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Improve UE-SIM EAP-AKA AUTN verification
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Previously, the UE simulator verified AUTN correctness
by comparing received AUTN with calculated AUTN to ensure that
they were equal. According to 3GPP TS 33.102, though,
this isn't correct.

Instead, the SQN of the received AUTN should be extracted. This SQN
should then be used to calculate the UE side AUTN. After doing this,
MAC_A should be verified for equality. Lastly, the received SEQ
number should be greater than the UE seq number but less than
limit L. Here we use L = 1 << 28 as this is the most lenient limit defined
in the spec.

Reviewed By: xjtian

Differential Revision: D17075798

fbshipit-source-id: 8efa44d08455525870a098eb36c4d921968bdc5e
  • Loading branch information
Michael Germano authored and facebook-github-bot committed Aug 28, 2019
1 parent 727eb9c commit 94c8ec1
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Showing 3 changed files with 95 additions and 46 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cwf/gateway/integ_tests/test_runner.go
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func (testRunner *TestRunner) ConfigUEs(numUEs int) ([]*cwfprotos.UEConfig, erro
seq := RandSeq()

ue := MakeUE(imsi, key, opc, seq)
sub := MakeSubscriber(imsi, key, opc, seq)
sub := MakeSubscriber(imsi, key, opc, seq+1)

err = uesim.AddUE(ue)
if err != nil {
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137 changes: 93 additions & 44 deletions cwf/gateway/services/uesim/servicers/eap_aka.go
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
package servicers

import (
Expand All @@ -25,25 +27,34 @@ import (

// todo Replace constants with configurable fields
const (
IND = 0
defaultInd = 0
CheckcodeValue = "\x00\x00\x86\xe8\x20\x4d\xc6\xe1\xe3\xd8\x94\x44\x3c\x26" +

SqnLen = 6
MacAStart = 8

// maxSeqDelta is the maximum allowed increase to SEQ.
// eg. if x was the last accepted SEQ, then the next SEQ must
// be greater than x and less than (x + maxSeqDelta) to be accepted.
// See 3GPP TS 33.102 Appendix C.2.1.
maxSeqDelta = 1 << 28

// handleEapAka routes the EAP-AKA request to the UE with the specified imsi.
func (srv *UESimServer) handleEapAka(ue *protos.UEConfig, req eap.Packet) (eap.Packet, error) {
switch aka.Subtype(req[eap.EapSubtype]) {
case aka.SubtypeIdentity:
return eapAkaIdentityRequest(ue, req)
return srv.eapAkaIdentityRequest(ue, req)
case aka.SubtypeChallenge:
return eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue, srv.op, srv.amf, req)
return srv.eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue, req)
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unsupported Subtype: %d", req[eap.EapSubtype])

// Given a UE and the EAP-AKA identity request, generates the EAP response.
func eapAkaIdentityRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, req eap.Packet) (eap.Packet, error) {
func (srv *UESimServer) eapAkaIdentityRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, req eap.Packet) (eap.Packet, error) {
scanner, err := eap.NewAttributeScanner(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating new attribute scanner")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,35 +101,8 @@ type challengeAttributes struct {
mac eap.Attribute

// Given an EAP packet, parses out the RAND, AUTN, and MAC.
func parseChallengeAttributes(req eap.Packet) (challengeAttributes, error) {
attrs := challengeAttributes{}

scanner, err := eap.NewAttributeScanner(req)
if err != nil {
return attrs, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating new attribute scanner")
var a eap.Attribute
for a, err = scanner.Next(); err == nil; a, err = scanner.Next() {
switch a.Type() {
case aka.AT_RAND:
attrs.rand = a
case aka.AT_AUTN:
attrs.autn = a
case aka.AT_MAC:
if len(a.Marshaled()) < aka.ATT_HDR_LEN+aka.MAC_LEN {
return attrs, fmt.Errorf("Malformed AT_MAC")
attrs.mac = a
glog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected EAP-AKA Challenge Request Attribute type %d", a.Type()))
return attrs, err

// Given a UE, the Op, the Amf, and the EAP challenge, generates the EAP response.
func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.Packet) (eap.Packet, error) {
func (srv *UESimServer) eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, req eap.Packet) (eap.Packet, error) {
attrs, err := parseChallengeAttributes(req)
if err != io.EOF {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error while parsing attributes of request packet")
Expand All @@ -135,11 +119,11 @@ func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.
id := []byte("\x30" + ue.GetImsi() + IdentityPostfix)
key := []byte(ue.AuthKey)

// Calculate SQN using SEQ and IND
sqn := servicers.SeqToSqn(ue.Seq, IND) // todo decide how to increment SEQ
// Calculate SQN using SEQ and arbitrary IND
sqn := servicers.SeqToSqn(ue.Seq, defaultInd)

// Calculate Opc using key and Op, and verify that it matches the UE's Opc
opc, err := crypto.GenerateOpc(key, op)
opc, err := crypto.GenerateOpc(key, srv.op)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while calculating Opc")
Expand All @@ -148,15 +132,14 @@ func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.

