If you’re looking for good examples of how to build games in Excalibur, please visit the official sample gallery.
We don’t recommend using this game’s source code as an example for your own work
- it was built quickly during a game jam; the code likely cuts a few corners and is a bit messy in some places
- the version of Excalibur it's using is out-of-date; the API has likely changed, and there are newer, better design patterns for building games using the Excalibur engine.
If you’d like to explore for curiosity’s sake, go on ahead, and good luck!
- the Excalibur.js team
Ludum Dare 41 Game Jam (April 20-23, 2018) http://excaliburjs.com/ludum-41
git submodule init
git submodule update
git fetch
cd lib/excalibur
npm install
npm run all
You will need Node.js and NPM installed.
To compile:
npm install
npm start
To update local copy of Excalibur from submodule:
npm run copy
will run npm start
and compile on changes
- use "Pull (Rebase)" from the Source Control panel of VSCode