
+ Main Title + + ¶ + +

+ + +

+ A Sub-Heading in Include + + ¶ + +


+ Some text with + + syntax + +


+ A Sub-Heading in Nested Include + + ¶ + +


+ Some other text with + + syntax + +


+ This relative path will refer to the importing file: +

+ _images/example1.jpg +

+ + Caption + + + ¶ + +


+ This absolute path will refer to the project root (where the + + + conf.py + + + is): +

+ _images/example2.jpg +

+ + Caption + + + ¶ + +


+ + + A Sub-Heading in Include + + +

def a_func(param):
+    print(param)
1 def a_func(param):
+2     print(param)
This should be *literal*
+so we can select some
1 Lots
+2 of

+ A Sub-sub-Heading + + ¶ + +


+ some more text +
