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fb-python: A bridge between Lua and Python

This modules allows almost seamless interaction between Lua and Python, with on-the-fly conversion (with good defaults) of most data types back and forth. This allows, for example, to use numpy, scipy, or matplotlib directly with Torch tensors.



  • glog
  • boost
  • python2.7 (Manually edit the CMake for older versions, 3+ is not supported)
  • thpp (If you don't have folly or thrift, you can still build thpp with THPP_NOFB=1 ./, and fbpython should still work)
luarocks make rockspec/*


Throughout this document, we'll refer to this module as py:

local py = require('fb.python')

At the core, there are two main functions in this module:

  • py.exec(code, locals) executes the given Python code (given as a string). The string is a sequence of statements and does not return a value (Python distinguishes between statements and expressions). If locals is specified, it must be a Lua table containing variables that the Python code will treat as local variables; if not specified, the code is executed at global (file) level (in the __main__ module).
  • py.eval(code, locals) evaluates the Python code and returns the result


import numpy as np
def foo(x):
  return x + 1

print(py.eval('foo(a) + 10', {a = 42}))  -- prints 53

There are a few things to note in the example above:

  • Python is sensitive to indentation. When executing code, especially multiple lines, use the multiline string syntax: strings start with [=...=[, where you can have an arbitrary number of equal signs between the open brackets, and end with a matching ]=...=] sequence with the same number of equal signs between the closed brackets.
  • Values are converted magically between Lua and Python. The eval call creates a local Python environment with one variable (named a) that has the value 42 (and Python float type); the return value (also a Python float) is converted to a Lua number. The exact conversion rules are detailed in the next sections.

Data model

The Lua and Python data models do not match exactly, so conversions between Lua and Python types are lossy (and heuristic). They should work well in most cases, but you can override them by using opaque references (see below). Data is transferred between Lua and Python by value; that is, variables on the Python side are copies of the corresponding variables on the Lua side. Tables are copied deeply; tensors share data (so mutating tensor elements will be reflected back) but not metadata (so resizing won't be reflected back).

For example:

a = {foo = 'bar'}

a['foo'] = 'baz'
global b
b = a
]=], {a = a})
print(a['foo'])  -- prints bar; Python change not reflected back

a['foo'] = 'meow'

]=])  -- prints baz; Lua change not reflected back

Lua to Python conversions

  • Lua numbers become Python float, unless they're used as indexes in a Lua table, in which case they become Python int. (If you use non-integral values as keys in your table, you deserve the pain, as floating point approximations will be your downfall)
  • Lua strings become Python str objects, that is, strings of bytes, not characters. (In Python 3, these would be bytes objects). That is, they are not assumed to be valid in any character set; you may convert them to Unicode on the Python side if you wish.
  • Lua nil becomes Python None; this one is obvious.
  • Lua booleans become Python bool; this one is also obvious.
  • Lua tables become Python list or dict, based on a heuristic: if table[1] exists but table[0] and table[-1] don't, we assume it's a list, otherwise it's a dict. (The 0 and -1 checks were added to handle Lua's arg built-in table, which, unlike the Lua convention, uses 0 and negative indexes). Note that Python uses 0-based indexing, and Lua uses 1-based indexing; the first element of a Lua list-like table is x[1] which becomes x[0] on the Python side. Regardless of whether a Lua table becomes a Python list or dict, numeric keys become int, not float.
  • Torch tensors become numpy.ndarray objects with share data (so modifying a tensor element from Python is reflected back to Lua) but not metadata (so resizing the tensor won't be)

Note that Lua nil is different from Python None; there are some situations where you may not use nil (you can't have nil values in a table, for example -- that's the same as having no value for that key). In one of these cases, if you want to pass None to Python, use py.None:

py.exec('print(a)', {a = nil})
-- won't print None; will complain about undefined variable 'a'
py.exec('print(a)', {a = py.None})
-- prints None

Python to Lua conversions

Note that the only way to convert a Python object to Lua is to use py.eval; this is true regardless of whether you use the default conversions or opaque references (see below).

  • Python numeric types (int, long, float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, and other numpy scalars) become Lua numbers
  • Python str objects (strings of bytes) become Lua strings
  • Python unicode objects (strings of characters) are encoded using UTF-8 and are then converted to Lua strings
  • Python None becomes Lua nil
  • Python bool objects become Lua booleans
  • Python list and tuple objects become Lua tables; note that Python uses 0-based indexing, while Lua uses 1-based indexing, so the first element of a Python list or tuple is x[0] which becomes x[1] on the Lua side.
  • Python dict objects become Lua tables
  • numpy.ndarray objects become Torch tensors which share data (so modifying a tensor element from Lua is reflected back to Python) but not metadata (so resizing the tensor won't be)

Opaque references

Sometimes, the above conversions are not sufficient (you might want to force a Lua number to be a Python long, or you might want to capture references to Python objects of arbitrary types). In this case, we support opaque references, which encapsulate any Python object. They can be used in place of Lua values when passing arguments to Python:

local x =  -- x wraps a Python int, not float
py.exec('print(type(x))', {x = x}) -- prints <type 'int'>

You may create opaque references using the following functions:

  • py.import(module) imports a Python module and returns an opaque reference to it
  •, py.long(x), py.float(x) convert a Lua number to a Python number of the appropriate type
  • py.str(x) converts a Lua string to a Python str
  • py.unicode(x) converts a Lua string to a Python unicode object, assuming UTF-8 encoding
  • py.tuple(x), py.list(x), py.dict(x) convert a Lua table to a Python container of the appropriate type
  • py.ref(x) converts an arbitrary Lua object to a Python reference (using the Lua-to-Python conversion rules shown above)
  • py.reval(code, locals) is similar to eval, but returns an opaque reference rather than converting the result back to Lua; note that this allows you to create references to Python objects that can't be converted to Lua (such as objects of class types, modules, etc)

Also, py.eval(ref) converts an opaque reference to Lua, using the Python-to-Lua conversion rules shown above.

Opaque references support function calls, arithmetic operations, attribute and item lookup without going through py.exec or py.eval; these operations are transparently bridged to Python and the results, if any, become opaque references themselves (to allow chaining) but can be converted back to Lua using py.eval.

Function calls on opaque references support variable and keyword arguments using the py.args and py.kwargs magic placeholders. If ref is a (callable) opaque reference, args is a list-like table, and kwargs is a table, then

ref(arg1, arg2, arg3, py.args, args, py.kwargs, kwargs)

is the same as the Python call

ref(arg1, arg2, arg3, *args, **kwargs)

Example tying all this together:

-- np is opaque reference to Python numpy module
local np = py.import('numpy')

-- t1 is opaque reference to numpy.ndarray
local t1 = np.tri(10).transpose()

-- t2 is t1 converted to torch Tensor
local t2 = py.eval(t1)

local nltk = py.import('nltk')
local tokenized = py.eval(nltk.word_tokenize('Hello world, cats are awesome'))

(Again, note that operations on opaque references always return opaque references, and you need py.eval at the end of an operation chain to convert back to Lua)

Automatic access to local variables

For convenience, there are functions leval, lexec, and lreval which do the same as the corresponding functions without the l prefix, but they don't take a locals second argument; they execute the Python code in the context of the current variables visible from Lua. (That is, they convert all local and global Lua variables visible at the point of the call, ignoring errors). This is quite slow, and therefore should only be used interactively.

a = 42
py.lexec('print(a)')  -- prints 42.0