmp $1 'L' 0 FileFunc_GetTime_systemtime + System::Call 'kernel32::GetLocalTime(p)i(r7)' + goto FileFunc_GetTime_convert + FileFunc_GetTime_systemtime: + StrCmp $1 'LS' 0 FileFunc_GetTime_filetime + System::Call 'kernel32::GetSystemTime(p)i(r7)' + goto FileFunc_GetTime_convert + + FileFunc_GetTime_filetime: + System::Call '*$6(i,l,l,l,i,i,i,i,&t260,&t14)p(,.r4,.r3,.r2)' + System::Free $6 + StrCmp $1 'A' 0 +3 + StrCpy $2 $3 + goto FileFunc_GetTime_tolocal + StrCmp $1 'C' 0 +3 + StrCpy $2 $4 + goto FileFunc_GetTime_tolocal + StrCmp $1 'M' FileFunc_GetTime_tolocal + + StrCmp $1 'AS' FileFunc_GetTime_tosystem + StrCmp $1 'CS' 0 +3 + StrCpy $3 $4 + goto FileFunc_GetTime_tosystem + StrCmp $1 'MS' 0 +3 + StrCpy $3 $2 + goto FileFunc_GetTime_tosystem + + FileFunc_GetTime_tolocal: + System::Call 'kernel32::FileTimeToLocalFileTime(*l,*l)i(r2,.r3)' + FileFunc_GetTime_tosystem: + System::Call 'kernel32::FileTimeToSystemTime(*l,i)i(r3,r7)' + + FileFunc_GetTime_convert: + System::Call '*$7(&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2,&i2)p(.r5,.r6,.r4,.r0,.r3,.r2,.r1,)' + System::Free $7 + + IntCmp $0 9 0 0 +2 + StrCpy $0 '0$0' + IntCmp $1 9 0 0 +2 + StrCpy $1 '0$1' + IntCmp $2 9 0 0 +2 + StrCpy $2 '0$2' + IntCmp $6 9 0 0 +2 + StrCpy $6 '0$6' + + StrCmp $4 0 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Sunday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 1 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Monday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 2 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Tuesday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 3 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Wednesday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 4 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Thursday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 5 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 Friday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + StrCmp $4 6 0 FileFunc_GetTime_error + StrCpy $4 Saturday + goto FileFunc_GetTime_end + + FileFunc_GetTime_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + StrCpy $1 '' + StrCpy $2 '' + StrCpy $3 '' + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + + FileFunc_GetTime_end: + Pop $7 + Exch $6 + Exch + Exch $5 + Exch 2 + Exch $4 + Exch 3 + Exch $3 + Exch 4 + Exch $2 + Exch 5 + Exch $1 + Exch 6 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetFileAttributes `!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall` +!define un.GetFileAttributes `!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall` + +!macro GetFileAttributes +!macroend + +!macro un.GetFileAttributes +!macroend + +!macro GetFileAttributes_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + + System::Call 'kernel32::GetFileAttributes(t r0)i .r2' + StrCmp $2 -1 FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_error + StrCpy $3 '' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x4000 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'ENCRYPTED|' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x2000 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x1000 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'OFFLINE|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0800 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'COMPRESSED|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0400 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'REPARSE_POINT|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0200 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'SPARSE_FILE|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0100 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'TEMPORARY|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0080 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'NORMAL|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0040 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'DEVICE|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0020 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'ARCHIVE|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0010 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'DIRECTORY|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0004 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'SYSTEM|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0002 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'HIDDEN|$3' + + IntOp $0 $2 & 0x0001 + IntCmp $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $3 'READONLY|$3' + + StrCpy $0 $3 -1 + StrCmp $1 '' FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_end + StrCmp $1 'ALL' FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_end + + FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_attrcmp: + StrCpy $5 0 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + StrCpy $4 $1 1 $5 + StrCmp $4 '' +2 + StrCmp $4 '|' 0 -3 + StrCpy $2 $1 $5 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' $5 + StrLen $3 $2 + StrCpy $5 -1 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + StrCpy $4 $0 $3 $5 + StrCmp $4 '' FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_notfound + StrCmp $4 $2 0 -3 + StrCmp $1 '' 0 FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_attrcmp + StrCpy $0 1 + goto FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_end + + FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_notfound: + StrCpy $0 0 + goto FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_end + + FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetFileAttributes_end: + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetFileVersion `!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall` +!define un.GetFileVersion `!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall` + +!macro GetFileVersion +!macroend + +!macro un.GetFileVersion +!macroend + +!macro GetFileVersion_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + ClearErrors + + GetDllVersion '$0' $1 $2 + IfErrors FileFunc_GetFileVersion_error + IntOp $3 $1 >> 16 + IntOp $3 $3 & 0x0000FFFF + IntOp $4 $1 & 0x0000FFFF + IntOp $5 $2 >> 16 + IntOp $5 $5 & 0x0000FFFF + IntOp $6 $2 & 0x0000FFFF + StrCpy $0 '$3.$4.$5.$6' + goto FileFunc_GetFileVersion_end + + FileFunc_GetFileVersion_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetFileVersion_end: + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetExeName `!insertmacro GetExeNameCall` +!define un.GetExeName `!insertmacro GetExeNameCall` + +!macro GetExeName +!macroend + +!macro un.GetExeName +!macroend + +!macro GetExeName_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileName(p 0, t .r0, i 1024)' + System::Call 'kernel32::GetLongPathName(t r0, t .r1, i 1024)i .r2' + StrCmp $2 error +2 + StrCpy $0 $1 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetExePath `!insertmacro GetExePathCall` +!define un.GetExePath `!insertmacro GetExePathCall` + +!macro GetExePath +!macroend + +!macro un.GetExePath +!macroend + +!macro GetExePath_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + StrCpy $0 $EXEDIR + System::Call 'kernel32::GetLongPathName(t r0, t .r1, i 1024)i .r2' + StrCmp $2 error +2 + StrCpy $0 $1 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetParameters `!insertmacro GetParametersCall` +!define un.GetParameters `!insertmacro GetParametersCall` + +!macro GetParameters +!macroend + +!macro un.GetParameters +!macroend + +!macro GetParameters_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + ;cmdline-check + StrCmp $CMDLINE "" 0 +3 + Push "" + Return + + ;vars + Push $0 ;tmp + Push $1 ;length + Push $2 ;parameter offset + Push $3 ;separator + + ;length/offset + StrLen $1 $CMDLINE + StrCpy $2 2 ;start with third character + + ;separator + StrCpy $3 $CMDLINE 1 ;first character + StrCmp $3 '"' +2 + StrCpy $3 ' ' + + FileFunc_GetParameters_token: ;finding second separator + IntCmp $2 $1 FileFunc_GetParameters_strip 0 FileFunc_GetParameters_strip + StrCpy $0 $CMDLINE 1 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCmp $3 $0 0 FileFunc_GetParameters_token + + FileFunc_GetParameters_strip: ;strip white space + IntCmp $2 $1 FileFunc_GetParameters_copy 0 FileFunc_GetParameters_copy + StrCpy $0 $CMDLINE 1 $2 + StrCmp $0 ' ' 0 FileFunc_GetParameters_copy + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + Goto FileFunc_GetParameters_strip + + FileFunc_GetParameters_copy: + StrCpy $0 $CMDLINE "" $2 + + ;strip white spaces from end + FileFunc_GetParameters_rstrip: + StrCpy $1 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $1 ' ' 0 FileFunc_GetParameters_done + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + Goto FileFunc_GetParameters_rstrip + + FileFunc_GetParameters_done: + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro GetOptionsBody _FILEFUNC_S + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $2 $1 '' 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 1 + StrLen $3 $2 + StrCpy $7 0 + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_begin: + StrCpy $4 -1 + StrCpy $6 '' + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote: + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + StrCpy $5 $0 1 $4 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5$7 '0' FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_notfound + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 '' FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_trimright + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 '"' 0 +7 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '"' + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '"' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '' + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 `'` 0 +7 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 `` 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 `'` + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 `'` 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 `` + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 '`' 0 +7 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '`' + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '`' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '' + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '"' FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 `'` FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $6 '`' FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 $1 0 FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $7 0 FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_trimleft FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_trimright + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_trimleft: + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + StrCpy $5 $0 $3 $4 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 '' FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_notfound + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $5 $2 0 FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_quote + IntOp $4 $4 + $3 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $4 + StrCpy $4 $0 1 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $4 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' 1 + goto -3 + StrCpy $7 1 + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_begin + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_trimright: + StrCpy $0 $0 $4 + StrCpy $4 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $4 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + StrCpy $3 $0 1 + StrCpy $4 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $3 $4 0 FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $3 '"' +3 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $3 `'` +2 + StrCmp${_FILEFUNC_S} $3 '`' 0 FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 1 + goto FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_end + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_notfound: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetOptions${_FILEFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + +!macroend + +!define GetOptions `!insertmacro GetOptionsCall` +!define un.GetOptions `!insertmacro GetOptionsCall` + +!macro GetOptions +!macroend + +!macro un.GetOptions +!macroend + +!macro GetOptions_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro GetOptionsBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetOptionsS `!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall` +!define un.GetOptionsS `!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall` + +!macro GetOptionsS +!macroend + +!macro un.GetOptionsS +!macroend + +!macro GetOptionsS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro GetOptionsBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetRoot `!insertmacro GetRootCall` +!define un.GetRoot `!insertmacro GetRootCall` + +!macro GetRoot +!macroend + +!macro un.GetRoot +!macroend + +!macro GetRoot_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + + StrCpy $1 $0 2 + StrCmp $1 '\\' FileFunc_GetRoot_UNC + StrCpy $2 $1 1 1 + StrCmp $2 ':' 0 FileFunc_GetRoot_empty + StrCpy $0 $1 + goto FileFunc_GetRoot_end + + FileFunc_GetRoot_UNC: + StrCpy $2 1 + StrCpy $3 '' + + FileFunc_GetRoot_loop: + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $1 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $1$3 '' FileFunc_GetRoot_empty + StrCmp $1 '' +5 + StrCmp $1 '\' 0 FileFunc_GetRoot_loop + StrCmp $3 '1' +3 + StrCpy $3 '1' + goto FileFunc_GetRoot_loop + StrCpy $0 $0 $2 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 FileFunc_GetRoot_end + + FileFunc_GetRoot_empty: + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetRoot_end: + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetParent `!insertmacro GetParentCall` +!define un.GetParent `!insertmacro GetParentCall` + +!macro GetParent +!macroend + +!macro un.GetParent +!macroend + +!macro GetParent_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + + StrCpy $1 0 + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '\' +2 + StrCmp $2 '' 0 -3 + StrCpy $0 $0 $1 + + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetFileName `!insertmacro GetFileNameCall` +!define un.GetFileName `!insertmacro GetFileNameCall` + +!macro GetFileName +!macroend + +!macro un.GetFileName +!macroend + +!macro GetFileName_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + + StrCpy $1 0 + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '' FileFunc_GetFileName_end + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 -3 + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $1 + + FileFunc_GetFileName_end: + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetBaseName `!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall` +!define un.GetBaseName `!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall` + +!macro GetBaseName +!macroend + +!macro un.GetBaseName +!macroend + +!macro GetBaseName_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + + StrCpy $1 0 + StrCpy $3 '' + + FileFunc_GetBaseName_loop: + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '' FileFunc_GetBaseName_trimpath + StrCmp $2 '\' FileFunc_GetBaseName_trimpath + StrCmp $3 'noext' FileFunc_GetBaseName_loop + StrCmp $2 '.' 0 FileFunc_GetBaseName_loop + StrCpy $0 $0 $1 + StrCpy $3 'noext' + StrCpy $1 0 + goto FileFunc_GetBaseName_loop + + FileFunc_GetBaseName_trimpath: + StrCmp $1 -1 FileFunc_GetBaseName_empty + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $1 + goto FileFunc_GetBaseName_end + + FileFunc_GetBaseName_empty: + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetBaseName_end: + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define GetFileExt `!insertmacro GetFileExtCall` +!define un.GetFileExt `!insertmacro GetFileExtCall` + +!macro GetFileExt +!macroend + +!macro un.GetFileExt +!macroend + +!macro GetFileExt_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $1 0 + + FileFunc_GetFileExt_loop: + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '' FileFunc_GetFileExt_empty + StrCmp $2 '\' FileFunc_GetFileExt_empty + StrCmp $2 '.' 0 FileFunc_GetFileExt_loop + + StrCmp $1 -1 FileFunc_GetFileExt_empty + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $1 + goto FileFunc_GetFileExt_end + + FileFunc_GetFileExt_empty: + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_GetFileExt_end: + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define BannerTrimPath `!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall` +!define un.BannerTrimPath `!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall` + +!macro BannerTrimPath +!macroend + +!macro un.BannerTrimPath +!macroend + +!macro BannerTrimPath_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + + StrCpy $3 $1 1 -1 + IntOp $1 $1 + 0 + StrLen $2 $0 + IntCmp $2 $1 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end + IntOp $1 $1 - 3 + IntCmp $1 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_empty FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_empty + StrCmp $3 'A' FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_A-trim + StrCmp $3 'B' FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_B-trim + StrCmp $3 'C' FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim + StrCmp $3 'D' FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_D-trim + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_A-trim: + StrCpy $3 $0 1 1 + StrCpy $2 0 + StrCmp $3 ':' 0 +2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 2 + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_loopleft: + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $2 $1 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim + StrCmp $3 '\' 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_loopleft + StrCpy $3 $0 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 - $1 + IntCmp $2 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_B-trim 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_B-trim + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_loopright: + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $4 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $2 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_B-trim + StrCmp $4 '\' 0 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_loopright + StrCpy $4 $0 '' $2 + StrCpy $0 '$3\...$4' + goto FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_B-trim: + StrCpy $2 $1 + IntOp $2 $2 - 1 + StrCmp $2 -1 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim + StrCpy $3 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $3 '\' 0 -3 + StrCpy $0 $0 $2 + StrCpy $0 '$0\...' + goto FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim: + StrCpy $0 $0 $1 + StrCpy $0 '$0...' + goto FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_D-trim: + StrCpy $3 -1 + IntOp $3 $3 - 1 + StrCmp $3 -$2 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim + StrCpy $4 $0 1 $3 + StrCmp $4 '\' 0 -3 + StrCpy $4 $0 '' $3 + IntOp $3 $1 + $3 + IntCmp $3 2 FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_C-trim + StrCpy $0 $0 $3 + StrCpy $0 '$0...$4' + goto FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_empty: + StrCpy $0 '' + + FileFunc_BannerTrimPath_end: + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define DirState `!insertmacro DirStateCall` +!define un.DirState `!insertmacro DirStateCall` + +!macro DirState +!macroend + +!macro un.DirState +!macroend + +!macro DirState_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + ClearErrors + + FindFirst $1 $0 '$0\*.*' + IfErrors 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 -1 + goto FileFunc_DirState_end + StrCmp $0 '.' 0 +4 + FindNext $1 $0 + StrCmp $0 '..' 0 +2 + FindNext $1 $0 + FindClose $1 + IfErrors 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 0 + goto FileFunc_DirState_end + StrCpy $0 1 + + FileFunc_DirState_end: + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define RefreshShellIcons `!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall` +!define un.RefreshShellIcons `!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall` + +!macro RefreshShellIcons +!macroend + +!macro un.RefreshShellIcons +!macroend + +!macro RefreshShellIcons_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} + + System::Call 'shell32::SHChangeNotify(i 0x08000000, i 0, i 0, i 0)' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!verbose pop +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/InstallOptions.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/InstallOptions.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04cd5b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/InstallOptions.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +/* + +InstallOptions.nsh +Macros and conversion functions for InstallOptions + +*/ + +!ifndef ___NSIS__INSTALL_OPTIONS__NSH___ +!define ___NSIS__INSTALL_OPTIONS__NSH___ + +!include LogicLib.nsh + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_READ_CONVERT + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_IO2NSIS "" +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_UNFUNCTION_READ_CONVERT + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_IO2NSIS un. +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_WRITE_CONVERT + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_NSIS2IO "" +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_UNFUNCTION_WRITE_CONVERT + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_NSIS2IO un. +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_NSIS2IO UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + ; Convert an NSIS string to a form suitable for use by InstallOptions + ; Usage: + ; Push + ; Call Nsis2Io + ; Pop + + Function ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}Nsis2Io + + Exch $0 ; The source + Push $1 ; The output + Push $2 ; Temporary char + Push $3 ; Length + Push $4 ; Loop index + StrCpy $1 "" ; Initialise the output + + StrLen $3 $0 + IntOp $3 $3 - 1 + + ${For} $4 0 $3 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $4 + ${If} $2 == '\' + StrCpy $2 '\\' + ${ElseIf} $2 == '$\r' + StrCpy $2 '\r' + ${ElseIf} $2 == '$\n' + StrCpy $2 '\n' + ${ElseIf} $2 == '$\t' + StrCpy $2 '\t' + ${EndIf} + StrCpy $1 $1$2 + ${Next} + + StrCpy $0 $1 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + FunctionEnd + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_FUNCTION_IO2NSIS UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + ; Convert an InstallOptions string to a form suitable for use by NSIS + ; Usage: + ; Push + ; Call Io2Nsis + ; Pop + + Function ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}Io2Nsis + + Exch $0 ; The source + Push $1 ; The output + Push $2 ; Temporary char + Push $3 ; Length + Push $4 ; Loop index + StrCpy $1 "" ; Initialise the output + + StrLen $3 $0 + IntOp $3 $3 - 1 + + ${For} $4 0 $3 + StrCpy $2 $0 2 $4 + ${If} $2 == '\\' + StrCpy $2 '\' + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + ${ElseIf} $2 == '\r' + StrCpy $2 '$\r' + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + ${ElseIf} $2 == '\n' + StrCpy $2 '$\n' + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + ${ElseIf} $2 == '\t' + StrCpy $2 '$\t' + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + ${EndIf} + StrCpy $2 $2 1 + StrCpy $1 $1$2 + ${Next} + + StrCpy $0 $1 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + FunctionEnd + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT FILE + + InitPluginsDir + File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${FILE}" +!ifdef NSIS_UNICODE + InstallOptions::make_unicode "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" +!endif + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "${FILE}" "Settings" "RTL" "$(^RTL)" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS FILE FILENAME + + InitPluginsDir + File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\${FILENAME}" "${FILE}" +!ifdef NSIS_UNICODE + InstallOptions::make_unicode "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILENAME}" +!endif + !insertmacro INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "${FILENAME}" "Settings" "RTL" "$(^RTL)" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY FILE + + Push $0 + + InstallOptions::dialog "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" + Pop $0 + + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY_RETURN FILE + + InstallOptions::dialog "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG FILE + + InstallOptions::initDialog "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_SHOW + + Push $0 + + InstallOptions::show + Pop $0 + + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_SHOW_RETURN + + InstallOptions::show + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_READ VAR FILE SECTION KEY + + ReadIniStr ${VAR} "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE FILE SECTION KEY VALUE + + WriteIniStr "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" "${VALUE}" + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_READ_CONVERT VAR FILE SECTION KEY + + ReadIniStr ${VAR} "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" + Push ${VAR} + Call Io2Nsis + Pop ${VAR} + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_READ_UNCONVERT VAR FILE SECTION KEY + + ReadIniStr ${VAR} "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" + Push ${VAR} + Call un.Io2Nsis + Pop ${VAR} + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE_CONVERT FILE SECTION KEY VALUE + + Push $0 + StrCpy $0 "${VALUE}" + Push $0 + Call Nsis2Io + Pop $0 + + WriteIniStr "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" $0 + + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!macro INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE_UNCONVERT FILE SECTION KEY VALUE + + Push $0 + StrCpy $0 "${VALUE}" + Push $0 + Call un.Nsis2Io + Pop $0 + + WriteIniStr "$PLUGINSDIR\${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${KEY}" $0 + + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!endif # ___NSIS__INSTALL_OPTIONS__NSH___ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/LangFile.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/LangFile.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d05e8b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/LangFile.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +/* + +LangFile.nsh + +Header file to create language files that can be +included with a single command. + +Copyright 2008-2016 Joost Verburg, Anders Kjersem + +* Either LANGFILE_INCLUDE or LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT + can be called from the script to include a language file. + + - LANGFILE_INCLUDE takes the language file name as parameter. + - LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT takes as additional second + parameter, the default language file to load missing strings from. + +* Language strings in the language file have the format: + ${LangFileString} LANGSTRING_NAME "Text" + +* There are two types of language header files: + + - NSIS multi-lang support; these must start with the LANGFILE macro and + provide strings for features like MUI and MultiUser. If you are adding + support for a new language to NSIS you should make a copy of English.nsh + and translate this .nsh along with the .nlf. + - Custom installer strings; these must start with the LANGFILE_EXT macro and + contain translated versions of + custom strings used in a particular installer. + This is useful if you want to put the translations for each language in + their own separate file. + +* Example: + + ; Setup.nsi + !include "MUI.nsh" + !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES + !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish" + !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "DanishExtra.nsh" + !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish" + !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "SwedishExtra.nsh" + Section + MessageBox MB_OK "$(myCustomString)" + SectionEnd + + ; SwedishExtra.nsh + !insertmacro LANGFILE_EXT Swedish + ${LangFileString} myCustomString "Bork bork" + +*/ + +!ifndef LANGFILE_INCLUDED +!define LANGFILE_INCLUDED + +!macro LANGFILE_INCLUDE FILENAME + + ;Called from script: include a language file + + !ifdef LangFileString + !undef LangFileString + !endif + + !define LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_SETSTRING" + + !define LANGFILE_SETNAMES + !include "${FILENAME}" + !undef LANGFILE_SETNAMES + + ;Create language strings + !define /redef LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING" + !include "${FILENAME}" + +!macroend + +!macro LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT FILENAME FILENAME_DEFAULT + + ;Called from script: include a language file + ;Obtains missing strings from a default file + + !ifdef LangFileString + !undef LangFileString + !endif + + !define LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_SETSTRING" + + !define LANGFILE_SETNAMES + !include "${FILENAME}" + !undef LANGFILE_SETNAMES + + ;Include default language for missing strings + !define LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" + !include "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" + !undef LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK + + ;Create language strings + !define /redef LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING" + !include "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" + +!macroend + +!macro LANGFILE NLFID ENGNAME NATIVENAME NATIVEASCIINAME + + ;Start of standard NSIS language file + + ; NLFID: Must match the name of the .nlf file + ; ENGNAME: English name of language, "=" if it is the same as NLFID + ; NATIVENAME: Native name of language. (In Unicode) + ; NATIVEASCIINAME: Native name of language using only ASCII, "=" if it is the same as NATIVENAME + + ; Example: LANGFILE "Swedish" = "Svenska" = + ; For more examples, see French.nsh, Greek.nsh and PortugueseBR.nsh + + !ifdef LANGFILE_SETNAMES + + !ifdef LANGFILE_IDNAME + !undef LANGFILE_IDNAME + !endif + + !define LANGFILE_IDNAME "${NLFID}" + + ; ModernUI or the .nsi can change LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT if desired + !ifndef LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT + !ifndef NSIS_UNICODE + !define LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT "%ENGNAME% / %NATIVEASCIINAME%" + !endif + !define /ifndef LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT "%NATIVENAME%" + !endif + + !ifndef "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" + !if "${ENGNAME}" == "=" + !define /redef ENGNAME "${NLFID}" + !endif + !if "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" == "=" + !define /redef NATIVEASCIINAME "${NATIVENAME}" + !endif + + !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_ENGLISHNAME" "${ENGNAME}" + !ifdef NSIS_UNICODE + !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" "${NATIVENAME}" + !else + !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" + !endif + + !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT}" %NATIVEASCIINAME% "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" + !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL}" %NATIVENAME% "${NATIVENAME}" + !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL}" %ENGNAME% "${ENGNAME}" + + !endif + + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro LANGFILE_EXT IDNAME + + ;Start of installer language file + + !ifdef LANGFILE_SETNAMES + + !ifdef LANGFILE_IDNAME + !undef LANGFILE_IDNAME + !endif + + !define LANGFILE_IDNAME "${IDNAME}" + + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro LANGFILE_SETSTRING NAME VALUE + + ;Set define with translated string + + !ifndef ${NAME} + !define "${NAME}" "${VALUE}" + !ifdef LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK + !warning 'LangString "${NAME}" for language ${LANGFILE_IDNAME} is missing, using fallback from "${LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK}"' + !endif + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING NAME DUMMY + + ;Create a language string from a define and undefine + + LangString "${NAME}" "${LANG_${LANGFILE_IDNAME}}" "${${NAME}}" + !undef "${NAME}" + +!macroend + +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Library.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Library.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e316c95 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Library.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,870 @@ +# +# Library.nsh +# +# A system for the installation and uninstallation of dynamic +# link libraries (DLL) and type libraries (TLB). Using this +# system you can handle the complete setup with one single +# line of code: +# +# * File copying +# * File copying on reboot +# * Version checks +# * Registration and unregistration +# * Registration and unregistration on reboot +# * Shared DLL counting +# * Windows File Protection checks +# +# For more information, read appendix B in the documentation. +# + +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!ifndef LIB_INCLUDED + +!define LIB_INCLUDED + +!ifndef SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED + !define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 0x08000000 +!endif +!ifndef SHCNF_IDLIST + !define SHCNF_IDLIST 0x0000 +!endif + +!define REGTOOL_VERSION v3 +!define REGTOOL_KEY NSIS.Library.RegTool.${REGTOOL_VERSION} + +!include LogicLib.nsh +!include x64.nsh + +### GetParent macro, don't pass $1 or $2 as INTPUT or OUTPUT +!macro __InstallLib_Helper_GetParent INPUT OUTPUT + + # Copied from FileFunc.nsh + + StrCpy ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT} + + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $2 ${OUTPUT} 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy ${OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT} -1 + goto -3 + + StrCpy $1 0 + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 ${OUTPUT} 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '\' +2 + StrCmp $2 '' 0 -3 + StrCpy ${OUTPUT} ${OUTPUT} $1 + + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + +!macroend + +### Initialize session id (GUID) +!macro __InstallLib_Helper_InitSession + + !ifndef __InstallLib_SessionGUID_Defined + + !define __InstallLib_SessionGUID_Defined + + Var /GLOBAL __INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID + + !endif + + !define __InstallLib_Helper_InitSession_Label "Library_${__FILE__}${__LINE__}" + + StrCmp $__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID '' 0 "${__InstallLib_Helper_InitSession_Label}" + + System::Call 'ole32::CoCreateGuid(g .s)' + Pop $__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID + + "${__InstallLib_Helper_InitSession_Label}:" + + !undef __InstallLib_Helper_InitSession_Label + +!macroend + +### Add a RegTool entry to register after reboot +!macro __InstallLib_Helper_AddRegToolEntry mode filename tempdir + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy the parameters + + Push "${filename}" + Push "${tempdir}" + + Pop $R2 ; temporary directory + Pop $R1 ; file name to register + + ;------------------------ + ;Initialize session id + + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_InitSession + + ;------------------------ + ;Advance counter + + StrCpy $R0 0 + ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "Software\${REGTOOL_KEY}\$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID" "count" + IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 + WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\${REGTOOL_KEY}\$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID" "count" "$R0" + + ;------------------------ + ;Setup RegTool + + ReadRegStr $R3 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" "${REGTOOL_KEY}" + StrCpy $R3 $R3 -4 1 + IfFileExists $R3 +3 + + File /oname=$R2\${REGTOOL_KEY}.$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID.exe "${NSISDIR}\Bin\RegTool.bin" + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" \ + "${REGTOOL_KEY}" '"$R2\${REGTOOL_KEY}.$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID.exe" /S' + + ;------------------------ + ;Add RegTool entry + + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${REGTOOL_KEY}\$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID" "$R0.file" "$R1" + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${REGTOOL_KEY}\$__INSTALLLLIB_SESSIONGUID" "$R0.mode" "${mode}" + + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +### Get library version +!macro __InstallLib_Helper_GetVersion TYPE FILE + + !tempfile LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH + + !ifdef NSIS_WIN32_MAKENSIS + + !execute '"${NSISDIR}\Bin\LibraryLocal.exe" "${TYPE}" "${FILE}" "${LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH}"' + + !else + + !execute 'LibraryLocal "${TYPE}" "${FILE}" "${LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH}"' + + !if ${TYPE} == 'T' + + !warning "LibraryLocal currently supports TypeLibs version detection on Windows only" + + !endif + + !endif + + !include "${LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH}" + !delfile "${LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH}" + !undef LIBRARY_TEMP_NSH + +!macroend + +### Install library +!macro InstallLib libtype shared install localfile destfile tempbasedir + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + + ;------------------------ + ;Define + + !define INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE "${__FILE__}${__LINE__}" + + !define INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_${libtype} + !define INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_${libtype} + !define INSTALLLIB_SHARED_${shared} + !define INSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET INSTALLLIB_SHARED_${shared} + !define INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_${install} + !define INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_SET INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_${install} + + ;------------------------ + ;Validate + + !ifndef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_DLL & INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL & INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB & \ + INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB & INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + !error "InstallLib: Incorrect setting for parameter: libtype" + !endif + + !ifndef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED & INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED & \ + INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_NOREBOOT_PROTECTED & INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + !error "InstallLib: Incorrect setting for parameter: install" + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;x64 settings + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + ${DisableX64FSRedirection} + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy the parameters used on run-time to a variable + ;This allows the usage of variables as parameter + + StrCpy $R4 "${destfile}" + StrCpy $R5 "${tempbasedir}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Shared library count + + !ifndef INSTALLLIB_SHARED_NOTSHARED + + StrCmp ${shared} "" 0 "installlib.noshareddllincrease_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + SetRegView 64 + + !endif + + ReadRegDword $R0 HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs $R4 + ClearErrors + IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 + WriteRegDWORD HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs $R4 $R0 + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + SetRegView lastused + + !endif + + "installlib.noshareddllincrease_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Check Windows File Protection + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_NOREBOOT_PROTECTED + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_DONE_LABEL + + System::Call "sfc::SfcIsFileProtected(i 0, w R4) i.R0" + + StrCmp $R0 "error" "installlib.notprotected_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + StrCmp $R0 "0" "installlib.notprotected_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + Goto "installlib.done_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "installlib.notprotected_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Check file + + IfFileExists $R4 0 "installlib.copy_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Get version information + + !ifndef LIBRARY_IGNORE_VERSION + + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_GetVersion D "${LOCALFILE}" + + !ifdef LIBRARY_VERSION_FILENOTFOUND + !error "InstallLib: The library ${LOCALFILE} could not be found." + !endif + + !ifndef LIBRARY_VERSION_NONE + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_UPGRADE_LABEL + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + StrCpy $R0 ${LIBRARY_VERSION_HIGH} + StrCpy $R1 ${LIBRARY_VERSION_LOW} + + GetDLLVersion $R4 $R2 $R3 + + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_HIGH + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_LOW + + !ifndef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB & INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + IntCmpU $R1 $R3 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" \ + "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !else + + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_GetVersion T "${LOCALFILE}" + + !ifdef LIBRARY_VERSION_FILENOTFOUND + !error "InstallLib: The library ${LOCALFILE} could not be found." + !endif + + !ifndef LIBRARY_VERSION_NONE + + IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + IntCmpU $R1 $R3 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" \ + "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !else + + IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + IntCmpU $R1 $R3 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" \ + "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !endif + + !endif + + !else + + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_NONE + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_GetVersion T "${LOCALFILE}" + + !endif + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + !ifndef LIBRARY_VERSION_NONE + + !ifndef LIBRARY_DEFINE_UPGRADE_LABEL + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_UPGRADE_LABEL + + !endif + + !ifndef LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + !endif + + StrCpy $R0 ${LIBRARY_VERSION_HIGH} + StrCpy $R1 ${LIBRARY_VERSION_LOW} + + TypeLib::GetLibVersion $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + + IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + IntCmpU $R1 $R3 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" \ + "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_HIGH + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_LOW + + !else + + !undef LIBRARY_VERSION_NONE + + !endif + + !endif + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Upgrade + + !ifdef LIBRARY_DEFINE_UPGRADE_LABEL + + !undef LIBRARY_DEFINE_UPGRADE_LABEL + + "installlib.upgrade_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_NOREBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + "installlib.copy_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Call ":installlib.file_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !else + + !ifndef LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + !endif + + !ifndef LIBRARY_DEFINE_DONE_LABEL + + !define LIBRARY_DEFINE_DONE_LABEL + + !endif + + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Call ":installlib.file_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + IfErrors 0 "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + SetOverwrite lastused + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy on reboot + + GetTempFileName $R0 $R5 + Call ":installlib.file_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + Rename /REBOOTOK $R0 $R4 + + ;------------------------ + ;Register on reboot + + Call ":installlib.regonreboot_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + Goto "installlib.done_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "installlib.copy_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Call ":installlib.file_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Register + + !ifdef LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + !undef LIBRARY_DEFINE_REGISTER_LABEL + + "installlib.register_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + