Hex editor/viewer plugin module for Eclipse platform.
Homepage: https://bined.exbin.org/eclipse-plugin/
Published as: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/bined-binaryhexadecimal-editor
- Use "Open With/BinEd Binary/Hex Editor" action in project explorer context menu
- Use "View as Binary" in Variables window
- Visualize data as numerical (hexadecimal) codes and text representation
- Codes can be also binary, octal or decimal
- Support for Unicode, UTF-8 and other charsets
- Insert and overwrite edit modes
- Searching for text / hexadecimal code with found matches highlighting
- Support for undo/redo
- Support for files with size up to exabytes
- Show debug variables as binary data
Plugin uses Swing components wrapped in SWT dialogs - it doesn''t fit native look and feel and have various rendering issues depending on system / java version.
Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later is required to build this project.
To compile open this project in Eclipse. See. https://eclipse.org
Install Eclipse Project SDK via Help/Install New Software.
Use "Eclipse Application" run configuration to run/execute.
Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt