Locating heroku... [12-07 14:59:12] p24330 {operator.py:179} INFO - Creating a task run under task name: parlai-chat-example [2020-12-07 14:59:12,987][mephisto.operations.operator][INFO] - Creating a task run under task name: parlai-chat-example Building server files... npm WARN server@1.0.0 No description npm WARN server@1.0.0 No repository field. npm WARN server@1.0.0 No license field. audited 123 packages in 1.811s found 1 high severity vulnerability run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details [2020-12-07 14:59:15,879][sh.command][INFO] - : process started Locating heroku... › Warning: token will expire 11/13/2021 › Use heroku authorizations:create to generate a long-term token Heroku: Starting server... [2020-12-07 14:59:21,030][sh.command][INFO] - : process started Creating vaibhav-parlai-chat-example-1... done Enabling http-session-affinity for vaibhav-parlai-chat-example-1... done [2020-12-07 14:59:26,598][sh.command][INFO] - : process started [2020-12-07 14:59:27,372][sh.command][INFO] - : process started [2020-12-07 14:59:27,604][sh.command][INFO] - : process started Scaling dynos... done, now running web at 1:Free [2020-12-07 15:00:01,664][sh.command][INFO] - : process started [2020-12-07 15:00:01,974][botocore.credentials][INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials [12-07 15:00:03] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:03,542][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:03] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:03,544][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:03] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:03,845][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:04] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:04,146][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:04] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:04,448][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:04] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:04,749][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:05] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:05,052][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:05] p24330 {supervisor.py:209} INFO - Sending alive [2020-12-07 15:00:05,059][mephisto.operations.supervisor][INFO] - Sending alive [12-07 15:00:05] p24330 {websocket_channel.py:85} INFO - channel open (,) [2020-12-07 15:00:05,059][mephisto.abstractions.architects.channels.websocket_channel][INFO] - channel open (,) [12-07 15:00:05] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:05,718][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:09] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:09,781][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:13,755][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:17] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:17,843][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:21] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:21,942][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:26] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:26,031][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:30] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:30,120][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:34] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:34,178][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=3ARIN4O78KUKUBOXIJ0AETOHSKSFI6 [12-07 15:00:38] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:38,226][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:00:42] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:42,344][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:00:46] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:46,339][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:00:50] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:50,422][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:00:54] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:54,530][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:00:58] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:00:58,539][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:02] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:02,589][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:06,613][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:10] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:10,709][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:14] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:14,614][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:18] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:18,744][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:22] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:22,720][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:26] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:26,797][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:30] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:30,897][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:34] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:34,978][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:39] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:39,054][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:43] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {} [2020-12-07 15:01:43,143][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {} [12-07 15:01:44] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3GFK2QRXXFUSQ24OYYR1XC92ZG05WJ-1. [2020-12-07 15:01:44,242][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3GFK2QRXXFUSQ24OYYR1XC92ZG05WJ-1. [12-07 15:01:44] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 20 units. [2020-12-07 15:01:44,250][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 20 units. [12-07 15:01:44] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 1, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:01:44,283][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 1, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [12-07 15:01:47] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:01:47,211][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:01:51] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:01:51,364][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:01:55] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:01:55,380][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:01:59] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3OWEPKL08FPHQC9TUQFBZDA7XAR7N9-2. [2020-12-07 15:01:59,068][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3OWEPKL08FPHQC9TUQFBZDA7XAR7N9-2. [12-07 15:02:00] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 19 units. [2020-12-07 15:02:00,505][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 19 units. [12-07 15:02:00] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 2, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:02:00,514][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 2, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. Assignment 1 is launching with ['1', '2'] [12-07 15:02:00] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:00,534][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:03] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:03,505][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:04] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3Z7EFSHGNFRSENITNDAVD1TJ0ZRXCB-3. [2020-12-07 15:02:04,566][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3Z7EFSHGNFRSENITNDAVD1TJ0ZRXCB-3. [12-07 15:02:07] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 18 units. [2020-12-07 15:02:07,551][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 18 units. [12-07 15:02:07] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 3, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:02:07,562][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 3, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [12-07 15:02:07] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:07,571][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:10] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 1 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:02:10,463][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 1 - 'hi' [12-07 15:02:11] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:11,473][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 2 - 'hello' [2020-12-07 15:02:13,902][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 2 - 'hello' [12-07 15:02:15] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:15,630][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:19] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:19,651][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:23] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:23,727][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:27] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:02:27,874][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:02:28] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3LBXNTKX0X8QGPBQBT04BBSBUEP9X7-2. [2020-12-07 15:02:28,277][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3LBXNTKX0X8QGPBQBT04BBSBUEP9X7-2. [12-07 15:02:29] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 17 units. [2020-12-07 15:02:29,724][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 17 units. [12-07 15:02:29] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 4, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:02:29,735][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 4, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. Assignment 2 is launching with ['3', '4'] [12-07 15:02:31] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:31,835][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:35] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:35,874][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:36] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 1 - 'test' [2020-12-07 15:02:36,324][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 1 - 'test' [12-07 15:02:39] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:39,912][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:40] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 3 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:02:40,580][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 3 - 'hi' [12-07 15:02:43] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:43,923][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:48] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:48,043][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:52] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:52,128][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:02:56] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:02:56,236][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:00] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:00,345][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:03] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3V26SBZTBJRURBTIG9IOLKAFHHBZZ9-1. [2020-12-07 15:03:03,174][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3V26SBZTBJRURBTIG9IOLKAFHHBZZ9-1. [12-07 15:03:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 16 units. [2020-12-07 15:03:06,016][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 16 units. [12-07 15:03:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 5, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:03:06,024][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 5, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [12-07 15:03:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:06,030][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'in task', '2': 'in task', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:08] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:08,403][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:03:12] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:12,497][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:03:16] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:16,663][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:03:17] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3GFK2QRXXFUSQ24OYYR1XC92ZG05WJ-2. [2020-12-07 15:03:17,430][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3GFK2QRXXFUSQ24OYYR1XC92ZG05WJ-2. [12-07 15:03:18] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 15 units. [2020-12-07 15:03:18,877][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 15 units. [12-07 15:03:18] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 6, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:03:18,886][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 6, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. Assignment 3 is launching with ['5', '6'] [12-07 15:03:20] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:20,600][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:24] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 5 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:03:24,418][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 5 - 'hi' [12-07 15:03:24] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:24,728][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:27] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 6 - 'hello' [2020-12-07 15:03:27,588][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 6 - 'hello' [12-07 15:03:28] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:28,677][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'in task', '4': 'in task', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:32] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'partner disconnect', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:32,842][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '3': 'partner disconnect', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:33] p24330 {supervisor.py:131} ERROR - Channel heroku_channel_parlai-chat-example_1_0 encountered error on packet {'packet_type': 'agent_action', 'sender_id': '3', 'receiver_id': 'mephisto', 'data': {'task_data': {'final_data': {}}, 'MEPHISTO_is_submit': True}} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 126, in _on_channel_message self._on_message(packet, channel_info) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 671, in _on_message logger.debug(f'Message from Agent {packet.sender_id} - \'{packet.data["text"]}\'') KeyError: 'text' [2020-12-07 15:03:33,526][mephisto.operations.supervisor][ERROR] - Channel heroku_channel_parlai-chat-example_1_0 encountered error on packet {'packet_type': 'agent_action', 'sender_id': '3', 'receiver_id': 'mephisto', 'data': {'task_data': {'final_data': {}}, 'MEPHISTO_is_submit': True}} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 126, in _on_channel_message self._on_message(packet, channel_info) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 671, in _on_message logger.debug(f'Message from Agent {packet.sender_id} - \'{packet.data["text"]}\'') KeyError: 'text' [12-07 15:03:33] p24330 {websocket_channel.py:127} ERROR - KeyError('text',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/abstractions/architects/channels/websocket_channel.py", line 124, in on_message self.on_message(self.channel_id, packet) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 126, in _on_channel_message self._on_message(packet, channel_info) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 671, in _on_message logger.debug(f'Message from Agent {packet.sender_id} - \'{packet.data["text"]}\'') KeyError: 'text' [2020-12-07 15:03:33,534][mephisto.abstractions.architects.channels.websocket_channel][ERROR] - KeyError('text',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/abstractions/architects/channels/websocket_channel.py", line 124, in on_message self.on_message(self.channel_id, packet) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 126, in _on_channel_message self._on_message(packet, channel_info) File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/supervisor.py", line 671, in _on_message logger.debug(f'Message from Agent {packet.sender_id} - \'{packet.data["text"]}\'') KeyError: 'text' [2020-12-07 15:03:33,537][websocket][ERROR] - error from callback .on_message at 0x7fe4db86d2f0>: 'text' [12-07 15:03:36] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:36,884][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:40] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:40,963][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:43] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3TOK3KHVJZVZ8X95V5FOE2ACNKW7OO-3. [2020-12-07 15:03:43,442][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3TOK3KHVJZVZ8X95V5FOE2ACNKW7OO-3. [12-07 15:03:46] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 14 units. [2020-12-07 15:03:46,261][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 14 units. [12-07 15:03:46] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 7, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:03:46,269][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 7, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [12-07 15:03:46] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:03:46,275][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task'} [12-07 15:03:49] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:49,036][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:03:53] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:53,117][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:03:57] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:03:57,209][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:01] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:01,292][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:05] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 354GIDR5ZHJ0N5H28LS49M47H3A00R-1. [2020-12-07 15:04:05,029][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 354GIDR5ZHJ0N5H28LS49M47H3A00R-1. [12-07 15:04:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 13 units. [2020-12-07 15:04:06,449][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 13 units. [12-07 15:04:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 8, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:04:06,459][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 8, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. Assignment 4 is launching with ['7', '8'] [12-07 15:04:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:06,476][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:09] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:04:09,366][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [12-07 15:04:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:04:13,459][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [12-07 15:04:16] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 7 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:04:16,840][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 7 - 'hi' [12-07 15:04:17] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3LEIZ60CDPCFLKB5CBOP8W8M2EN9Z4-2. [2020-12-07 15:04:17,390][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3LEIZ60CDPCFLKB5CBOP8W8M2EN9Z4-2. [12-07 15:04:20] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 12 units. [2020-12-07 15:04:20,312][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 12 units. [12-07 15:04:20] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 9, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:04:20,318][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 9, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [12-07 15:04:20] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:04:20,323][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task'} [12-07 15:04:21] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:21,580][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:22] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 8 - 'hello' [2020-12-07 15:04:22,135][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 8 - 'hello' [12-07 15:04:25] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:25,637][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:29] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:29,727][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:33] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:33,714][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:37] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:37,778][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:41] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:41,861][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:45] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:45,960][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:50] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:50,008][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:53] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3OSWBBLG1KA2JFO7N956X7B1LZ3XDB-1. [2020-12-07 15:04:53,337][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3OSWBBLG1KA2JFO7N956X7B1LZ3XDB-1. [12-07 15:04:54] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 11 units. [2020-12-07 15:04:54,774][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 11 units. [12-07 15:04:54] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 10, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:04:54,783][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 10, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. Assignment 5 is launching with ['9', '10'] [12-07 15:04:54] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:04:54,817][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:04:57] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 9 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:04:57,955][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 9 - 'hi' [12-07 15:04:58] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:04:58,105][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [12-07 15:05:02] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:05:02,106][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'in task', '6': 'in task', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [12-07 15:05:02] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 10 - 'hello' [2020-12-07 15:05:02,165][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 10 - 'hello' Updating a final status, was returned and want to set to partner disconnect [12-07 15:05:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'returned', '6': 'partner disconnect', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:05:06,112][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'returned', '6': 'partner disconnect', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [12-07 15:05:08] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 354GIDR5ZHJ0N5H28LS49M47H3A00R-3. [2020-12-07 15:05:08,793][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 354GIDR5ZHJ0N5H28LS49M47H3A00R-3. [12-07 15:05:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 11 units. [2020-12-07 15:05:13,085][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 11 units. [12-07 15:05:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 11, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:05:13,109][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 11, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. Updating a final status, was returned and want to set to in task Assignment 3 is launching with ['5', '11'] [12-07 15:05:13] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'returned', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:05:13,136][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'returned', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task'} [12-07 15:05:14] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:05:14,139][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'in task'} [12-07 15:05:15] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 9 - 'test' [2020-12-07 15:05:15,649][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 9 - 'test' [12-07 15:05:18] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'partner disconnect'} [2020-12-07 15:05:18,238][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'partner disconnect'} [12-07 15:05:22] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'partner disconnect'} [2020-12-07 15:05:22,276][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'partner disconnect'} [12-07 15:05:26] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:26,375][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:30] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:30,478][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:34] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:34,542][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:38] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:38,508][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'in task', '8': 'in task', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:42] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:42,570][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:46] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:46,657][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:50] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3NPFYT4IZIH5VZYYPZ6E3SEYYRJXGL-3. [2020-12-07 15:05:50,476][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3NPFYT4IZIH5VZYYPZ6E3SEYYRJXGL-3. [12-07 15:05:53] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 11 units. [2020-12-07 15:05:53,208][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 3 is being assigned one of 11 units. /Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/data/data/runs/NO_PROJECT/1/reservations/unit_res_10 existed [12-07 15:05:53] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 12, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:05:53,217][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 12, A3C8V6WA2JO3PA_sandbox. [12-07 15:05:53] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [2020-12-07 15:05:53,223][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'in task', '10': 'in task', '11': 'returned'} [12-07 15:05:54] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:05:54,845][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:05:58] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:05:58,852][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:06:02] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:06:02,974][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:06:06] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:06:06,981][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:06:09] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3R6BYFZZPDPZHZ23EF0WL7EMXCJXFM-1. [2020-12-07 15:06:09,571][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3R6BYFZZPDPZHZ23EF0WL7EMXCJXFM-1. [12-07 15:06:10] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 9 units. [2020-12-07 15:06:10,987][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 1 is being assigned one of 9 units. [12-07 15:06:11] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 13, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:06:11,004][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 13, A32WWMHU9D3BT1_sandbox. Assignment 6 is launching with ['12', '13'] [12-07 15:06:11] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [2020-12-07 15:06:11,053][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'waiting'} [12-07 15:06:15] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:15,149][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:19] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:19,224][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:19] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 12 - 'hi' [2020-12-07 15:06:19,226][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 12 - 'hi' [12-07 15:06:23] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:23,237][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:25] p24330 {supervisor.py:671} DEBUG - Message from Agent 13 - 'hello' [2020-12-07 15:06:25,694][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Message from Agent 13 - 'hello' [12-07 15:06:27] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:27,321][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:31] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:31,404][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:31] p24330 {supervisor.py:527} DEBUG - Incoming request to register agent 3R8YZBNQ9NV2T9MLAI7S375C2LE7QW-2. [2020-12-07 15:06:31,982][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Incoming request to register agent 3R8YZBNQ9NV2T9MLAI7S375C2LE7QW-2. [12-07 15:06:36] p24330 {supervisor.py:405} DEBUG - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 9 units. [2020-12-07 15:06:36,197][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Worker 2 is being assigned one of 9 units. [12-07 15:06:36] p24330 {supervisor.py:425} DEBUG - Created agent 14, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. [2020-12-07 15:06:36,208][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Created agent 14, AFDFRYDPHJSLM_sandbox. Updating a final status, was timeout and want to set to in task Assignment 3 is launching with ['5', '14'] [12-07 15:06:36] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [2020-12-07 15:06:36,219][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task'} [12-07 15:06:39] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task', '14': 'partner disconnect'} [2020-12-07 15:06:39,426][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task', '14': 'partner disconnect'} [12-07 15:06:43] p24330 {supervisor.py:683} DEBUG - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task', '14': 'partner disconnect'} [2020-12-07 15:06:43,419][mephisto.operations.supervisor][DEBUG] - Agent statuses received - {'1': 'partner disconnect', '2': 'returned', '4': 'returned', '5': 'timeout', '6': 'completed', '7': 'returned', '8': 'partner disconnect', '9': 'partner disconnect', '10': 'returned', '11': 'returned', '12': 'in task', '13': 'in task', '14': 'partner disconnect'} ^C[12-07 15:06:47] p24330 {operator.py:417} ERROR - Cleaning up after keyboard interrupt, please wait! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/operator.py", line 397, in wait_for_runs_then_shutdown time.sleep(10) KeyboardInterrupt [2020-12-07 15:06:47,458][mephisto.operations.operator][ERROR] - Cleaning up after keyboard interrupt, please wait! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vaibhav/Mephisto/mephisto/operations/operator.py", line 397, in wait_for_runs_then_shutdown time.sleep(10) KeyboardInterrupt [12-07 15:06:47] p24330 {operator.py:304} INFO - operator shutting down [2020-12-07 15:06:47,460][mephisto.operations.operator][INFO] - operator shutting down [12-07 15:06:47] p24330 {operator.py:307} INFO - expiring units [2020-12-07 15:06:47,460][mephisto.operations.operator][INFO] - expiring units 0%| | 0/20 [00:00