// Calculate RES and other keys.
milenage, err := crypto.NewMilenageCipher(amf)
milenage, err := crypto.NewMilenageCipher(srv.amf)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating milenage cipher")
vector, err := milenage.GenerateSIPAuthVectorWithRand(rand, key, opc[:], sqn)
intermediateVec, err := milenage.GenerateSIPAuthVectorWithRand(rand, key, opc[:], sqn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error calculating authentication vector")

// Make copy of packet and zero out MAC value.
copyReq := make([]byte, len(req))
copy(copyReq, req)
Expand All @@ -170,15 +153,37 @@ func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.

// Calculate and verify MAC.
_, kAut, _, _ := aka.MakeAKAKeys(id, vector.IntegrityKey[:], vector.ConfidentialityKey[:])
_, kAut, _, _ := aka.MakeAKAKeys(id, intermediateVec.IntegrityKey[:], intermediateVec.ConfidentialityKey[:])
mac := aka.GenMac(copyReq, kAut)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedMac, mac) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid MAC: Expected MAC: %x; Actual MAC: %x", expectedMac, mac)

// Calculate and verify AUTN.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAutn, vector.Autn[:]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid AUTN: Expected AUTN: %x; Actual AUTN: %x", expectedAutn, vector.Autn[:])
// Verify AUTN (MacA must be equal and SEQ in correct range)
receivedSqn := extractSqnFromAutn(expectedAutn, intermediateVec.AnonymityKey[:])
resultVec, err := milenage.GenerateSIPAuthVectorWithRand(rand, key, opc[:], receivedSqn)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error calculating authentication vector")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAutn[MacAStart:], resultVec.Autn[MacAStart:]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid MacA in AUTN: Received MacA %x; Calculated MacA: %x",
seq, _ := servicers.SplitSqn(receivedSqn)
isSeqValid := seq > ue.Seq && (seq-ue.GetSeq()) < maxSeqDelta
if !isSeqValid {
// TODO: Implement re-sync procedure
// For now just return the error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid SEQ received. HSS SEQ: %d, UE SEQ: %d", seq, ue.GetSeq())

// Update UE SEQ number
ue.Seq = seq
_, err = srv.AddUE(context.Background(), ue)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("An unexpected error occurred while updating SEQ: %s", err)

// Create the response EAP packet.
Expand All @@ -189,8 +194,8 @@ func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.
[]byte{uint8(len(vector.Xres[:]) * 8 >> 8), uint8(len(vector.Xres[:]) * 8)},
[]byte{uint8(len(resultVec.Xres[:]) * 8 >> 8), uint8(len(resultVec.Xres[:]) * 8)},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,3 +230,47 @@ func eapAkaChallengeRequest(ue *protos.UEConfig, op []byte, amf []byte, req eap.

return p, nil

// Given an EAP packet, parses out the RAND, AUTN, and MAC.
func parseChallengeAttributes(req eap.Packet) (challengeAttributes, error) {
attrs := challengeAttributes{}

scanner, err := eap.NewAttributeScanner(req)
if err != nil {
return attrs, errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating new attribute scanner")
var a eap.Attribute
for a, err = scanner.Next(); err == nil; a, err = scanner.Next() {
switch a.Type() {
case aka.AT_RAND:
attrs.rand = a
case aka.AT_AUTN:
attrs.autn = a
case aka.AT_MAC:
if len(a.Marshaled()) < aka.ATT_HDR_LEN+aka.MAC_LEN {
return attrs, fmt.Errorf("Malformed AT_MAC")
attrs.mac = a
glog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected EAP-AKA Challenge Request Attribute type %d", a.Type()))
return attrs, err

func extractSqnFromAutn(autn []byte, ak []byte) uint64 {
sqn := xor(autn[:SqnLen], ak[:SqnLen])
sqn64bits := make([]byte, 0, 8)
sqn64bits = append(sqn64bits, []byte{0, 0}...)
sqn64bits = append(sqn64bits, sqn...)
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(sqn64bits)

func xor(a, b []byte) []byte {
n := len(a)
dst := make([]byte, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
dst[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]
return dst
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cwf/gateway/services/uesim/servicers/eap_test.go
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const (
Imsi = "\x30\x30\x31\x30\x31\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x39\x31"
Key = "\x8B\xAF\x47\x3F\x2F\x8F\xD0\x94\x87\xCC\xCB\xD7\x09\x7C\x68\x62"
Opc = "\x8e\x27\xb6\xaf\x0e\x69\x2e\x75\x0f\x32\x66\x7a\x3b\x14\x60\x5d"
Seq = 32
Seq = 31

func setupTest() (*servicers.UESimServer, *cwfprotos.UEConfig, error) {
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