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Each dialogue consists of rich meta-data including participant demographics, personality, and their subjective evaluation of the negotiation in terms of satisfaction and opponent likeness. + +**Citation** +``` +@inproceedings{chawla2021casino, + title={CaSiNo: A Corpus of Campsite Negotiation Dialogues for Automatic Negotiation Systems}, + author={Chawla, Kushal and Ramirez, Jaysa and Clever, Rene and Lucas, Gale and May, Jonathan and Gratch, Jonathan}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}, + pages={3167--3185}, + year={2021} +} +``` + +LICENSE: This dataset has been released under the CC-BY-4.0 License. Please refer to the LICENSE_DOCUMENTATION file in this repository for more information. + +Dataset Homepage: https://github.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo + +NAACL 2021 Paper: https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.254.pdf + +Tags: #CaSiNo, #All, #Negotiation \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/__init__.py b/parlai/tasks/casino/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..240697e3247 --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. +# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the +# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/agents.py b/parlai/tasks/casino/agents.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..99a4a747509 --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/agents.py @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. +# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the +# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + +from parlai.core.teachers import Teacher +from .build import build +from parlai.utils.io import PathManager +import json +import os +import random +import copy + +WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Negotiate with your opponent to decide who gets how many items of each kind. There are three kinds of packages: Food, Water, and Firewood. Each has a quantity of 3. Try hard to get as much value as you can, while still leaving your partner satisfied and with a positive perception about you. If you fail to come to an agreement, both parties get 5 points. Refer to the following preference order and arguments for your negotiation: \n\nFood\nValue: {food_val} points for each package\nArgument: {food_argument}\n\nWater\nValue: {water_val} points for each package\nArgument: {water_argument}\n\nFirewood\nValue: {firewood_val} points for each package\nArgument: {firewood_argument}\n" + + +def get_welcome_values(part_info): + + value2points = {'High': 5, 'Medium': 4, 'Low': 3} + + issue2points = {v: value2points[k] for k, v in part_info['value2issue'].items()} + issue2reason = { + v: part_info['value2reason'][k] for k, v in part_info['value2issue'].items() + } + + welcome_values = {} + for issue in ['Food', 'Water', 'Firewood']: + welcome_values[issue.lower() + '_val'] = issue2points[issue] + welcome_values[issue.lower() + '_argument'] = issue2reason[issue] + + return welcome_values + + +def get_utterance_text(utterance): + + if utterance['text'] == '': + return '' + + # the utterance is not a dummy one at this point + if utterance['text'] != 'Submit-Deal': + # simply return it + return utterance['text'] + + # if it is a Submit-Deal -> attach task_data + txt = f"{utterance['text']} What I get- Food:{utterance['task_data']['issue2youget']['Food']}, Water: {utterance['task_data']['issue2youget']['Water']}, Firewood: {utterance['task_data']['issue2youget']['Firewood']}; What you get- Food:{utterance['task_data']['issue2theyget']['Food']}, Water: {utterance['task_data']['issue2theyget']['Water']}, Firewood: {utterance['task_data']['issue2theyget']['Firewood']}" + + return txt + + +class CasinoTeacher(Teacher): + """ + A negotiation teacher that loads the CaSiNo data from https://github.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo. + + Each dialogue is converted into two datapoints, one from the perspective of each participant. + """ + + def __init__(self, opt, shared=None): + super().__init__(opt, shared) + self.datatype = opt['datatype'].split(':')[0] + self.datatype_ = opt['datatype'] + self.random = self.datatype_ == 'train' + build(opt) + + filename = self.datatype + data_path = os.path.join( + opt['datapath'], 'casino', 'casino_' + filename + '.json' + ) + + if shared and 'data' in shared: + self.episodes = shared['episodes'] + else: + self._setup_data(data_path) + print(f"Total episodes: {self.num_episodes()}") + + # for ordered data in batch mode (especially, for validation and + # testing), each teacher in the batch gets a start index and a step + # size so they all process disparate sets of the data + self.step_size = opt.get('batchsize', 1) + self.data_offset = opt.get('batchindex', 0) + + self.reset() + + def _setup_data(self, data_path): + print('loading: ' + data_path) + with PathManager.open(data_path) as data_file: + dialogues = json.load(data_file) + + episodes = [] + for dialogue in dialogues: + + # divide the dialogue into two perspectives, one for each participant + episode = copy.deepcopy(dialogue) + episode[ + 'perspective' + ] = ( + 