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create script to parse www and measure wall-clock time consumption
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Summary: parse www and measure wall-clock time consumption

Reviewed By: vladima

Differential Revision: D5929156

fbshipit-source-id: 44d00af2f0204d752e3b6ab9ae5a6f25ba13eb81
  • Loading branch information
Greg Nisbet authored and hhvm-bot committed Oct 3, 2017
1 parent 5500a07 commit 63fee26
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Showing 2 changed files with 128 additions and 14 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions hphp/hack/scripts/justparse/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import os
import os.path as path
import sys
import subprocess
import time
import as pathutils
import tempfile
import json

def get_ocaml_build_rule_output_path(build_target, folder="bin"):
# some_path/foo.par -> some_path/foo/foo.opt
out = re.sub(
'/' + folder + "/",
return bytes(out, 'UTF-8')

def walkdir_skip_hidden(directory, extension=None):
"""get non-hidden files recursively under `directory',
not following symlinks. Files (hidden or otherwise) where
any parent directory is hidden are also excluded.
An `extension', if provided, restricts the files yielded to those
with the extension.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
# remove hidden directories
for subdir in dirs:
if subdir[0] == ".":

for name in files:
(_, ext) = path.splitext(name)
fullpath = path.join(root, name)
ruled_out = extension and ext != extension
if not ruled_out:
yield fullpath

def main(argv):
start = None
hh_single_compile_path = get_ocaml_build_rule_output_path(
www_path = path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "www")

with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tempf:
for filepath in walkdir_skip_hidden(www_path, extension=".php"):
tempf.write(bytes(filepath + "\n", "UTF-8"))

start = time.time()
[hh_single_compile_path, "--input-file-list",])

stop = time.time()

result = {
"parse_www_time": (stop - start)
except OSError as e:
print("got an os error!")

print("elapsed time %s" % (stop - start))

if __name__ == "__main__":
56 changes: 42 additions & 14 deletions hphp/hack/src/
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ type options = {
config_file : string option;
quiet_mode : bool;
mode : mode;
input_file_list : string option;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +64,15 @@ let die str =
close_out oc;
exit 2

let foreach_line_in_file str ~f =
let inch = open_in str in
while true; do
let line = input_line inch |> String.trim in
f line; ()
with End_of_file -> ()

let parse_options () =
let fn_ref = ref None in
let fallback = ref false in
Expand All @@ -73,6 +83,7 @@ let parse_options () =
let output_file = ref None in
let config_file = ref None in
let quiet_mode = ref false in
let input_file_list = ref None in
let usage = P.sprintf "Usage: %s filename\n" Sys.argv.(0) in
let options =
[ ("--fallback"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,23 +124,34 @@ let parse_options () =
, Arg.Unit (fun () -> mode := DAEMON)
, " Run a daemon which processes Hack source from standard input"
, Arg.String (fun str -> input_file_list := Some str)
, " read a list of files (one per line) from the file `input-file-list'"
] in
let options = Arg.align ~limit:25 options in
Arg.parse options (fun fn -> fn_ref := Some fn) usage;
if !mode = DAEMON then P.printf "%s\n%!" (Compiler_id.get_compiler_id ());
let fn = match !fn_ref with
| Some fn -> if !mode == CLI then fn else die usage
| None -> if !mode == CLI then die usage else read_line () in
{ filename = fn
; fallback = !fallback
; config_list = !config_list
; debug_time = !debug_time
; parser = !parser
; output_file = !output_file
; config_file = !config_file
; quiet_mode = !quiet_mode
; mode = !mode
let needs_file = Option.is_none !input_file_list in
let fn =
if needs_file then
match !fn_ref with
| Some fn -> if !mode = CLI then fn else die usage
| None -> if !mode = CLI then die usage else read_line ()
{ filename = fn
; fallback = !fallback
; config_list = !config_list
; debug_time = !debug_time
; parser = !parser
; output_file = !output_file
; config_file = !config_file
; quiet_mode = !quiet_mode
; mode = !mode
; input_file_list = !input_file_list

let load_file_stdin () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,7 +327,13 @@ let decl_and_run_mode compiler_options popt =
Local_id.track_names := true;
Ident.track_names := true;
let process_single_file = process_single_file compiler_options popt in
if compiler_options.mode = DAEMON then
if Option.is_some compiler_options.input_file_list then
let input_file_list = Option.value compiler_options.input_file_list ~default:"" in
foreach_line_in_file input_file_list ~f:(fun fn ->
let fname = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy fn in
process_single_file fname None
else if compiler_options.mode = DAEMON then
let rec process_next fn = begin
let fname = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy fn in
process_single_file fname None;
Expand Down

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