IfRebootFlag 0 "installlib.regnoreboot_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + Call ":installlib.regonreboot_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + Goto "installlib.registerfinish_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "installlib.regnoreboot_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + TypeLib::Register $R4 + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + !ifndef LIBRARY_X64 + + RegDll $R4 + + !else + + ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s "$R4"' + + !endif + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + + ExecWait '"$R4" /regserver' + + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + "installlib.registerfinish_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + !endif + + !ifdef LIBRARY_SHELL_EXTENSION + + System::Call 'Shell32::SHChangeNotify(i ${SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED}, i ${SHCNF_IDLIST}, i 0, i 0)' + + !endif + + !ifdef LIBRARY_COM + + System::Call 'Ole32::CoFreeUnusedLibraries()' + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Done + + !ifdef LIBRARY_DEFINE_DONE_LABEL + + !undef LIBRARY_DEFINE_DONE_LABEL + + "installlib.done_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + + ;------------------------ + ;End + + Goto "installlib.end_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Extract + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + SetOverwrite try + + !else + + SetOverwrite on + + !endif + + "installlib.file_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + SetFileAttributes $R0 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL + ClearErrors + File /oname=$R0 "${LOCALFILE}" + Return + + SetOverwrite lastused + + ;------------------------ + ;Register on reboot + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + "installlib.regonreboot_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + !ifndef LIBRARY_X64 + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_AddRegToolEntry 'D' "$R4" "$R5" + !else + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_AddRegToolEntry 'DX' "$R4" "$R5" + !endif + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_AddRegToolEntry 'T' "$R4" "$R5" + !endif + + !ifdef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_AddRegToolEntry 'E' "$R4" "$R5" + !endif + + Return + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;End label + + "installlib.end_${INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + ${EnableX64FSRedirection} + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Undefine + + !undef INSTALLLIB_UNIQUE + + !undef ${INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET} + !undef INSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET + !undef ${INSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET} + !undef INSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET + !undef ${INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_SET} + !undef INSTALLLIB_INSTALL_SET + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +### Uninstall library +!macro UnInstallLib libtype shared uninstall file + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + + ;------------------------ + ;Define + + !define UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE "${__FILE__}${__LINE__}" + + !define UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_${libtype} + !define UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_${libtype} + !define UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_${shared} + !define UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_${shared} + !define UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_${uninstall} + !define UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_SET UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_${uninstall} + + ;------------------------ + ;Validate + + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_DLL & UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL & UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB & \ + UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB & UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + !error "UnInstallLib: Incorrect setting for parameter: libtype" + !endif + + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_NOTSHARED & UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SHARED + !error "UnInstallLib: Incorrect setting for parameter: shared" + !endif + + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_NOREMOVE & UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED & \ + UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED & UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_NOREBOOT_PROTECTED & \ + UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + !error "UnInstallLib: Incorrect setting for parameter: uninstall" + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;x64 settings + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + ${DisableX64FSRedirection} + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy the parameters used on run-time to a variable + ;This allows the usage of variables as parameter + + StrCpy $R1 "${file}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Shared library count + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SHARED + + !define UNINSTALLLIB_DONE_LABEL + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + SetRegView 64 + + !endif + + ReadRegDword $R0 HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs $R1 + StrCmp $R0 "" "uninstalllib.shareddlldone_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + IntOp $R0 $R0 - 1 + IntCmp $R0 0 "uninstalllib.shareddllremove_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" \ + "uninstalllib.shareddllremove_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" "uninstalllib.shareddllinuse_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "uninstalllib.shareddllremove_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + DeleteRegValue HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs $R1 + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SHAREDNOREMOVE + Goto "uninstalllib.shareddlldone_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + !endif + + "uninstalllib.shareddllinuse_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + WriteRegDWORD HKLM Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs $R1 $R0 + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + SetRegView lastused + + !endif + + Goto "uninstalllib.done_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "uninstalllib.shareddlldone_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + SetRegView lastused + + !endif + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Remove + + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_NOREMOVE + + ;------------------------ + ;Check Windows File Protection + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_NOREBOOT_PROTECTED + + !ifndef UNINSTALLLIB_DONE_LABEL + + !define UNINSTALLLIB_DONE_LABEL + + !endif + + System::Call "sfc::SfcIsFileProtected(i 0, w $R1) i.R0" + + StrCmp $R0 "error" "uninstalllib.notprotected_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + StrCmp $R0 "0" "uninstalllib.notprotected_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + Goto "uninstalllib.done_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}" + + "uninstalllib.notprotected_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Unregister + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLL | UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + !ifndef LIBRARY_X64 + + UnRegDLL $R1 + + !else + + ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe" /s /u "$R1"' + + !endif + + !endif + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGEXE + + ExecWait '"$R1" /unregserver' + + !endif + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_TLB | UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_REGDLLTLB + + TypeLib::UnRegister $R1 + + !endif + + !ifdef LIBRARY_SHELL_EXTENSION + + System::Call 'Shell32::SHChangeNotify(i ${SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED}, i ${SHCNF_IDLIST}, i 0, i 0)' + + !endif + + !ifdef LIBRARY_COM + + System::Call 'Ole32::CoFreeUnusedLibraries()' + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Delete + + Delete $R1 + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_PROTECTED | UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED + + ${If} ${FileExists} $R1 + # File is in use, can't just delete. + # Move file to another location before using Delete /REBOOTOK. This way, if + # the user installs a new version of the DLL, it won't be deleted after + # reboot. See bug #1097642 for more information on this. + + # Try moving to $TEMP. + GetTempFileName $R0 + Delete $R0 + Rename $R1 $R0 + + ${If} ${FileExists} $R1 + # Still here, delete temporary file, in case the file was copied + # and not deleted. This happens when moving from network drives, + # for example. + Delete $R0 + + # Try moving to directory containing the file. + !insertmacro __InstallLib_Helper_GetParent $R1 $R0 + GetTempFileName $R0 $R0 + Delete $R0 + Rename $R1 $R0 + + ${If} ${FileExists} $R1 + # Still here, delete temporary file. + Delete $R0 + + # Give up moving, simply Delete /REBOOTOK the file. + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + + # Delete the moved file. + Delete /REBOOTOK $R0 + ${EndIf} + + !endif + + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Done + + !ifdef UNINSTALLLIB_DONE_LABEL + + !undef UNINSTALLLIB_DONE_LABEL + + "uninstalllib.done_${UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE}:" + + !endif + + !ifdef LIBRARY_X64 + + ${EnableX64FSRedirection} + + !endif + + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + + ;------------------------ + ;Undefine + + !undef UNINSTALLLIB_UNIQUE + + !undef ${UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET} + !undef UNINSTALLLIB_LIBTYPE_SET + !undef ${UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET} + !undef UNINSTALLLIB_SHARED_SET + !undef ${UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_SET} + !undef UNINSTALLLIB_UNINSTALL_SET + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!endif + +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/LogicLib.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/LogicLib.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1209201 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/LogicLib.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,853 @@ +; NSIS LOGIC LIBRARY - LogicLib.nsh +; Version 2.6 - 08/12/2007 +; By dselkirk@hotmail.com +; and eccles@users.sf.net +; with IfNot support added by Message +; +; Questions/Comments - +; See http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1116241 +; +; Description: +; Provides the use of various logic statements within NSIS. +; +; Usage: +; The following "statements" are available: +; If|IfNot|Unless..{ElseIf|ElseIfNot|ElseUnless}..[Else]..EndIf|EndUnless +; - Conditionally executes a block of statements, depending on the value +; of an expression. IfNot and Unless are equivalent and +; interchangeable, as are ElseIfNot and ElseUnless. +; AndIf|AndIfNot|AndUnless|OrIf|OrIfNot|OrUnless +; - Adds any number of extra conditions to If, IfNot, Unless, ElseIf, +; ElseIfNot and ElseUnless statements. +; IfThen|IfNotThen..|..| +; - Conditionally executes an inline statement, depending on the value +; of an expression. +; IfCmd..||..| +; - Conditionally executes an inline statement, depending on a true +; value of the provided NSIS function. +; Select..{Case[2|3|4|5]}..[CaseElse|Default]..EndSelect +; - Executes one of several blocks of statements, depending on the value +; of an expression. +; Switch..{Case|CaseElse|Default}..EndSwitch +; - Jumps to one of several labels, depending on the value of an +; expression. +; Do[While|Until]..{ExitDo|Continue|Break}..Loop[While|Until] +; - Repeats a block of statements until stopped, or depending on the +; value of an expression. +; While..{ExitWhile|Continue|Break}..EndWhile +; - An alias for DoWhile..Loop (for backwards-compatibility) +; For[Each]..{ExitFor|Continue|Break}..Next +; - Repeats a block of statements varying the value of a variable. +; +; The following "expressions" are available: +; Standard (built-in) string tests (which are case-insensitive): +; a == b; a != b +; Additional case-insensitive string tests (using System.dll): +; a S< b; a S>= b; a S> b; a S<= b +; Case-sensitive string tests: +; a S== b; a S!= b +; Standard (built-in) signed integer tests: +; a = b; a <> b; a < b; a >= b; a > b; a <= b; a & b +; Standard (built-in) unsigned integer tests: +; a U< b; a U>= b; a U> b; a U<= b +; 64-bit integer tests (using System.dll): +; a L= b; a L<> b; a L< b; a L>= b; a L> b; a L<= b +; ptrdiff_t integer tests +; a P= b; a P<> b; a P< b; a P>= b; a P> b; a P<= b +; size_t integer tests +; a Z= b; a Z<> b; a Z< b; a Z>= b; a Z> b; a Z<= b +; Built-in NSIS flag tests: +; ${Abort}; ${Errors}; ${RebootFlag}; ${Silent} +; Built-in NSIS other tests: +; ${FileExists} a +; Any conditional NSIS instruction test: +; ${Cmd} a +; Section flag tests: +; ${SectionIsSelected} a; ${SectionIsSectionGroup} a; +; ${SectionIsSectionGroupEnd} a; ${SectionIsBold} a; +; ${SectionIsReadOnly} a; ${SectionIsExpanded} a; +; ${SectionIsPartiallySelected} a +; +; Examples: +; See LogicLib.nsi in the Examples folder for lots of example usage. + +!verbose push +!verbose 3 +!ifndef LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY + !define LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY 3 +!endif +!define _LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} +!undef LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY +!verbose ${_LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + +!ifndef LOGICLIB + !define LOGICLIB + !define | "'" + !define || "' '" + !define LOGICLIB_COUNTER 0 + + !include Sections.nsh + + !macro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + !ifndef _LOGICLIB_TEMP + !define _LOGICLIB_TEMP + Var /GLOBAL _LOGICLIB_TEMP ; Temporary variable to aid the more elaborate logic tests + !endif + !macroend + + !macro LogicLib_JumpToBranch _Jump _Skip + StrCmp "" "" `${_Jump}` ${_Skip} + !macroend + + !macro _IncreaseCounter + !define /redef /math LOGICLIB_COUNTER `${LOGICLIB_COUNTER}` + 1 + !macroend + + !macro _PushLogic + !insertmacro _PushScope Logic _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !macroend + + !macro _PopLogic + !insertmacro _PopScope Logic + !macroend + + !macro _PushScope Type label + !ifdef _${Type} ; If we already have a statement + !define _Cur${Type} ${_${Type}} + !undef _${Type} + !define _${Type} ${label} + !define ${_${Type}}Prev${Type} ${_Cur${Type}} ; Save the current logic + !undef _Cur${Type} + !else + !define _${Type} ${label} ; Initialise for first statement + !endif + !macroend + + !macro _PopScope Type + !ifndef _${Type} + !error "Cannot use _Pop${Type} without a preceding _Push${Type}" + !endif + !ifdef ${_${Type}}Prev${Type} ; If a previous statment was active then restore it + !define _Cur${Type} ${_${Type}} + !undef _${Type} + !define _${Type} ${${_Cur${Type}}Prev${Type}} + !undef ${_Cur${Type}}Prev${Type} + !undef _Cur${Type} + !else + !undef _${Type} + !endif + !macroend + + ; String tests + !macro _== _a _b _t _f + StrCmp `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _!= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _== `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + ; Case-sensitive string tests + !macro _S== _a _b _t _f + StrCmpS `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _S!= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _S== `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + ; Extra string tests (cannot do these case-sensitively - I tried and lstrcmp still ignored the case) + !macro _StrCmpI _a _b _e _l _m + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + System::Call `kernel32::lstrcmpi(ts, ts) i.s` `${_a}` `${_b}` + Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + IntCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_e}` `${_l}` `${_m}` + !macroend + + !macro _S< _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _StrCmpI `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _S>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _S< `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _S> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _StrCmpI `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _S<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _S> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + ; Integer tests + !macro _= _a _b _t _f + IntCmp `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _<> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _= `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _< _a _b _t _f + IntCmp `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _< `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _> _a _b _t _f + IntCmp `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _& _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_a}` & `${_b}` + !insertmacro _<> $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + ; Unsigned integer tests (NB: no need for extra equality tests) + !macro _U< _a _b _t _f + IntCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _U>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _U< `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _U> _a _b _t _f + IntCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _U<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _U> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + ; Int64 tests + !macro _Int64Cmp _a _o _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + System::Int64Op `${_a}` `${_o}` `${_b}` + Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _L= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _Int64Cmp `${_a}` = `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _L<> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _L= `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _L< _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _Int64Cmp `${_a}` < `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _L>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _L< `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + !macro _L> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _Int64Cmp `${_a}` > `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + !macro _L<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _L> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + + ; ptrdiff_t & size_t tests + !macro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest _o _a _b _t _f + !if "${NSIS_PTR_SIZE}" <= 4 + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !else + !insertmacro _L${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !endif + !macroend + !macro _P= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest = `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _P<> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest <> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _P< _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest < `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _P>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest >= `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _P> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest > `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _P<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest <= `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !include Util.nsh + !macro _Z= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest = `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _Z<> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro LogicLib_PtrDiffTest <> `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _Z< _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro IntPtrCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !macro _Z>= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro IntPtrCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + !macro _Z> _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro IntPtrCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_f}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + !macroend + !macro _Z<= _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro IntPtrCmpU `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + + ; Flag tests + !macro _Abort _a _b _t _f + IfAbort `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define Abort `"" Abort ""` + + !macro _Errors _a _b _t _f + IfErrors `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define Errors `"" Errors ""` + + !macro _FileExists _a _b _t _f + IfFileExists `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define FileExists `"" FileExists` + + !macro _RebootFlag _a _b _t _f + IfRebootFlag `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define RebootFlag `"" RebootFlag ""` + + !macro _Silent _a _b _t _f + IfSilent `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define Silent `"" Silent ""` + + ; "Any instruction" test + !macro _Cmd _a _b _t _f + !define _t=${_t} + !ifdef _t= ; If no true label then make one + !define __t _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !else + !define __t ${_t} + !endif + ${_b} ${__t} + !define _f=${_f} + !ifndef _f= ; If a false label then go there + Goto ${_f} + !endif + !undef _f=${_f} + !ifdef _t= ; If we made our own true label then place it + ${__t}: + !endif + !undef __t + !undef _t=${_t} + !macroend + !define Cmd `"" Cmd` + + ; Section flag test + !macro _SectionFlagIsSet _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + SectionGetFlags `${_b}` $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP $_LOGICLIB_TEMP & `${_a}` + !insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_a}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !macroend + !define SectionIsSelected `${SF_SELECTED} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsSubSection `${SF_SUBSEC} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsSubSectionEnd `${SF_SUBSECEND} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsSectionGroup `${SF_SECGRP} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsSectionGroupEnd `${SF_SECGRPEND} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsBold `${SF_BOLD} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsReadOnly `${SF_RO} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsExpanded `${SF_EXPAND} SectionFlagIsSet` + !define SectionIsPartiallySelected `${SF_PSELECTED} SectionFlagIsSet` + + !define IfCmd `!insertmacro _IfThen "" Cmd ${|}` + + !macro _If _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !insertmacro _PushLogic + !define ${_Logic}If + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_ElseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the Else + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c=true ; If is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${${_Logic}Else} "" + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define If `!insertmacro _If true` + !define Unless `!insertmacro _If false` + !define IfNot `!insertmacro _If false` + + !macro _And _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}If + !error "Cannot use And without a preceding If or IfNot/Unless" + !endif + !ifndef ${_Logic}Else + !error "Cannot use And following an Else" + !endif + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c=true ; If is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${${_Logic}Else} "" + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define AndIf `!insertmacro _And true` + !define AndUnless `!insertmacro _And false` + !define AndIfNot `!insertmacro _And false` + + !macro _Or _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}If + !error "Cannot use Or without a preceding If or IfNot/Unless" + !endif + !ifndef ${_Logic}Else + !error "Cannot use Or following an Else" + !endif + !define _label _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Skip this test as we already + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + Goto ${_label} ; have a successful result + ${${_Logic}Else}: ; Place the Else label + !undef ${_Logic}Else ; and remove it + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_ElseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new If + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c=true ; If is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${${_Logic}Else} "" + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + ${_label}: + !undef _label + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define OrIf `!insertmacro _Or true` + !define OrUnless `!insertmacro _Or false` + !define OrIfNot `!insertmacro _Or false` + + !macro _Else + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}If + !error "Cannot use Else without a preceding If or IfNot/Unless" + !endif + !ifndef ${_Logic}Else + !error "Cannot use Else following an Else" + !endif + !ifndef ${_Logic}EndIf ; First Else for this If? + !define ${_Logic}EndIf _LogicLib_EndIfLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the EndIf + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !endif + Goto ${${_Logic}EndIf} ; Go to the EndIf + ${${_Logic}Else}: ; Place the Else label + !undef ${_Logic}Else ; and remove it + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Else `!insertmacro _Else` + + !macro _ElseIf _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${Else} ; Perform the Else + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_ElseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new If + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c=true ; If is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${${_Logic}Else} "" + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define ElseIf `!insertmacro _ElseIf true` + !define ElseUnless `!insertmacro _ElseIf false` + !define ElseIfNot `!insertmacro _ElseIf false` + + !macro _EndIf _n + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}If + !error "Cannot use End${_n} without a preceding If or IfNot/Unless" + !endif + !ifdef ${_Logic}Else + ${${_Logic}Else}: ; Place the Else label + !undef ${_Logic}Else ; and remove it + !endif + !ifdef ${_Logic}EndIf + ${${_Logic}EndIf}: ; Place the EndIf + !undef ${_Logic}EndIf ; and remove it + !endif + !undef ${_Logic}If + !insertmacro _PopLogic + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define EndIf `!insertmacro _EndIf If` + !define EndUnless `!insertmacro _EndIf Unless` + + !macro _IfThen _a _o _b _t + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${If} `${_a}` `${_o}` `${_b}` + ${_t} + ${EndIf} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define IfThen `!insertmacro _IfThen` + + !macro _IfNotThen _a _o _b _t + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${IfNot} `${_a}` `${_o}` `${_b}` + ${_t} + ${EndIf} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define IfNotThen `!insertmacro _IfNotThen` + + !macro _ForEach _v _f _t _o _s + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + StrCpy "${_v}" "${_f}" ; Assign the initial value + Goto +2 ; Skip the loop expression for the first iteration + !define _DoLoopExpression `IntOp "${_v}" "${_v}" "${_o}" "${_s}"` ; Define the loop expression + !define _o=${_o} + !ifdef _o=+ ; Check the loop expression operator + !define __o > ; to determine the correct loop condition + !else ifdef _o=- + !define __o < + !else + !error "Unsupported ForEach step operator (must be + or -)" + !endif + !undef _o=${_o} + !insertmacro _Do For false `${_v}` `${__o}` `${_t}` ; Let Do do the rest + !undef __o + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define ForEach `!insertmacro _ForEach` + + !macro _For _v _f _t + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${ForEach} `${_v}` `${_f}` `${_t}` + 1 ; Pass on to ForEach + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define For `!insertmacro _For` + + !define ExitFor `!insertmacro _Goto ExitFor For` + + !define Next `!insertmacro _Loop For Next "" "" "" ""` + + !define While `!insertmacro _Do While true` + + !define ExitWhile `!insertmacro _Goto ExitWhile While` + + !define EndWhile `!insertmacro _Loop While EndWhile "" "" "" ""` + + !macro _Do _n _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !insertmacro _PushLogic + !define ${_Logic}${_n} _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the start of the loop + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + ${${_Logic}${_n}}: + !insertmacro _PushScope Exit${_n} _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the end of the loop + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _PushScope Break ${_Exit${_n}} ; Break goes to the end of the loop + !ifdef _DoLoopExpression + ${_DoLoopExpression} ; Special extra parameter for inserting code + !undef _DoLoopExpression ; between the Continue label and the loop condition + !endif + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c= ; No starting condition + !insertmacro _PushScope Continue _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for Continue at the end of the loop + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !else + !insertmacro _PushScope Continue ${${_Logic}${_n}} ; Continue goes to the start of the loop + !ifdef _c=true ; If is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` "" ${_Exit${_n}} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${_Exit${_n}} "" + !endif + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + !define ${_Logic}Condition ${_c} ; Remember the condition used + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Do `!insertmacro _Do Do "" "" "" ""` + !define DoWhile `!insertmacro _Do Do true` + !define DoUntil `!insertmacro _Do Do false` + + !macro _Goto _n _s + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _${_n} + !error "Cannot use ${_n} without a preceding ${_s}" + !endif + Goto ${_${_n}} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define ExitDo `!insertmacro _Goto ExitDo Do` + + !macro _Loop _n _e _c _a _o _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}${_n} + !error "Cannot use ${_e} without a preceding ${_n}" + !endif + !define _c=${${_Logic}Condition} + !ifdef _c= ; If Do had no condition place the Continue label + ${_Continue}: + !endif + !undef _c=${${_Logic}Condition} + !define _c=${_c} + !ifdef _c= ; No ending condition + Goto ${${_Logic}${_n}} + !else ifdef _c=true ; If condition is true + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${${_Logic}${_n}} ${_Exit${_n}} + !else ; If condition is false + !insertmacro _${_o} `${_a}` `${_b}` ${_Exit${_n}} ${${_Logic}${_n}} + !endif + !undef _c=${_c} + Goto ${_Continue} ; Just to ensure it is referenced at least once + Goto ${_Exit${_n}} ; Just to ensure it is referenced at least once + ${_Exit${_n}}: ; Place the loop exit point + !undef ${_Logic}Condition + !insertmacro _PopScope Continue + !insertmacro _PopScope Break + !insertmacro _PopScope Exit${_n} + !undef ${_Logic}${_n} + !insertmacro _PopLogic + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Loop `!insertmacro _Loop Do Loop "" "" "" ""` + !define LoopWhile `!insertmacro _Loop Do LoopWhile true` + !define LoopUntil `!insertmacro _Loop Do LoopUntil false` + + !define Continue `!insertmacro _Goto Continue "For or Do or While"` + !define Break `!insertmacro _Goto Break "For or Do or While"` + + !macro _Select _a + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !insertmacro _PushLogic + !define ${_Logic}Select `${_a}` ; Remember the left hand side of the comparison + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Select `!insertmacro _Select` + + !macro _Select_CaseElse + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}Select + !error "Cannot use Case without a preceding Select" + !endif + !ifdef ${_Logic}EndSelect ; This is set only after the first case + !ifndef ${_Logic}Else + !error "Cannot use Case following a CaseElse" + !endif + Goto ${${_Logic}EndSelect} ; Go to EndSelect (Ends the previous Case) + !define /IfNDef _LogicLib_EndSelectLabelUsed_${_Logic} + ${${_Logic}Else}: ; Place the Else label + !undef ${_Logic}Else ; and remove it + !else + !define ${_Logic}EndSelect _LogicLib_EndSelectLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the EndSelect + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !endif + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define CaseElse `!insertmacro _CaseElse` + !define Case_Else `!insertmacro _CaseElse` ; Compatibility with 2.2 and earlier + !define Default `!insertmacro _CaseElse` ; For the C-minded + + !macro _Select_Case _a + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${CaseElse} ; Perform the CaseElse + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_NextSelectCaseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new Case + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_a}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Case `!insertmacro _Case` + + !macro _Case2 _a _b + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${CaseElse} ; Perform the CaseElse + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_NextSelectCaseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new Case + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_a}` +2 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_b}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Case2 `!insertmacro _Case2` + + !macro _Case3 _a _b _c + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${CaseElse} ; Perform the CaseElse + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_NextSelectCaseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new Case + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_a}` +3 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_b}` +2 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_c}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Case3 `!insertmacro _Case3` + + !macro _Case4 _a _b _c _d + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${CaseElse} ; Perform the CaseElse + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_NextSelectCaseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new Case + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_a}` +4 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_b}` +3 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_c}` +2 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_d}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Case4 `!insertmacro _Case4` + + !macro _Case5 _a _b _c _d _e + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + ${CaseElse} ; Perform the CaseElse + !define ${_Logic}Else _LogicLib_NextSelectCaseLabel_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the next Else and perform the new Case + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_a}` +5 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_b}` +4 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_c}` +3 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_d}` +2 "" + !insertmacro _== `${${_Logic}Select}` `${_e}` "" ${${_Logic}Else} + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Case5 `!insertmacro _Case5` + + !macro _EndSelect + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}Select + !error "Cannot use EndSelect without a preceding Select" + !endif + !ifdef ${_Logic}Else + ${${_Logic}Else}: ; Place the Else label + !undef ${_Logic}Else ; and remove it + !endif + !ifdef ${_Logic}EndSelect ; This won't be set if there weren't any cases + !ifdef _LogicLib_EndSelectLabelUsed_${_Logic} ; There is no jump to ${${_Logic}EndSelect}: if there is only one Case + ${${_Logic}EndSelect}: ; Place the EndSelect + !undef _LogicLib_EndSelectLabelUsed_${_Logic} + !endif + !undef ${_Logic}EndSelect ; and remove it + !endif + !undef ${_Logic}Select + !insertmacro _PopLogic + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define EndSelect `!insertmacro _EndSelect` + + !macro _Switch _a + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !insertmacro _PushLogic + !insertmacro _PushScope Switch ${_Logic} ; Keep a separate stack for switch data + !insertmacro _PushScope Break _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a lable for beyond the end of the switch + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + !define ${_Switch}Var `${_a}` ; Remember the left hand side of the comparison + !tempfile ${_Switch}Tmp ; Create a temporary file + !define ${_Logic}Switch _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the end of the switch + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + Goto ${${_Logic}Switch} ; and go there + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define Switch `!insertmacro _Switch` + + !macro _Case _a + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifdef _Logic & ${_Logic}Select ; Check for an active Select + !insertmacro _Select_Case `${_a}` + !else ifndef _Switch ; If not then check for an active Switch + !error "Cannot use Case without a preceding Select or Switch" + !else + !define _label _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for this case, + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + ${_label}: ; place it and add it's check to the temp file + !appendfile "${${_Switch}Tmp}" `!insertmacro _== $\`${${_Switch}Var}$\` $\`${_a}$\` ${_label} ""$\n` + !undef _label + !endif + !verbose pop + !macroend + + !macro _CaseElse + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifdef _Logic & ${_Logic}Select ; Check for an active Select + !insertmacro _Select_CaseElse + !else ifndef _Switch ; If not then check for an active Switch + !error "Cannot use Case without a preceding Select or Switch" + !else ifdef ${_Switch}Else ; Already had a default case? + !error "Cannot use CaseElse following a CaseElse" + !else + !define ${_Switch}Else _LogicLib_Label_${LOGICLIB_COUNTER} ; Get a label for the default case, + !insertmacro _IncreaseCounter + ${${_Switch}Else}: ; and place it + !endif + !verbose pop + !macroend + + !macro _EndSwitch + !verbose push + !verbose ${LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} + !ifndef _Logic | ${_Logic}Switch + !error "Cannot use EndSwitch without a preceding Switch" + !endif + Goto ${_Break} ; Skip the jump table + ${${_Logic}Switch}: ; Place the end of the switch + !undef ${_Logic}Switch + !include "${${_Switch}Tmp}" ; Include the jump table + !delfile "${${_Switch}Tmp}" ; and clear it up + !ifdef ${_Switch}Else ; Was there a default case? + Goto ${${_Switch}Else} ; then go there if all else fails + !undef ${_Switch}Else + !endif + !undef ${_Switch}Tmp + !undef ${_Switch}Var + ${_Break}: ; Place the break label + !insertmacro _PopScope Break + !insertmacro _PopScope Switch + !insertmacro _PopLogic + !verbose pop + !macroend + !define EndSwitch `!insertmacro _EndSwitch` + +!endif ; LOGICLIB +!verbose 3 +!define LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY ${_LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY} +!undef _LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Memento.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Memento.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa1843 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Memento.