#!/bin/bash BASEDIR=~/Applications/unifi-video IP= NAME=unifi-video VERSION=v3.9.6 # Run docker once to create a container and return the ID # For following startups, use 'docker start ' CONTAINER=`docker ps -a --filter ancestor=exsilium/unifi-video:$VERSION --format "{{.ID}}"` if [ ! -z $CONTAINER ] then echo "There seems to be an existing container with the ancestor image. Please use 'docker start to start it." docker ps -a --filter ancestor=exsilium/unifi-video:$VERSION --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.CreatedAt}}\t{{.Status}}" echo "==> Exiting without doing anything!" else printf "Checking for Host data volumes and directories: MongoDB-" if [ -d $BASEDIR/mongodb ] then printf "OK" else printf "NOK\n" echo "Please make sure you have created the following directory: $BASEDIR/mongodb" exit 1; fi printf " | Unifi-Video-" if [ -d $BASEDIR/unifi-video ] then printf "OK" else printf "NOK\n" echo "Please make sure you have created the following directory: $BASEDIR/unifi-video" exit 1; fi printf " | Log-" if [ -d $BASEDIR/unifi-video/logs ] then printf "OK" else printf "NOK\n" echo "Please make sure you have created the following directory: $BASEDIR/unifi-video/logs" exit 1; fi printf "\n" docker run -d --privileged \ -v $BASEDIR/mongodb:/var/lib/mongodb \ -v $BASEDIR/unifi-video:/var/lib/unifi-video \ -p $IP:6666:6666 \ -p $IP:7080:7080 \ -p $IP:7442:7442 \ -p $IP:7443:7443 \ -p $IP:7445:7445 \ -p $IP:7446:7446 \ -p $IP:7447:7447 \ --name $NAME \ --restart=unless-stopped \ exsilium/unifi-video:$VERSION fi