'mturk_agent_1' + ) # id of the agent whose perspective will be used in this dialog + episodes.append(episode) + + episode = copy.deepcopy(dialogue) + episode[ + 'perspective' + ] = ( + 'mturk_agent_2' + ) # id of the agent whose perspective will be used in this dialog + episodes.append(episode) + + self.episodes = episodes + + # add dummy data to ensure that every chat begins with a teacher utterance (THEM) and ends at the agent's utterance (YOU). This is done for uniformity while parsing the data. It makes the code simpler and easier to read than DealNoDeal counterpart. + for ix, episode in enumerate(self.episodes): + + chat_logs = episode['chat_logs'] + perspective = episode['perspective'] + + if chat_logs[0]['id'] == perspective: + # chat must start with a teacher; add dummy utterance + dummy_utterance = { + 'text': '', + 'task_data': {}, + 'id': 'mturk_agent_1' + if perspective == 'mturk_agent_2' + else 'mturk_agent_2', + } + + chat_logs = [dummy_utterance] + chat_logs + + if chat_logs[-1]['id'] != perspective: + # chat must end with the agent; add dummy utterance + dummy_utterance = { + 'text': '', + 'task_data': {}, + 'id': 'mturk_agent_1' + if perspective == 'mturk_agent_1' + else 'mturk_agent_2', + } + + chat_logs = chat_logs + [dummy_utterance] + + self.episodes[ix]['chat_logs'] = chat_logs + + def reset(self): + super().reset() + self.episode_idx = self.data_offset - self.step_size + self.dialogue_idx = None + self.perspective = None + self.dialogue = None + self.output = None + self.expected_response = None + self.epochDone = False + + def num_examples(self): + """ + Lets return the the number of responses that an agent would generate in one epoch + 1 count for every output. This will include special utterances for submit-deal, accept-deal, and reject-deal. + + """ + num_exs = 0 + + for episode in self.episodes: + + for utt in episode['chat_logs']: + if utt['text'] != '': + # skip the dummy utterances + num_exs += 1 + + return (num_exs // 2) + len( + self.episodes + ) # since each dialogue was converted into 2 perspectives, one for each participant: see _setup_data + + def num_episodes(self): + return len(self.episodes) + + def share(self): + shared = super().share() + shared['episodes'] = self.episodes + return shared + + def observe(self, observation): + """ + Process observation for metrics. + """ + if self.expected_response is not None: + self.metrics.evaluate_response(observation, self.expected_response) + self.expected_response = None + return observation + + def act(self): + if self.dialogue_idx is not None: + # continue existing conversation + return self._continue_dialogue() + elif self.random: + # if random, then select the next random example + self.episode_idx = random.randrange(len(self.episodes)) + return self._start_dialogue() + elif self.episode_idx + self.step_size >= len(self.episodes): + # end of examples + self.epochDone = True + return {'episode_done': True} + else: + # get next non-random example + self.episode_idx = (self.episode_idx + self.step_size) % len(self.episodes) + return self._start_dialogue() + + def _start_dialogue(self): + """ + Starting a dialogue should be the same as continuing a dialogue but with just one difference: it will attach the welcome note to the teacher's utterance. + + Each dialogue has two agents possible: mturk_agent_1 or mturk_agent_2. One of them will act as the perspective for this episode. + """ + + episode = self.episodes[self.episode_idx] + self.perspective = episode['perspective'] + self.other_id = ( + 'mturk_agent_1' if self.perspective == 'mturk_agent_2' else 'mturk_agent_2' + ) + + part_info = episode['participant_info'][self.perspective] + part_info_other = episode['participant_info'][self.other_id] + + welcome_values = get_welcome_values(part_info) + welcome = WELCOME_MESSAGE.format( + food_val=welcome_values['food_val'], + water_val=welcome_values['water_val'], + firewood_val=welcome_values['firewood_val'], + food_argument=welcome_values['food_argument'], + water_argument=welcome_values['water_argument'], + firewood_argument=welcome_values['firewood_argument'], + ) + + self.dialogue = episode['chat_logs'] + self.output = { + 'your_points_scored': part_info['outcomes']['points_scored'], + 'how_satisfied_is_your_partner': part_info_other['outcomes'][ + 'satisfaction' + ], + 'how_much_does_your_partner_like_you': part_info_other['outcomes'][ + 'opponent_likeness' + ], + } + + self.dialogue_idx = -1 + + action = self._continue_dialogue() + if action['text']: + # This is non-empty; meaning the teacher starts the conversation and has something to say. + action['text'] = f"{welcome}\n{action['text']}" + else: + # text is empty, meaning that the teacher did not start the conversation but the empty string is just a result of the dummy teacher utterance added in _setup_data + action['text'] = welcome + + action['meta-info'] = welcome_values + + return action + + def _continue_dialogue(self): + """ + Return an action object + + From the perspective of a specific agent's id, all utterances authored by the other agent are coming from the teacher as the text of the action object, and all utterances authored