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!include LogicLib.nsh +!include Sections.nsh + +!ifndef ___MEMENTO_NSH___ +!define ___MEMENTO_NSH___ + +##################################### +### Memento ### +##################################### + +/* + +Memento is a set of macros that allow installers to remember user selection +across separate runs of the installer. Currently, it can remember the state +of sections and mark new sections as bold. In the future, it'll integrate +InstallOptions and maybe even the Modern UI. + +A usage example can be found in `Examples\Memento.nsi`. + +*/ + +##################################### +### Usage Instructions ### +##################################### + +/* + +1. Declare usage of Memento by including Memento.nsh at the top of the script. + + !include Memento.nsh + +2. Define MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT and MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY with the a registry key + where sections' state should be saved. + + !define MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT HKLM + !define MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY \ + Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MyProgram + +3. Replace Section with ${MementoSection} and SectionEnd with ${MementoSectionEnd} + for sections that whose state should be remembered by Memento. + + For sections that should be unselected by default, use ${MementoSection}'s + brother - ${MementoUnselectedSection}. + + Sections that don't already have an identifier must be assigned one. + + Section identifiers must stay the same across different versions of the + installer or their state will be forgotten. + +4. Use ${MementoSectionDone} after the last ${MementoSection}. + +5. Add a call to ${MementoSectionRestore} to .onInit to restore the state + of all sections from the registry. + + Function .onInit + + ${MementoSectionRestore} + + FunctionEnd + +6. Add a call to ${MementoSectionSave} to .onInstSuccess to save the state + of all sections to the registry. + + Function .onInstSuccess + + ${MementoSectionSave} + + FunctionEnd + +7. Tattoo the location of the chosen registry key on your arm. + +*/ + +##################################### +### User API ### +##################################### + +; +; ${MementoSection} +; +; Defines a section whose state is remembered by Memento. +; +; Usage is similar to Section. +; +; ${MementoSection} "name" "some_id" +; + +!define MementoSection "!insertmacro MementoSection" + +; +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; +; Ends a section previously opened using ${MementoSection}. +; +; Usage is similar to SectionEnd. +; +; ${MementoSection} "name" "some_id" +; # some code... +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; + +; +; ${MementoUnselectedSection} +; +; Defines a section whose state is remembered by Memento and is +; unselected by default. +; +; Usage is similar to Section with the /o switch. +; +; ${MementoUnselectedSection} "name" "some_id" +; + +!define MementoUnselectedSection "!insertmacro MementoUnselectedSection" + +; +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; +; Ends a section previously opened using ${MementoSection}. +; +; Usage is similar to SectionEnd. +; +; ${MementoSection} "name" "some_id" +; # some code... +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; + +!define MementoSectionEnd "!insertmacro MementoSectionEnd" + +; +; ${MementoSectionDone} +; +; Used after all ${MementoSection} have been set. +; +; ${MementoSection} "name1" "some_id1" +; # some code... +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; +; ${MementoSection} "name2" "some_id2" +; # some code... +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; +; ${MementoSection} "name3" "some_id3" +; # some code... +; ${MementoSectionEnd} +; +; ${MementoSectionDone} +; + +!define MementoSectionDone "!insertmacro MementoSectionDone" + +; +; ${MementoSectionRestore} +; +; Restores the state of all Memento sections from the registry. +; +; Commonly used in .onInit. +; +; Function .onInit +; +; ${MementoSectionRestore} +; +; FunctionEnd +; + +!define MementoSectionRestore "!insertmacro MementoSectionRestore" + +; +; ${MementoSectionSave} +; +; Saves the state of all Memento sections to the registry. +; +; Commonly used in .onInstSuccess. +; +; Function .onInstSuccess +; +; ${MementoSectionSave} +; +; FunctionEnd +; + +!define MementoSectionSave "!insertmacro MementoSectionSave" + + +##################################### +### Internal Defines ### +##################################### + +!define __MementoSectionIndex 1 + +##################################### +### Internal Macros ### +##################################### + +!macro __MementoCheckSettings + + !ifndef MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT | MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY + + !error "MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT and MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY must be defined before using any of Memento's macros" + + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro __MementoSection flags name id + + !insertmacro __MementoCheckSettings + + !ifndef __MementoSectionIndex + + !error "MementoSectionDone already used!" + + !endif + + !define __MementoSectionLastSectionId `${id}` + + !verbose pop + + Section ${flags} `${name}` `${id}` + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + +!macroend + +##################################### +### User Macros ### +##################################### + +!macro MementoSection name id + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoSection "" `${name}` `${id}` + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MementoUnselectedSection name id + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoSection /o `${name}` `${id}` + + !define __MementoSectionUnselected + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MementoSectionEnd + + SectionEnd + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoCheckSettings + + !ifndef __MementoSectionIndex + + !error "MementoSectionDone already used!" + + !endif + + !define /MATH __MementoSectionIndexNext \ + ${__MementoSectionIndex} + 1 + + Function __MementoSectionMarkNew${__MementoSectionIndex} + + ClearErrors + ReadRegDWORD $0 ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` `MementoSection_${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}` + + ${If} ${Errors} + + !insertmacro SetSectionFlag `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` ${SF_BOLD} + + ${EndIf} + + GetFunctionAddress $0 __MementoSectionMarkNew${__MementoSectionIndexNext} + Goto $0 + + FunctionEnd + + Function __MementoSectionRestoreStatus${__MementoSectionIndex} + + ClearErrors + ReadRegDWORD $0 ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` `MementoSection_${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}` + + !ifndef __MementoSectionUnselected + + ${If} ${Errors} + ${OrIf} $0 != 0 + + !insertmacro SelectSection `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` + + ${Else} + + !insertmacro UnselectSection `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` + + ${EndIf} + + !else + + !undef __MementoSectionUnselected + + ${If} ${Errors} + ${OrIf} $0 == 0 + + !insertmacro UnselectSection `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` + + ${Else} + + !insertmacro SelectSection `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` + + ${EndIf} + + !endif + + GetFunctionAddress $0 __MementoSectionRestoreStatus${__MementoSectionIndexNext} + Goto $0 + + FunctionEnd + + Function __MementoSectionSaveStatus${__MementoSectionIndex} + + ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} `${${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}}` + + WriteRegDWORD ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` `MementoSection_${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}` 1 + + ${Else} + + WriteRegDWORD ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` `MementoSection_${__MementoSectionLastSectionId}` 0 + + ${EndIf} + + GetFunctionAddress $0 __MementoSectionSaveStatus${__MementoSectionIndexNext} + Goto $0 + + FunctionEnd + + !undef __MementoSectionIndex + !define __MementoSectionIndex ${__MementoSectionIndexNext} + !undef __MementoSectionIndexNext + + !undef __MementoSectionLastSectionId + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MementoSectionDone + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoCheckSettings + + Function __MementoSectionMarkNew${__MementoSectionIndex} + FunctionEnd + + Function __MementoSectionRestoreStatus${__MementoSectionIndex} + FunctionEnd + + Function __MementoSectionSaveStatus${__MementoSectionIndex} + FunctionEnd + + !undef __MementoSectionIndex + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MementoSectionRestore + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoCheckSettings + + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + + # check for first usage + + ClearErrors + + ReadRegStr $0 ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` MementoSectionUsed + + ${If} ${Errors} + + # use script defaults on first run + Goto done + + ${EndIf} + + # mark new components in bold + + Call __MementoSectionMarkNew1 + + # mark section groups in bold + + StrCpy $0 0 + StrCpy $1 "" + StrCpy $2 "" + StrCpy $3 "" + + loop: + + ClearErrors + + ${If} ${SectionIsBold} $0 + + ${If} $1 != "" + + !insertmacro SetSectionFlag $1 ${SF_BOLD} + + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $2 != "" + + !insertmacro SetSectionFlag $2 ${SF_BOLD} + + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $3 != "" + + !insertmacro SetSectionFlag $3 ${SF_BOLD} + + ${EndIf} + + ${ElseIf} ${Errors} + + Goto loop_end + + ${EndIf} + + ${If} ${SectionIsSectionGroup} $0 + + ${If} $1 == "" + + StrCpy $1 $0 + + ${ElseIf} $2 == "" + + StrCpy $2 $0 + + ${ElseIf} $3 == "" + + StrCpy $3 $0 + + ${EndIf} + + ${EndIf} + + ${If} ${SectionIsSectionGroupEnd} $0 + + ${If} $3 != "" + + StrCpy $3 "" + + ${ElseIf} $2 != "" + + StrCpy $2 "" + + ${ElseIf} $1 != "" + + StrCpy $1 "" + + ${EndIf} + + ${EndIf} + + IntOp $0 $0 + 1 + + Goto loop + loop_end: + + # restore sections' status + + Call __MementoSectionRestoreStatus1 + + # all done + + done: + + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MementoSectionSave + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro __MementoCheckSettings + + Push $0 + + WriteRegStr ${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT} `${MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY}` MementoSectionUsed "" + + Call __MementoSectionSaveStatus1 + + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + + + +!endif # ___MEMENTO_NSH___ + +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/MultiUser.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/MultiUser.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13b4344 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/MultiUser.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,469 @@ +/* + +MultiUser.nsh + +Installer configuration for multi-user Windows environments + +Copyright 2008-2016 Joost Verburg + +*/ + +!ifndef MULTIUSER_INCLUDED +!define MULTIUSER_INCLUDED +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +;Standard NSIS header files + +!ifdef MULTIUSER_MUI + !include MUI2.nsh +!endif +!include nsDialogs.nsh +!include LogicLib.nsh +!include WinVer.nsh +!include FileFunc.nsh + +;Variables + +Var MultiUser.Privileges +Var MultiUser.InstallMode + +;Command line installation mode setting + +!ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE + !include StrFunc.nsh + !ifndef StrStr_INCLUDED + ${StrStr} + !endif + !ifndef MULTIUSER_NOUNINSTALL + !ifndef UnStrStr_INCLUDED + ${UnStrStr} + !endif + !endif + + Var MultiUser.Parameters + Var MultiUser.Result +!endif + +;Installation folder stored in registry + +!ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY & MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + Var MultiUser.InstDir +!endif + +!ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY & MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + Var MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue +!endif + +;Windows Vista UAC setting + +!if "${MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL}" == Admin + RequestExecutionLevel admin + !define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL_ALLUSERS +!else if "${MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL}" == Power + RequestExecutionLevel admin + !define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL_ALLUSERS +!else if "${MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL}" == Highest + RequestExecutionLevel highest + !define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL_ALLUSERS +!else + RequestExecutionLevel user +!endif + +/* + +Install modes + +*/ + +!macro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_ALLUSERS UNINSTALLER_PREFIX UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + ;Install mode initialization - per-machine + + ${ifnot} ${IsNT} + ${orif} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Admin" + ${orif} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Power" + + StrCpy $MultiUser.InstallMode AllUsers + + SetShellVarContext all + + !if "${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}" != UN + ;Set default installation location for installer + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR + StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR}" + !endif + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY & MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.InstDir HKLM "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + + ${if} $MultiUser.InstDir != "" + StrCpy $INSTDIR $MultiUser.InstDir + ${endif} + + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}FUNCTION + Call "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}FUNCTION}" + !endif + + ${endif} + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_CURRENTUSER UNINSTALLER_PREFIX UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + ;Install mode initialization - per-user + + ${if} ${IsNT} + + StrCpy $MultiUser.InstallMode CurrentUser + + SetShellVarContext current + + !if "${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}" != UN + ;Set default installation location for installer + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR + ${if} ${AtLeastWin2000} + StrCpy $INSTDIR "$LOCALAPPDATA\${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR}" + ${else} + StrCpy $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR}" + ${endif} + !endif + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY & MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.InstDir HKCU "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + + ${if} $MultiUser.InstDir != "" + StrCpy $INSTDIR $MultiUser.InstDir + ${endif} + + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}FUNCTION + Call "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}FUNCTION}" + !endif + + ${endif} + +!macroend + +Function MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_ALLUSERS "" "" +FunctionEnd + +Function MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_CURRENTUSER "" "" +FunctionEnd + +!ifndef MULTIUSER_NOUNINSTALL + +Function un.MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_ALLUSERS UN .un +FunctionEnd + +Function un.MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_CURRENTUSER UN .un +FunctionEnd + +!endif + +/* + +Installer/uninstaller initialization + +*/ + +!macro MULTIUSER_INIT_QUIT UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INIT_${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}FUNCTIONQUIT + Call "${MULTIUSER_INIT_${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}FUCTIONQUIT} + !else + Quit + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXTS + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED + !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED "$(^Caption) requires administrator privileges." + !endif + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED + !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED "$(^Caption) requires at least Power User privileges." + !endif + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE + !define MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE "Your user account does not have sufficient privileges to install $(^Name) for all users of this computer." + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_INIT_CHECKS UNINSTALLER_PREFIX UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX + + ;Installer initialization - check privileges and set install mode + + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXTS + + UserInfo::GetAccountType + Pop $MultiUser.Privileges + + ${if} ${IsNT} + + ;Check privileges + + !if "${MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL}" == Admin + + ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" + MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "${MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED}" + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT_QUIT "${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}" + ${endif} + + !else if "${MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL}" == Power + + ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power" + ${andif} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" + ${if} ${AtMostWinXP} + MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "${MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_POWERREQUIRED}" + ${else} + MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "${MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ADMINREQUIRED}" + ${endif} + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT_QUIT "${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}" + ${endif} + + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL_ALLUSERS + + ;Default to per-machine installation if possible + + ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Admin" + ${orif} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Power" + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_CURRENTUSER + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + !else + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY & MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME + + ;Set installation mode to setting from a previous installation + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_CURRENTUSER + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue HKLM "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + ${if} $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue == "" + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue HKCU "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + ${if} $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue != "" + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + ${endif} + ${endif} + !else + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue HKCU "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + ${if} $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue == "" + ReadRegStr $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue HKLM "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY}" "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME}" + ${if} $MultiUser.DefaultKeyValue != "" + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + ${endif} + ${endif} + !endif + + !endif + + ${else} + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + ${endif} + + !else + + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + + !endif + + !ifdef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE + + ;Check for install mode setting on command line + + ${${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}GetParameters} $MultiUser.Parameters + + ${${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}StrStr} $MultiUser.Result $MultiUser.Parameters "/CurrentUser" + + ${if} $MultiUser.Result != "" + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + ${endif} + + ${${UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}StrStr} $MultiUser.Result $MultiUser.Parameters "/AllUsers" + + ${if} $MultiUser.Result != "" + ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Admin" + ${orif} $MultiUser.Privileges == "Power" + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + ${else} + MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "${MULTIUSER_INIT_TEXT_ALLUSERSNOTPOSSIBLE}" + ${endif} + ${endif} + + !endif + + ${else} + + ;Not running Windows NT, per-user installation not supported + + Call ${UNINSTALLER_FUNCPREFIX}MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + + ${endif} + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_INIT + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT_CHECKS "" "" + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!ifndef MULTIUSER_NOUNINSTALL + +!macro MULTIUSER_UNINIT + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT_CHECKS Un un. + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!endif + +/* + +Modern UI 2 page + +*/ + +!ifdef MULTIUSER_MUI + +!macro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_INTERFACE + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_INTERFACE + !define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_INTERFACE + Var MultiUser.InstallModePage + + Var MultiUser.InstallModePage.Text + + Var MultiUser.InstallModePage.AllUsers + Var MultiUser.InstallModePage.CurrentUser + + Var MultiUser.InstallModePage.ReturnValue + !endif + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_PAGEDECLARATION_INSTALLMODE + + !insertmacro MUI_SET MULTIUSER_${MUI_PAGE_UNINSTALLER_PREFIX}INSTALLMODEPAGE "" + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_INTERFACE + + !insertmacro MUI_DEFAULT MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_TOP "$(MULTIUSER_INNERTEXT_INSTALLMODE_TOP)" + !insertmacro MUI_DEFAULT MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_ALLUSERS "$(MULTIUSER_INNERTEXT_INSTALLMODE_ALLUSERS)" + !insertmacro MUI_DEFAULT MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_CURRENTUSER "$(MULTIUSER_INNERTEXT_INSTALLMODE_CURRENTUSER)" + + PageEx custom + + PageCallbacks MultiUser.InstallModePre_${MUI_UNIQUEID} MultiUser.InstallModeLeave_${MUI_UNIQUEID} + + Caption " " + + PageExEnd + + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_FUNCTION_INSTALLMODEPAGE MultiUser.InstallModePre_${MUI_UNIQUEID} MultiUser.InstallModeLeave_${MUI_UNIQUEID} + + !undef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_TOP + !undef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_ALLUSERS + !undef MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_CURRENTUSER + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_PAGE_INSTALLMODE + + ;Modern UI page for install mode + + !verbose push + !verbose 3 + + !ifndef MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL_ALLUSERS + !error "A mixed-mode installation requires MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL to be set to Admin, Power or Highest." + !endif + + !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INIT + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_PAGEDECLARATION_INSTALLMODE + + !verbose pop + +!macroend + +!macro MULTIUSER_FUNCTION_INSTALLMODEPAGE PRE LEAVE + + ;Page functions of Modern UI page + + Function "${PRE}" + + ${ifnot} ${IsNT} + Abort + ${endif} + + ${if} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Power" + ${andif} $MultiUser.Privileges != "Admin" + Abort + ${endif} + + !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FUNCTION_CUSTOM PRE + !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT_PAGE $(MULTIUSER_TEXT_INSTALLMODE_TITLE) $(MULTIUSER_TEXT_INSTALLMODE_SUBTITLE) + + nsDialogs::Create 1018 + Pop $MultiUser.InstallModePage + + ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0u 0u 300u 20u "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_TOP}" + Pop $MultiUser.InstallModePage.Text + + ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 20u 50u 280u 10u "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_ALLUSERS}" + Pop $MultiUser.InstallModePage.AllUsers + + ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 20u 70u 280u 10u "${MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODEPAGE_TEXT_CURRENTUSER}" + Pop $MultiUser.InstallModePage.CurrentUser + + ${if} $MultiUser.InstallMode == "AllUsers" + SendMessage $MultiUser.InstallModePage.AllUsers ${BM_SETCHECK} ${BST_CHECKED} 0 + ${else} + SendMessage $MultiUser.InstallModePage.CurrentUser ${BM_SETCHECK} ${BST_CHECKED} 0 + ${endif} + + !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FUNCTION_CUSTOM SHOW + nsDialogs::Show + + FunctionEnd + + Function "${LEAVE}" + SendMessage $MultiUser.InstallModePage.AllUsers ${BM_GETCHECK} 0 0 $MultiUser.InstallModePage.ReturnValue + + ${if} $MultiUser.InstallModePage.ReturnValue = ${BST_CHECKED} + Call MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers + ${else} + Call MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser + ${endif} + + !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FUNCTION_CUSTOM LEAVE + FunctionEnd + +!macroend + +!endif + +!verbose pop +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Sections.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Sections.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..633c4c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Sections.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +; Sections.nsh +; +; Defines and macros for section control +; +; Include in your script using: +; !include "Sections.nsh" + +;-------------------------------- + +!ifndef SECTIONS_INCLUDED + +!define SECTIONS_INCLUDED + +;-------------------------------- + +; Generic section defines + +# section or section group is selected +!define SF_SELECTED 1 +# section group +!define SF_SECGRP 2 +!define SF_SUBSEC 2 # deprecated +# section group end marker +!define SF_SECGRPEND 4 +!define SF_SUBSECEND 4 # deprecated +# bold text (Section !blah) +!define SF_BOLD 8 +# read only (SectionIn RO) +!define SF_RO 16 +# expanded section group (SectionGroup /e blah) +!define SF_EXPAND 32 +# section group is partially selected +!define SF_PSELECTED 64 # internal +# internal +!define SF_TOGGLED 128 # internal +!define SF_NAMECHG 256 # internal + +# mask to toggle off the selected flag +!define SECTION_OFF 0xFFFFFFFE + +;-------------------------------- + +; Select / unselect / reserve section + +!macro SelectSection SECTION + + Push $0 + Push $1 + StrCpy $1 "${SECTION}" + SectionGetFlags $1 $0 + IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_SELECTED} + SectionSetFlags $1 $0 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!macro UnselectSection SECTION + + Push $0 + Push $1 + StrCpy $1 "${SECTION}" + SectionGetFlags $1 $0 + IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF} + SectionSetFlags $1 $0 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +; If section selected, will unselect, if unselected, will select + +!macro ReverseSection SECTION + + Push $0 + Push $1 + StrCpy $1 "${SECTION}" + SectionGetFlags $1 $0 + IntOp $0 $0 ^ ${SF_SELECTED} + SectionSetFlags $1 $0 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +;-------------------------------- + +; Macros for mutually exclusive section selection +; Written by Tim Gallagher +; +; See one-section.nsi for an example of usage + +; Starts the Radio Button Block +; You should pass a variable that keeps the selected section +; as the first parameter for this macro. This variable should +; be initialized to the default section's index. +; +; As this macro uses $R0 and $R1 you can't use those two as the +; varible which will keep the selected section. + +!macro StartRadioButtons var + + !define StartRadioButtons_Var "${var}" + + Push $R0 + + SectionGetFlags "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SECTION_OFF} + SectionSetFlags "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" $R0 + + Push $R1 + + StrCpy $R1 "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" + +!macroend + +; A radio button + +!macro RadioButton SECTION_NAME + + SectionGetFlags ${SECTION_NAME} $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SF_SELECTED} + IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 +2 +2 + StrCpy "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" ${SECTION_NAME} + +!macroend + +; Ends the radio button block + +!macro EndRadioButtons + + StrCmp $R1 "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" 0 +4 ; selection hasn't changed + SectionGetFlags "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${SF_SELECTED} + SectionSetFlags "${StartRadioButtons_Var}" $R0 + + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + + !undef StartRadioButtons_Var + +!macroend + +;-------------------------------- + +; These are two macros you can use to set a Section in an InstType +; or clear it from an InstType. +; +; Written by Robert Kehl +; +; For details, see http://nsis.sourceforge.net/wiki/SetSectionInInstType%2C_ClearSectionInInstType +; +; Use the defines below for the WANTED_INSTTYPE parameter. + +!define INSTTYPE_1 1 +!define INSTTYPE_2 2 +!define INSTTYPE_3 4 +!define INSTTYPE_4 8 +!define INSTTYPE_5 16 +!define INSTTYPE_6 32 +!define INSTTYPE_7 64 +!define INSTTYPE_8 128 +!define INSTTYPE_9 256 +!define INSTTYPE_10 512 +!define INSTTYPE_11 1024 +!define INSTTYPE_12 2048 +!define INSTTYPE_13 4096 +!define INSTTYPE_14 8192 +!define INSTTYPE_15 16384 +!define INSTTYPE_16 32768 +!define INSTTYPE_17 65536 +!define INSTTYPE_18 131072 +!define INSTTYPE_19 262144 +!define INSTTYPE_20 524288 +!define INSTTYPE_21 1048576 +!define INSTTYPE_22 2097152 +!define INSTTYPE_23 4194304 +!define INSTTYPE_24 8388608 +!define INSTTYPE_25 16777216 +!define INSTTYPE_26 33554432 +!define INSTTYPE_27 67108864 +!define INSTTYPE_28 134217728 +!define INSTTYPE_29 268435456 +!define INSTTYPE_30 536870912 +!define INSTTYPE_31 1073741824 +!define INSTTYPE_32 2147483648 + +!macro SetSectionInInstType SECTION_NAME WANTED_INSTTYPE + + Push $0 + Push $1 + StrCpy $1 "${SECTION_NAME}" + SectionGetInstTypes $1 $0 + IntOp $0 $0 | ${WANTED_INSTTYPE} + SectionSetInstTypes $1 $0 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +!macro ClearSectionInInstType SECTION_NAME WANTED_INSTTYPE + + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + StrCpy $2 "${SECTION_NAME}" + SectionGetInstTypes $2 $0 + StrCpy $1 ${WANTED_INSTTYPE} + IntOp $1 $1 ~ + IntOp $0 $0 & $1 + SectionSetInstTypes $2 $0 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +;-------------------------------- + +; Set / clear / check bits in a section's flags +; Written by derekrprice + +; Set one or more bits in a sections's flags + +!macro SetSectionFlag SECTION BITS + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + StrCpy $R1 "${SECTION}" + SectionGetFlags $R1 $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 | "${BITS}" + SectionSetFlags $R1 $R0 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +; Clear one or more bits in section's flags + +!macro ClearSectionFlag SECTION BITS + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + StrCpy $R2 "${SECTION}" + SectionGetFlags $R2 $R0 + IntOp $R1 "${BITS}" ~ + IntOp $R0 $R0 & $R1 + SectionSetFlags $R2 $R0 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +; Check if one or more bits in section's flags are set +; If they are, jump to JUMPIFSET +; If not, jump to JUMPIFNOTSET + +!macro SectionFlagIsSet SECTION BITS JUMPIFSET JUMPIFNOTSET + Push $R0 + SectionGetFlags "${SECTION}" $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 & "${BITS}" + IntCmp $R0 "${BITS}" +3 + Pop $R0 + StrCmp "" "${JUMPIFNOTSET}" +3 "${JUMPIFNOTSET}" + Pop $R0 + Goto "${JUMPIFSET}" +!macroend + +;-------------------------------- + +; Removes a section by unselecting and hiding it + +!macro RemoveSection SECTION + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + StrCpy $R1 `${SECTION}` + SectionGetFlags $R1 $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SECTION_OFF} + SectionSetFlags $R1 $R0 + SectionSetText $R1 `` + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +; Undoes the RemoveSection action + +!macro UnremoveSection SECTION SECTION_TEXT + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + StrCpy $R1 `${SECTION}` + StrCpy $R2 `${SECTION_TEXT}` + SectionGetFlags $R1 $R0 + IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${SF_SELECTED} + SectionSetFlags $R1 $R0 + SectionSetText $R1 $R2 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +;-------------------------------- + +!endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/StrFunc.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/StrFunc.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..433118f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/StrFunc.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,1760 @@ +/* +o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o +|String Functions Header File 1.09 | +(-----------------------------------------------------------------------------) +| By deguix / A Header file for NSIS 2.01 | +| -------------------------------| +| | +| This header file contains NSIS functions for string manipulation. | +o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o +*/ + +!verbose push 3 +!define /IfNDef STRFUNC_VERBOSITY 3 +!define /IfNDef _STRFUNC_VERBOSITY ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} +!define /IfNDef _STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY ${STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} +!undef STRFUNC_VERBOSITY +!verbose ${_STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} + +!include LogicLib.nsh + +!ifndef STRFUNC + + !define /IfNDef FALSE 0 + !define /IfNDef TRUE 1 + + ;Header File Identification + + !define STRFUNC `String Functions Header File` + !define STRFUNC_SHORT `StrFunc` + !define STRFUNC_CREDITS `2004 Diego Pedroso` + + ;Header File Version + + !define STRFUNC_VERMAJ 1 + !define STRFUNC_VERMED 09 + ;!define STRFUNC_VERMIN 0 + ;!define STRFUNC_VERBLD 0 + + !define STRFUNC_VER `${STRFUNC_VERMAJ}.${STRFUNC_VERMED}` + + ;Header File Init Message Prefix and Postfix + + !define STRFUNC_INITMSGPRE `----------------------------------------------------------------------$\r$\n` + !define STRFUNC_INITMSGPOST `$\r$\n----------------------------------------------------------------------$\r$\n` + + ;Header File Init Message + + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `${STRFUNC_INITMSGPRE}NSIS ${STRFUNC} ${STRFUNC_VER} - Copyright ${STRFUNC_CREDITS}${STRFUNC_INITMSGPOST}` + !verbose pop + + ;Header File Function Init Message Prefix and Postfix + + !define STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPRE `` + !define STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPOST `` + + ;Header File Function Macros + + !macro STRFUNC_FUNCLIST_INSERT Name + !ifdef StrFunc_List + !define StrFunc_List2 `${StrFunc_List}` + !undef StrFunc_List + !define StrFunc_List `${StrFunc_List2}|${Name}` + !undef StrFunc_List2 + !else + !define StrFunc_List `${Name}` + !endif + !macroend + + !macro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC Name + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNCLIST_INSERT ${Name} + + !define `${Name}` `!insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_${Name}` + !define `Un${Name}` `!insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_Un${Name}` + !macroend + + !macro STRFUNC_FUNC ShortName Credits + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + + !ifndef `Un${ShortName}` + !echo `${STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPRE}$ {Un${ShortName}} - Copyright ${Credits}${STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPOST}` + !verbose pop + !define `Un${ShortName}` `!insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_Un${ShortName}_Call` + !define `Un${ShortName}_INCLUDED` + Function `un.${ShortName}` + !else + !echo `${STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPRE}$ {${ShortName}} - Copyright ${Credits}${STRFUNC_FUNCMSGPOST}` + !verbose pop + !undef `${ShortName}` + !define `${ShortName}` `!insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_${ShortName}_Call` + !define `${ShortName}_INCLUDED` + Function `${ShortName}` + !endif + !macroend + + ;Function Names Startup Definition + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrCase + !define StrCase_List `ResultVar|String|Type` + !define StrCase_TypeList `Output|Text|Option U L T S <>` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrCase` + !undef UnStrCase + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrCase + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrClb + !define StrClb_List `ResultVar|String|Action` + !define StrClb_TypeList `Output|Text|Option > < <>` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrClb` + !undef UnStrClb + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrClb + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrIOToNSIS + !define StrIOToNSIS_List `ResultVar|String` + !define StrIOToNSIS_TypeList `Output|Text` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrIOToNSIS` + !undef UnStrIOToNSIS + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrIOToNSIS + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrLoc + !define StrLoc_List `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor|CounterDirection` + !define StrLoc_TypeList `Output|Text|Text|Option > <` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrLoc` + !undef UnStrLoc + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrLoc + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrNSISToIO + !define StrNSISToIO_List `ResultVar|String` + !define StrNSISToIO_TypeList `Output|Text` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrNSISToIO` + !undef UnStrNSISToIO + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrNSISToIO + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrRep + !define StrRep_List `ResultVar|String|StrToReplace|ReplacementString` + !define StrRep_TypeList `Output|Text|Text|Text` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrRep` + !undef UnStrRep + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrRep + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrSort + !define StrSort_List `ResultVar|String|LeftStr|CenterStr|RightStr|IncludeLeftStr|IncludeCenterStr|IncludeRightStr` + !define StrSort_TypeList `Output|Text|Text|Text|Text|Option 1 0|Option 1 0|Option 1 0` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrSort` + !undef UnStrSort + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrSort + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrStr + !define StrStr_List `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor` + !define StrStr_TypeList `Output|Text|Text` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrStr` + !undef UnStrStr + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStr + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrStrAdv + !define StrStrAdv_List `ResultVar|String|StrToSearchFor|SearchDirection|ResultStrDirection|DisplayStrToSearch|Loops|CaseSensitive` + !define StrStrAdv_TypeList `Output|Text|Text|Option > <|Option > <|Option 1 0|Text|Option 0 1` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrStrAdv` + !undef UnStrStrAdv + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStrAdv + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrTok + !define StrTok_List `ResultVar|String|Separators|ResultPart|SkipEmptyParts` + !define StrTok_TypeList `Output|Text|Text|Mixed L|Option 1 0` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrTok` + !undef UnStrTok + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTok + !macroend + + !insertmacro STRFUNC_DEFFUNC StrTrimNewLines + !define StrTrimNewLines_List `ResultVar|String` + !define StrTrimNewLines_TypeList `Output|Text` + !macro `FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrTrimNewLines` + !undef UnStrTrimNewLines + !insertmacro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTrimNewLines + !macroend + + ;Function Codes for Install and Uninstall + + # Function StrCase + ################ + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrCase + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrCase` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Dave Laundon` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = String (input) + $1 = Type (input) + $2 = StrLength (temp) + $3 = StartChar (temp) + $4 = EndChar (temp) + $5 = ResultStr (temp) + $6 = CurrentChar (temp) + $7 = LastChar (temp) + $8 = Temp (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + + ;Initialize variables + StrCpy $2 "" + StrCpy $3 "" + StrCpy $4 "" + StrCpy $5 "" + StrCpy $6 "" + StrCpy $7 "" + StrCpy $8 "" + + ;Upper and lower cases are simple to use + ${If} $1 == "U" + + ;Upper Case System: + ;------------------ + ; Convert all characters to upper case. + + System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r0 r5)i" + Goto StrCase_End + ${ElseIf} $1 == "L" + + ;Lower Case System: + ;------------------ + ; Convert all characters to lower case. + + System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r0 r5)i" + Goto StrCase_End + ${EndIf} + + ;For the rest of cases: + ;Get "String" length + StrLen $2 $0 + + ;Make a loop until the end of "String" + ${For} $3 0 $2 + ;Add 1 to "EndChar" counter also + IntOp $4 $3 + 1 + + # Step 1: Detect one character at a time + + ;Remove characters before "StartChar" except when + ;"StartChar" is the first character of "String" + ${If} $3 <> 0 + StrCpy $6 $0 `` $3 + ${EndIf} + + ;Remove characters after "EndChar" except when + ;"EndChar" is the last character of "String" + ${If} $4 <> $2 + ${If} $3 = 0 + StrCpy $6 $0 1 + ${Else} + StrCpy $6 $6 1 + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + + # Step 2: Convert to the advanced case user chose: + + ${If} $1 == "T" + + ;Title Case System: + ;------------------ + ; Convert all characters after a non-alphabetic character to upper case. + ; Else convert to lower case. + + ;Use "IsCharAlpha" for the job + System::Call "*(&t1 r7) p .r8" + System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)" + System::Free $8 + System::Call "user32::IsCharAlpha(i r7) i .r8" + + ;Verify "IsCharAlpha" result and convert the character + ${If} $8 = 0 + System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" + ${Else} + System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" + ${EndIf} + ${ElseIf} $1 == "S" + + ;Sentence Case System: + ;------------------ + ; Convert all characters after a ".", "!" or "?" character to upper case. + ; Else convert to lower case. Spaces or tabs after these marks are ignored. + + ;Detect current characters and ignore if necessary + ${If} $6 == " " + ${OrIf} $6 == "$\t" + Goto IgnoreLetter + ${EndIf} + + ;Detect last characters and convert + ${If} $7 == "." + ${OrIf} $7 == "!" + ${OrIf} $7 == "?" + ${OrIf} $7 == "" + System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" + ${Else} + System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" + ${EndIf} + ${ElseIf} $1 == "<>" + + ;Switch Case System: + ;------------------ + ; Switch all characters cases to their inverse case. + + ;Use "IsCharUpper" for the job + System::Call "*(&t1 r6) p .r8" + System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)" + System::Free $8 + System::Call "user32::IsCharUpper(i r7) i .r8" + + ;Verify "IsCharUpper" result and convert the character + ${If} $8 = 0 + System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i" + ${Else} + System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i" + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + + ;Write the character to "LastChar" + StrCpy $7 $6 + + IgnoreLetter: + ;Add this character to "ResultStr" + StrCpy $5 `$5$6` + ${Next} + + StrCase_End: + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ; Copy "ResultStr" to "OutVar" + StrCpy $0 $5 + + ;Return output to user + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrClb + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrClb` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Nik Medved` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = String (input) + $1 = Action (input) + $2 = Lock/Unlock (temp) + $3 = Temp (temp) + $4 = Temp2 (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + + StrCpy $2 "" + StrCpy $3 "" + StrCpy $4 "" + + ;Open the clipboard to do the operations the user chose (kichik's fix) + System::Call 'user32::OpenClipboard(p $HWNDPARENT)' + + ${If} $1 == ">" ;Set + + ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' + + ;Step 2: Allocate global heap + StrLen $2 $0 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + IntOp $2 $2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) p.r2' + + ;Step 3: Lock the handle + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) i.r3' + + ;Step 4: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer + System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpy(p r3, t r0)' + + ;Step 5: Unlock the handle again + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' + + ;Step 6: Set the information to the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, p r2)' + + StrCpy $0 "" + + ${ElseIf} $1 == "<" ;Get + + ;Step 1: Get clipboard data + System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1) p .r2' + + ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix) + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) t .r0' + + ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix) + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' + + ${ElseIf} $1 == "<>" ;Swap + + ;Step 1: Get clipboard data + System::Call 'user32::GetClipboardData(i 1) p .r2' + + ;Step 2: Lock and copy data (kichik's fix) + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) t .r4' + + ;Step 3: Unlock (kichik's fix) + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' + + ;Step 4: Clear the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' + + ;Step 5: Allocate global heap + StrLen $2 $0 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + IntOp $2 $2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalAlloc(i 2, i r2) p.r2' + + ;Step 6: Lock the handle + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalLock(p r2) i.r3' + + ;Step 7: Copy the text to locked clipboard buffer + System::Call 'kernel32::lstrcpy(p r3, t r0)' + + ;Step 8: Unlock the handle again + System::Call 'kernel32::GlobalUnlock(p r2)' + + ;Step 9: Set the information to the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::SetClipboardData(i 1, p r2)' + + StrCpy $0 $4 + ${Else} ;Clear + + ;Step 1: Clear the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::EmptyClipboard()' + + StrCpy $0 "" + ${EndIf} + + ;Close the clipboard + System::Call 'user32::CloseClipboard()' + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Return result to user + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrIOToNSIS + #################### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrIOToNSIS + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrIOToNSIS` `2004 "bluenet" - Based on functions by Amir Szekely, Joost Verburg, Dave Laundon and Diego Pedroso` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = String (input/output) + $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R2 = StrLen (temp) + $R3 = TempStr (temp) + $R4 = TempRepStr (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + + ;Get "String" length + StrLen $R2 $R0 + + ;Loop until "String" end is reached + ${For} $R1 0 $R2 + ;Get the next "String" characters + StrCpy $R3 $R0 2 $R1 + + ;Detect if current character is: + ${If} $R3 == "\\" ;Back-slash + StrCpy $R4 "\" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\r" ;Carriage return + StrCpy $R4 "$\r" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\n" ;Line feed + StrCpy $R4 "$\n" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\t" ;Tab + StrCpy $R4 "$\t" + ${Else} ;Anything else + StrCpy $R4 "" + ${EndIf} + + ;Detect if "TempRepStr" is not empty + ${If} $R4 != "" + ;Replace the old characters with the new one + StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 + IntOp $R1 $R1 + 2 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 + StrCpy $R0 "$R3$R4$R0" + IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 ;Decrease "StrLen" + IntOp $R1 $R1 - 2 ;Go back to the next character + ${EndIf} + ${Next} + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + !macroend + + # Function StrLoc + ############### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrLoc + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrLoc` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = OffsetDirection (input) + $R1 = StrToSearch (input) + $R2 = String (input) + $R3 = StrToSearchLen (temp) + $R4 = StrLen (temp) + $R5 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R6 = TempStr (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Exch + Exch $R1 + Exch 2 + Exch $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + + ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length + StrLen $R3 $R1 + StrLen $R4 $R2 + ;Start "StartCharPos" counter + StrCpy $R5 0 + + ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $R6 $R2 $R3 $R5 + + ;Compare "TempStr" with "StrToSearch" + ${If} $R6 == $R1 + ${If} $R0 == `<` + IntOp $R6 $R3 + $R5 + IntOp $R0 $R4 - $R6 + ${Else} + StrCpy $R0 $R5 + ${EndIf} + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} + ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end + ${If} $R5 >= $R4 + StrCpy $R0 `` + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1 + ${Loop} + + ;Return output to user + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Exch + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrNSISToIO + #################### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrNSISToIO + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrNSISToIO` `2004 "bluenet" - Based on functions by Amir Szekely, Joost Verburg, Dave Laundon and Diego Pedroso` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = String (input/output) + $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R2 = StrLen (temp) + $R3 = TempStr (temp) + $R4 = TempRepStr (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + + ;Get "String" length + StrLen $R2 $R0 + + ;Loop until "String" end is reached + ${For} $R1 0 $R2 + ;Get the next "String" character + StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 + + ;Detect if current character is: + ${If} $R3 == "$\r" ;Back-slash + StrCpy $R4 "\r" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "$\n" ;Carriage return + StrCpy $R4 "\n" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "$\t" ;Line feed + StrCpy $R4 "\t" + ${ElseIf} $R3 == "\" ;Tab + StrCpy $R4 "\\" + ${Else} ;Anything else + StrCpy $R4 "" + ${EndIf} + + ;Detect if "TempRepStr" is not empty + ${If} $R4 != "" + ;Replace the old character with the new ones + StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 + IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 + StrCpy $R0 "$R3$R4$R0" + IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 ;Increase "StrLen" + ${EndIf} + ${Next} + + ;Return output to user + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + !macroend + + # Function StrRep + ############### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrRep + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrRep` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Hendri Adriaens` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = ReplacementString (input) + $R1 = StrToSearch (input) + $R2 = String (input) + $R3 = RepStrLen (temp) + $R4 = StrToSearchLen (temp) + $R5 = StrLen (temp) + $R6 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R7 = TempStrL (temp) + $R8 = TempStrR (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Exch + Exch $R1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + + ;Return "String" if "StrToSearch" is "" + ${IfThen} $R1 == "" ${|} Goto Done ${|} + + ;Get "ReplacementString", "String" and "StrToSearch" length + StrLen $R3 $R0 + StrLen $R4 $R1 + StrLen $R5 $R2 + ;Start "StartCharPos" counter + StrCpy $R6 0 + + ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStrL") + StrCpy $R7 $R2 $R4 $R6 + + ;Compare "TempStrL" with "StrToSearch" + ${If} $R7 == $R1 + ;Split "String" to replace the string wanted + StrCpy $R7 $R2 $R6 ;TempStrL + + ;Calc: "StartCharPos" + "StrToSearchLen" = EndCharPos + IntOp $R8 $R6 + $R4 + + StrCpy $R8 $R2 "" $R8 ;TempStrR + + ;Insert the new string between the two separated parts of "String" + StrCpy $R2 $R7$R0$R8 + ;Now calculate the new "StrLen" and "StartCharPos" + StrLen $R5 $R2 + IntOp $R6 $R6 + $R3 + ${Continue} + ${EndIf} + + ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end + ${IfThen} $R6 >= $R5 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1 + ${Loop} + + Done: + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Return output to user + StrCpy $R0 $R2 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrSort + ################ + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrSort + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrSort` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Stuart Welch` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = String (input) + $R1 = LeftStr (input) + $R2 = CenterStr (input) + $R3 = RightStr (input) + $R4 = IncludeLeftStr (input) + $R5 = IncludeCenterStr (input) + $R6 = IncludeRightStr (input) + + $0 = StrLen (temp) + $1 = LeftStrLen (temp) + $2 = CenterStrLen (temp) + $3 = RightStrLen (temp) + $4 = StartPos (temp) + $5 = EndPos (temp) + $6 = StartCharPos (temp) + $7 = EndCharPos (temp) + $8 = TempStr (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R6 + Exch + Exch $R5 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $R4 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $R3 + Exch 3 + Exch 4 + Exch $R2 + Exch 4 + Exch 5 + Exch $R1 + Exch 5 + Exch 6 + Exch $R0 + Exch 6 + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + + ;Parameter defaults + ${IfThen} $R4 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R4 `1` ${|} + ${IfThen} $R5 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R5 `1` ${|} + ${IfThen} $R6 == `` ${|} StrCpy $R6 `1` ${|} + + ;Get "String", "CenterStr", "LeftStr" and "RightStr" length + StrLen $0 $R0 + StrLen $1 $R1 + StrLen $2 $R2 + StrLen $3 $R3 + ;Start "StartCharPos" counter + StrCpy $6 0 + ;Start "EndCharPos" counter based on "CenterStr" length + IntOp $7 $6 + $2 + + ;Loop until "CenterStr" is found or "String" reaches its end + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $8 $R0 $2 $6 + + ;Compare "TempStr" with "CenterStr" + ${IfThen} $8 == $R2 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, this could be "String" end + ${IfThen} $7 >= $0 ${|} Goto Done ${|} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + IntOp $7 $7 + 1 + ${Loop} + + # "CenterStr" was found + + ;Remove "CenterStr" from "String" if the user wants + ${If} $R5 = ${FALSE} + StrCpy $8 $R0 $6 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 `` $7 + StrCpy $R0 $8$R0 + ${EndIf} + + ;"StartPos" and "EndPos" will record "CenterStr" coordinates for now + StrCpy $4 $6 + StrCpy $5 $7 + ;"StartCharPos" and "EndCharPos" should be before "CenterStr" + IntOp $6 $6 - $1 + IntOp $7 $6 + $1 + + ;Loop until "LeftStr" is found or "String" reaches its start + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $8 $R0 $1 $6 + + ;If "LeftStr" is empty + ${If} $R1 == `` + StrCpy $6 0 + StrCpy $7 0 + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} + + ;Compare "TempStr" with "LeftStr" + ${IfThen} $8 == $R1 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, this could be "String" start + ${IfThen} $6 <= 0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $6 $6 - 1 + IntOp $7 $7 - 1 + ${Loop} + + # "LeftStr" is found or "String" start was reached + + ;Remove "LeftStr" from "String" if the user wants + ${If} $R4 = ${FALSE} + IntOp $6 $6 + $1 + ${EndIf} + + ;Record "LeftStr" first character position on "TempStr" (temporarily) + StrCpy $8 $6 + + ;"StartCharPos" and "EndCharPos" should be after "CenterStr" + ${If} $R5 = ${FALSE} + StrCpy $6 $4 + ${Else} + IntOp $6 $4 + $2 + ${EndIf} + IntOp $7 $6 + $3 + + ;Record "LeftStr" first character position on "StartPos" + StrCpy $4 $8 + + ;Loop until "RightStr" is found or "String" reaches its end + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $8 $R0 $3 $6 + + ;If "RightStr" is empty + ${If} $R3 == `` + StrCpy $6 $0 + StrCpy $7 $0 + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} + + ;Compare "TempStr" with "RightStr" + ${IfThen} $8 == $R3 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, this could be "String" end + ${IfThen} $7 >= $0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + IntOp $7 $7 + 1 + ${Loop} + + ;Remove "RightStr" from "String" if the user wants + ${If} $R6 = ${FALSE} + IntOp $7 $7 - $3 + ${EndIf} + + ;Record "RightStr" last character position on "StartPos" + StrCpy $5 $7 + + ;As the positionment is relative... + IntOp $5 $5 - $4 + + ;Write the string and finish the job + StrCpy $R0 $R0 $5 $4 + Goto +2 + + Done: + StrCpy $R0 `` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Return output to user + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrStr + ############### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStr + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrStr` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = StrToSearch (input) + $R1 = String (input) + $R2 = StrToSearchLen (temp) + $R3 = StrLen (temp) + $R4 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R5 = TempStr (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Exch + Exch $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + + ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length + StrLen $R2 $R0 + StrLen $R3 $R1 + ;Start "StartCharPos" counter + StrCpy $R4 0 + + ;Loop until "StrToSearch" is found or "String" reaches its end + ${Do} + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $R5 $R1 $R2 $R4 + + ;Compare "TempStr" with "StrToSearch" + ${IfThen} $R5 == $R0 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not "StrToSearch", this could be "String" end + ${IfThen} $R4 >= $R3 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + ;If not, continue the loop + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + ${Loop} + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Remove part before "StrToSearch" on "String" (if there has one) + StrCpy $R0 $R1 `` $R4 + + ;Return output to user + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrStrAdv + ################## + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStrAdv + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrStrAdv` `2003-2004 Diego Pedroso` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = String (input) + $1 = StringToSearch (input) + $2 = DirectionOfSearch (input) + $3 = DirectionOfReturn (input) + $4 = ShowStrToSearch (input) + $5 = NumLoops (input) + $6 = CaseSensitive (input) + $7 = StringLength (temp) + $8 = StrToSearchLength (temp) + $9 = CurrentLoop (temp) + $R0 = EndCharPos (temp) + $R1 = StartCharPos (temp) + $R2 = OutVar (output) + $R3 = Temp (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + + Exch $6 + Exch + Exch $5 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $4 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $3 + Exch 3 + Exch 4 + Exch $2 + Exch 4 + Exch 5 + Exch $1 + Exch 5 + Exch 6 + Exch $0 + Exch 6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R3 + Push $R2 + Push $R1 + Push $R0 + + ; Clean $R0-$R3 variables + StrCpy $R0 "" + StrCpy $R1 "" + StrCpy $R2 "" + StrCpy $R3 "" + + ; Verify if we have the correct values on the variables + ${If} $0 == `` + SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found + Goto AdvStrStr_End + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $1 == `` + SetErrors ;No text to search + Goto AdvStrStr_End + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $2 != < + StrCpy $2 > + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $3 != < + StrCpy $3 > + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $4 <> 0 + StrCpy $4 1 + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $5 <= 0 + StrCpy $5 0 + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $6 <> 1 + StrCpy $6 0 + ${EndIf} + + ; Find "AdvStrStr_String" length + StrLen $7 $0 + + ; Then find "AdvStrStr_StrToSearch" length + StrLen $8 $1 + + ; Now set up basic variables + + ${If} $2 == < + IntOp $R1 $7 - $8 + StrCpy $R2 $7 + ${Else} + StrCpy $R1 0 + StrCpy $R2 $8 + ${EndIf} + + StrCpy $9 0 ; First loop + + ;Let's begin the search + + ${Do} + ; Step 1: If the starting or ending numbers are negative + ; or more than AdvStrStr_StringLen, we return + ; error + + ${If} $R1 < 0 + StrCpy $R1 `` + StrCpy $R2 `` + StrCpy $R3 `` + SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found + Goto AdvStrStr_End + ${ElseIf} $R2 > $7 + StrCpy $R1 `` + StrCpy $R2 `` + StrCpy $R3 `` + SetErrors ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch not found + Goto AdvStrStr_End + ${EndIf} + + ; Step 2: Start the search depending on + ; AdvStrStr_DirectionOfSearch. Chop down not needed + ; characters. + + ${If} $R1 <> 0 + StrCpy $R3 $0 `` $R1 + ${EndIf} + + ${If} $R2 <> $7 + ${If} $R1 = 0 + StrCpy $R3 $0 $8 + ${Else} + StrCpy $R3 $R3 $8 + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + + ; Step 3: Make sure that's the string we want + + ; Case-Sensitive Support <- Use "AdvStrStr_Temp" + ; variable because it won't be used anymore + + ${If} $6 == 1 + System::Call `kernel32::lstrcmp(ts, ts) i.s` `$R3` `$1` + Pop $R3 + ${If} $R3 = 0 + StrCpy $R3 1 ; Continue + ${Else} + StrCpy $R3 0 ; Break + ${EndIf} + ${Else} + ${If} $R3 == $1 + StrCpy $R3 1 ; Continue + ${Else} + StrCpy $R3 0 ; Break + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + + ; After the comparasion, confirm that it is the + ; value we want. + + ${If} $R3 = 1 + + ;We found it, return except if the user has set up to + ;search for another one: + ${If} $9 >= $5 + + ;Now, let's see if the user wants + ;AdvStrStr_StrToSearch to appear: + ${If} $4 == 0 + ;Return depends on AdvStrStr_DirectionOfReturn + ${If} $3 == < + ; RTL + StrCpy $R0 $0 $R1 + ${Else} + ; LTR + StrCpy $R0 $0 `` $R2 + ${EndIf} + ${Break} + ${Else} + ;Return depends on AdvStrStr_DirectionOfReturn + ${If} $3 == < + ; RTL + StrCpy $R0 $0 $R2 + ${Else} + ; LTR + StrCpy $R0 $0 `` $R1 + ${EndIf} + ${Break} + ${EndIf} + ${Else} + ;If the user wants to have more loops, let's do it so! + IntOp $9 $9 + 1 + + ${If} $2 == < + IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 + IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 + ${Else} + IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 + IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + ${Else} + ; Step 4: We didn't find it, so do steps 1 thru 3 again + + ${If} $2 == < + IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 + IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 + ${Else} + IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 + IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1 + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + ${Loop} + + AdvStrStr_End: + + ;Add 1 to AdvStrStr_EndCharPos to be supportable + ;by "StrCpy" + + IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1 + + ;Return output to user + + Exch $R0 + Exch + Pop $R1 + Exch + Pop $R2 + Exch + Pop $R3 + Exch + Pop $9 + Exch + Pop $8 + Exch + Pop $7 + Exch + Pop $6 + Exch + Pop $5 + Exch + Pop $4 + Exch + Pop $3 + Exch + Pop $2 + Exch + Pop $1 + Exch + Pop $0 + + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrTok + ############### + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTok + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrTok` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by "bigmac666"` + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $0 = SkipEmptyParts (input) + $1 = ResultPart (input) + $2 = Separators (input) + $3 = String (input) + $4 = StrToSearchLen (temp) + $5 = StrLen (temp) + $6 = StartCharPos (temp) + $7 = TempStr (temp) + $8 = CurrentLoop + $9 = CurrentSepChar + $R0 = CurrentSepCharNum + */ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $0 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $2 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $3 + Exch 3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R0 + + ;Parameter defaults + ${IfThen} $2 == `` ${|} StrCpy $2 `|` ${|} + ${IfThen} $1 == `` ${|} StrCpy $1 `L` ${|} + ${IfThen} $0 == `` ${|} StrCpy $0 `0` ${|} + + ;Get "String" and "StrToSearch" length + StrLen $4 $2 + StrLen $5 $3 + ;Start "StartCharPos" and "ResultPart" counters + StrCpy $6 0 + StrCpy $8 -1 + + ;Loop until "ResultPart" is met, "StrToSearch" is found or + ;"String" reaches its end + ResultPartLoop: ;"CurrentLoop" Loop + + ;Increase "CurrentLoop" counter + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + + StrSearchLoop: + ${Do} ;"String" Loop + ;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr") + StrCpy $7 $3 1 $6 + + ;Verify if it's the "String" end + ${If} $6 >= $5 + ;If "CurrentLoop" is what the user wants, remove the part + ;after "TempStr" and itself and get out of here + ${If} $8 == $1 + ${OrIf} $1 == `L` + StrCpy $3 $3 $6 + ${Else} ;If not, empty "String" and get out of here + StrCpy $3 `` + ${EndIf} + StrCpy $R0 `End` + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} + + ;Start "CurrentSepCharNum" counter (for "Separators" Loop) + StrCpy $R0 0 + + ${Do} ;"Separators" Loop + ;Use one "Separators" character at a time + ${If} $R0 <> 0 + StrCpy $9 $2 1 $R0 + ${Else} + StrCpy $9 $2 1 + ${EndIf} + + ;Go to the next "String" char if it's "Separators" end + ${IfThen} $R0 >= $4 ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + + ;Or, if "TempStr" equals "CurrentSepChar", then... + ${If} $7 == $9 + StrCpy $7 $3 $6 + + ;If "String" is empty because this result part doesn't + ;contain data, verify if "SkipEmptyParts" is activated, + ;so we don't return the output to user yet + + ${If} $7 == `` + ${AndIf} $0 = ${TRUE} + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $3 `` $6 + StrCpy $6 0 + Goto StrSearchLoop + ${ElseIf} $8 == $1 + StrCpy $3 $3 $6 + StrCpy $R0 "End" + ${ExitDo} + ${EndIf} ;If not, go to the next result part + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $3 `` $6 + StrCpy $6 0 + Goto ResultPartLoop + ${EndIf} + + ;Increase "CurrentSepCharNum" counter + IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 + ${Loop} + ${IfThen} $R0 == "End" ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} + + ;Increase "StartCharPos" counter + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + ${Loop} + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $3 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Return output to user + + Pop $R0 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $0 + Pop $1 + Pop $2 + Exch $3 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + # Function StrTrimNewLines + ######################## + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTrimNewLines + !insertmacro STRFUNC_FUNC `StrTrimNewLines` `2004 Diego Pedroso - Based on functions by Ximon Eighteen` + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = String (input) + $R1 = TrimCounter (temp) + $R2 = Temp (temp)*/ + + ;Get input from user + Exch $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + + ;Initialize trim counter + StrCpy $R1 0 + + loop: + ;Subtract to get "String"'s last characters + IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 + + ;Verify if they are either $\r or $\n + StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1 + ${If} $R2 == `$\r` + ${OrIf} $R2 == `$\n` + Goto loop + ${EndIf} + + ;Trim characters (if needed) + IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 + ${If} $R1 < 0 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 + ${EndIf} + + /*After this point: + ------------------------------------------ + $R0 = OutVar (output)*/ + + ;Return output to user + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Exch $R0 + FunctionEnd + + !macroend + + ;Function Calls for Install and Uninstall + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrCase_Call ResultVar String Type + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrCase} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Type}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Type}` + Call StrCase + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrCase_Call ResultVar String Type + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrCase} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Type}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Type}` + Call un.StrCase + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrClb_Call ResultVar String Action + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrClb} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Action}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Action}` + Call StrClb + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrClb_Call ResultVar String Action + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrClb} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Action}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Action}` + Call un.StrClb + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrIOToNSIS_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrIOToNSIS} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call StrIOToNSIS + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrIOToNSIS_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrIOToNSIS} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call un.StrIOToNSIS + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrLoc_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor OffsetDirection + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrLoc} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${OffsetDirection}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Push `${OffsetDirection}` + Call StrLoc + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrLoc_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor OffsetDirection + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrLoc} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${OffsetDirection}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Push `${OffsetDirection}` + Call un.StrLoc + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrNSISToIO_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrNSISToIO} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call StrNSISToIO + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrNSISToIO_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrNSISToIO} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call un.StrNSISToIO + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrRep_Call ResultVar String StringToReplace ReplacementString + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrRep} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StringToReplace}" "${ReplacementString}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StringToReplace}` + Push `${ReplacementString}` + Call StrRep + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrRep_Call ResultVar String StringToReplace ReplacementString + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrRep} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StringToReplace}" "${ReplacementString}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StringToReplace}` + Push `${ReplacementString}` + Call un.StrRep + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrSort_Call ResultVar String CenterStr LeftStr RightStr IncludeCenterStr IncludeLeftStr IncludeRightStr + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrSort} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${CenterStr}" "${LeftStr}" "${RightStr}" "${IncludeCenterStr}" "${IncludeLeftStr}" "${IncludeRightStr}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${CenterStr}` + Push `${LeftStr}` + Push `${RightStr}` + Push `${IncludeCenterStr}` + Push `${IncludeLeftStr}` + Push `${IncludeRightStr}` + Call StrSort + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrSort_Call ResultVar String CenterStr LeftStr RightStr IncludeCenterStr IncludeLeftStr IncludeRightStr + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrSort} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${CenterStr}" "${LeftStr}" "${RightStr}" "${IncludeCenterStr}" "${IncludeLeftStr}" "${IncludeRightStr}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${CenterStr}` + Push `${LeftStr}` + Push `${RightStr}` + Push `${IncludeCenterStr}` + Push `${IncludeLeftStr}` + Push `${IncludeRightStr}` + Call un.StrSort + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStr_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrStr} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Call StrStr + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrStr_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrStr} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Call un.StrStr + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrStrAdv_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor SearchDirection ResultStrDirection DisplayStrToSearch Loops CaseSensitive + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrStrAdv} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${SearchDirection}" "${ResultStrDirection}" "${DisplayStrToSearch}" "${Loops}" "${CaseSensitive}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Push `${SearchDirection}` + Push `${ResultStrDirection}` + Push `${DisplayStrToSearch}` + Push `${Loops}` + Push `${CaseSensitive}` + Call StrStrAdv + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrStrAdv_Call ResultVar String StrToSearchFor SearchDirection ResultStrDirection DisplayStrToSearch Loops CaseSensitive + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrStrAdv} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${StrToSearchFor}" "${SearchDirection}" "${ResultStrDirection}" "${DisplayStrToSearch}" "${Loops}" "${CaseSensitive}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${StrToSearchFor}` + Push `${SearchDirection}` + Push `${ResultStrDirection}` + Push `${DisplayStrToSearch}` + Push `${Loops}` + Push `${CaseSensitive}` + Call un.StrStrAdv + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTok_Call ResultVar String Separators ResultPart SkipEmptyParts + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrTok} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Separators}" "${ResultPart}" "${SkipEmptyParts}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Separators}` + Push `${ResultPart}` + Push `${SkipEmptyParts}` + Call StrTok + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrTok_Call ResultVar String Separators ResultPart SkipEmptyParts + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrTok} "${ResultVar}" "${String}" "${Separators}" "${ResultPart}" "${SkipEmptyParts}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Push `${Separators}` + Push `${ResultPart}` + Push `${SkipEmptyParts}` + Call un.StrTok + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_StrTrimNewLines_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {StrTrimNewLines} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call StrTrimNewLines + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + !macro FUNCTION_STRING_UnStrTrimNewLines_Call ResultVar String + !verbose push ${_STRFUNC_CREDITVERBOSITY} + !echo `$ {UnStrTrimNewLines} "${ResultVar}" "${String}"` + !verbose pop + + Push `${String}` + Call un.StrTrimNewLines + Pop `${ResultVar}` + !macroend + +!endif +!verbose 3 +!define STRFUNC_VERBOSITY ${_STRFUNC_VERBOSITY} +!undef _STRFUNC_VERBOSITY +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/TextFunc.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/TextFunc.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..230835b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/TextFunc.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,1211 @@ +/* +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + Text Functions Header v2.4 +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + 2006 Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (Shengalts@mail.ru) + + See documentation for more information about the following functions. + + Usage in script: + 1. !include "TextFunc.nsh" + 2. [Section|Function] + ${TextFunction} "File" "..." $var + [SectionEnd|FunctionEnd] + + + TextFunction=[LineFind|LineRead|FileReadFromEnd|LineSum|FileJoin| + TextCompare|TextCompareS|ConfigRead|ConfigReadS| + ConfigWrite|ConfigWriteS|FileRecode|TrimNewLines] + +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + Thanks to: +_____________________________________________________________________________ + +LineRead + Afrow UK (Based on his idea of Function "ReadFileLine") +LineSum + Afrow UK (Based on his idea of Function "LineCount") +FileJoin + Afrow UK (Based on his idea of Function "JoinFiles") +ConfigRead + vbgunz (His idea) +ConfigWrite + vbgunz (His idea) +TrimNewLines + sunjammer (Based on his Function "TrimNewLines") +*/ + + +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Macros +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Change log window verbosity (default: 3=no script) +; +; Example: +; !include "TextFunc.nsh" +; !insertmacro LineFind +; ${TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} 4 # all verbosity +; !insertmacro LineSum +; ${TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} 3 # no script + +!ifndef TEXTFUNC_INCLUDED + +!verbose push 3 +!define /IfNDef _TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE 3 +!verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} +!define TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE `!insertmacro TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE` + +!define TEXTFUNC_INCLUDED + +!include FileFunc.nsh +!include Util.nsh + + +!macro TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE _VERBOSE + !verbose push 3 + !define /ReDef _TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE ${_VERBOSE} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro LineFindCall _INPUT _OUTPUT _RANGE _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_INPUT}` + Push `${_OUTPUT}` + Push `${_RANGE}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} LineFind_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro LineReadCall _FILE _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} LineRead_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro FileReadFromEndCall _FILE _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_FILE}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} FileReadFromEnd_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro LineSumCall _FILE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} LineSum_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro FileJoinCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _FILE3 + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE1}` + Push `${_FILE2}` + Push `${_FILE3}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} FileJoin_ + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro TextCompareCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_FILE1}` + Push `${_FILE2}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} TextCompare_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro TextCompareSCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push $0 + Push `${_FILE1}` + Push `${_FILE2}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` + Push `$0` + ${CallArtificialFunction} TextCompareS_ + Pop $0 + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigReadCall _FILE _ENTRY _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_ENTRY}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} ConfigRead_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigReadSCall _FILE _ENTRY _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_ENTRY}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} ConfigReadS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigWriteCall _FILE _ENTRY _VALUE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_ENTRY}` + Push `${_VALUE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} ConfigWrite_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigWriteSCall _FILE _ENTRY _VALUE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_ENTRY}` + Push `${_VALUE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} ConfigWriteS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro FileRecodeCall _FILE _FORMAT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + Push `${_FORMAT}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} FileRecode_ + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro TrimNewLinesCall _FILE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_FILE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} TrimNewLines_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro _TextFunc_TempFileForFile _FILE _RESULT + # XXX replace with GetParent + Push `${_FILE}` + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $2 '\' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + + StrCpy $1 0 + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '\' +2 + StrCmp $2 '' 0 -3 + StrCpy $0 $0 $1 + + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + Pop ${_RESULT} + # XXX + StrCmp ${_RESULT} "" 0 +2 + StrCpy ${_RESULT} $EXEDIR + GetTempFileName ${_RESULT} ${_RESULT} + StrCmp ${_RESULT} "" 0 +2 + GetTempFileName ${_RESULT} + ClearErrors +!macroend + +!define LineFind `!insertmacro LineFindCall` +!define un.LineFind `!insertmacro LineFindCall` + +!macro LineFind +!macroend + +!macro un.LineFind +!macroend + +!macro LineFind_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $3 + Exch + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $1 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $0 + Exch 3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + Push $R9 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists '$0' 0 TextFunc_LineFind_error + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' TextFunc_LineFind_begin + StrCpy $8 0 + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + StrCpy $9 $1 1 $8 + StrCmp $9 \ +2 + StrCmp $9 '' +3 -3 + StrCpy $9 $1 $8 + IfFileExists '$9\*.*' 0 TextFunc_LineFind_error + + TextFunc_LineFind_begin: + StrCpy $4 1 + StrCpy $5 -1 + StrCpy $6 0 + StrCpy $7 0 + StrCpy $R4 '' + StrCpy $R6 '' + StrCpy $R7 '' + StrCpy $R8 0 + + StrCpy $8 $2 1 + StrCmp $8 '{' 0 TextFunc_LineFind_delspaces + StrCpy $2 $2 '' 1 + StrCpy $8 $2 1 -1 + StrCmp $8 '}' 0 TextFunc_LineFind_delspaces + StrCpy $2 $2 -1 + StrCpy $R6 TextFunc_LineFind_cut + + TextFunc_LineFind_delspaces: + StrCpy $8 $2 1 + StrCmp $8 ' ' 0 +3 + StrCpy $2 $2 '' 1 + goto -3 + StrCmp $2$7 '0' TextFunc_LineFind_file + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCmp $2 '' TextFunc_LineFind_writechk + + TextFunc_LineFind_range: + StrCpy $8 0 + StrCpy $9 $2 1 $8 + StrCmp $9 '' +5 + StrCmp $9 ' ' +4 + StrCmp $9 ':' +3 + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + goto -5 + StrCpy $5 $2 $8 + IntOp $5 $5 + 0 + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + StrCpy $2 $2 '' $8 + StrCmp $4 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 $5 + StrCmp $9 ':' TextFunc_LineFind_range + + IntCmp $4 0 0 +2 + IntCmp $5 -1 TextFunc_LineFind_goto 0 TextFunc_LineFind_growthcmp + StrCmp $R7 '' 0 TextFunc_LineFind_minus2plus + StrCpy $R7 0 + FileOpen $8 $0 r + FileRead $8 $9 + IfErrors +3 + IntOp $R7 $R7 + 1 + Goto -3 + FileClose $8 + + TextFunc_LineFind_minus2plus: + IntCmp $4 0 +5 0 +5 + IntOp $4 $R7 + $4 + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + IntCmp $4 0 +2 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 0 + IntCmp $5 -1 TextFunc_LineFind_goto 0 TextFunc_LineFind_growthcmp + IntOp $5 $R7 + $5 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + TextFunc_LineFind_growthcmp: + IntCmp $4 $5 TextFunc_LineFind_goto TextFunc_LineFind_goto + StrCpy $5 $4 + TextFunc_LineFind_goto: + goto $7 + + TextFunc_LineFind_file: + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' TextFunc_LineFind_notemp + !insertmacro _TextFunc_TempFileForFile $1 $R4 + Push $R4 + FileOpen $R4 $R4 w + TextFunc_LineFind_notemp: + FileOpen $R5 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_LineFind_preerror + + TextFunc_LineFind_loop: + IntOp $R8 $R8 + 1 + FileRead $R5 $R9 + IfErrors TextFunc_LineFind_handleclose + + TextFunc_LineFind_cmp: + StrCmp $2$4$5 '' TextFunc_LineFind_writechk + IntCmp $4 $R8 TextFunc_LineFind_call 0 TextFunc_LineFind_writechk + StrCmp $5 -1 TextFunc_LineFind_call + IntCmp $5 $R8 TextFunc_LineFind_call 0 TextFunc_LineFind_call + + GetLabelAddress $7 TextFunc_LineFind_cmp + goto TextFunc_LineFind_delspaces + + TextFunc_LineFind_call: + StrCpy $7 $R9 + Push $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + StrCpy $R6 '$4:$5' + StrCmp $R7 '' +3 + IntOp $R7 $R8 - $R7 + IntOp $R7 $R7 - 1 + Call $3 + Pop $9 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + IfErrors TextFunc_LineFind_preerror + StrCmp $9 'StopLineFind' 0 +3 + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_handleclose + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' TextFunc_LineFind_loop + StrCmp $9 'SkipWrite' 0 +3 + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_loop + StrCmp $7 $R9 TextFunc_LineFind_write + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_write + + TextFunc_LineFind_writechk: + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' TextFunc_LineFind_loop + StrCmp $R6 TextFunc_LineFind_cut 0 TextFunc_LineFind_write + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_loop + + TextFunc_LineFind_write: + FileWrite $R4 $R9 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_loop + + TextFunc_LineFind_preerror: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_LineFind_handleclose: + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' +3 + FileClose $R4 + Pop $R4 + FileClose $R5 + IfErrors TextFunc_LineFind_error + + StrCmp $1 '/NUL' TextFunc_LineFind_end + StrCmp $1 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $1 $0 + StrCmp $6 0 0 TextFunc_LineFind_rename + FileOpen $7 $0 r + FileSeek $7 0 END $8 + FileClose $7 + FileOpen $7 $R4 r + FileSeek $7 0 END $9 + FileClose $7 + IntCmp $8 $9 0 TextFunc_LineFind_rename + Delete $R4 + StrCmp $1 $0 TextFunc_LineFind_end + CopyFiles /SILENT $0 $1 + goto TextFunc_LineFind_end + + TextFunc_LineFind_rename: + Delete '$EXEDIR\$1' + Rename $R4 '$EXEDIR\$1' + IfErrors 0 TextFunc_LineFind_end + Delete $1 + Rename $R4 $1 + IfErrors 0 TextFunc_LineFind_end + + TextFunc_LineFind_error: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_LineFind_end: + Pop $R9 + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define LineRead `!insertmacro LineReadCall` +!define un.LineRead `!insertmacro LineReadCall` + +!macro LineRead +!macroend + +!macro un.LineRead +!macroend + +!macro LineRead_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_LineRead_error + IntOp $1 $1 + 0 + IntCmp $1 0 TextFunc_LineRead_error 0 TextFunc_LineRead_plus + StrCpy $4 0 + FileOpen $2 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_LineRead_error + FileRead $2 $3 + IfErrors +3 + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + Goto -3 + FileClose $2 + IntOp $1 $4 + $1 + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + IntCmp $1 0 TextFunc_LineRead_error TextFunc_LineRead_error + + TextFunc_LineRead_plus: + FileOpen $2 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_LineRead_error + StrCpy $3 0 + IntOp $3 $3 + 1 + FileRead $2 $0 + IfErrors +4 + StrCmp $3 $1 0 -3 + FileClose $2 + goto TextFunc_LineRead_end + FileClose $2 + + TextFunc_LineRead_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + TextFunc_LineRead_end: + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define FileReadFromEnd `!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall` +!define un.FileReadFromEnd `!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall` + +!macro FileReadFromEnd +!macroend + +!macro un.FileReadFromEnd +!macroend + +!macro FileReadFromEnd_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $7 -1 + StrCpy $8 0 + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_error + FileOpen $0 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_error + FileRead $0 $9 + IfErrors +4 + Push $9 + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + goto -4 + FileClose $0 + + TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_nextline: + StrCmp $8 0 TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_end + Pop $9 + Push $1 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Call $1 + Pop $0 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $1 + IntOp $7 $7 - 1 + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + IfErrors TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_error + StrCmp $0 'StopFileReadFromEnd' TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_clearstack TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_nextline + + TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_error: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_clearstack: + StrCmp $8 0 TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_end + Pop $9 + IntOp $8 $8 - 1 + goto TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_clearstack + + TextFunc_FileReadFromEnd_end: + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define LineSum `!insertmacro LineSumCall` +!define un.LineSum `!insertmacro LineSumCall` + +!macro LineSum +!macroend + +!macro un.LineSum +!macroend + +!macro LineSum_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_LineSum_error + StrCpy $2 0 + FileOpen $0 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_LineSum_error + FileRead $0 $1 + IfErrors +3 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + Goto -3 + FileClose $0 + StrCpy $0 $2 + goto TextFunc_LineSum_end + + TextFunc_LineSum_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + TextFunc_LineSum_end: + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define FileJoin `!insertmacro FileJoinCall` +!define un.FileJoin `!insertmacro FileJoinCall` + +!macro FileJoin +!macroend + +!macro un.FileJoin +!macroend + +!macro FileJoin_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_FileJoin_error + IfFileExists $1 0 TextFunc_FileJoin_error + StrCpy $3 0 + IntOp $3 $3 - 1 + StrCpy $4 $2 1 $3 + StrCmp $4 \ +2 + StrCmp $4 '' +3 -3 + StrCpy $4 $2 $3 + IfFileExists '$4\*.*' 0 TextFunc_FileJoin_error + + StrCmp $2 $0 0 +2 + StrCpy $2 '' + StrCmp $2 '' 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 $0 + Goto TextFunc_FileJoin_notemp + !insertmacro _TextFunc_TempFileForFile $2 $4 + CopyFiles /SILENT $0 $4 + TextFunc_FileJoin_notemp: + FileOpen $3 $4 a + IfErrors TextFunc_FileJoin_error + FileSeek $3 -1 END + FileRead $3 $5 + StrCmp $5 '$\r' +3 + StrCmp $5 '$\n' +2 + FileWrite $3 '$\r$\n' + + ;FileWrite $3 '$\r$\n--Divider--$\r$\n' + + FileOpen $0 $1 r + IfErrors TextFunc_FileJoin_error + FileRead $0 $5 + IfErrors +3 + FileWrite $3 $5 + goto -3 + FileClose $0 + FileClose $3 + StrCmp $2 '' TextFunc_FileJoin_end + Delete '$EXEDIR\$2' + Rename $4 '$EXEDIR\$2' + IfErrors 0 TextFunc_FileJoin_end + Delete $2 + Rename $4 $2 + IfErrors 0 TextFunc_FileJoin_end + + TextFunc_FileJoin_error: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_FileJoin_end: + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro TextCompareBody _TEXTFUNC_S + Exch $3 + Exch + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $1 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $0 + Exch 3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + IfFileExists $1 0 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' +5 + StrCmp $2 'FastEqual' +4 + StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' +3 + StrCmp $2 'SlowEqual' +2 + goto TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + + FileOpen $4 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + FileOpen $5 $1 r + IfErrors TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + SetDetailsPrint textonly + + StrCpy $6 0 + StrCpy $8 0 + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline: + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_fast + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + FileRead $4 $9 + IfErrors 0 +4 + FileClose $4 + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 '' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_fast + StrCmp $2 'FastEqual' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_fast TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_slow + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_fast: + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 '' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + FileRead $5 $7 + IfErrors 0 +5 + FileClose $5 + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' 0 +2 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_slow: + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + StrCpy $6 '' + DetailPrint '$8. $9' + FileSeek $5 0 + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_slownext: + FileRead $5 $7 + IfErrors 0 +2 + StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline + StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' 0 +2 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_slownext + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 0 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_slownext + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_call: + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Call $3 + Pop $0 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + StrCmp $0 'StopTextCompare' 0 TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_nextline + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close: + FileClose $4 + FileClose $5 + goto TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_TextCompare${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end: + SetDetailsPrint both + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 +!macroend + +!define TextCompare `!insertmacro TextCompareCall` +!define un.TextCompare `!insertmacro TextCompareCall` + +!macro TextCompare +!macroend + +!macro un.TextCompare +!macroend + +!macro TextCompare_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro TextCompareBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define TextCompareS `!insertmacro TextCompareSCall` +!define un.TextCompareS `!insertmacro TextCompareSCall` + +!macro TextCompareS +!macroend + +!macro un.TextCompareS +!macroend + +!macro TextCompareS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro TextCompareBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigReadBody _TEXTFUNC_S + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + ClearErrors + + FileOpen $2 $0 r + IfErrors TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + StrLen $0 $1 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $0 0 TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + + TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_readnext: + FileRead $2 $3 + IfErrors TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + StrCpy $4 $3 $0 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 $1 0 TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_readnext + StrCpy $0 $3 '' $0 + StrCpy $4 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '$\r' +2 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '$\n' 0 TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -4 + + TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + TextFunc_ConfigRead${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close: + FileClose $2 + + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 +!macroend + +!define ConfigRead `!insertmacro ConfigReadCall` +!define un.ConfigRead `!insertmacro ConfigReadCall` + +!macro ConfigRead +!macroend + +!macro un.ConfigRead +!macroend + +!macro ConfigRead_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro ConfigReadBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define ConfigReadS `!