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Simple test of compressing and storing datafiles inside executable or a loadable binary blob.


  • Packs datafiles directly into executable or a binary blob.
  • Compression using zlib.
  • Allows users to override files (must be explicitly enabled.)
  • API to access files in-memory (entire file is loaded into memory.)
  • Supports FILE* for reading/writing (data is streamed).
  • Load files either using a hardcoded handle from a header or using filename.


  1. Create ando/or edit datafiles
  2. datapacker NAME:FILENAME.. to generate c-file.
  3. Build your app as usual and include generated c-file.
  4. Use unpack or unpack_filename to load the data into memory. unpack uses structure directly. unpack_filename uses a virtual filename to locate the struct.


  1. ./configure
  2. make
  3. make install


For apt-based distributions you can generate a .deb for easier installation:

  1. ./configure
  2. sudo make deb
  3. sudo dpkg -i datapack_*.deb

Using with automake

See for real example.

files.c: datapacker Makefile
	$(AM_V_GEN)./datapacker -f ${top_srcdir}/datafiles -s ${top_srcdir} -d $(DEPDIR)/ -o files.c -e files.h

-include ./$(DEPDIR)/

where datafiles is a list of files to pack.