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Tools to generate OBs for GRAVITY


  • numpy
  • astropy, astroquery
  • ruamel.yaml
  • whereistheplanet (optional)
  • and maybe something else?


Make sure you have installed all the required packages, in particular ruamel.yaml

Just clone or download the repository. You should then be able to execute the script

python p2Gravity/ --help

How to use?

We suggest to start by making a copy of one of the examples provided as a first draft of your yml. You can use the "generate" option for this:

python p2Gravity/ --generate dual_on OB_one.yml

"generate" can be one of dual_on, dual_off, dual_off_calib, dual_wide_off, dual_wide_on or single_on, depending on which mode you want to use.

Then edit the YML to fit your observing strategy, and once you are done, run the script to convert it to OBs on P2:

python p2Gravity/ OB_one.yml

You will be asked to provide your P2 credentials, and a summary plot of each OB will displayed. Just click on one of the upper right buttons to send it to P2 or cancel.

If you don´t want to be bothered with the plots, use the --nogui option:

python p2Gravity/ OB_one.yml --nogui

The OBs will be uploaded to P2 without further verification.

For a quick access to the "optimal DIT selection figures" from the template manual, try:

python p2Gravity/ --dit

If you want to upload a dummy OB on the demo P2 server, just for testing, just generate one, and use the --demo keyword.

python p2Gravity/ --generate dual_on  kenobi.yml
python p2Gravity/ kenobi.yml --demo

Be aware that the P2 demo server is PUBLICLY available here: P2 demo server.

Time constraints

Absolute time constrains can be added to the OBs by providing a list of (from, to) tuple in the yml description of the setup. Here is an example for a setup requesting observations only in September (2020 or 2021):

  run_id: 60.A-9252(M)         # id of the run to upload the OB in the correct place
  date: 2023-07-14             # Required. But only useful if 'whereistheplanet' is used to predict position of the companion
  folder: P2GRAVITY_examples   # Folder in P2 where the OB will be uploaded. 
  INS.SPEC.RES: "HIGH"         # spectral resolution. LOW, MED, or HIGH
  INS.SPEC.POL: "OUT"          # Polarisation. OUT or IN
  ISS.BASELINE: ["UTs"]        # baselines (small, large, or UTs)
  ISS.VLTITYPE: ["astrometry"] # snapshot, imaging, time-series, or astrometry
  SEQ.MET.MODE: FAINT          # the mode for the metrology laser. Can be FAINT, ON, or OFF  
  concatenation: none          # if not none, a concatenation with this name will be created and all OBs put in here
  constraints:                 # additional constraints
    skyTransparency: "Variable, thin cirrus" 
    airmass: 1.6
    moonDistance: 10
    atm: 85%
    - ['2020-09-01T00:00', '2020-09-30T23:59']
    - ['2021-09-01T00:00', '2021-09-30T23:59']

Optional arguments:

--help to print the doc message and exit

--dit to show a plot form the template manual for optimal dit selection

--demo to run in demo mode and upload OBs to P2 demo server

--nogui to skip the plot and confirmation part (OB directly uploaded to P2)

--fov x to increase the fov in the plot

--bg path/to/image to add an image to the background of the plot

--generate xx to quickly generate a first yml

and more! For further details: --help


Tools to generate OBs for GRAVITY in P2







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