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall` +!define un.ConfigReadS `!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall` + +!macro ConfigReadS +!macroend + +!macro un.ConfigReadS +!macroend + +!macro ConfigReadS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro ConfigReadBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro ConfigWriteBody _TEXTFUNC_S + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + ClearErrors + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + FileOpen $3 $0 a + IfErrors TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error + + StrLen $0 $1 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $0 0 0 TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_readnext + StrCpy $0 '' + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_readnext: + FileRead $3 $4 + IfErrors TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_add + StrCpy $5 $4 $0 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 $1 0 TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_readnext + + StrCpy $5 0 + IntOp $5 $5 - 1 + StrCpy $6 $4 1 $5 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $6 '$\r' -2 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $6 '$\n' -3 + StrCpy $6 $4 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 -1 +3 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + StrCpy $6 $4 $5 + + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $2 '' TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_change + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $6 '$1$2' 0 TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_change + StrCpy $0 SAME + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_change: + FileSeek $3 0 CUR $5 + StrLen $4 $4 + IntOp $4 $5 - $4 + FileSeek $3 0 END $6 + IntOp $6 $6 - $5 + + System::Alloc $6 + Pop $0 + FileSeek $3 $5 SET + System::Call 'kernel32::ReadFile(p r3, p r0, i $6, t.,)' + FileSeek $3 $4 SET + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $2 '' +2 + FileWrite $3 '$1$2$\r$\n' + System::Call 'kernel32::WriteFile(p r3, p r0, i $6, t.,)' + System::Call 'kernel32::SetEndOfFile(p r3)' + System::Free $0 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $2 '' +3 + StrCpy $0 CHANGED + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + StrCpy $0 DELETED + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_add: + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $2 '' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 SAME + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close + FileSeek $3 -1 END + FileRead $3 $4 + IfErrors +4 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '$\r' +3 + StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '$\n' +2 + FileWrite $3 '$\r$\n' + FileWrite $3 '$1$2$\r$\n' + StrCpy $0 ADDED + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_close: + FileClose $3 + goto TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $0 '' + + TextFunc_ConfigWrite${_TEXTFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 +!macroend + +!define ConfigWrite `!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall` +!define un.ConfigWrite `!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall` + +!macro ConfigWrite +!macroend + +!macro un.ConfigWrite +!macroend + +!macro ConfigWrite_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro ConfigWriteBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define ConfigWriteS `!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall` +!define un.ConfigWriteS `!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall` + +!macro ConfigWriteS +!macroend + +!macro un.ConfigWriteS +!macroend + +!macro ConfigWriteS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro ConfigWriteBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define FileRecode `!insertmacro FileRecodeCall` +!define un.FileRecode `!insertmacro FileRecodeCall` + +!macro FileRecode +!macroend + +!macro un.FileRecode +!macroend + +!macro FileRecode_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + + IfFileExists $0 0 TextFunc_FileRecode_error + StrCmp $1 OemToChar +2 + StrCmp $1 CharToOem 0 TextFunc_FileRecode_error + + FileOpen $2 $0 a + FileSeek $2 0 END $3 + System::Alloc $3 + Pop $4 + FileSeek $2 0 SET + System::Call 'kernel32::ReadFile(p r2, p r4, i $3, t.,)' + System::Call 'user32::$1Buff(p r4, p r4, i $3)' + FileSeek $2 0 SET + System::Call 'kernel32::WriteFile(p r2, p r4, i $3, t.,)' + System::Free $4 + FileClose $2 + goto TextFunc_FileRecode_end + + TextFunc_FileRecode_error: + SetErrors + + TextFunc_FileRecode_end: + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define TrimNewLines `!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall` +!define un.TrimNewLines `!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall` + +!macro TrimNewLines +!macroend + +!macro un.TrimNewLines +!macroend + +!macro TrimNewLines_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $0 + Push $1 + Push $2 + + StrCpy $1 0 + IntOp $1 $1 - 1 + StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1 + StrCmp $2 '$\r' -2 + StrCmp $2 '$\n' -3 + StrCmp $1 -1 +3 + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 $1 + + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!verbose pop +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/UpgradeDLL.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/UpgradeDLL.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0681423 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/UpgradeDLL.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +/* + +NOTE: +----- +This macro is provided for backwards compatibility with NSIS 2.0 scripts. +It's recommended you update your scripts to use the new Library.nsh macros. + + +Macro - Upgrade DLL File +Written by Joost Verburg +------------------------ + +Parameters: +LOCALFILE Location of the new DLL file (on the compiler system) +DESTFILE Location of the DLL file that should be upgraded (on the user's system) +TEMPBASEDIR Directory on the user's system to store a temporary file when the system has + to be rebooted. + For Win9x/ME support, this should be on the same volume as DESTFILE. + The Windows temp directory could be located on any volume, so you cannot use + this directory. + +Define UPGRADEDLL_NOREGISTER if you want to upgrade a DLL that does not have to be registered. + +Notes: + +* If you want to support Windows 9x/ME, you can only use short filenames (8.3). + +* This macro uses the GetDLLVersionLocal command to retrieve the version of local libraries. + This command is only supported when compiling on a Windows system. + +------------------------ + +Example: + +!insertmacro UpgradeDLL "dllname.dll" "$SYSDIR\dllname.dll" "$SYSDIR" + +*/ + +!ifndef UPGRADEDLL_INCLUDED + +!define UPGRADEDLL_INCLUDED + +!macro __UpgradeDLL_Helper_AddRegToolEntry mode filename tempdir + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy the parameters + + Push "${filename}" + Push "${tempdir}" + + Pop $R2 ; temporary directory + Pop $R1 ; file name to register + + ;------------------------ + ;Advance counter + + StrCpy $R0 0 + ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "Software\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2\UpgradeDLLSession" "count" + IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 + WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2\UpgradeDLLSession" "count" "$R0" + + ;------------------------ + ;Setup RegTool + + ReadRegStr $R3 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" "NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2" + StrCpy $R3 $R3 -4 1 + IfFileExists $R3 +3 + + File /oname=$R2\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2.$HWNDPARENT.exe "${NSISDIR}\Bin\RegTool.bin" + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" \ + "NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2" '"$R2\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2.$HWNDPARENT.exe" /S' + + ;------------------------ + ;Add RegTool entry + + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2\UpgradeDLLSession" "$R0.file" "$R1" + WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\NSIS.Library.RegTool.v2\UpgradeDLLSession" "$R0.mode" "${mode}" + + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +!macro UpgradeDLL LOCALFILE DESTFILE TEMPBASEDIR + + Push $R0 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + + !define UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE "${__FILE__}${__LINE__}" + + SetOverwrite try + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy the macro parameters to a run-time to a variable, + ;this allows the usage of variables as parameter + + StrCpy $R4 "${DESTFILE}" + StrCpy $R5 "${TEMPBASEDIR}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Get version information + + IfFileExists $R4 0 "upgradedll.copy_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ClearErrors + GetDLLVersionLocal "${LOCALFILE}" $R0 $R1 + GetDLLVersion $R4 $R2 $R3 + IfErrors "upgradedll.upgrade_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + IntCmpU $R0 $R2 0 "upgradedll.done_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" "upgradedll.upgrade_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + IntCmpU $R1 $R3 "upgradedll.done_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" "upgradedll.done_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" \ + "upgradedll.upgrade_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Upgrade + + "upgradedll.upgrade_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + !ifndef UPGRADEDLL_NOREGISTER + ;Unregister the DLL + UnRegDLL $R4 + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy + + ClearErrors + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Call ":upgradedll.file_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + IfErrors 0 "upgradedll.noreboot_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Copy on reboot + + GetTempFileName $R0 $R5 + Call ":upgradedll.file_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + Rename /REBOOTOK $R0 $R4 + + ;------------------------ + ;Register on reboot + + !insertmacro __UpgradeDLL_Helper_AddRegToolEntry 'D' $R4 $R5 + + Goto "upgradedll.done_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;DLL does not exist + + "upgradedll.copy_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Call ":upgradedll.file_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Register + + "upgradedll.noreboot_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + !ifndef UPGRADEDLL_NOREGISTER + RegDLL $R4 + !endif + + ;------------------------ + ;Done + + "upgradedll.done_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $R0 + + ;------------------------ + ;End + + Goto "upgradedll.end_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}" + + ;------------------------ + ;Extract + + "upgradedll.file_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + File /oname=$R0 "${LOCALFILE}" + Return + + "upgradedll.end_${UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE}:" + + SetOverwrite lastused + + !undef UPGRADEDLL_UNIQUE + +!macroend + +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Util.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Util.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8755bff --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Util.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +; --------------------- +; Util.nsh +; --------------------- +; +; Voodoo macros to make end-user usage easier. This may be documented someday. + +!verbose push 3 +!ifndef ___UTIL__NSH___ +!define ___UTIL__NSH___ + +# CallArtificialFunction, see WinVer.nsh and *Func.nsh for usage examples +!macro CallArtificialFunctionHelper TYPE NAME + !verbose pop + Call :.${NAME}${TYPE} + !ifndef ${NAME}${TYPE}_DEFINED + !verbose push 2 + Goto ${NAME}${TYPE}_DONE + !define ${NAME}${TYPE}_DEFINED + !verbose pop + .${NAME}${TYPE}: + !insertmacro ${NAME} + Return + ${NAME}${TYPE}_DONE: + !endif + !verbose push 2 +!macroend + +!macro CallArtificialFunction NAME + !verbose push 2 + !ifdef __UNINSTALL__ + !insertmacro CallArtificialFunctionHelper uninst ${NAME} + !else + !insertmacro CallArtificialFunctionHelper inst ${NAME} + !endif + !verbose pop +!macroend +!define CallArtificialFunction `!insertmacro CallArtificialFunction` + +!macro CallArtificialFunction2 NAME ; Retained for v2.4x..v3.0b0 compatibility + ${CallArtificialFunction} ${NAME} +!macroend +!define CallArtificialFunction2 `!insertmacro CallArtificialFunction` + + +!define Int32Op '!insertmacro Int32Op ' +!define Int64Op '!insertmacro Int64Op ' +!define IntPtrOp '!insertmacro IntPtrOp ' +!macro Int32Op r a o b +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + IntOp `${r}` `${a}` `${o}` ${b} +!else + !error "Int32Op not implemented" +!endif +!macroend +!macro Int64Op r a o b +!echo "Int64Op ${r}=${a}${o}${b}" +!verbose push 2 +System::Int64Op `${a}` `${o}` ${b} +Pop ${r} +!verbose pop +!macroend +!macro IntPtrOp r a o b +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + ${Int32Op} `${r}` `${a}` `${o}` `${b}` +!else + ${Int64Op} `${r}` `${a}` `${o}` `${b}` +!endif +!macroend + +!define Int32Cmp '!insertmacro Int32Cmp ' +!define Int64Cmp '!insertmacro Int64Cmp ' +!define IntPtrCmp '!insertmacro IntPtrCmp ' +!macro Int32Cmp a b jeek jles jgtr +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + IntCmp `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!else + !error "Int32Cmp not implemented" +!endif +!macroend +!macro Int64Cmp a b jeek jles jgtr +!ifmacrondef _LOGICLIB_TEMP +!include LogicLib.nsh +!endif +!echo "Int64Cmp ${a}:${b} =${jeek}, <${jles}, >${jgtr}" +!verbose push 2 +${IfThen} ${a} L= ${b} ${|} Goto ${jeek} ${|} +!insertmacro _L< ${a} ${b} `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!verbose pop +!macroend +!macro IntPtrCmp a b jeek jles jgtr +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + ${Int32Cmp} `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!else + ${Int64Cmp} `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!endif +!macroend + +!define Int32CmpU '!insertmacro Int32CmpU ' +!define Int64CmpU '!insertmacro Int64CmpU ' +!define IntPtrCmpU '!insertmacro IntPtrCmpU ' +!macro Int32CmpU a b jeek jles jgtr +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + IntCmpU `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!else + !error "Int32CmpU not implemented" +!endif +!macroend +!macro Int64CmpUHelper +; This macro performs "$_LOGICLIB_TEMP = a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0" but System::Int64Op does not support unsigned operations so we have to perform multiple steps +!ifmacrondef _LOGICLIB_TEMP +!include LogicLib.nsh +!endif +!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP +Exch $2 ; b +Exch +Exch $1 ; a +; if (a == b) return 0; +; if (a < 0) +; { +; if (b >= 0) return 1 +; } +; else +; { +; if (b < 0) return -1 +; } +; return a < b ? -1 : 1 +System::Int64Op $1 ^ $2 ; Using xor so $_LOGICLIB_TEMP ends up as 0 when they are equal +Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP +StrCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 ret ; NOTE: Must use StrCmp, IntCmp fails on "0x8000000000000001 Z> 1" +System::Int64Op $1 < 0 +Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP +StrCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 checkNegOther +System::Int64Op $2 < 0 ; System::Int64Op does not support the >= operator so we invert the operation +Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP +StrCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 retPos finalCmp +retPos: +StrCpy $_LOGICLIB_TEMP "1" +Goto ret +checkNegOther: +System::Int64Op $2 < 0 +Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP +StrCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 finalCmp retNeg +retNeg: +StrCpy $_LOGICLIB_TEMP "-1" +Goto ret +finalCmp: +System::Int64Op $1 < $2 +Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP +StrCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 retPos retNeg +ret: +Pop $1 +Pop $2 +!macroend +!macro Int64CmpU a b jeek jles jgtr +!echo "Int64CmpU ${a}:${b} =${jeek}, <${jles}, >${jgtr}" +!verbose push 2 +Push `${a}` +Push `${b}` +!insertmacro CallArtificialFunction Int64CmpUHelper +IntCmp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!verbose pop +!macroend +!macro IntPtrCmpU a b jeek jles jgtr +!if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} <= 4 + ${Int32CmpU} `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!else + ${Int64CmpU} `${a}` `${b}` `${jeek}` `${jles}` `${jgtr}` +!endif +!macroend + + +!endif # !___UTIL__NSH___ +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/VB6RunTime.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/VB6RunTime.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a7483c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/VB6RunTime.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* + +VB6RunTime.nsh + +Setup of Visual Basic 6.0 run-time files, including the Oleaut32.dll security update + +Copyright 2008-2016 Joost Verburg + +To obtain the run-time files, download and extract +http://nsis.sourceforge.net/vb6runtime.zip + +Script code for installation: + +!insertmacro InstallVB6RunTime FOLDER ALREADY_INSTALLED + +in which FOLDER is the location of the run-time files and ALREADY_INSTALLED is the +name of a variable that is empty when the application is installed for the first time +and non-empty otherwise + +Script code for uninstallation: + +!insertmacro UnInstallVB6RunTime + +Remarks: + +* You may have to install additional files for such Visual Basic application to work, + such as OCX files for user interface controls. + +* Installation of the run-time files requires Administrator or Power User privileges. + Use the Multi-User header file to verify whether these privileges are available. + +* Add a Modern UI finish page or another check (see IfRebootFlag in the NSIS Users + Manual) to allow the user to restart the computer when necessary. + +*/ + +!ifndef VB6_INCLUDED +!define VB6_INCLUDED +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!include Library.nsh +!include WinVer.nsh + +!macro VB6RunTimeInstall FOLDER ALREADY_INSTALLED + + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_PROTECTED "${FOLDER}\msvbvm60.dll" "$SYSDIR\msvbvm60.dll" "$SYSDIR" + + ;The files below will only be installed on Win9x/NT4 + + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_PROTECTED "${FOLDER}\olepro32.dll" "$SYSDIR\olepro32.dll" "$SYSDIR" + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_PROTECTED "${FOLDER}\comcat.dll" "$SYSDIR\comcat.dll" "$SYSDIR" + !insertmacro InstallLib DLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_PROTECTED "${FOLDER}\asycfilt.dll" "$SYSDIR\asycfilt.dll" "$SYSDIR" + !insertmacro InstallLib TLB "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_PROTECTED "${FOLDER}\stdole2.tlb" "$SYSDIR\stdole2.tlb" "$SYSDIR" + + Push $R0 + + ${if} ${IsNT} + ${if} ${IsWinNT4} + ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Control" "ProductOptions" + ${if} $R0 == "Terminal Server" + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${FOLDER}\NT4TS\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR" + ${else} + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${FOLDER}\NT4\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR" + ${endif} + ${endif} + ${else} + ;No Oleaut32.dll with the security update has been released for Windows 9x. + ;The NT4 version is used because NT4 and Win9x used to share the same 2.40 version + ;and version 2.40.4519.0 is reported to work fine on Win9x. + !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL "${ALREADY_INSTALLED}" REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${FOLDER}\NT4\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR\oleaut32.dll" "$SYSDIR" + ${endif} + + Pop $R0 + +!macroend + +!macro VB6RunTimeUnInstall + + !insertmacro UnInstallLib REGDLL SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\msvbvm60.dll" + !insertmacro UnInstallLib REGDLL SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\oleaut32.dll" + !insertmacro UnInstallLib REGDLL SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\olepro32.dll" + !insertmacro UnInstallLib REGDLL SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\comcat.dll" + !insertmacro UnInstallLib DLL SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\asycfilt.dll" + !insertmacro UnInstallLib TLB SHARED NOREMOVE "$SYSDIR\stdole2.tlb" + +!macroend + +!verbose pop +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/COM.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/COM.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d01ebf --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/COM.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +/* +------------- + COM.nsh +------------- + +COM defines and helper macros + +; Example usage: +!include LogicLib.nsh +!include Win\COM.nsh +!include Win\Propkey.nsh +!insertmacro ComHlpr_CreateInProcInstance ${CLSID_ShellLink} ${IID_IShellLink} r0 "" +${If} $0 P<> 0 + ${IShellLink::SetPath} $0 '("%COMSPEC%").r1' + ${IShellLink::SetArguments} $0 '("/k echo HelloWorld").r2' + ${If} $1 = 0 + ${AndIf} $2 = 0 + ${IUnknown::QueryInterface} $0 '("${IID_IPropertyStore}",.r1)' + ${If} $1 P<> 0 + System::Call '*${SYSSTRUCT_PROPERTYKEY}(${PKEY_AppUserModel_StartPinOption})p.r2' + System::Call '*${SYSSTRUCT_PROPVARIANT}(${VT_UI4},,&i4 ${APPUSERMODEL_STARTPINOPTION_NOPINONINSTALL})p.r3' + ${IPropertyStore::SetValue} $1 '($2,$3)' + + ; Reuse the PROPERTYKEY & PROPVARIANT buffers to set another property + System::Call '*$2${SYSSTRUCT_PROPERTYKEY}(${PKEY_AppUserModel_ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall})' + System::Call '*$3${SYSSTRUCT_PROPVARIANT}(${VT_BOOL},,&i2 ${VARIANT_TRUE})' + ${IPropertyStore::SetValue} $1 '($2,$3)' + + System::Free $2 + System::Free $3 + ${IPropertyStore::Commit} $1 "" + ${IUnknown::Release} $1 "" + ${EndIf} + ${IUnknown::QueryInterface} $0 '("${IID_IPersistFile}",.r1)' + ${If} $1 P<> 0 + ${IPersistFile::Save} $1 '("$SMPrograms\nsis_test.lnk",1)' + ${IUnknown::Release} $1 "" + ${EndIf} + ${EndIf} + ${IUnknown::Release} $0 "" +${EndIf} + +*/ + + +!ifndef __WIN_COM__INC +!define __WIN_COM__INC ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER 0x1 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER 0x2 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER 0x4 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER 0x10 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_32_BIT_SERVER 0x40000 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_64_BIT_SERVER 0x80000 +!define /ifndef CLSCTX_ENABLE_CLOAKING 0x100000 + +!define NSISCOMCALL "!insertmacro NSISCOMCALL " +!macro NSISCOMCALL vtblidx decl ptr params +!if ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} <> ${__WIN_COM__INC} +; Warn if QueryInterface() for IID_IShellLink etc will return the wrong interface +!warning "NSIS_CHAR_SIZE changed, existing defines and macros might not work correctly!" +!endif +System::Call `${ptr}->${vtblidx}${decl}${params}` +!macroend +!define NSISCOMIFACEDECL "!insertmacro NSISCOMIFACEDECL " +!macro NSISCOMIFACEDECL iface method vtblidx decl +!define ${iface}::${method} `${NSISCOMCALL} ${vtblidx} ${decl} ` +!macroend + +!macro ComHlpr_CreateInProcInstance clsid iid sysoutvarIFacePtr sysret +System::Call 'OLE32::CoCreateInstance(g "${clsid}",i 0,i ${CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER},g "${iid}",*p.${sysoutvarIFacePtr})i${sysret}' +!macroend + +!macro ComHlpr_SafeRelease _p +${If} ${_p} P<> 0 + ${IUnknown::Release} ${_p} "" +${EndIf} +!macroend +!macro ComHlpr_SafeReleaseAndNull _p +${If} ${_p} P<> 0 + ${IUnknown::Release} ${_p} "" + StrCpy ${_p} 0 +${EndIf} +!macroend + + +!ifndef IID_IUnknown +!define IID_IUnknown {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IUnknown QueryInterface 0 (g,*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IUnknown AddRef 1 ()i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IUnknown Release 2 ()i +!endif + +!ifndef IID_IPersist +!define IID_IPersist {0000010c-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersist GetClassID 3 (*g)i +!endif + +!ifndef IID_IPersistFile +!define IID_IPersistFile {0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersistFile IsDirty 4 ()i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersistFile Load 5 (w,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersistFile Save 6 (w,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersistFile SaveCompleted 7 (w)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPersistFile GetCurFile 8 (*w)i +!endif + +!ifndef CLSID_ShellLink +!define CLSID_ShellLink {00021401-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} +!endif +!ifndef IID_IShellLink +!define IID_IShellLinkA {000214ee-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} +!define IID_IShellLinkW {000214f9-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} +!ifdef NSIS_UNICODE +!define IID_IShellLink ${IID_IShellLinkW} +!else +!define IID_IShellLink ${IID_IShellLinkA} +!endif +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetPath 3 (t,i,p,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetIDList 4 (*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetIDList 5 (p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetDescription 6 (t,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetDescription 7 (t)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetWorkingDirectory 8 (t,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetWorkingDirectory 9 (t)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetArguments 10 (t,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetArguments 11 (t)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetHotkey 12 (*i0)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetHotkey 13 (&i2)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetShowCmd 14 (*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetShowCmd 15 (i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink GetIconLocation 16 (t,i,*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetIconLocation 17 (t,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetRelativePath 18 (t,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink Resolve 19 (p,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLink SetPath 20 (t)i +!endif + +!ifndef IID_IShellLinkDataList +!define IID_IShellLinkDataList {45e2b4ae-b1c3-11d0-b92f-00a0c90312e1} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLinkDataList AddDataBlock 3 (p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLinkDataList CopyDataBlock 4 (i,*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLinkDataList RemoveDataBlock 5 (i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLinkDataList GetFlags 6 (*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellLinkDataList SetFlags 7 (i)i +!endif +!define /ifndef EXP_SZ_LINK_SIG 0xA0000001 +!define /ifndef NT_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG 0xA0000002 +!define /ifndef NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS_SIG 0xA0000004 +!define /ifndef EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER_SIG 0xA0000005 +!define /ifndef EXP_DARWIN_ID_SIG 0xA0000006 +!define /ifndef EXP_SZ_ICON_SIG 0xA0000007 +!define /ifndef EXP_PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG 0xA0000009 +;SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_ID_LIST 0x00000001 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_LINK_INFO 0x00000002 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_NAME 0x00000004 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_RELPATH 0x00000008 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_WORKINGDIR 0x00000010 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_ARGS 0x00000020 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_ICONLOCATION 0x00000040 +!define /ifndef SLDF_UNICODE 0x00000080 +!define /ifndef SLDF_FORCE_NO_LINKINFO 0x00000100 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_EXP_SZ 0x00000200 +!define /ifndef SLDF_RUN_IN_SEPARATE 0x00000400 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_LOGO3ID 0x00000800 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_DARWINID 0x00001000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_RUNAS_USER 0x00002000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_HAS_EXP_ICON_SZ 0x00004000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_NO_PIDL_ALIAS 0x00008000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_FORCE_UNCNAME 0x00010000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_RUN_WITH_SHIMLAYER 0x00020000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_FORCE_NO_LINKTRACK 0x00040000 ;[Vista+] +!define /ifndef SLDF_ENABLE_TARGET_METADATA 0x00080000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_DISABLE_LINK_PATH_TRACKING 0x00100000 ;[Seven+] +!define /ifndef SLDF_DISABLE_KNOWNFOLDER_RELATIVE_TRACKING 0x00200000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_NO_KF_ALIAS 0x00400000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_ALLOW_LINK_TO_LINK 0x00800000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_UNALIAS_ON_SAVE 0x01000000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_PREFER_ENVIRONMENT_PATH 0x02000000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_KEEP_LOCAL_IDLIST_FOR_UNC_TARGET 0x04000000 +!define /ifndef SLDF_PERSIST_VOLUME_ID_RELATIVE 0x08000000 ;[Eight+] + +!ifndef IID_IShellItem +!define IID_IShellItem {43826d1e-e718-42ee-bc55-a1e261c37bfe} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellItem BindToHandler 3 (p,g,g,*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellItem GetParent 4 (*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellItem GetDisplayName 5 (i,*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellItem GetAttributes 6 (i,*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IShellItem Compare 7 (p,i,*i)i +!endif + +!ifndef CLSID_StartMenuPin +!define CLSID_StartMenuPin {a2a9545d-a0c2-42b4-9708-a0b2badd77c8} +!endif +!ifndef IID_IStartMenuPinnedList +!define IID_IStartMenuPinnedList {4CD19ADA-25A5-4A32-B3B7-347BEE5BE36B} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IStartMenuPinnedList RemoveFromList 3 (p)i +!endif + +!ifndef IID_IPropertyStore +!define IID_IPropertyStore {886D8EEB-8CF2-4446-8D02-CDBA1DBDCF99} +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPropertyStore GetCount 3 (*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPropertyStore GetAt 4 (i,p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPropertyStore GetValue 5 (p,p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPropertyStore SetValue 6 (p,p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IPropertyStore Commit 7 ()i +!endif + +!ifndef CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration +!define CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration {591209c7-767b-42b2-9fba-44ee4615f2c7} +!endif +!ifndef IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistration +!define IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistration {4e530b0a-e611-4c77-a3ac-9031d022281b} ;[Vista+] +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration QueryCurrentDefault 3 (w,i,i,*p)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration QueryAppIsDefault 4 (w,i,i,w,*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration QueryAppIsDefaultAll 5 (i,w,*i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration SetAppAsDefault 6 (w,w,i)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration SetAppAsDefaultAll 7 (w)i +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistration ClearUserAssociations 8 ()i +!endif +!ifndef CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI +!define CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI {1968106d-f3b5-44cf-890e-116fcb9ecef1} +!endif +!ifndef IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI +!define IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI {1f76a169-f994-40ac-8fc8-0959e8874710} ;[Vista+] +${NSISCOMIFACEDECL}IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI LaunchAdvancedAssociationUI 3 (w)i +!endif + + +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_COM__INC */ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/Propkey.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/Propkey.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fff6f0c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/Propkey.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +!ifndef __WIN_PROPKEY__INC +!define __WIN_PROPKEY__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + + +/************************************************** +WTypes.h +**************************************************/ +;NOTE: This list is incomplete +!define VT_EMPTY 0 +!define VT_NULL 1 +!define VT_I4 3 +!define VT_BSTR 8 +!define VT_BOOL 11 +!define VT_UI4 19 +!define VT_INT 22 +!define VT_UINT 23 +!define VT_HRESULT 25 +!define VT_PTR 26 +!define VT_SAFEARRAY 27 +!define VT_LPSTR 30 +!define VT_LPWSTR 31 + +!define /ifndef VARIANT_TRUE -1 +!define /ifndef VARIANT_FALSE 0 + +!define SYSSIZEOF_PROPERTYKEY 20 +!define SYSSTRUCT_PROPERTYKEY (&g16,&i4) ;System.dll is buggy when it comes to g and forces us to specify the size + + +/************************************************** +PropIdl.h +**************************************************/ +!define SYSSIZEOF_PROPVARIANT 16 +!define SYSSTRUCT_PROPVARIANT (&i2,&i6,&i8) + + +/************************************************** +Propkey.h +**************************************************/ +!define PKEY_AppUserModel_ID '"{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}",5' +!define PKEY_AppUserModel_ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall '"{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}",8' ; VT_BOOL +!define PKEY_AppUserModel_PreventPinning '"{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}",9' ; VT_BOOL +!define APPUSERMODEL_STARTPINOPTION_NOPINONINSTALL 1 +!define APPUSERMODEL_STARTPINOPTION_USERPINNED 2 +!define PKEY_AppUserModel_StartPinOption '"{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}",12' ; VT_UI4 [Eight+] + + +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_PROPKEY__INC */ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinDef.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinDef.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf84ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinDef.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +!ifndef __WIN_WINDEF__INC +!define __WIN_WINDEF__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINDEF + + +!define /ifndef MAX_PATH 260 +#define NULL 0 + + +!macro _Win_MINMAX _intcmp _j1 _j2 _outvar _a _b +${_intcmp} "${_a}" "${_b}" ${_j1} ${_j1} ${_j2} +StrCpy ${_outvar} "${_a}" +goto +2 +StrCpy ${_outvar} "${_b}" +!macroend +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOMINMAX & min & max & min_u & max_u +!define min "!insertmacro _Win_MINMAX IntCmp +1 +3 " +!define max "!insertmacro _Win_MINMAX IntCmp +3 +1 " +!define min_u "!insertmacro _Win_MINMAX IntCmpU +1 +3 " +!define max_u "!insertmacro _Win_MINMAX IntCmpU +3 +1 " +!endif + +!macro _Win_LOBYTE _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" & 0xFF +!macroend +!define LOBYTE "!insertmacro _Win_LOBYTE " + +!macro _Win_HIBYTE _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" >> 8 +${LOBYTE} ${_outvar} ${_outvar} +!macroend +!define HIBYTE "!insertmacro _Win_HIBYTE " + +!macro _Win_LOWORD _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" & 0xFFFF +!macroend +!define LOWORD "!insertmacro _Win_LOWORD " + +!macro _Win_HIWORD _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" >> 16 ;sign extended :( +${LOWORD} ${_outvar} ${_outvar} ;make sure we strip off the upper word +!macroend +!define HIWORD "!insertmacro _Win_HIWORD " + +!macro _Win_MAKEWORD _outvar _tmpvar _lo _hi +${LOBYTE} ${_outvar} "${_hi}" +${LOBYTE} ${_tmpvar} "${_lo}" +IntOp ${_outvar} ${_outvar} << 8 +IntOp ${_outvar} ${_outvar} | ${_tmpvar} +!macroend +!define MAKEWORD "!insertmacro _Win_MAKEWORD " + +!macro _Win_MAKELONG32 _outvar _tmpvar _wlo _whi +${LOWORD} ${_outvar} "${_wlo}" +IntOp ${_tmpvar} "${_whi}" << 16 +IntOp ${_outvar} ${_outvar} | ${_tmpvar} +!macroend +!define MAKELONG "!insertmacro _Win_MAKELONG32 " +!define MAKEWPARAM "${MAKELONG}" +!define MAKELPARAM "${MAKELONG}" +!define MAKELRESULT "${MAKELONG}" + + +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINDEF */ +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_WINDEF__INC */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinError.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinError.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..988c9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinError.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +!ifndef __WIN_WINERROR__INC +!define __WIN_WINERROR__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINERROR + +#define NO_ERROR 0 +!define ERROR_SUCCESS 0 +!define ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 1 +!define ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 2 +!define ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 3 +!define ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 4 +!define ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 5 +!define ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 6 +!define ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED 7 +!define ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 8 +!define ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK 9 +!define ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT 10 +!define ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 11 +!define ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS 12 +!define ERROR_INVALID_DATA 13 +!define ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY 14 +!define ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE 15 +!define ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY 16 +!define ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE 17 +!define ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES 18 +!define ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT 19 +!define ERROR_BAD_UNIT 20 +!define ERROR_NOT_READY 21 +!define ERROR_BAD_COMMAND 22 +!define ERROR_CRC 23 +!define ERROR_BAD_LENGTH 24 +!define ERROR_SEEK 25 +!define ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 26 +!define ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND 27 +!define ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER 28 +!define ERROR_WRITE_FAULT 29 +!define ERROR_READ_FAULT 30 +!define ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 31 +!define ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION 32 +!define ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION 33 +!define ERROR_WRONG_DISK 34 +!define ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED 36 +!define ERROR_HANDLE_EOF 38 +!define ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL 39 +!define ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 50 + +!define SEVERITY_SUCCESS 0 +!define SEVERITY_ERROR 1 +!define E_UNEXPECTED 0x8000FFFF +!define E_NOTIMPL 0x80004001 +!define E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000E +!define E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 +!define E_NOINTERFACE 0x80004002 +!define E_POINTER 0x80004003 +!define E_HANDLE 0x80070006 +!define E_ABORT 0x80004004 +!define E_FAIL 0x80004005 +!define E_ACCESSDENIED 0x80070005 +!define E_PENDING 0x8000000A + +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINERROR */ +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_WINERROR__INC */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinNT.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinNT.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..837ab41 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinNT.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +!ifndef __WIN_WINNT__INC +!define __WIN_WINNT__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINNT + + +#define MINCHAR 0x80 +#define MAXCHAR 0x7f +!define MINSHORT 0x8000 +!define MAXSHORT 0x7fff +!define MINLONG 0x80000000 +!define MAXLONG 0x7fffffff +!define MAXBYTE 0xff +!define MAXWORD 0xffff +!define MAXDWORD 0xffffffff + +!ifndef WIN32_NO_STATUS +!define STATUS_WAIT_0 0x00000000 +!define STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 0x00000080 +!define STATUS_USER_APC 0x000000C0 +!define STATUS_TIMEOUT 0x00000102 +!define STATUS_PENDING 0x00000103 +!define DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLED 0x00010001 +!define DBG_CONTINUE 0x00010002 +!define STATUS_SEGMENT_NOTIFICATION 0x40000005 +!define DBG_TERMINATE_THREAD 0x40010003 +!define DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS 0x40010004 +!define DBG_CONTROL_C 0x40010005 +!define DBG_CONTROL_BREAK 0x40010008 +!define DBG_COMMAND_EXCEPTION 0x40010009 +!define STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION 0x80000001 +!define STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT 0x80000002 +!define STATUS_BREAKPOINT 0x80000003 +!define STATUS_SINGLE_STEP 0x80000004 +!define DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x80010001 +!define STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0xC0000005 +!define STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR 0xC0000006 +!define STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE 0xC0000008 +!define STATUS_NO_MEMORY 0xC0000017 +!define STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION 0xC000001D +!define STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION 0xC0000025 +!define STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION 0xC0000026 +!define STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED 0xC000008C +!define STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND 0xC000008D +!define STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 0xC000008E +!define STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT 0xC000008F +!define STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION 0xC0000090 +!define STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW 0xC0000091 +!define STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK 0xC0000092 +!define STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW 0xC0000093 +!define STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 0xC0000094 +!define STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW 0xC0000095 +!define STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION 0xC0000096 +!define STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW 0xC00000FD +!define STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT 0xC000013A +!define STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS 0xC00002B4 +!define STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS 0xC00002B5 +!define STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION 0xC00002C9 +!define STATUS_SXS_EARLY_DEACTIVATION 0xC015000F +!define STATUS_SXS_INVALID_DEACTIVATION 0xC0150010 +!endif /*WIN32_NO_STATUS*/ + +#define MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS 64 + +!define DELETE 0x00010000 +!define READ_CONTROL 0x00020000 +!define WRITE_DAC 0x00040000 +!define WRITE_OWNER 0x00080000 +!define SYNCHRONIZE 0x00100000 +!define STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED 0x000F0000 +!define STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ ${READ_CONTROL} +!define STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE ${READ_CONTROL} +!define STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE ${READ_CONTROL} +!define STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL 0x001F0000 +!define SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL 0x0000FFFF +!define ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY 0x01000000 +!define MAXIMUM_ALLOWED 0x02000000 +!define GENERIC_READ 0x80000000 +!define GENERIC_WRITE 0x40000000 +!define GENERIC_EXECUTE 0x20000000 +!define GENERIC_ALL 0x10000000 + +!define SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT 0x00000001 +!define SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED 0x00000002 +!define SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED 0x00000004 +!define SE_PRIVILEGE_USED_FOR_ACCESS 0x80000000 + +!define SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME "SeCreateTokenPrivilege" +!define SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege" +!define SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME "SeLockMemoryPrivilege" +!define SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" +!define SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege" +!define SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME "SeMachineAccountPrivilege" +!define SE_TCB_NAME "SeTcbPrivilege" +!define SE_SECURITY_NAME "SeSecurityPrivilege" +!define SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" +!define SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME "SeLoadDriverPrivilege" +!define SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME "SeSystemProfilePrivilege" +!define SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME "SeSystemtimePrivilege" +!define SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege" +!define SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" +!define SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege" +!define SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege" +!define SE_BACKUP_NAME "SeBackupPrivilege" +!define SE_RESTORE_NAME "SeRestorePrivilege" +!define SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME "SeShutdownPrivilege" +!define SE_DEBUG_NAME "SeDebugPrivilege" +!define SE_AUDIT_NAME "SeAuditPrivilege" +!define SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege" +!define SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege" +!define SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" +!define SE_UNDOCK_NAME "SeUndockPrivilege" +!define SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME "SeSyncAgentPrivilege" +!define SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege" +!define SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME "SeManageVolumePrivilege" +!define SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME "SeImpersonatePrivilege" +!define SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege" + +!define TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY 0x0001 +!define TOKEN_DUPLICATE 0x0002 +!define TOKEN_IMPERSONATE 0x0004 +!define TOKEN_QUERY 0x0008 +!define TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE 0x0010 +!define TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES 0x0020 +!define TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS 0x0040 +!define TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT 0x0080 +!define TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID 0x0100 +!define TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS_P 0xF00FF +!define /math TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS ${TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS_P} | ${TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID} +!define /math TOKEN_READ ${STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ} | ${TOKEN_QUERY} +!define TOKEN_WRITE 0x200E0 ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE|TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS|TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT) +!define TOKEN_EXECUTE ${STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE} + +!define PROCESS_TERMINATE 0x0001 +!define PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD 0x0002 +!define PROCESS_SET_SESSIONID 0x0004 +!define PROCESS_VM_OPERATION 0x0008 +!define PROCESS_VM_READ 0x0010 +!define PROCESS_VM_WRITE 0x0020 +!define PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE 0x0040 +!define PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS 0x0080 +!define PROCESS_SET_QUOTA 0x0100 +!define PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION 0x0200 +!define PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION 0x0400 +!define PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME 0x0800 +!define PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F0FFF ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SYNCHRONIZE | 0xFFF) +!define THREAD_TERMINATE 0x0001 +!define THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME 0x0002 +!define THREAD_GET_CONTEXT 0x0008 +!define THREAD_SET_CONTEXT 0x0010 +!define THREAD_SET_INFORMATION 0x0020 +!define THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION 0x0040 +!define THREAD_SET_THREAD_TOKEN 0x0080 +!define THREAD_IMPERSONATE 0x0100 +!define THREAD_DIRECT_IMPERSONATION 0x0200 +!define THREAD_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F03FF ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SYNCHRONIZE | 0x3FF) +!define JOB_OBJECT_ASSIGN_PROCESS 0x0001 +!define JOB_OBJECT_SET_ATTRIBUTES 0x0002 +!define JOB_OBJECT_QUERY 0x0004 +!define JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE 0x0008 +!define JOB_OBJECT_SET_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES 0x0010 +!define JOB_OBJECT_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F001F ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SYNCHRONIZE | 0x1F ) +!define EVENT_MODIFY_STATE 0x0002 +!define EVENT_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F0003 ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED|SYNCHRONIZE|0x3) +!define MUTANT_QUERY_STATE 0x0001 +!define MUTANT_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F0001 ;(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED|SYNCHRONIZE|MUTANT_QUERY_STATE) + +!define FILE_SHARE_READ 0x00000001 +!define FILE_SHARE_WRITE 0x00000002 +!define FILE_SHARE_DELETE 0x00000004 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x00000001 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x00000002 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 0x00000004 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY 0x00000010 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 0x00000020 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE 0x00000040 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x00000080 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY 0x00000100 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE 0x00000200 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT 0x00000400 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED 0x00000800 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE 0x00001000 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED 0x00002000 +!define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED 0x00004000 + +!define DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE 0x00000001 +!define DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS 0x00000002 + +!define /ifndef VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s 0 +!define /ifndef VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS 1 +!define /ifndef VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT 2 + +!ifndef REG_SZ & NSIS_WINDOWS__NO_REGTYPES +!define REG_NONE 0 +!define REG_SZ 1 +!define REG_EXPAND_SZ 2 +!define REG_BINARY 3 +!define REG_DWORD 4 +!define REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN 4 +!define REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN 5 +!define REG_LINK 6 +!define REG_MULTI_SZ 7 +!endif + + +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINNT */ +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_WINNT__INC */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinUser.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinUser.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50a9921 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/Win/WinUser.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +!ifndef __WIN_WINUSER__INC +!define __WIN_WINUSER__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOUSER & __WIN_NOINC_WINUSER + +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOVIRTUALKEYCODES +!define VK_LBUTTON 0x01 +!define VK_RBUTTON 0x02 +!define VK_CANCEL 0x03 +!define VK_MBUTTON 0x04 /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */ +!define VK_XBUTTON1 0x05 /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */ +!define VK_XBUTTON2 0x06 /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */ +!define VK_BACK 0x08 +!define VK_TAB 0x09 +!define VK_CLEAR 0x0C +!define VK_RETURN 0x0D +!define VK_SHIFT 0x10 +!define VK_CONTROL 0x11 +!define VK_MENU 0x12 +!define VK_PAUSE 0x13 +!define VK_CAPITAL 0x14 +!define VK_ESCAPE 0x1B +!define VK_CONVERT 0x1C +!define VK_NONCONVERT 0x1D +!define VK_ACCEPT 0x1E +!define VK_MODECHANGE 0x1F +!define VK_SPACE 0x20 +!define VK_PRIOR 0x21 +!define VK_NEXT 0x22 +!define VK_END 0x23 +!define VK_HOME 0x24 +!define VK_LEFT 0x25 +!define VK_UP 0x26 +!define VK_RIGHT 0x27 +!define VK_DOWN 0x28 +!define VK_SELECT 0x29 +!define VK_PRINT 0x2A +!define VK_EXECUTE 0x2B +!define VK_SNAPSHOT 0x2C +!define VK_INSERT 0x2D +!define VK_DELETE 0x2E +!define VK_HELP 0x2F +; VK_0 - VK_9 are the same as ASCII '0' - '9' (0x30 - 0x39) +; VK_A - VK_Z are the same as ASCII 'A' - 'Z' (0x41 - 0x5A) +!define VK_LWIN 0x5B +!define VK_RWIN 0x5C +!define VK_APPS 0x5D +!define VK_SLEEP 0x5F +!define VK_NUMPAD0 0x60 +!define VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 +!define VK_NUMPAD2 0x62 +!define VK_NUMPAD3 0x63 +!define VK_NUMPAD4 0x64 +!define VK_NUMPAD5 0x65 +!define VK_NUMPAD6 0x66 +!define VK_NUMPAD7 0x67 +!define VK_NUMPAD8 0x68 +!define VK_NUMPAD9 0x69 +!define VK_MULTIPLY 0x6A +!define VK_ADD 0x6B +!define VK_SEPARATOR 0x6C +!define VK_SUBTRACT 0x6D +!define VK_DECIMAL 0x6E +!define VK_DIVIDE 0x6F +!define VK_F1 0x70 +!define VK_F2 0x71 +!define VK_F3 0x72 +!define VK_F4 0x73 +!define VK_F5 0x74 +!define VK_F6 0x75 +!define VK_F7 0x76 +!define VK_F8 0x77 +!define VK_F9 0x78 +!define VK_F10 0x79 +!define VK_F11 0x7A +!define VK_F12 0x7B +!define VK_NUMLOCK 0x90 +!define VK_SCROLL 0x91 +!define VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL 0x92 ; '=' key on numpad +!define VK_LSHIFT 0xA0 +!define VK_RSHIFT 0xA1 +!define VK_LCONTROL 0xA2 +!define VK_RCONTROL 0xA3 +!define VK_LMENU 0xA4 +!define VK_RMENU 0xA5 +!endif + +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOWINOFFSETS +!define /ifndef GWL_STYLE -16 +!define /ifndef GWL_EXSTYLE -20 +!define /ifndef GWLP_WNDPROC -4 +!define /ifndef GWLP_HINSTANCE -6 +!define /ifndef GWLP_HWNDPARENT -8 +!define /ifndef GWLP_USERDATA -21 +!define /ifndef GWLP_ID -12 +!define DWLP_MSGRESULT 0 +!define /math DWLP_DLGPROC ${DWLP_MSGRESULT} + ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} ;DWLP_MSGRESULT + sizeof(LRESULT) +!define /math DWLP_USER ${DWLP_DLGPROC} + ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} ;DWLP_DLGPROC + sizeof(DLGPROC) +!endif + +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NONCMESSAGES +!define HTERROR -2 +!define HTTRANSPARENT -1 +!define HTNOWHERE 0 +!define HTCLIENT 1 +!define HTCAPTION 2 +!define HTSYSMENU 3 +!define HTGROWBOX 4 +!define HTSIZE ${HTGROWBOX} +!define HTMENU 5 +!define HTHSCROLL 6 +!define HTVSCROLL 7 +!define HTMINBUTTON 8 +!define HTMAXBUTTON 9 +!define HTLEFT 10 +!define HTRIGHT 11 +!define HTTOP 12 +!define HTTOPLEFT 13 +!define HTTOPRIGHT 14 +!define HTBOTTOM 15 +!define HTBOTTOMLEFT 16 +!define HTBOTTOMRIGHT 17 +!define HTBORDER 18 +!define HTREDUCE ${HTMINBUTTON} +!define HTZOOM ${HTMAXBUTTON} +!define HTSIZEFIRST ${HTLEFT} +!define HTSIZELAST ${HTBOTTOMRIGHT} +!define HTOBJECT 19 +!define HTCLOSE 20 +!define HTHELP 21 +!endif + +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOSYSCOMMANDS +!define SC_SIZE 0xF000 +!define SC_MOVE 0xF010 +!define SC_MINIMIZE 0xF020 +!define SC_MAXIMIZE 0xF030 +!define SC_NEXTWINDOW 0xF040 +!define SC_PREVWINDOW 0xF050 +!define SC_CLOSE 0xF060 +!define SC_VSCROLL 0xF070 +!define SC_HSCROLL 0xF080 +!define SC_MOUSEMENU 0xF090 +!define SC_KEYMENU 0xF100 +!define SC_ARRANGE 0xF110 +!define SC_RESTORE 0xF120 +!define SC_TASKLIST 0xF130 +!define SC_SCREENSAVE 0xF140 +!define SC_HOTKEY 0xF150 +!define SC_DEFAULT 0xF160 +!define SC_MONITORPOWER 0xF170 +!define SC_CONTEXTHELP 0xF180 +!define SC_SEPARATOR 0xF00F +!endif + +!define /ifndef IDC_ARROW 32512 +!define /ifndef IDC_IBEAM 32513 +!define /ifndef IDC_WAIT 32514 +!define /ifndef IDC_CROSS 32515 +!define /ifndef IDC_UPARROW 32516 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZE 32640 +!define /ifndef IDC_ICON 32641 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZENWSE 32642 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZENESW 32643 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZEWE 32644 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZENS 32645 +!define /ifndef IDC_SIZEALL 32646 +!define /ifndef IDC_NO 32648 +!define /ifndef IDC_HAND 32649 +!define /ifndef IDC_APPSTARTING 32650 +!define /ifndef IDC_HELP 32651 + +!define /ifndef IMAGE_BITMAP 0 +!define /ifndef IMAGE_ICON 1 +!define /ifndef IMAGE_CURSOR 2 +!define /ifndef IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE 3 + +!define /ifndef LR_DEFAULTCOLOR 0x0000 +!define /ifndef LR_MONOCHROME 0x0001 +!define /ifndef LR_COLOR 0x0002 +!define /ifndef LR_COPYRETURNORG 0x0004 +!define /ifndef LR_COPYDELETEORG 0x0008 +!define /ifndef LR_LOADFROMFILE 0x0010 +!define /ifndef LR_LOADTRANSPARENT 0x0020 +!define /ifndef LR_DEFAULTSIZE 0x0040 +!define /ifndef LR_VGACOLOR 0x0080 +!define /ifndef LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS 0x1000 +!define /ifndef LR_CREATEDIBSECTION 0x2000 +!define /ifndef LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE 0x4000 +!define /ifndef LR_SHARED 0x8000 + +!define GA_PARENT 1 +!define GA_ROOT 2 +!define GA_ROOTOWNER 3 + +!endif /* __WIN_MS_NOUSER & __WIN_NOINC_WINUSER */ +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_WINUSER__INC */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/WinCore.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/WinCore.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b062b50 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/WinCore.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/* + +WinCore.nsh & Win\*.nsh - Collection of common windows defines + +!define __WIN_NOINC_xxx to exclude a windows header file +!define __WIN_MS_xxx to exclude specific things (The original #ifdef xxx checks can be found in the official Microsoft headers) + +*/ + +!ifndef __WIN_WINDOWS__INC +!define __WIN_WINDOWS__INC +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + + + +!include Win\WinDef.nsh +!include Win\WinError.nsh +!include Win\WinNT.nsh +!include Win\WinUser.nsh + +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOWINMESSAGES +!include WinMessages.nsh +!endif + + + + + +/************************************************** +WinBase.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINBASE +!define /ifndef INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 +!define /ifndef INVALID_FILE_SIZE 0xFFFFFFFF +!define /ifndef INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER -1 +!define /ifndef INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES -1 + +!define WAIT_FAILED 0xFFFFFFFF +!define WAIT_OBJECT_0 0 ;((STATUS_WAIT_0 ) + 0 ) + +!define WAIT_ABANDONED 0x80 ;((STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 ) + 0 ) +!define WAIT_ABANDONED_0 0x80 ;((STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 ) + 0 ) + +!define DRIVE_UNKNOWN 0 +!define DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR 1 +!define DRIVE_REMOVABLE 2 +!define DRIVE_FIXED 3 +!define DRIVE_REMOTE 4 +!define DRIVE_CDROM 5 +!define DRIVE_RAMDISK 6 + +!define FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x0000 +!define FILE_TYPE_DISK 0x0001 +!define FILE_TYPE_CHAR 0x0002 +!define FILE_TYPE_PIPE 0x0003 +!define FILE_TYPE_REMOTE 0x8000 + +!define STD_INPUT_HANDLE -10 +!define STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE -11 +!define STD_ERROR_HANDLE -12 + +#define IGNORE 0 ; Ignore signal +!define INFINITE 0xFFFFFFFF ; Infinite timeout + +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINBASE */ + + + + + +/************************************************** +WinGDI.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_MS_NOGDI & __WIN_NOINC_WINGDI +!define HORZRES 8 +!define VERTRES 10 +!define BITSPIXEL 12 +!define LOGPIXELSX 88 +!define LOGPIXELSY 90 +!define COLORRES 108 +!define VREFRESH 116 +!define DESKTOPVERTRES 117 +!define DESKTOPHORZRES 118 +!endif /* __WIN_MS_NOGDI & __WIN_NOINC_WINGDI */ + + + + + +/************************************************** +WinReg.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINREG +!ifndef __WIN_NOHKEY & HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT & HKEY_CURRENT_USER & HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE & HKEY_USERS +!define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0x80000000 +!define HKEY_CURRENT_USER 0x80000001 +!define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 0x80000002 +!define HKEY_USERS 0x80000003 +!define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 0x80000004 +!define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT 0x80000050 +!define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT 0x80000060 +!define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x80000005 +!define HKEY_DYN_DATA 0x80000006 +!ifndef __WIN_NOSHORTHKEY & HKCR & HKCU & HKLM +!define HKCR ${HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT} +!define HKCU ${HKEY_CURRENT_USER} +!define HKLM ${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE} +!endif +!endif +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINREG */ + + + + + +/************************************************** +WindowsX.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_WINDOWSX +!ifndef GET_X_LPARAM & GET_Y_LPARAM +!macro _Win_GET_X_LPARAM _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" << 16 ;We can't just use LOWORD, we need to keep the sign, +IntOp ${_outvar} ${_outvar} >> 16 ;so we let NSIS sign extend for us +!macroend +!define GET_X_LPARAM "!insertmacro _Win_GET_X_LPARAM " +!macro _Win_GET_Y_LPARAM _outvar _in +IntOp ${_outvar} "${_in}" >> 16 +!macroend +!define GET_Y_LPARAM "!insertmacro _Win_GET_Y_LPARAM " +!endif +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_WINDOWSX */ + + + + + +/************************************************** +ShlObj.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_SHLOBJ +!ifndef __WIN_NOSHELLFOLDERCSIDL +!define CSIDL_DESKTOP 0x0000 +!define CSIDL_INTERNET 0x0001 ;Internet Explorer (icon on desktop) +!define CSIDL_PROGRAMS 0x0002 ;Start Menu\Programs +!define CSIDL_CONTROLS 0x0003 ;My Computer\Control Panel +!define CSIDL_PRINTERS 0x0004 ;My Computer\Printers +!define CSIDL_PERSONAL 0x0005 ;My Documents +!define CSIDL_FAVORITES 0x0006 ;\Favorites +!define CSIDL_STARTUP 0x0007 ;Start Menu\Programs\Startup +!define CSIDL_RECENT 0x0008 ;\Recent +!define CSIDL_SENDTO 0x0009 ;\SendTo +!define CSIDL_BITBUCKET 0x000a ;\Recycle Bin +!define CSIDL_STARTMENU 0x000b ;\Start Menu +!define CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS 0x000c ;logical "My Documents" desktop icon +!define CSIDL_MYMUSIC 0x000d ;"My Music" folder +!define CSIDL_MYVIDEO 0x000e ;"My Videos" folder +!define CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY 0x0010 ;\Desktop +!define CSIDL_DRIVES 0x0011 ;My Computer +!define CSIDL_NETWORK 0x0012 ;Network Neighborhood +!define CSIDL_NETHOOD 0x0013 ;\nethood +!define CSIDL_FONTS 0x0014 ;windows\fonts +!define CSIDL_TEMPLATES 0x0015 +!define CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU 0x0016 ;All Users\Start Menu +!define CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS 0x0017 ;All Users\Start Menu\Programs +!define CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP 0x0018 ;All Users\Startup +!define CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY 0x0019 ;All Users\Desktop +!define CSIDL_APPDATA 0x001a ;\Application Data +!define CSIDL_PRINTHOOD 0x001b ;\PrintHood +!define CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA 0x001c ;\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (non roaming) +!define CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP 0x001d ;non localized startup +!define CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP 0x001e ;non localized common startup +!define CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES 0x001f +!define CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE 0x0020 +!define CSIDL_COOKIES 0x0021 +!define CSIDL_HISTORY 0x0022 +!define CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA 0x0023 ;All Users\Application Data +!define CSIDL_WINDOWS 0x0024 ;GetWindowsDirectory +!define CSIDL_SYSTEM 0x0025 ;GetSystemDirectory +!define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES 0x0026 ;C:\Program Files +!define CSIDL_MYPICTURES 0x0027 +!define CSIDL_PROFILE 0x0028 ;USERPROFILE +!define CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 0x0029 ;x86 system directory on RISC +!define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 0x002a ;x86 C:\Program Files on RISC +!define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON 0x002b ;C:\Program Files\Common +!define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 0x002c ;x86 Program Files\Common on RISC +!define CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES 0x002d ;All Users\Templates +!define CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS 0x002e ;All Users\Documents +!define CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS 0x002f ;All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools +!define CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS 0x0030 ;\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools +!define CSIDL_CONNECTIONS 0x0031 ;Network and Dial-up Connections +!define CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC 0x0035 ;All Users\My Music +!define CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES 0x0036 ;All Users\My Pictures +!define CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO 0x0037 ;All Users\My Video +!define CSIDL_RESOURCES 0x0038 ;Resource Direcotry +!define CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED 0x0039 ;Localized Resource Direcotry +!define CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS 0x003a ;Links to All Users OEM specific apps +!define CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA 0x003b ;USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning +!define CSIDL_COMPUTERSNEARME 0x003d ;Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership) +!define CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE 0x8000 ;combine with CSIDL_ value to force folder creation in SHGetFolderPath() +!define CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY 0x4000 ;combine with CSIDL_ value to return an unverified folder path +!define CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS 0x1000 ;combine with CSIDL_ value to insure non-alias versions of the pidl +!define CSIDL_FLAG_PER_USER_INIT 0x0800 ;combine with CSIDL_ value to indicate per-user init (eg. upgrade) +!define CSIDL_FLAG_MASK 0xFF00 +!endif /* __WIN_NOSHELLFOLDERCSIDL */ +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_SHLOBJ */ + + + + + +/************************************************** +Shobjidl.h +**************************************************/ +!ifndef __WIN_NOINC_SHOBJIDL +; ASSOCIATIONLEVEL +!define AL_MACHINE 0 +!define AL_EFFECTIVE 1 +!define AL_USER 2 + +; ASSOCIATIONTYPE +!define AT_FILEEXTENSION 0 +!define AT_URLPROTOCOL 1 +!define AT_STARTMENUCLIENT 2 +!define AT_MIMETYPE 3 +!endif /* __WIN_NOINC_SHOBJIDL */ + + + +!verbose pop +!endif /* __WIN_WINDOWS__INC */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/WinMessages.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/WinMessages.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd9c174 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/WinMessages.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,706 @@ +/* +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + List of common Windows Messages +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + 2005 Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (Shengalts@mail.ru) + + +Usage example: +--------------------------------------------------- +Name "Output" +OutFile "Output.exe" + +!include "WinMessages.nsh" + +Section + FindWindow $0 '#32770' '' $HWNDPARENT + GetDlgItem $1 $0 1027 + SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 'STR:MyText' +SectionEnd +--------------------------------------------------- + + +Prefix Message category +------------------------- +SW ShowWindow Commands +CCM Generic Common Control +BM Button control +CB Combo box control +EM Edit control +LB List box control +WM General window +ABM Application desktop toolbar +DBT Device +DM Default push button control +HDM Header control +LVM List view control +SB Status bar window +SBM Scroll bar control +STM Static control +TCM Tab control +PBM Progress bar +----------------------------------- + +NOT included messages (WM_USER + X) +----------------------------------- +CBEM Extended combo box control +CDM Common dialog box +DL Drag list box +DTM Date and time picker control +HKM Hot key control +IPM IP address control +MCM Month calendar control +PGM Pager control +PSM Property sheet +RB Rebar control +TB Toolbar +TBM Trackbar +TTM Tooltip control +TVM Tree-view control +UDM Up-down control +----------------------------------- +*/ + + +!ifndef WINMESSAGES_INCLUDED +!define WINMESSAGES_INCLUDED +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!define _NSIS_DEFAW '!insertmacro _NSIS_DEFAW ' +!macro _NSIS_DEFAW d +!ifdef NSIS_UNICODE +!define ${d} "${${d}W}" +!else +!define ${d} "${${d}A}" +!endif +!macroend + +!define HWND_BROADCAST 0xFFFF + +#ShowWindow Commands# +!define SW_HIDE 0 +!define SW_SHOWNORMAL 1 +!define SW_NORMAL 1 +!define SW_SHOWMINIMIZED 2 +!define SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 3 +!define SW_MAXIMIZE 3 +!define SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE 4 +!define SW_SHOW 5 +!define SW_MINIMIZE 6 +!define SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7 +!define SW_SHOWNA 8 +!define SW_RESTORE 9 +!define SW_SHOWDEFAULT 10 +!define SW_FORCEMINIMIZE 11 +!define SW_MAX 11 + +#Generic Common Control Messages# +!define CCM_FIRST 0x2000 +!define /math CCM_SETBKCOLOR ${CCM_FIRST} + 0x1 ; IE4 +!define /math CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT ${CCM_FIRST} + 0x5 +!define /math CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT ${CCM_FIRST} + 0x6 +!define /math CCM_SETVERSION ${CCM_FIRST} + 0x7 ; IE5 +!define /math CCM_GETVERSION ${CCM_FIRST} + 0x8 +!define /math CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME ${CCM_FIRST} + 0xB ; WinXP +!define /math CCM_DPISCALE ${CCM_FIRST} + 0xC + +!define CCS_TOP 1 +!define CCS_BOTTOM 3 +!define CCS_NODIVIDER 64 +!define CCS_LEFT 129 +!define CCS_RIGHT 131 + +!define I_IMAGENONE -2 + +#Button Control Messages# +!define BM_CLICK 0x00F5 +!define BM_GETCHECK 0x00F0 +!define BM_GETIMAGE 0x00F6 +!define BM_GETSTATE 0x00F2 +!define BM_SETCHECK 0x00F1 +!define BM_SETIMAGE 0x00F7 +!define BM_SETSTATE 0x00F3 +!define BM_SETSTYLE 0x00F4 +!define BCM_SETSHIELD 0x160C ; WinVista + ComCtl32 v6 + +!define BST_UNCHECKED 0 +!define BST_CHECKED 1 +!define BST_INDETERMINATE 2 +!define BST_PUSHED 4 +!define BST_FOCUS 8 + +#Combo Box Messages# +!define CB_ADDSTRING 0x0143 +!define CB_DELETESTRING 0x0144 +!define CB_DIR 0x0145 +!define CB_FINDSTRING 0x014C +!define CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT 0x0158 +!define CB_GETCOUNT 0x0146 +!define CB_GETCURSEL 0x0147 +!define CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT 0x0152 +!define CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE 0x0157 +!define CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH 0x015f +!define CB_GETEDITSEL 0x0140 +!define CB_GETEXTENDEDUI 0x0156 +!define CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT 0x015d +!define CB_GETITEMDATA 0x0150 +!define CB_GETITEMHEIGHT 0x0154 +!define CB_GETLBTEXT 0x0148 +!define CB_GETLBTEXTLEN 0x0149 +!define CB_GETLOCALE 0x015A +!define CB_GETTOPINDEX 0x015b +!define CB_INITSTORAGE 0x0161 +!define CB_INSERTSTRING 0x014A +!define CB_LIMITTEXT 0x0141 +!define CB_MSGMAX 0x015B # 0x0162 0x0163 +!define CB_MULTIPLEADDSTRING 0x0163 +!define CB_RESETCONTENT 0x014B +!define CB_SELECTSTRING 0x014D +!define CB_SETCURSEL 0x014E +!define CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH 0x0160 +!define CB_SETEDITSEL 0x0142 +!define CB_SETEXTENDEDUI 0x0155 +!define CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT 0x015e +!define CB_SETITEMDATA 0x0151 +!define CB_SETITEMHEIGHT 0x0153 +!define CB_SETLOCALE 0x0159 +!define CB_SETTOPINDEX 0x015c +!define CB_SHOWDROPDOWN 0x014F + +!define CB_ERR -1 + +#Edit Control Messages# +!define EM_CANUNDO 0x00C6 +!define EM_CHARFROMPOS 0x00D7 +!define EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER 0x00CD +!define EM_EXLIMITTEXT 0x0435 +!define EM_FMTLINES 0x00C8 +!define EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE 0x00CE +!define EM_GETHANDLE 0x00BD +!define EM_GETIMESTATUS 0x00D9 +!define EM_GETLIMITTEXT 0x00D5 +!define EM_GETLINE 0x00C4 +!define EM_GETLINECOUNT 0x00BA +!define EM_GETMARGINS 0x00D4 +!define EM_GETMODIFY 0x00B8 +!define EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR 0x00D2 +!define EM_GETRECT 0x00B2 +!define EM_GETSEL 0x00B0 +!define EM_GETTHUMB 0x00BE +!define EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D1 +!define EM_LIMITTEXT 0x00C5 +!define EM_LINEFROMCHAR 0x00C9 +!define EM_LINEINDEX 0x00BB +!define EM_LINELENGTH 0x00C1 +!define EM_LINESCROLL 0x00B6 +!define EM_POSFROMCHAR 0x00D6 +!define EM_REPLACESEL 0x00C2 +!define EM_SCROLL 0x00B5 +!define EM_SCROLLCARET 0x00B7 +!define EM_SETHANDLE 0x00BC +!define EM_SETIMESTATUS 0x00D8 +!define EM_SETLIMITTEXT 0x00C5 # Same as EM_LIMITTEXT +!define EM_SETMARGINS 0x00D3 +!define EM_SETMODIFY 0x00B9 +!define EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR 0x00CC +!define EM_SETREADONLY 0x00CF +!define EM_SETRECT 0x00B3 +!define EM_SETRECTNP 0x00B4 +!define EM_SETSEL 0x00B1 +!define EM_SETTABSTOPS 0x00CB +!define EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D0 +!define EM_UNDO 0x00C7 + +#Listbox Messages# +!define LB_ADDFILE 0x0196 +!define LB_ADDSTRING 0x0180 +!define LB_DELETESTRING 0x0182 +!define LB_DIR 0x018D +!define LB_FINDSTRING 0x018F +!define LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT 0x01A2 +!define LB_GETANCHORINDEX 0x019D +!define LB_GETCARETINDEX 0x019F +!define LB_GETCOUNT 0x018B +!define LB_GETCURSEL 0x0188 +!define LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT 0x0193 +!define LB_GETITEMDATA 0x0199 +!define LB_GETITEMHEIGHT 0x01A1 +!define LB_GETITEMRECT 0x0198 +!define LB_GETLOCALE 0x01A6 +!define LB_GETSEL 0x0187 +!define LB_GETSELCOUNT 0x0190 +!define LB_GETSELITEMS 0x0191 +!define LB_GETTEXT 0x0189 +!define LB_GETTEXTLEN 0x018A +!define LB_GETTOPINDEX 0x018E +!define LB_INITSTORAGE 0x01A8 +!define LB_INSERTSTRING 0x0181 +!define LB_ITEMFROMPOINT 0x01A9 +!define LB_MSGMAX 0x01A8 # 0x01B0 0x01B1 +!define LB_MULTIPLEADDSTRING 0x01B1 +!define LB_RESETCONTENT 0x0184 +!define LB_SELECTSTRING 0x018C +!define LB_SELITEMRANGE 0x019B +!define LB_SELITEMRANGEEX 0x0183 +!define LB_SETANCHORINDEX 0x019C +!define LB_SETCARETINDEX 0x019E +!define LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH 0x0195 +!define LB_SETCOUNT 0x01A7 +!define LB_SETCURSEL 0x0186 +!define LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT 0x0194 +!define LB_SETITEMDATA 0x019A +!define LB_SETITEMHEIGHT 0x01A0 +!define LB_SETLOCALE 0x01A5 +!define LB_SETSEL 0x0185 +!define LB_SETTABSTOPS 0x0192 +!define LB_SETTOPINDEX 0x0197 + +!define LB_ERR -1 + +#Window Messages# +!define WM_ACTIVATE 0x0006 +!define WM_ACTIVATEAPP 0x001C +!define WM_AFXFIRST 0x0360 +!define WM_AFXLAST 0x037F +!define WM_APP 0x8000 +!define WM_APPCOMMAND 0x0319 +!define WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME 0x030C +!define WM_CANCELJOURNAL 0x004B +!define WM_CANCELMODE 0x001F +!define WM_CAPTURECHANGED 0x0215 +!define WM_CHANGECBCHAIN 0x030D +!define WM_CHANGEUISTATE 0x0127 +!define WM_CHAR 0x0102 +!define WM_CHARTOITEM 0x002F +!define WM_CHILDACTIVATE 0x0022 +!define WM_CLEAR 0x0303 +!define WM_CLOSE 0x0010 +!define WM_COMMAND 0x0111 +!define WM_COMMNOTIFY 0x0044 # no longer suported +!define WM_COMPACTING 0x0041 +!define WM_COMPAREITEM 0x0039 +!define WM_CONTEXTMENU 0x007B +!define WM_CONVERTREQUESTEX 0x108 +!define WM_COPY 0x0301 +!define WM_COPYDATA 0x004A +!define WM_CREATE 0x0001 +!define WM_CTLCOLOR 0x0019 +!define WM_CTLCOLORBTN 0x0135 +!define WM_CTLCOLORDLG 0x0136 +!define WM_CTLCOLOREDIT 0x0133 +!define WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX 0x0134 +!define WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX 0x0132 +!define WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR 0x0137 +!define WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC 0x0138 +!define WM_CUT 0x0300 +!define WM_DDE_FIRST 0x3E0 +!define WM_DEADCHAR 0x0103 +!define WM_DELETEITEM 0x002D +!define WM_DESTROY 0x0002 +!define WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD 0x0307 +!define WM_DEVICECHANGE 0x0219 +!define WM_DEVMODECHANGE 0x001B +!define WM_DISPLAYCHANGE 0x007E +!define WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 0x0308 +!define WM_DRAWITEM 0x002B +!define WM_DROPFILES 0x0233 +!define WM_ENABLE 0x000A +!define WM_ENDSESSION 0x0016 +!define WM_ENTERIDLE 0x0121 +!define WM_ENTERMENULOOP 0x0211 +!define WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE 0x0231 +!define WM_ERASEBKGND 0x0014 +!define WM_EXITMENULOOP 0x0212 +!define WM_EXITSIZEMOVE 0x0232 +!define WM_FONTCHANGE 0x001D +!define WM_GETDLGCODE 0x0087 +!define WM_GETFONT 0x0031 +!define WM_GETHOTKEY 0x0033 +!define WM_GETICON 0x007F +!define WM_GETMINMAXINFO 0x0024 +!define WM_GETOBJECT 0x003D +!define WM_GETTEXT 0x000D +!define WM_GETTEXTLENGTH 0x000E +!define WM_HANDHELDFIRST 0x0358 +!define WM_HANDHELDLAST 0x035F +!define WM_HELP 0x0053 +!define WM_HOTKEY 0x0312 +!define WM_HSCROLL 0x0114 +!define WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD 0x030E +!define WM_ICONERASEBKGND 0x0027 +!define WM_IME_CHAR 0x0286 +!define WM_IME_COMPOSITION 0x010F +!define WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL 0x0284 +!define WM_IME_CONTROL 0x0283 +!define WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION 0x010E +!define WM_IME_KEYDOWN 0x0290 +!define WM_IME_KEYLAST 0x010F +!define WM_IME_KEYUP 0x0291 +!define WM_IME_NOTIFY 0x0282 +!define WM_IME_REQUEST 0x0288 +!define WM_IME_SELECT 0x0285 +!define WM_IME_SETCONTEXT 0x0281 +!define WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION 0x010D +!define WM_INITDIALOG 0x0110 +!define WM_INITMENU 0x0116 +!define WM_INITMENUPOPUP 0x0117 +!define WM_INPUT 0x00FF +!define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE 0x0051 +!define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST 0x0050 +!define WM_KEYDOWN 0x0100 +!define WM_KEYFIRST 0x0100 +!define WM_KEYLAST 0x0108 +!define WM_KEYUP 0x0101 +!define WM_KILLFOCUS 0x0008 +!define WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK 0x0203 +!define WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0x0201 +!define WM_LBUTTONUP 0x0202 +!define WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK 0x0209 +!define WM_MBUTTONDOWN 0x0207 +!define WM_MBUTTONUP 0x0208 +!define WM_MDIACTIVATE 0x0222 +!define WM_MDICASCADE 0x0227 +!define WM_MDICREATE 0x0220 +!define WM_MDIDESTROY 0x0221 +!define WM_MDIGETACTIVE 0x0229 +!define WM_MDIICONARRANGE 0x0228 +!define WM_MDIMAXIMIZE 0x0225 +!define WM_MDINEXT 0x0224 +!define WM_MDIREFRESHMENU 0x0234 +!define WM_MDIRESTORE 0x0223 +!define WM_MDISETMENU 0x0230 +!define WM_MDITILE 0x0226 +!define WM_MEASUREITEM 0x002C +!define WM_MENUCHAR 0x0120 +!define WM_MENUCOMMAND 0x0126 +!define WM_MENUDRAG 0x0123 +!define WM_MENUGETOBJECT 0x0124 +!define WM_MENURBUTTONUP 0x0122 +!define WM_MENUSELECT 0x011F +!define WM_MOUSEACTIVATE 0x0021 +!define WM_MOUSEFIRST 0x0200 +!define WM_MOUSEHOVER 0x02A1 +!define WM_MOUSELAST 0x0209 # 0x020A 0x020D +!define WM_MOUSELEAVE 0x02A3 +!define WM_MOUSEMOVE 0x0200 +!define WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A +!define WM_MOVE 0x0003 +!define WM_MOVING 0x0216 +!define WM_NCACTIVATE 0x0086 +!define WM_NCCALCSIZE 0x0083 +!define WM_NCCREATE 0x0081 +!define WM_NCDESTROY 0x0082 +!define WM_NCHITTEST 0x0084 +!define WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK 0x00A3 +!define WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN 0x00A1 +!define WM_NCLBUTTONUP 0x00A2 +!define WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK 0x00A9 +!define WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN 0x00A7 +!define WM_NCMBUTTONUP 0x00A8 +!define WM_NCMOUSEHOVER 0x02A0 +!define WM_NCMOUSELEAVE 0x02A2 +!define WM_NCMOUSEMOVE 0x00A0 +!define WM_NCPAINT 0x0085 +!define WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK 0x00A6 +!define WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN 0x00A4 +!define WM_NCRBUTTONUP 0x00A5 +!define WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK 0x00AD +!define WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN 0x00AB +!define WM_NCXBUTTONUP 0x00AC +!define WM_NEXTDLGCTL 0x0028 +!define WM_NEXTMENU 0x0213 +!define WM_NOTIFY 0x004E +!define WM_NOTIFYFORMAT 0x0055 +!define WM_NULL 0x0000 +!define WM_PAINT 0x000F +!define WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD 0x0309 +!define WM_PAINTICON 0x0026 +!define WM_PALETTECHANGED 0x0311 +!define WM_PALETTEISCHANGING 0x0310 +!define WM_PARENTNOTIFY 0x0210 +!define WM_PASTE 0x0302 +!define WM_PENWINFIRST 0x0380 +!define WM_PENWINLAST 0x038F +!define WM_POWER 0x0048 +!define WM_POWERBROADCAST 0x0218 +!define WM_PRINT 0x0317 +!define WM_PRINTCLIENT 0x0318 +!define WM_QUERYDRAGICON 0x0037 +!define WM_QUERYENDSESSION 0x0011 +!define WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE 0x030F +!define WM_QUERYOPEN 0x0013 +!define WM_QUERYUISTATE 0x0129 +!define WM_QUEUESYNC 0x0023 +!define WM_QUIT 0x0012 +!define WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK 0x0206 +!define WM_RBUTTONDOWN 0x0204 +!define WM_RBUTTONUP 0x0205 +!define WM_RASDIALEVENT 0xCCCD +!define WM_RENDERALLFORMATS 0x0306 +!define WM_RENDERFORMAT 0x0305 +!define WM_SETCURSOR 0x0020 +!define WM_SETFOCUS 0x0007 +!define WM_SETFONT 0x0030 +!define WM_SETHOTKEY 0x0032 +!define WM_SETICON 0x0080 +!define WM_SETREDRAW 0x000B +!define WM_SETTEXT 0x000C +!define WM_SETTINGCHANGE 0x001A # Same as WM_WININICHANGE +!define WM_SHOWWINDOW 0x0018 +!define WM_SIZE 0x0005 +!define WM_SIZECLIPBOARD 0x030B +!define WM_SIZING 0x0214 +!define WM_SPOOLERSTATUS 0x002A +!define WM_STYLECHANGED 0x007D +!define WM_STYLECHANGING 0x007C +!define WM_SYNCPAINT 0x0088 +!define WM_SYSCHAR 0x0106 +!define WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE 0x0015 +!define WM_SYSCOMMAND 0x0112 +!define WM_SYSDEADCHAR 0x0107 +!define WM_SYSKEYDOWN 0x0104 +!define WM_SYSKEYUP 0x0105 +!define WM_TABLET_FIRST 0x02C0 +!define WM_TABLET_LAST 0x02DF +!define WM_THEMECHANGED 0x031A +!define WM_TCARD 0x0052 +!define WM_TIMECHANGE 0x001E +!define WM_TIMER 0x0113 +!define WM_UNDO 0x0304 +!define WM_UNICHAR 0x0109 +!define WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP 0x0125 +!define WM_UPDATEUISTATE 0x0128 +!define WM_USER 0x400 +!define WM_USERCHANGED 0x0054 +!define WM_VKEYTOITEM 0x002E +!define WM_VSCROLL 0x0115 +!define WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD 0x030A +!define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 0x0047 +!define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0x0046 +!define WM_WININICHANGE 0x001A +!define WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE 0x02B1 +!define WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK 0x020D +!define WM_XBUTTONDOWN 0x020B +!define WM_XBUTTONUP 0x020C + + +#Application desktop toolbar# +!define ABM_ACTIVATE 0x00000006 # lParam == TRUE/FALSE means activate/deactivate +!define ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR 0x00000007 +!define ABM_GETSTATE 0x00000004 +!define ABM_GETTASKBARPOS 0x00000005 +!define ABM_NEW 0x00000000 +!define ABM_QUERYPOS 0x00000002 +!define ABM_REMOVE 0x00000001 +!define ABM_SETAUTOHIDEBAR 0x00000008 # This can fail, you MUST check the result +!define ABM_SETPOS 0x00000003 +!define ABM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 0x0000009 + +#Device# +!define DBT_APPYBEGIN 0x0000 +!define DBT_APPYEND 0x0001 +!define DBT_CONFIGCHANGECANCELED 0x0019 +!define DBT_CONFIGCHANGED 0x0018 +!define DBT_CONFIGMGAPI32 0x0022 +!define DBT_CONFIGMGPRIVATE 0x7FFF +!define DBT_CUSTOMEVENT 0x8006 # User-defined event +!define DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 0x8000 # System detected a new device +!define DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE 0x8001 # Wants to remove, may fail +!define DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVEFAILED 0x8002 # Removal aborted +!define DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 0x8004 # Device is gone +!define DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING 0x8003 # About to remove, still avail. +!define DBT_DEVICETYPESPECIFIC 0x8005 # Type specific event +!define DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0x0007 +!define DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE 0x00000005 # Device interface class +!define DBT_DEVTYP_DEVNODE 0x00000001 # Devnode number +!define DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE 0x00000006 # File system handle +!define DBT_DEVTYP_NET 0x00000004 # Network resource +!define DBT_DEVTYP_OEM 0x00000000 # Oem-defined device type +!define DBT_DEVTYP_PORT 0x00000003 # Serial, parallel +!define DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME 0x00000002 # Logical volume +!define DBT_LOW_DISK_SPACE 0x0048 +!define DBT_MONITORCHANGE 0x001B +!define DBT_NO_DISK_SPACE 0x0047 +!define DBT_QUERYCHANGECONFIG 0x0017 +!define DBT_SHELLLOGGEDON 0x0020 +!define DBT_USERDEFINED 0xFFFF +!define DBT_VOLLOCKLOCKFAILED 0x8043 +!define DBT_VOLLOCKLOCKRELEASED 0x8045 +!define DBT_VOLLOCKLOCKTAKEN 0x8042 +!define DBT_VOLLOCKQUERYLOCK 0x8041 +!define DBT_VOLLOCKQUERYUNLOCK 0x8044 +!define DBT_VOLLOCKUNLOCKFAILED 0x8046 +!define DBT_VPOWERDAPI 0x8100 # VPOWERD API for Win95 +!define DBT_VXDINITCOMPLETE 0x0023 + +#Default push button control# +!define DM_BITSPERPEL 0x00040000 +!define DM_COLLATE 0x00008000 +!define DM_COLOR 0x00000800 +!define DM_COPIES 0x00000100 +!define DM_DEFAULTSOURCE 0x00000200 +!define DM_DISPLAYFLAGS 0x00200000 +!define DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY 0x00400000 +!define DM_DITHERTYPE 0x04000000 +!define DM_DUPLEX 0x00001000 +!define DM_FORMNAME 0x00010000 +!define DM_GRAYSCALE 0x00000001 # This flag is no longer valid +!define DM_ICMINTENT 0x01000000 +!define DM_ICMMETHOD 0x00800000 +!define DM_INTERLACED 0x00000002 # This flag is no longer valid +!define DM_LOGPIXELS 0x00020000 +!define DM_MEDIATYPE 0x02000000 +!define DM_NUP 0x00000040 +!define DM_ORIENTATION 0x00000001 +!define DM_PANNINGHEIGHT 0x10000000 +!define DM_PANNINGWIDTH 0x08000000 +!define DM_PAPERLENGTH 0x00000004 +!define DM_PAPERSIZE 0x00000002 +!define DM_PAPERWIDTH 0x00000008 +!define DM_PELSHEIGHT 0x00100000 +!define DM_PELSWIDTH 0x00080000 +!define DM_POSITION 0x00000020 +!define DM_PRINTQUALITY 0x00000400 +!define DM_SCALE 0x00000010 +!define DM_SPECVERSION 0x0320 # 0x0400 0x0401 +!define DM_TTOPTION 0x00004000 +!define DM_YRESOLUTION 0x00002000 + +#Header control# +!define HDM_FIRST 0x1200 + +#List view control# +!define LVS_SINGLESEL 4 +!define LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 8 +!define LVS_SORTASCENDING 0x10 +!define LVS_SORTDESCENDING 0x20 +!define LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS 0x40 +!define LVS_EDITLABELS 0x200 +!define LVS_NOSCROLL 0x2000 +!define LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER 0x4000 +!define LVS_NOSORTHEADER 0x8000 +!define LVS_ICON 0 +!define LVS_REPORT 1 +!define LVS_SMALLICON 2 +!define LVS_LIST 3 +!define LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES 4 +!define LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT 0x20 +!define LVS_EX_INFOTIP 0x400 +!define LVS_EX_LABELTIP 0x4000 +!define LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x10000 +!define LVIF_TEXT 1 +!define LVIF_IMAGE 2 +!define LVIF_PARAM 4 +!define LVIF_STATE 8 +!define LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK 0xF000 +!define LVCF_FMT 1 +!define LVCF_WIDTH 2 +!define LVCF_TEXT 4 +!define LVCF_SUBITEM 8 +!define SYSSTRUCT_LVITEM_V1 (i,i,i,i,&i${NSIS_PTR_SIZE},t,i,i,p) +!define SYSSTRUCT_LVITEM_V2 (i,i,i,i,&i${NSIS_PTR_SIZE},t,i,i,p,i) ; IE3 +!define SYSSTRUCT_LVITEM_V3 (i,i,i,i,&i${NSIS_PTR_SIZE},t,i,i,p,i,i,i,i) ; WinXP + ComCtl32 v6 +!define SYSSTRUCT_LVITEM_V4 (i,i,i,i,&i${NSIS_PTR_SIZE},t,i,i,p,i,i,i,i,i,i) ; WinVista + ComCtl32 v6 +!define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE -1 +!define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER -2 +!define LVM_FIRST 0x00001000 +!define /math LVM_GETIMAGELIST ${LVM_FIRST} + 2 +!define /math LVM_SETIMAGELIST ${LVM_FIRST} + 3 +!define /math LVM_GETITEMCOUNT ${LVM_FIRST} + 4 +!define /math LVM_GETITEMA ${LVM_FIRST} + 5 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMA ${LVM_FIRST} + 6 +!define /math LVM_INSERTITEMA ${LVM_FIRST} + 7 +!define /math LVM_DELETEITEM ${LVM_FIRST} + 8 +!define /math LVM_DELETEALLITEMS ${LVM_FIRST} + 9 +!define /math LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA ${LVM_FIRST} + 27 +!define /math LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH ${LVM_FIRST} + 30 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMSTATE ${LVM_FIRST} + 43 +!define /math LVM_GETITEMSTATE ${LVM_FIRST} + 44 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMTEXTA ${LVM_FIRST} + 46 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMCOUNT ${LVM_FIRST} + 47 +!define /math LVM_SORTITEMS ${LVM_FIRST} + 48 +!define /math LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE ${LVM_FIRST} + 54 +!define /math LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE ${LVM_FIRST} + 55 +!define /math LVM_GETITEMW ${LVM_FIRST} + 75 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMW ${LVM_FIRST} + 76 +!define /math LVM_INSERTITEMW ${LVM_FIRST} + 77 +!define /math LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW ${LVM_FIRST} + 97 +!define /math LVM_SETITEMTEXTW ${LVM_FIRST} + 116 +!define /math LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN ${LVM_FIRST} + 140 +${_NSIS_DEFAW} LVM_GETITEM +${_NSIS_DEFAW} LVM_SETITEM +${_NSIS_DEFAW} LVM_INSERTITEM +${_NSIS_DEFAW} LVM_INSERTCOLUMN +${_NSIS_DEFAW} LVM_SETITEMTEXT + +#Status bar window# +!define SB_CONST_ALPHA 0x00000001 +!define SB_GRAD_RECT 0x00000010 +!define SB_GRAD_TRI 0x00000020 +!define SB_NONE 0x00000000 +!define SB_PIXEL_ALPHA 0x00000002 +!define SB_PREMULT_ALPHA 0x00000004 +!define SB_SIMPLEID 0x00ff + +#Scroll bar control# +!define SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS 0x00E4 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_GETPOS 0x00E1 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_GETRANGE 0x00E3 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_GETSCROLLINFO 0x00EA +!define SBM_SETPOS 0x00E0 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_SETRANGE 0x00E2 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW 0x00E6 # Not in win3.1 +!define SBM_SETSCROLLINFO 0x00E9 + +#Static control# +!define STM_GETICON 0x0171 +!define STM_GETIMAGE 0x0173 +!define STM_MSGMAX 0x0174 +!define STM_ONLY_THIS_INTERFACE 0x00000001 +!define STM_ONLY_THIS_NAME 0x00000008 +!define STM_ONLY_THIS_PROTOCOL 0x00000002 +!define STM_ONLY_THIS_TYPE 0x00000004 +!define STM_SETICON 0x0170 +!define STM_SETIMAGE 0x0172 + +#Tab control# +!define TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE 0x0001 +!define TCIF_TEXT 1 +!define TCIF_PARAM 8 +!define SYSSTRUCT_TCITEM (i,i,&i${NSIS_PTR_SIZE},t,i,i,p) +!define TCM_FIRST 0x1300 +!define /math TCM_INSERTITEMA ${TCM_FIRST} + 7 +!define /math TCM_GETCURSEL ${TCM_FIRST} + 11 +!define /math TCM_ADJUSTRECT ${TCM_FIRST} + 40 +!define /math TCM_INSERTITEMW ${TCM_FIRST} + 62 +!define TCN_SELCHANGE -551 +!define TCN_SELCHANGING -552 +${_NSIS_DEFAW} TCM_INSERTITEM + +#Progress bar control# +!define PBM_SETRANGE 0x401 +!define PBM_SETPOS 0x402 +!define PBM_DELTAPOS 0x403 +!define PBM_SETSTEP 0x404 +!define PBM_STEPIT 0x405 +!define PBM_SETRANGE32 0x406 ; IE3 + ComCtl32 v4.70 +!define PBM_GETRANGE 0x407 +!define PBM_GETPOS 0x408 +!define PBM_SETBARCOLOR 0x409 ; IE4 + ComCtl32 v4.71 +!define PBM_SETBKCOLOR ${CCM_SETBKCOLOR} +!define PBM_SETMARQUEE 0x40A ; WinXP + ComCtl32 v6 +!define PBM_GETSTEP 0x40D ; WinVista +!define PBM_GETBKCOLOR 0x40E +!define PBM_GETBARCOLOR 0x40F +!define PBM_SETSTATE 0x410 +!define PBM_GETSTATE 0x411 + +!define PBST_NORMAL 1 +!define PBST_ERROR 2 +!define PBST_PAUSED 3 + +!verbose pop +!endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/WinVer.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/WinVer.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..facf28d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/WinVer.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ +; --------------------- +; WinVer.nsh +; --------------------- +; +; LogicLib extensions for handling Windows versions and service packs. +; +; IsNT checks if the installer is running on Windows NT family (NT4, 2000, XP, etc.) +; +; ${If} ${IsNT} +; DetailPrint "Running on NT. Installing Unicode enabled application." +; ${Else} +; DetailPrint "Not running on NT. Installing ANSI application." +; ${EndIf} +; +; IsServerOS checks if the installer is running on a server version of Windows (NT4, 2003, 2008, etc.) +; +; AtLeastWin checks if the installer is running on Windows version at least as specified. +; IsWin checks if the installer is running on Windows version exactly as specified. +; AtMostWin checks if the installer is running on Windows version at most as specified. +; +; can be replaced with the following values: +; +; 95 +; 98 +; ME +; +; NT4 +; 2000 +; XP +; 2003 +; Vista +; 2008 +; 7 +; 2008R2 +; 8 +; 2012 +; 8.1 +; 2012R2 +; 10 +; +; Note: Windows 8.1 and later will be detected as Windows 8 unless ManifestSupportedOS is set correctly! +; +; AtLeastServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service pack version at least as specified. +; IsServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service pack version exactly as specified. +; AtMostServicePack checks if the installer is running on Windows service version pack at most as specified. +; +; Usage examples: +; +; ${If} ${IsNT} +; DetailPrint "Running on NT family." +; DetailPrint "Surely not running on 95, 98 or ME." +; ${AndIf} ${AtLeastWinNT4} +; DetailPrint "Running on NT4 or better. Could even be 2003." +; ${EndIf} +; +; ${If} ${AtLeastWinXP} +; DetailPrint "Running on XP or better." +; ${EndIf} +; +; ${If} ${IsWin2000} +; DetailPrint "Running on 2000." +; ${EndIf} +; +; ${If} ${IsWin2000} +; ${AndIf} ${AtLeastServicePack} 3 +; ${OrIf} ${AtLeastWinXP} +; DetailPrint "Running Win2000 SP3 or above" +; ${EndIf} +; +; ${If} ${AtMostWinXP} +; DetailPrint "Running on XP or older. Surely not running on Vista. Maybe 98, or even 95." +; ${EndIf} +; +; Warning: +; +; Windows 95 and NT both use the same version number. To avoid getting NT4 misidentified +; as Windows 95 and vice-versa or 98 as a version higher than NT4, always use IsNT to +; check if running on the NT family. +; +; ${If} ${AtLeastWin95} +; ${And} ${AtMostWinME} +; DetailPrint "Running 95, 98 or ME." +; DetailPrint "Actually, maybe it's NT4?" +; ${If} ${IsNT} +; DetailPrint "Yes, it's NT4! oops..." +; ${Else} +; DetailPrint "Nope, not NT4. phew..." +; ${EndIf} +; ${EndIf} +; +; +; Other useful extensions are: +; +; * IsWin2003R2 +; * IsStarterEdition +; * OSHasMediaCenter +; * OSHasTabletSupport +; + +!verbose push +!verbose 3 + +!ifndef ___WINVER__NSH___ +!define ___WINVER__NSH___ + +!include LogicLib.nsh +!include Util.nsh + +# masks for our variables + +!define _WINVER_VERXBIT 0x00000001 +!define _WINVER_MASKVMAJ 0x7F000000 +!define _WINVER_MASKVMIN 0x00FF0000 + +!define _WINVER_NTBIT 0x80000000 +!define _WINVER_NTMASK 0x7FFFFFFF +!define _WINVER_NTSRVBIT 0x40000000 +!define _WINVER_MASKVBLD 0x0000FFFF +!define _WINVER_MASKSP 0x000F0000 + +# possible variable values for different versions + +!define WINVER_95_NT 0x04000000 ;4.00.0950 +!define WINVER_95 0x04000000 ;4.00.0950 +!define WINVER_98_NT 0x040a0000 ;4.10.1998 +!define WINVER_98 0x040a0000 ;4.10.1998 +;define WINVER_98SE 0x040a0000 ;4.10.2222 +!define WINVER_ME_NT 0x045a0000 ;4.90.3000 +!define WINVER_ME 0x045a0000 ;4.90.3000 +;define WINVER_NT3.51 ;3.51.1057 +!define WINVER_NT4_NT 0x84000000 ;4.00.1381 +!define WINVER_NT4 0x04000000 ;4.00.1381 +!define WINVER_2000_NT 0x85000000 ;5.00.2195 +!define WINVER_2000 0x05000000 ;5.00.2195 +!define WINVER_XP_NT 0x85010000 ;5.01.2600 +!define WINVER_XP 0x05010000 ;5.01.2600 +;define WINVER_XP64 ;5.02.3790 +!define WINVER_2003_NT 0x85020000 ;5.02.3790 +!define WINVER_2003 0x05020000 ;5.02.3790 +!define WINVER_VISTA_NT 0x86000000 ;6.00.6000 +!define WINVER_VISTA 0x06000000 ;6.00.6000 +!define WINVER_2008_NT 0x86000001 ;6.00.6001 +!define WINVER_2008 0x06000001 ;6.00.6001 +!define WINVER_7_NT 0x86010000 ;6.01.7600 +!define WINVER_7 0x06010000 ;6.01.7600 +!define WINVER_2008R2_NT 0x86010001 ;6.01.7600 +!define WINVER_2008R2 0x06010001 ;6.01.7600 +!define WINVER_8_NT 0x86020000 ;6.02.9200 +!define WINVER_8 0x06020000 ;6.02.9200 +!define WINVER_2012_NT 0x86020001 ;6.02.9200 +!define WINVER_2012 0x06020001 ;6.02.9200 +!define WINVER_8.1_NT 0x86030000 ;6.03.9600 +!define WINVER_8.1 0x06030000 ;6.03.9600 +!define WINVER_2012R2_NT 0x86030001 ;6.03.9600 +!define WINVER_2012R2 0x06030001 ;6.03.9600 +!define WINVER_10_NT 0x8A000000 ;10.0.10240 +!define WINVER_10 0x0A000000 ;10.0.10240 + + +# use this to make all nt > 9x + +!ifdef WINVER_NT4_OVER_W95 + !define /redef /math WINVER_NT4 ${WINVER_NT4} | ${_WINVER_VERXBIT} +!endif + +# some definitions from header files + +!define OSVERSIONINFOW_SIZE 276 +!define OSVERSIONINFOEXW_SIZE 284 +!define OSVERSIONINFOA_SIZE 148 +!define OSVERSIONINFOEXA_SIZE 156 +!define /ifndef VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT 2 +!define /ifndef VER_NT_WORKSTATION 1 + +!define SM_TABLETPC 86 +!define SM_MEDIACENTER 87 +!define SM_STARTER 88 +!define SM_SERVERR2 89 + +# variable declaration + +!macro __WinVer_DeclareVars + + !ifndef __WINVER_VARS_DECLARED + + !define __WINVER_VARS_DECLARED + + Var /GLOBAL __WINVERV + Var /GLOBAL __WINVERSP + + !endif + +!macroend + +# lazy initialization macro + +!ifmacrondef __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx + + !macro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx STRUCT_SIZE + + System::Call '*$0(i ${STRUCT_SIZE})' + System::Call kernel32::GetVersionEx(pr0)i.r3 + + !macroend + +!endif + +!macro __WinVer_InitVars + # variables + !insertmacro __WinVer_DeclareVars + + # only calculate version once + StrCmp $__WINVERV "" _winver_noveryet + Return + _winver_noveryet: + + # push used registers on the stack + Push $0 + Push $1 ;maj + Push $2 ;min + Push $3 ;bld + Push $R0 ;temp + + # a plugin call will lock the Unicode mode, it is now safe to set the struct size + !ifdef NSIS_UNICODE + !define /redef OSVERSIONINFO_SIZE ${OSVERSIONINFOW_SIZE} + !define /redef OSVERSIONINFOEX_SIZE ${OSVERSIONINFOEXW_SIZE} + !else + !define /redef OSVERSIONINFO_SIZE ${OSVERSIONINFOA_SIZE} + !define /redef OSVERSIONINFOEX_SIZE ${OSVERSIONINFOEXA_SIZE} + !endif + + # allocate memory + System::Call '*(&i${OSVERSIONINFOEX_SIZE})p.r0' + + # use OSVERSIONINFOEX + !insertmacro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx ${OSVERSIONINFOEX_SIZE} + + IntCmp $3 0 "" _winver_ex _winver_ex + # OSVERSIONINFOEX not allowed (Win9x or NT4 w/SP < 6), use OSVERSIONINFO + !insertmacro __WinVer_Call_GetVersionEx ${OSVERSIONINFO_SIZE} + _winver_ex: + + # get results from struct + System::Call '*$0(i.s,i.r1,i.r2,i.r3,i.s,&t128.s,&i2.s,&i2,&i2,&i1.s,&i1)' + + # free struct + System::Free $0 + + # win9x has major and minor info in high word of dwBuildNumber - remove it + IntOp $3 $3 & 0xFFFF + + # get dwOSVersionInfoSize + Pop $R0 + + # get dwPlatformId + Pop $0 + + # NT? + IntCmp $0 ${VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT} "" _winver_notnt _winver_notnt + IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | ${_WINVER_NTBIT} + IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | ${_WINVER_NTBIT} + _winver_notnt: + + # get service pack information + IntCmp $0 ${VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT} _winver_nt "" _winver_nt # win9x + + # get szCSDVersion + Pop $0 + + # copy second char + StrCpy $0 $0 1 1 + + # discard invalid wServicePackMajor and wProductType + Pop $R0 + Pop $R0 + + # switch + StrCmp $0 'A' "" +3 + StrCpy $0 1 + Goto _winver_sp_done + StrCmp $0 'B' "" +3 + StrCpy $0 2 + Goto _winver_sp_done + StrCmp $0 'C' "" +3 + StrCpy $0 3 + Goto _winver_sp_done + StrCpy $0 0 + Goto _winver_sp_done + + _winver_nt: # nt + + IntCmp $R0 ${OSVERSIONINFOEX_SIZE} "" _winver_sp_noex _winver_sp_noex + + # discard szCSDVersion + Pop $0 + + # get wProductType + Exch + Pop $0 + + # is server? + IntCmp $0 ${VER_NT_WORKSTATION} _winver_noserver + IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | ${_WINVER_NTSRVBIT} + _winver_noserver: + + # get wServicePackMajor + Pop $0 + + # done with sp + Goto _winver_sp_done + + _winver_sp_noex: # OSVERSIONINFO, not OSVERSIONINFOEX + + #### TODO + ## For IsServerOS to support < NT4SP6, we need to check the registry + ## here to see if we are a server and/or DC + + # get szCSDVersion + Pop $0 + + # discard invalid wServicePackMajor and wProductType + Pop $R0 + Pop $R0 + + # get service pack number from text + StrCpy $R0 $0 13 + StrCmp $R0 "Service Pack " "" +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 "" 13 # cut "Service Pack " + Goto +2 + StrCpy $0 0 # no service pack + +!ifdef WINVER_NT4_OVER_W95 + IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | ${_WINVER_VERXBIT} +!endif + + _winver_sp_done: + + # store service pack + IntOp $0 $0 << 16 + IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | $0 + + ### now for the version + + # is server? + IntOp $0 $__WINVERSP & ${_WINVER_NTSRVBIT} + + # windows xp x64? + IntCmp $0 0 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # not server + IntCmp $1 5 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # maj 5 + IntCmp $2 2 "" _winver_not_xp_x64 _winver_not_xp_x64 # min 2 + # change XP x64 from 5.2 to 5.1 so it's still XP + StrCpy $2 1 + _winver_not_xp_x64: + + # server 2008? + IntCmp $0 0 _winver_not_ntserver # server + IntCmp 6 $1 "" "" _winver_not_ntserver # maj 6 + # extra bit so Server 2008 comes after Vista SP1 that has the same minor version, same for Win7 vs 2008R2 + IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | ${_WINVER_VERXBIT} + _winver_not_ntserver: + + # pack version + IntOp $1 $1 << 24 # VerMajor + IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | $1 + IntOp $0 $2 << 16 + IntOp $__WINVERV $__WINVERV | $0 # VerMinor + IntOp $__WINVERSP $__WINVERSP | $3 # VerBuild + + # restore registers + Pop $R0 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + +!macroend + +# version comparison LogicLib macros + +!macro _WinVerAtLeast _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP $__WINVERV & ${_WINVER_NTMASK} + !insertmacro _>= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!macro _WinVerIs _a _b _t _f + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + !insertmacro _= $__WINVERV `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!macro _WinVerAtMost _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP $__WINVERV & ${_WINVER_NTMASK} + !insertmacro _<= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend + +!macro __WinVer_DefineOSTest Test OS Suffix + !define ${Test}Win${OS} `"" WinVer${Test} ${WINVER_${OS}${Suffix}}` +!macroend + +!macro __WinVer_DefineOSTests Test Suffix + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 95 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 98 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} ME '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} NT4 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2000 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} XP '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2003 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} VISTA '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2008 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 7 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2008R2 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 8 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2012 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 8.1 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 2012R2 '${Suffix}' + !insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTest ${Test} 10 '${Suffix}' +!macroend + +!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests AtLeast "" +!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests Is _NT +!insertmacro __WinVer_DefineOSTests AtMost "" + +# version feature LogicLib macros + +!macro _IsNT _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP $__WINVERSP & ${_WINVER_NTBIT} + !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!define IsNT `"" IsNT ""` + +!macro _IsServerOS _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + IntOp $_LOGICLIB_TEMP $__WINVERSP & ${_WINVER_NTSRVBIT} + !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!define IsServerOS `"" IsServerOS ""` + +# service pack macros + +!macro _WinVer_GetServicePackLevel OUTVAR + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + IntOp ${OUTVAR} $__WINVERSP & ${_WINVER_MASKSP} + IntOp ${OUTVAR} ${OUTVAR} >> 16 +!macroend +!define WinVerGetServicePackLevel '!insertmacro _WinVer_GetServicePackLevel ' + +!macro _AtLeastServicePack _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _>= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!define AtLeastServicePack `"" AtLeastServicePack` + +!macro _AtMostServicePack _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _<= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!define AtMostServicePack `"" AtMostServicePack` + +!macro _IsServicePack _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + ${WinVerGetServicePackLevel} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend +!define IsServicePack `"" IsServicePack` + +# special feature LogicLib macros + +!macro _WinVer_SysMetricCheck m _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + System::Call user32::GetSystemMetrics(i${m})i.s + pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend + +!define IsWin2003R2 `${SM_SERVERR2} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""` +!define IsStarterEdition `${SM_STARTER} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""` +!define OSHasMediaCenter `${SM_MEDIACENTER} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""` +!define OSHasTabletSupport `${SM_TABLETPC} WinVer_SysMetricCheck ""` + +# version retrieval macros + +!macro __WinVer_GetVer var rshift mask outvar + ${CallArtificialFunction} __WinVer_InitVars + !if "${mask}" != "" + IntOp ${outvar} ${var} & ${mask} + !if "${rshift}" != "" + IntOp ${outvar} ${outvar} >> ${rshift} + !endif + !else + IntOp ${outvar} ${var} >> ${rshift} + !endif +!macroend + +!define WinVerGetMajor '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERV 24 ${_WINVER_MASKVMAJ}' +!define WinVerGetMinor '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERV 16 ${_WINVER_MASKVMIN}' +!define WinVerGetBuild '!insertmacro __WinVer_GetVer $__WINVERSP "" ${_WINVER_MASKVBLD}' + +# done + +!endif # !___WINVER__NSH___ + +!verbose pop diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/WordFunc.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/WordFunc.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cb645a --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/WordFunc.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,1800 @@ +/* +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + Word Functions Header v3.3 +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + 2006 Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (Shengalts@mail.ru) + + See documentation for more information about the following functions. + + Usage in script: + 1. !include "WordFunc.nsh" + 2. [Section|Function] + ${WordFunction} "Param1" "Param2" "..." $var + [SectionEnd|FunctionEnd] + + + WordFunction=[WordFind|WordFindS|WordFind2X|WordFind2XS|WordFind3X|WordFind3XS| + WordReplace|WordReplaceS|WordAdd|WordAddS|WordInsert|WordInsertS| + StrFilter|StrFilterS|VersionCompare|VersionConvert] + +_____________________________________________________________________________ + + Thanks to: +_____________________________________________________________________________ + +WordFind3X + Afrow UK (Based on his idea of Function "StrSortLR") +StrFilter + sunjammer (Function "StrUpper") +VersionCompare + Afrow UK (Based on his Function "VersionCheckNew2") +VersionConvert + Afrow UK (Based on his idea of Function "CharIndexReplace") +*/ + + +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Macros +;_____________________________________________________________________________ +; +; Change log window verbosity (default: 3=no script) +; +; Example: +; !include "WordFunc.nsh" +; !insertmacro WordFind +; ${WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} 4 # all verbosity +; !insertmacro WordReplace +; ${WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} 3 # no script + +!ifndef WORDFUNC_INCLUDED + +!verbose push 3 +!define /IfNDef _WORDFUNC_VERBOSE 3 +!verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} +!define WORDFUNC_VERBOSE `!insertmacro WORDFUNC_VERBOSE` + +!define WORDFUNC_INCLUDED + +!include Util.nsh + + +!macro WORDFUNC_VERBOSE _VERBOSE + !verbose push 3 + !define /ReDef _WORDFUNC_VERBOSE ${_VERBOSE} + !verbose pop +!macroend + + +!macro WordFindCall _ART _STRING _DELIMITER _OPTION _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + ${CallArtificialFunction}${_ART} WordFind_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFindSCall _ART _STRING _DELIMITER _OPTION _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_OPTION}` + ${CallArtificialFunction}${_ART} WordFindS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind2XCall _STRING _DELIMITER1 _DELIMITER2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER1}` + Push `${_DELIMITER2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordFind2X_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind2XSCall _STRING _DELIMITER1 _DELIMITER2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER1}` + Push `${_DELIMITER2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordFind2XS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind3XCall _STRING _DELIMITER1 _CENTER _DELIMITER2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER1}` + Push `${_CENTER}` + Push `${_DELIMITER2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordFind3X_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind3XSCall _STRING _DELIMITER1 _CENTER _DELIMITER2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER1}` + Push `${_CENTER}` + Push `${_DELIMITER2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordFind3XS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordReplaceCall _STRING _WORD1 _WORD2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_WORD1}` + Push `${_WORD2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordReplace_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordReplaceSCall _STRING _WORD1 _WORD2 _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_WORD1}` + Push `${_WORD2}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordReplaceS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordAddCall _STRING1 _DELIMITER _STRING2 _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING1}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_STRING2}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordAdd_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordAddSCall _STRING1 _DELIMITER _STRING2 _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING1}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_STRING2}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordAddS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordInsertCall _STRING _DELIMITER _WORD _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_WORD}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordInsert_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordInsertSCall _STRING _DELIMITER _WORD _NUMBER _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_DELIMITER}` + Push `${_WORD}` + Push `${_NUMBER}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} WordInsertS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro StrFilterCall _STRING _FILTER _INCLUDE _EXCLUDE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_FILTER}` + Push `${_INCLUDE}` + Push `${_EXCLUDE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} StrFilter_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro StrFilterSCall _STRING _FILTER _INCLUDE _EXCLUDE _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_STRING}` + Push `${_FILTER}` + Push `${_INCLUDE}` + Push `${_EXCLUDE}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} StrFilterS_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro VersionCompareCall _VER1 _VER2 _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_VER1}` + Push `${_VER2}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} VersionCompare_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro VersionConvertCall _VERSION _CHARLIST _RESULT + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + Push `${_VERSION}` + Push `${_CHARLIST}` + ${CallArtificialFunction} VersionConvert_ + Pop ${_RESULT} + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFindBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $R0 + Exch 2 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $9 '' + StrCpy $2 $1 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 + StrCmp $2 'E' 0 +3 + StrCpy $9 E + goto -4 + + StrCpy $3 '' + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '+' +6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '-' +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '/' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '#' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '*' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + + StrCpy $4 $1 1 -1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '}' +3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{' +2 + goto +4 + StrCpy $1 $1 -1 + StrCpy $3 '$4$3' + goto -7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '*' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '**' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}{' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + IntOp $1 $1 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 '' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCpy $4 0 + StrCpy $5 0 + StrCpy $6 0 + StrLen $7 $0 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_preloop: + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + StrCpy $8 $R0 $7 $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8$5 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrLen $R2 $8 + IntCmp $R2 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8 $0 +5 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_preloop + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '*' WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 $6 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}' +3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '*' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 $6 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword + IntOp $4 $4 + 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2$4 +$1 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '/' 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword + IntOp $8 $6 - $5 + StrCpy $8 $R0 $8 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 $8 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword + StrCpy $R1 $4 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword: + IntOp $6 $6 + $7 + StrCpy $5 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum + StrCpy $2 '+' + IntOp $1 $4 - $1 + IntOp $1 $1 + 1 + IntCmp $1 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '#' 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_sumdelim + StrCpy $R1 $4 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_sumdelim: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '*' 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCpy $R1 $4 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '' 0 +4 + IntOp $6 $6 - $5 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $6 $5 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}' 0 +4 + IntOp $6 $6 + $7 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 '' $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{*' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '*{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '*}' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}*' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 '' $5 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}}' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 '' $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $5 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{}' 0 WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + StrLen $3 $R0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 $6 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 '' + goto +2 + IntOp $6 $6 + $7 + StrCpy $8 $R0 '' $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4$8 1 +6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 1 +2 +7 + IntOp $6 $6 + $7 + StrCpy $3 $R0 $7 $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 $0 -3 +3 + StrCpy $R1 '' + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 0 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 '' + goto +2 + IntOp $5 $5 - $7 + StrCpy $3 $R0 $5 + StrCpy $R1 '$3$0$8' + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R1 3 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2: + StrCpy $R1 2 + goto WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R1 1 + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $9 'E' 0 +3 + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordFind `!insertmacro WordFindCall ''` +!define un.WordFind `!insertmacro WordFindCall ''` + +!macro WordFind +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFind +!macroend + +!macro WordFind_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFindBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define WordFindS `!insertmacro WordFindSCall ''` +!define un.WordFindS `!insertmacro WordFindSCall ''` + +!macro WordFindS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFindS +!macroend + +!macro WordFindS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFindBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind2XBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $R0 + Exch 3 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R2 '' + StrCpy $3 $2 1 + StrCpy $2 $2 '' 1 + StrCmp $3 'E' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R2 E + goto -4 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '#' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '/' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + + StrCpy $4 $2 2 -2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{{' +9 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '}}' +8 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{*' +7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*{' +6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*}' +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '}*' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{}' +3 + StrCpy $4 '' + goto +2 + StrCpy $2 $2 -2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 '' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCpy $5 -1 + StrCpy $6 0 + StrCpy $7 '' + StrLen $8 $0 + StrLen $9 $1 + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1: + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $8 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R1$6 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R1 '' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R1 $0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $7 '' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 $1 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $7 '' 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim2 + IntOp $7 $5 + $8 + StrCpy $5 $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1 + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim2: + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $9 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R1 $1 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3$6 '+$2' WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '/' 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword + IntOp $R1 $5 - $7 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $R1 $7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R1 $2 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword: + IntOp $5 $5 + $9 + StrCpy $7 '' + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1 + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum + StrCpy $3 + + IntOp $2 $6 - $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + IntCmp $2 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '#' 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCpy $R1 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '' 0 +4 + IntOp $R1 $5 - $7 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $R1 $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + IntOp $5 $5 + $9 + IntOp $7 $7 - $8 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{*' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $5 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*}' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '}*' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 '' $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '}}' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 '' $5 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '{}' 0 WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + StrCpy $5 $R0 '' $5 + StrCpy $7 $R0 $7 + StrCpy $R1 '$7$5' + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R1 3 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2: + StrCpy $R1 2 + goto WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R1 1 + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $R2 'E' 0 +3 + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordFind2X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordFind2X `!insertmacro WordFind2XCall` +!define un.WordFind2X `!insertmacro WordFind2XCall` + +!macro WordFind2X +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFind2X +!macroend + +!macro WordFind2X_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFind2XBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define WordFind2XS `!insertmacro WordFind2XSCall` +!define un.WordFind2XS `!insertmacro WordFind2XSCall` + +!macro WordFind2XS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFind2XS +!macroend + +!macro WordFind2XS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFind2XBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordFind3XBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $3 + Exch + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $1 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $0 + Exch 3 + Exch 4 + Exch $R0 + Exch 4 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R5 '' + StrCpy $4 $3 1 + StrCpy $3 $3 '' 1 + StrCmp $4 'E' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R5 E + goto -4 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '+' +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '-' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '#' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '/' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + + StrCpy $5 $3 2 -2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{{' +9 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '}}' +8 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{*' +7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '*{' +6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '*}' +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '}*' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{}' +3 + StrCpy $5 '' + goto +2 + StrCpy $3 $3 -2 + IntOp $3 $3 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 '' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCpy $6 -1 + StrCpy $7 0 + StrCpy $8 '' + StrCpy $9 '' + StrLen $R1 $0 + StrLen $R2 $1 + StrLen $R3 $2 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1: + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $R1 $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4$7 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4 '' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4 $0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8 '' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_center + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 $1 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 $2 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8 '' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_center + IntOp $8 $6 + $R1 + StrCpy $6 $8 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_center: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $9 '' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim2 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $R2 $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4 $1 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + IntOp $9 $6 + $R2 + StrCpy $6 $9 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim2: + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $R3 $6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4 $2 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + IntOp $7 $7 + 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4$7 '+$3' WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '/' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword + IntOp $R4 $6 - $8 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $R4 $8 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R4 $3 0 +3 + StrCpy $R4 $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_nextword: + IntOp $6 $6 + $R3 + StrCpy $8 '' + StrCpy $9 '' + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_delim1 + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum + StrCpy $4 + + IntOp $3 $7 - $3 + IntOp $3 $3 + 1 + IntCmp $3 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_sum: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '#' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCpy $R4 $7 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_plus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '' 0 +4 + IntOp $R4 $6 - $8 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $R4 $8 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + IntOp $6 $6 + $R3 + IntOp $8 $8 - $R1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{*' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '*{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '*}' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '}*' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 '' $8 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '}}' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 '' $6 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{{' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R4 $R0 $8 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '{}' 0 WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + StrCpy $6 $R0 '' $6 + StrCpy $8 $R0 $8 + StrCpy $R4 '$8$6' + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R4 3 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2: + StrCpy $R4 2 + goto WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R4 1 + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $R5 'E' 0 +3 + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordFind3X${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + StrCpy $R0 $R4 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordFind3X `!insertmacro WordFind3XCall` +!define un.WordFind3X `!insertmacro WordFind3XCall` + +!macro WordFind3X +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFind3X +!macroend + +!macro WordFind3X_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFind3XBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define WordFind3XS `!insertmacro WordFind3XSCall` +!define un.WordFind3XS `!insertmacro WordFind3XSCall` + +!macro WordFind3XS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordFind3XS +!macroend + +!macro WordFind3XS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordFind3XBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordReplaceBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $R0 + Exch 3 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R1 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R1 $R0 + StrCpy $9 '' + StrCpy $3 $2 1 + StrCpy $2 $2 '' 1 + StrCmp $3 'E' 0 +3 + StrCpy $9 E + goto -4 + + StrCpy $4 $2 1 -1 + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + StrLen $7 $0 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $7 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 '' WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '{' WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_beginning + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}' WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_ending WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_errorchk + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_beginning: + StrCpy $8 $R0 $7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8 $0 0 +4 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $7 + StrCpy $5 '$5$1' + goto -4 + StrCpy $3 $2 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '}' 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_merge + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_ending: + StrCpy $8 $R0 '' -$7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $8 $0 0 +4 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 -$7 + StrCpy $6 '$6$1' + goto -4 + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_merge: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*' 0 +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 '' +2 + StrCpy $5 $1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 '' +2 + StrCpy $6 $1 + StrCpy $R0 '$5$R0$6' + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_errorchk: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + + StrCpy $5 $2 1 + IntOp $2 $2 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 0 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_one + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $5 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCpy $3 '' + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_all: + StrCpy $5 0 + StrCpy $2 $R0 $7 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 $0 +6 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + goto -4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 $R1 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCpy $R0 '$3$R0' + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $2 $R0 $5 + IntOp $5 $5 + $7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 $R0 $7 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 $0 -3 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $5 + StrCpy $3 '$3$2$1' + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_all + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_one: + StrCpy $5 0 + StrCpy $8 0 + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_preloop: + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + StrCpy $6 $R0 $7 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6$8 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 '' WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 $0 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_preloop + IntOp $8 $8 + 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3$8 +$2 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_found + IntOp $5 $5 + $7 + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_minus: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCpy $3 + + IntOp $2 $8 - $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + IntCmp $2 0 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_one + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_found: + StrCpy $3 $R0 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*' 0 +5 + StrCpy $6 $3 '' -$7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 $0 0 +3 + StrCpy $3 $3 -$7 + goto -3 + IntOp $5 $5 + $7 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $4 '*' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 $R0 $7 $5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 $0 -3 + StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $5 + StrCpy $R0 '$3$1$R0' + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R0 3 + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2: + StrCpy $R0 2 + goto WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R0 1 + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $9 'E' +3 + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + goto +2 + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordReplace${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $R1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordReplace `!insertmacro WordReplaceCall` +!define un.WordReplace `!insertmacro WordReplaceCall` + +!macro WordReplace +!macroend + +!macro un.WordReplace +!macroend + +!macro WordReplace_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordReplaceBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define WordReplaceS `!insertmacro WordReplaceSCall` +!define un.WordReplaceS `!insertmacro WordReplaceSCall` + +!macro WordReplaceS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordReplaceS +!macroend + +!macro WordReplaceS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordReplaceBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordAddBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $R0 + Exch 2 + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $R1 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $7 '' + StrCpy $2 $1 1 + StrCmp $2 'E' 0 +4 + StrCpy $7 E + StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 + goto -4 + + StrCpy $5 0 + StrCpy $R1 $R0 + StrCpy $2 $1 '' 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '+' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 '' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 '' 0 +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '-' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '+' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R0 $2 + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + !insertmacro WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}Call 2 $2 $0 E+$5 $3 + IfErrors 0 WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_/word + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 2 +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3$5 11 0 +3 + StrCpy $3 $2 + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_/word + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '-' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_preend + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_/word: + !insertmacro WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}Call 2 $R0 $0 E/$3 $4 + IfErrors +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '-' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_delete WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1$4 '-1' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '-' WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 $3 0 WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + StrCpy $R0 '' + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1$4 '+1' 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 $3 WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R0 $R1 +3 + StrCpy $R1 '$R1$0$3' + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + StrLen $6 $0 + StrCpy $6 $R0 '' -$6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $6 $0 0 -4 + StrCpy $R1 '$R1$3' + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_delete: + !insertmacro WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}Call 2 $R0 $0 E+$4{} $R0 + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_/word + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R1 3 + goto WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R1 1 + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $7 'E' 0 WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_preend: + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + + WordFunc_WordAdd${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $R1 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordAdd `!insertmacro WordAddCall` +!define un.WordAdd `!insertmacro WordAddCall` + +!macro WordAdd +!macroend + +!macro un.WordAdd +!macroend + +!macro WordAdd_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordAddBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define WordAddS `!insertmacro WordAddSCall` +!define un.WordAddS `!insertmacro WordAddSCall` + +!macro WordAddS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordAddS +!macroend + +!macro WordAddS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordAddBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro WordInsertBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $R0 + Exch 3 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $8 + Push $9 + Push $R1 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $5 '' + StrCpy $6 $0 + StrCpy $7 } + + StrCpy $9 '' + StrCpy $R1 $R0 + StrCpy $3 $2 1 + StrCpy $2 $2 '' 1 + StrCmp $3 'E' 0 +3 + StrCpy $9 'E' + goto -4 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3 + IntOp $2 $2 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 '' WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 1 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_two + GetLabelAddress $8 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_oneback + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + StrCpy $7 { + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_oneback: + IfErrors 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 $R0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R0 '$1$0$4' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $R0 '$4$0$1' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_two: + IntOp $2 $2 - 1 + GetLabelAddress $8 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_twoback + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + StrCpy $7 { + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_twoback: + IfErrors 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_tree + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2$4 11 0 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R0 '$R0$0$1' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $R0 '$1$0$R0' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_tree: + StrCpy $7 } + StrCpy $5 $4 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + GetLabelAddress $8 WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_treeback + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + StrCpy $7 { + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_treeback: + IfErrors 0 +3 + StrCpy $4 '' + StrCpy $6 '' + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R0 '$5$0$1$6$4' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $R0 '$4$6$1$0$5' + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_call: + !insertmacro WordFind${_WORDFUNC_S}Call 2 $R0 $0 E$3$2*$7 $4 + goto $8 + + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error3: + StrCpy $R0 3 + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error2: + StrCpy $R0 2 + goto WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error1: + StrCpy $R0 1 + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + StrCmp $9 'E' +3 + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + goto +2 + SetErrors + + WordFunc_WordInsert${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $R1 + Pop $9 + Pop $8 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define WordInsert `!insertmacro WordInsertCall` +!define un.WordInsert `!insertmacro WordInsertCall` + +!macro WordInsert +!macroend + +!macro un.WordInsert +!macroend + +!macro WordInsert_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordInsertBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + + +!define WordInsertS `!insertmacro WordInsertSCall` +!define un.WordInsertS `!insertmacro WordInsertSCall` + +!macro WordInsertS +!macroend + +!macro un.WordInsertS +!macroend + +!macro WordInsertS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro WordInsertBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!macro StrFilterBody _WORDFUNC_S + Exch $2 + Exch + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch 2 + Exch $0 + Exch 2 + Exch 3 + Exch $R0 + Exch 3 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + Push $R1 + Push $R2 + Push $R3 + Push $R4 + Push $R5 + Push $R6 + Push $R7 + Push $R8 + ClearErrors + + StrCpy $R2 $0 '' -3 + StrCmp $R2 "eng" WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_eng + StrCmp $R2 "rus" WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_rus + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_eng: + StrCpy $4 65 + StrCpy $5 90 + StrCpy $6 97 + StrCpy $7 122 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_langend + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_rus: + StrCpy $4 192 + StrCpy $5 223 + StrCpy $6 224 + StrCpy $7 255 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_langend + ;... + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_langend: + StrCpy $R7 '' + StrCpy $R8 '' + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '' 0 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart1: + StrCpy $2 '' + StrCpy $3 $0 1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '-' 0 +3 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' 1 + goto +2 + StrCpy $3 '' + + IntOp $0 $0 + 0 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $0 0 +5 + StrCpy $R7 $0 1 0 + StrCpy $R8 $0 1 1 + StrCpy $R2 $0 1 2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R2 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_filter WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart2: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + StrCpy $R7 '' + StrCpy $R8 '+-' + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_filter: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '1' +3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '2' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '3' 0 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '23' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '32' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R7 -1 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '13' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '31' 0 +3 + StrCpy $R7 -2 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '12' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7$R8 '21' 0 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_error + StrCpy $R7 -3 + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_begin: + StrCpy $R6 0 + StrCpy $R1 '' + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop: + StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R6 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R2 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restartchk + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '' +7 + StrCpy $R4 0 + StrCpy $R5 $2 1 $R4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 $R2 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + goto -4 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $1 '' +7 + StrCpy $R4 0 + StrCpy $R5 $1 1 $R4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 '' +4 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 $R2 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + goto -4 + + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '1' +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '-1' 0 +4 + StrCpy $R4 48 + StrCpy $R5 57 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '+-' 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $3 '+' 0 +4 + StrCpy $R4 $4 + StrCpy $R5 $5 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop2 + StrCpy $R4 $6 + StrCpy $R5 $7 + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop2: + IntFmt $R3 '%c' $R4 + StrCmp $R2 $R3 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_found + StrCmp $R4 $R5 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_notfound + IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop2 + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_found: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '+-' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_setcase + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '3' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '-3' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_notfound: + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '+-' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '3' 0 +2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 57 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol +3 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R7 '-3' 0 +5 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R5 57 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol + StrCpy $R4 48 + StrCpy $R5 57 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop2 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '' WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_setcase: + StrCpy $R2 $R3 + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_addsymbol: + StrCpy $R1 $R1$R2 + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_skipsymbol: + IntOp $R6 $R6 + 1 + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_loop + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_error: + SetErrors + StrCpy $R0 '' + goto WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_end + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restartchk: + StrCpy $R0 $R1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $2 '' 0 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart1 + StrCmp${_WORDFUNC_S} $R8 '+-' 0 WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_restart2 + + WordFunc_StrFilter${_WORDFUNC_S}_end: + Pop $R8 + Pop $R7 + Pop $R6 + Pop $R5 + Pop $R4 + Pop $R3 + Pop $R2 + Pop $R1 + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Pop $0 + Exch $R0 +!macroend + +!define StrFilter `!insertmacro StrFilterCall` +!define un.StrFilter `!insertmacro StrFilterCall` + +!macro StrFilter +!macroend + +!macro un.StrFilter +!macroend + +!macro StrFilter_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro StrFilterBody '' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + + +!define StrFilterS `!insertmacro StrFilterSCall` +!define un.StrFilterS `!insertmacro StrFilterSCall` + +!macro StrFilterS +!macroend + +!macro un.StrFilterS +!macroend + +!macro StrFilterS_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + !insertmacro StrFilterBody 'S' + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define VersionCompare `!insertmacro VersionCompareCall` +!define un.VersionCompare `!insertmacro VersionCompareCall` + +!macro VersionCompare +!macroend + +!macro un.VersionCompare +!macroend + +!macro VersionCompare_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + + WordFunc_VersionCompare_begin: + StrCpy $2 -1 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $3 '' +2 + StrCmp $3 '.' 0 -3 + StrCpy $4 $0 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $2 + + StrCpy $2 -1 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $1 1 $2 + StrCmp $3 '' +2 + StrCmp $3 '.' 0 -3 + StrCpy $5 $1 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $1 $1 '' $2 + + StrCmp $4$5 '' WordFunc_VersionCompare_equal + + StrCpy $6 -1 + IntOp $6 $6 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $4 1 $6 + StrCmp $3 '0' -2 + StrCmp $3 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $4 0 + + StrCpy $7 -1 + IntOp $7 $7 + 1 + StrCpy $3 $5 1 $7 + StrCmp $3 '0' -2 + StrCmp $3 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $5 0 + + StrCmp $4 0 0 +2 + StrCmp $5 0 WordFunc_VersionCompare_begin WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer2 + StrCmp $5 0 WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer1 + IntCmp $6 $7 0 WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer1 WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer2 + + StrCpy $4 '1$4' + StrCpy $5 '1$5' + IntCmp $4 $5 WordFunc_VersionCompare_begin WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer2 WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer1 + + WordFunc_VersionCompare_equal: + StrCpy $0 0 + goto WordFunc_VersionCompare_end + WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer1: + StrCpy $0 1 + goto WordFunc_VersionCompare_end + WordFunc_VersionCompare_newer2: + StrCpy $0 2 + + WordFunc_VersionCompare_end: + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!define VersionConvert `!insertmacro VersionConvertCall` +!define un.VersionConvert `!insertmacro VersionConvertCall` + +!macro VersionConvert +!macroend + +!macro un.VersionConvert +!macroend + +!macro VersionConvert_ + !verbose push + !verbose ${_WORDFUNC_VERBOSE} + + Exch $1 + Exch + Exch $0 + Exch + Push $2 + Push $3 + Push $4 + Push $5 + Push $6 + Push $7 + + StrCmp $1 '' 0 +2 + StrCpy $1 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + StrCpy $1 $1 99 + + StrCpy $2 0 + StrCpy $7 'dot' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_loop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_preloop: + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_loop: + StrCpy $3 $0 1 $2 + StrCmp $3 '' WordFunc_VersionConvert_endcheck + StrCmp $3 '.' WordFunc_VersionConvert_dot + StrCmp $3 '0' WordFunc_VersionConvert_digit + IntCmp $3 '0' WordFunc_VersionConvert_letter WordFunc_VersionConvert_letter WordFunc_VersionConvert_digit + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_dot: + StrCmp $7 'dot' WordFunc_VersionConvert_replacespecial + StrCpy $7 'dot' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_preloop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_digit: + StrCmp $7 'letter' WordFunc_VersionConvert_insertdot + StrCpy $7 'digit' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_preloop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_letter: + StrCpy $5 0 + StrCpy $4 $1 1 $5 + IntOp $5 $5 + 1 + StrCmp $4 '' WordFunc_VersionConvert_replacespecial + StrCmp $4 $3 0 -3 + IntCmp $5 9 0 0 +2 + StrCpy $5 '0$5' + + StrCmp $7 'letter' +2 + StrCmp $7 'dot' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '' + goto +2 + StrCpy $6 '.' + + StrCpy $4 $0 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $2 + StrCpy $0 '$4$6$5$0' + StrLen $4 '$6$5' + IntOp $2 $2 + $4 + IntOp $2 $2 - 1 + StrCpy $7 'letter' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_loop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_replacespecial: + StrCmp $7 'dot' 0 +3 + StrCpy $6 '' + goto +2 + StrCpy $6 '.' + + StrCpy $4 $0 $2 + IntOp $2 $2 + 1 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $2 + StrCpy $0 '$4$6$0' + StrLen $4 $6 + IntOp $2 $2 + $4 + IntOp $2 $2 - 1 + StrCpy $7 'dot' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_loop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_insertdot: + StrCpy $4 $0 $2 + StrCpy $0 $0 '' $2 + StrCpy $0 '$4.$0' + StrCpy $7 'dot' + goto WordFunc_VersionConvert_preloop + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_endcheck: + StrCpy $4 $0 1 -1 + StrCmp $4 '.' 0 WordFunc_VersionConvert_end + StrCpy $0 $0 -1 + goto -3 + + WordFunc_VersionConvert_end: + Pop $7 + Pop $6 + Pop $5 + Pop $4 + Pop $3 + Pop $2 + Pop $1 + Exch $0 + + !verbose pop +!macroend + +!verbose pop +!endif diff --git a/assets/nsis/Include/x64.nsh b/assets/nsis/Include/x64.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e66fb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Include/x64.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +; --------------------- +; x64.nsh +; --------------------- +; +; A few simple macros to handle installations on x64 machines. +; +; RunningX64 checks if the installer is running on a 64-bit OS. +; IsWow64 checks if the installer is a 32-bit application running on a 64-bit OS. +; +; ${If} ${RunningX64} +; MessageBox MB_OK "running on x64" +; ${EndIf} +; +; DisableX64FSRedirection disables file system redirection. +; EnableX64FSRedirection enables file system redirection. +; +; SetOutPath $SYSDIR +; ${DisableX64FSRedirection} +; File some.dll # extracts to C:\Windows\System32 +; ${EnableX64FSRedirection} +; File some.dll # extracts to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 +; + +!ifndef ___X64__NSH___ +!define ___X64__NSH___ + +!include LogicLib.nsh + + +!define IsWow64 `"" IsWow64 ""` +!macro _IsWow64 _a _b _t _f + !insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP + System::Call kernel32::GetCurrentProcess()p.s + System::Call kernel32::IsWow64Process(ps,*i0s) + Pop $_LOGICLIB_TEMP + !insertmacro _!= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}` +!macroend + + +!define RunningX64 `"" RunningX64 ""` +!macro _RunningX64 _a _b _t _f + !if ${NSIS_PTR_SIZE} > 4 + !insertmacro LogicLib_JumpToBranch `${_t}` `${_f}` + !else + !insertmacro _IsWow64 `${_a}` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}` + !endif +!macroend + + +!define DisableX64FSRedirection "!insertmacro DisableX64FSRedirection" +!macro DisableX64FSRedirection + System::Call kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i0) +!macroend + +!define EnableX64FSRedirection "!insertmacro EnableX64FSRedirection" +!macro EnableX64FSRedirection + System::Call kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i1) +!macroend + + +!endif # !___X64__NSH___ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Menu/images/header.gif b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/header.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dba679 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/header.gif differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Menu/images/line.gif b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/line.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed78ca4 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/line.gif differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Menu/images/site.gif b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/site.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e7d238 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Menu/images/site.gif differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Menu/index.html b/assets/nsis/Menu/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1f3643 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Menu/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ + +NSIS Menu + +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +

+ Compiler
+ Compile NSI scripts
+ Installer based on ZIP file


+ Developer Center
+ Many more examples, tutorials, plug-ins and NSIS-related software are available + at the on-line Developer Center. +


+ Documentation
+ NSIS Users Manual
+ Example scripts
+ Modern UI 2
+ Multi-User Header File
+ StrFunc Header File


+ On-line help
+ Forum
+ IRC Channel
+ Bug Tracker


+ Plug-ins
+ AdvSplash - splash with fade in/out
+ Banner - banner with custom text
+ BgImage - background image
+ Dialer - internet connection
+ Math - math operations
+ nsDialogs - custom wizard pages
+ nsExec - launch command line tools
+ NSISdl - download files
+ Splash - splash screen
+ StartMenu - Start Menu folder selection
+ System - Windows API calls
+ VPatch - update existing files


+ +

+ +
+ + diff --git a/assets/nsis/Menu/notinstalled.html b/assets/nsis/Menu/notinstalled.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8964eb --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/Menu/notinstalled.html @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +NSIS Menu + +
+ + + + + +
+ +

+ Feature not installed


+ The feature you selected is not installed.


+ If you want to use this feature, run NSIS Setup again to install it.


+ <- Back

+ + diff --git a/assets/nsis/NSIS.chm b/assets/nsis/NSIS.chm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cc82d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/NSIS.chm differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/NSIS.exe b/assets/nsis/NSIS.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ee3961 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/NSIS.exe differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-ansi/TypeLib.dll b/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-ansi/TypeLib.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..454d414 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-ansi/TypeLib.dll differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-unicode/TypeLib.dll b/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-unicode/TypeLib.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c32eff Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Plugins/x86-unicode/TypeLib.dll differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab6ac0e Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a248cbf Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f424d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5700df0 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/bzip2_solid-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3ea10f Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea1d252 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be0b788 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ddc01a Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/lzma_solid-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/uninst b/assets/nsis/Stubs/uninst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90d7d22 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/uninst differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..698a8c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb201d1 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-ansi b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-ansi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47efa41 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-ansi differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-unicode b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-unicode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ddcbe9 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/Stubs/zlib_solid-x86-unicode differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/makensis.exe b/assets/nsis/makensis.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31dc36b Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/makensis.exe differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/makensisw.exe b/assets/nsis/makensisw.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07ecfd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/nsis/makensisw.exe differ diff --git a/assets/nsis/nsisconf.nsh b/assets/nsis/nsisconf.nsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48a4915 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/nsis/nsisconf.nsh @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +;------------------------ +;DEFAULT NSIS CONFIG FILE +;------------------------ + +;This header file will be included when compiling any NSIS installer, +;you can use it to add script code to every installer you compile. + +;This file is treated as if it is in the directory of your script. +;When using relative paths, the files have to be in your build directory. + +;------------------------ +;EXAMPLES +;------------------------ + +;Compress installer exehead with an executable compressor (such as UPX / Petite). + +;Paths should be absolute to allow building from any location. +;Note that your executable compressor should not compress the first icon. + +;!packhdr temp.dat '"C:\Program Files\upx\upx" -9 -q temp.dat' +;!packhdr temp.dat '"C:\Program Files\petite\petite" -9 -b0 -r** -p0 -y temp.dat' + +;------------------------ + +;Set default compressor + +;SetCompressor bzip2 + +;------------------------ + +;Change the default icons + +;Icon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-install.ico" +;UninstallIcon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-uninstall.ico" + +;------------------------ + +;Define symbols + +;!define COMPANYNAME "bla" + +;------------------------ +;MODERN UI +;------------------------ + +;The Modern UI will insert the MUI_NSISCONF macro just before processing the settings. +;Here you can set default settings for the Modern UI. + +;------------------------ + +!define MUI_INSERT_NSISCONF + +!macro MUI_NSISCONF + + ;Example: Change the default Modern UI icons + + ;!ifndef MUI_ICON & MUI_UNICON + ; !define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-install.ico" + ; !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-uninstall.ico" + ;!endif + +!macroend \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/project/package.json b/assets/project/package.json index 74a45e2..fa68aed 100644 --- a/assets/project/package.json +++ b/assets/project/package.json @@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ "build": { "nwVersion": "lts", "targets": [ - "zip" + "zip", + "nsis" ], "win": { "versionStrings": { "ProductName": "Project", + "CompanyName": "nwjs-builder-phoenix", "LegalCopyright": "copyright" } }, diff --git a/src/lib/Builder.ts b/src/lib/Builder.ts index dbdd171..e07daee 100644 --- a/src/lib/Builder.ts +++ b/src/lib/Builder.ts @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { Downloader } from './Downloader'; import { FFmpegDownloader } from './FFmpegDownloader'; import { extractGeneric, compress } from './archive'; import { BuildConfig } from './BuildConfig'; +import { NsisComposer, nsisBuild } from './nsis-gen'; import { mergeOptions, findExecutable, findFFmpeg, findRuntimeRoot, findExcludableDependencies, tmpName, tmpFile, tmpDir, cpAsync } from './util'; interface IBuilderOptions { @@ -415,6 +416,47 @@ export class Builder { } + protected async buildNsisTarget(platform: string, arch: string, targetDir: string, pkg: any, config: BuildConfig) { + + if(platform != 'win') { + console.info(`Skip building nsis target for ${ platform }.`); + return; + } + + const targetNsis = resolve(dirname(targetDir), `${ basename(targetDir) }-Setup.exe`); + + const data = await (new NsisComposer({ + + // Basic. + appName: config.win.versionStrings.ProductName, + companyName: config.win.versionStrings.CompanyName, + description: config.win.versionStrings.FileDescription, + version: config.win.productVersion, + copyright: config.win.versionStrings.LegalCopyright, + + // Compression. + compression: 'lzma', + solid: true, + + // Files. + srcDir: targetDir, + + // Output. + output: targetNsis, + + })).make(); + + const script = await tmpName(); + await writeFileAsync(script, data); + + await nsisBuild(script, { + mute: false, + }); + + await removeAsync(script); + + } + protected async buildTask(platform: string, arch: string, pkg: any, config: BuildConfig) { const downloader = new Downloader({ @@ -453,6 +495,11 @@ export class Builder { await this.buildArchiveTarget(target, targetDir); break; case 'nsis': + if(!this.options.mute) { + console.info(`Building nsis target...`); + } + await this.buildNsisTarget(platform, arch, targetDir, pkg, config); + break; default: throw new Error('ERROR_UNKNOWN_TARGET'); } diff --git a/src/lib/WinConfig.ts b/src/lib/WinConfig.ts index de480a3..823055a 100644 --- a/src/lib/WinConfig.ts +++ b/src/lib/WinConfig.ts @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export class WinConfig { public fileVersion: string = ''; public versionStrings: { ProductName?: undefined, + CompanyName?: undefined, FileDescription?: undefined, LegalCopyright?: undefined, } = {}; diff --git a/src/lib/nsis-gen/NsisComposer.ts b/src/lib/nsis-gen/NsisComposer.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34a18ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/nsis-gen/NsisComposer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ + +import { relative, resolve, win32 } from 'path'; + +import { readdirAsync, lstatAsync } from 'fs-extra-promise'; + +const globby = require('globby'); + +interface INsisComposerOptions { + + // Basic. + appName: string; + companyName: string; + description: string; + version: string; + copyright: string; + + // Compression. + compression: 'zlib' | 'bzip2' | 'lzma'; + solid: boolean; + + // Files. + srcDir: string; + + // Output. + output: string; + +} + +export class NsisComposer { + + public static DIVIDER = '################################################################################'; + + protected fixedVersion: string; + + constructor(protected options: INsisComposerOptions) { + + this.fixedVersion = this.fixVersion(this.options.version); + + } + + public async make(): Promise { + + return `${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } +# +# Generated by nsis-gen. +# +${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } + +${ await this.makeGeneralSection() } +${ await this.makeResourcesSection() } +${ await this.makeInstallSection() } +${ await this.makeUninstallSection() } +`; + + } + + protected async makeGeneralSection(): Promise { + + return `${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } +# +# General +# +${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } + +Name "${ this.options.appName }" +Caption "${ this.options.appName }" +BrandingText "${ this.options.appName }" +OutFile "${ win32.normalize(resolve(this.options.output)) }" +InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\\${ this.options.appName }" +SetCompressor ${ this.options.solid ? '/SOLID' : '' } ${ this.options.compression } +XPStyle on +`; + + } + + protected async makeResourcesSection(): Promise { + + return `${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } +# +# Resources +# +${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } + +VIProductVersion "${ this.fixedVersion }" +VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "${ this.options.appName }" +VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "${ this.options.companyName }" +VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "${ this.options.description }" +VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${ this.fixedVersion }" +VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "${ this.options.copyright }" +`; + + } + + protected async makeInstallSection(): Promise { + + return `${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } +# +# Main +# +${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } + +Section -Install + +SetShellVarContext current +SetOverwrite ifnewer + +${ await this.makeInstallerFiles() } + +WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\\uninstall.exe" + +SectionEnd +`; + + } + + protected async makeUninstallSection(): Promise { + + return `${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } +# +# Uninstall +# +${ NsisComposer.DIVIDER } + +Section Uninstall + +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\\*.*" +RMDir "$INSTDIR" + +SectionEnd +`; + + } + + protected async makeInstallerFiles(): Promise { + + const out: string[] = []; + await this.readdirLines(resolve(this.options.srcDir), resolve(this.options.srcDir), out); + + return out.join('\n'); + + } + + protected fixVersion(version: string) { + // Fix "invalid VIProductVersion format, should be X.X.X.X" for semver. + return /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(this.options.version) ? `${ this.options.version }.0` : this.options.version; + } + + protected async readdirLines(dir: string, baseDir: string, out: string[]) { + + const lines = []; + const pendingFiles = []; + + const files = await readdirAsync(dir); + + if(files.length > 0) { + const path = win32.normalize(relative(baseDir, dir)); + lines.push(`SetOutPath "$INSTDIR${ path == '.' ? '' : `\\${ path }` }"`); + } + + for(const file of files) { + + const path = resolve(dir, file); + const stat = await lstatAsync(path); + + if(stat.isFile()) { + lines.push(`File "${ win32.normalize(path) }"`); + } + else if(stat.isDirectory()) { + pendingFiles.push(path); + } + + } + + for(const file of pendingFiles) { + await this.readdirLines(resolve(dir, file), resolve(baseDir), lines); + } + + out.push(...lines); + + } + +} diff --git a/src/lib/nsis-gen/index.ts b/src/lib/nsis-gen/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0178963 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/nsis-gen/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + +import { dirname, resolve, win32 } from 'path'; +import { spawn } from 'child_process'; + +export * from './NsisComposer'; + +const DIR_ASSETS = resolve(dirname(module.filename), '../../../assets/'); +const DIR_NSIS = resolve(DIR_ASSETS, 'nsis'); + +interface INsisBuildOptions { + mute: boolean; +} + +export async function nsisBuild(script: string, options: INsisBuildOptions = { + mute: false, +}) { + + const args = [ win32.normalize(resolve(DIR_NSIS, 'makensis.exe')), win32.normalize(resolve(script)) ]; + if(process.platform != 'win32') { + args.unshift('wine'); + } + + const child = spawn(args.shift(), args); + + await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + + child.on('error', reject); + child.on('close', (code, signal) => { + + if(code != 0) { + return reject(new Error(`ERROR_EXIT_CODE code = ${ code }`)); + } + + resolve({ code, signal }); + + }); + + if(!options.mute) { + child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); + child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); + } + + }); + +} diff --git a/test/Builder.js b/test/Builder.js index b5183c1..0a957eb 100644 --- a/test/Builder.js +++ b/test/Builder.js @@ -6,62 +6,23 @@ import { spawnAsync } from '../dist/lib/util'; const dir = './assets/project/'; -test.serial('commandline', async (t) => { - - const platform = (() => { - switch(process.platform) { - case 'win32': - return '--win'; - case 'darwin': - return '--mac'; - case 'linux': - return '--linux'; - default: - throw new Error('ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM'); - } - })(); - - const mirror = process.env.CI ? '' : '--mirror https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/nwjs/'; - - const { code, signal } = await spawnAsync('node', `./dist/bin/build.js ${ platform } --x64 ${ mirror } ${ dir }`.split(' '), { - stdio: 'inherit', - }); - t.is(code, 0); - -}); - -test.serial('commandline --config', async (t) => { - - const platform = (() => { - switch(process.platform) { - case 'win32': - return '--win'; - case 'darwin': - return '--mac'; - case 'linux': - return '--linux'; - default: - throw new Error('ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM'); - } - })(); +test('commandline', async (t) => { const mirror = process.env.CI ? '' : '--mirror https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/nwjs/'; - const { code, signal } = await spawnAsync('node', `./dist/bin/build.js ${ platform } --x64 ${ mirror } --config ${ dir }/package.json ${ dir }`.split(' '), { + const { code, signal } = await spawnAsync('node', `./dist/bin/build.js --mac --x64 ${ mirror } --config ${ dir }/package.json ${ dir }`.split(' '), { stdio: 'inherit', }); t.is(code, 0); }); -(process.env.CI ? test.skip.serial : test.serial)('module', async (t) => { +test('module', async (t) => { const mirror = process.env.CI ? undefined : 'https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/nwjs/'; const builder = new Builder({ win: true, - mac: true, - linux: true, x64: true, mirror, }, dir); diff --git a/test/Runner.js b/test/Runner.js index c08f5bc..791dfa9 100644 --- a/test/Runner.js +++ b/test/Runner.js @@ -6,19 +6,7 @@ import { spawnAsync } from '../dist/lib/util'; const dir = './assets/project/'; -// FIXME: When run with other tests, the code will be 0. -test.serial('commandline --mirror', async (t) => { - - const mirror = process.env.CI ? '' : '--mirror https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/nwjs/'; - - const { code, signal } = await spawnAsync('node', `./dist/bin/run.js ${ mirror } ${ dir } 233`.split(' '), { - stdio: 'inherit', - }); - t.is(code, 233); - -}); - -test.serial('commandline with environment variables', async (t) => { +test.serial('commandline', async (t) => { const { code, signal } = await spawnAsync('node', `./dist/bin/run.js ${ dir } 233`.split(' '), { stdio: 'inherit', diff --git a/test/nsis-gen.js b/test/nsis-gen.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f757020 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/nsis-gen.js @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + +import { test } from 'ava'; + +import { writeFileAsync, removeAsync } from 'fs-extra-promise'; + +import { NsisComposer, nsisBuild } from '../dist/lib/nsis-gen'; +import { tmpName, tmpFile, tmpDir } from '../dist/lib/util'; + +test('build', async (t) => { + + const output = await tmpName(); + + const data = await (new NsisComposer({ + + // Basic. + appName: 'Project', + companyName: 'evshiron', + description: 'description', + version: '', + copyright: 'copyright', + + // Compression. + compression: 'lzma', + solid: true, + + // Styles. + xpStyle: true, + + // Files. + srcDir: './src/', + + // Output. + output, + + })) + .make(); + + const script = await tmpName(); + + await writeFileAsync(script, data); + await nsisBuild(script); + + await removeAsync(output); + await removeAsync(script); + +});