by this agent appear as the labels. + """ + action = {} + # Fill in teacher's message (THEM) + self.dialogue_idx += 1 + if self.dialogue_idx < len(self.dialogue): + # this is a usual dialogue teacher-agent pair; return the teacher's utterance as action text. + utterance = self.dialogue[self.dialogue_idx] + assert utterance['id'] != self.perspective + utterance_text = get_utterance_text( + utterance + ) # will take care of special submit-deal utterance and dummy utterances + action['text'] = utterance_text + + if action['text'] == 'Reject-Deal': + # merge with the next dialogue_idx since that is from the same participant while this code assumes alternative utterances. + self.dialogue_idx += 1 # we know that this will be valid + utterance = self.dialogue[self.dialogue_idx] + assert utterance['id'] != self.perspective + utterance_text = get_utterance_text( + utterance + ) # will take care of special submit-deal utterance and dummy utterances + action['text'] = action['text'] + ' ' + utterance_text + else: + # the primary dialogue is over; now is the time to return the output of this dialogue + action[ + 'text' + ] = f"Your points scored: {self.output['your_points_scored']}, How satisfied is your partner: {self.output['how_satisfied_is_your_partner']}, How much does your partner like you: {self.output['how_much_does_your_partner_like_you']}" + + # Fill in learner's response (YOU) + self.dialogue_idx += 1 + self.expected_response = None + if self.dialogue_idx < len(self.dialogue): + # usual dialogue going on; return the agent's utterance as the labels + utterance = self.dialogue[self.dialogue_idx] + assert ( + utterance['id'] == self.perspective + ), f"id: {utterance['id']}, perspect: {self.perspective}" + utterance_text1 = get_utterance_text( + utterance + ) # will take care of special submit-deal utterance and dummy utterances + + utterance_text2 = '' + if utterance_text1 == 'Reject-Deal': + # merge with the next dialogue_idx since that is from the same participant while this code assumes alternative utterances. + self.dialogue_idx += 1 # we know that this will be valid + utterance = self.dialogue[self.dialogue_idx] + assert utterance['id'] == self.perspective + utterance_text2 = get_utterance_text( + utterance + ) # will take care of special submit-deal utterance and dummy utterances + + self.expected_response = ( + [utterance_text1 + ' ' + utterance_text2] + if (utterance_text1 + ' ' + utterance_text2).strip() + else None + ) + else: + # no label required when the primary dialogue is complete + pass + + if self.expected_response: + # since labels is automatically renamed to eval_labels for valid/test, doing just this takes care of everything. Ensures that labels can atleast be accessed regardless of the datatype. + action['labels'] = self.expected_response + + if self.dialogue_idx >= len(self.dialogue): + self.dialogue_idx = None + action['episode_done'] = True + else: + action['episode_done'] = False + + return action + + +class DefaultTeacher(CasinoTeacher): + pass diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/build.py b/parlai/tasks/casino/build.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..36ee71bfd5f --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/build.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. +# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the +# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + +from parlai.core.build_data import DownloadableFile +import parlai.core.build_data as build_data +import os + +RESOURCES = [ + DownloadableFile( + 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo/main/data/split/casino_train.json', + 'casino_train.json', + '6b953d153fc8c78f27e911c1439b93b9b3519357e3ba825091b2e567845ba3a7', + zipped=False, + ), + DownloadableFile( + 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo/main/data/split/casino_valid.json', + 'casino_valid.json', + '91f2d1f09accedf98667ac081fd5083752738390734e991601b036643da077e0', + zipped=False, + ), + DownloadableFile( + 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo/main/data/split/casino_test.json', + 'casino_test.json', + 'bf6da2d7c105396300d85a65819c04d99304ac9abb8a590ba342fd0c86b4dd12', + zipped=False, + ), +] + + +def build(opt): + dpath = os.path.join(opt['datapath'], 'casino') + version = "v1.1" + + if not build_data.built(dpath, version_string=version): + print('[building data: ' + dpath + ']') + + # make a clean directory if needed + if build_data.built(dpath): + # an older version exists, so remove these outdated files. + build_data.remove_dir(dpath) + build_data.make_dir(dpath) + + # Download the data. + for downloadable_file in RESOURCES: + downloadable_file.download_file(dpath) + + # Mark as done + build_data.mark_done(dpath, version_string=version) diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/test.py b/parlai/tasks/casino/test.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..28ffa4018b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/test.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. +# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the +# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + +from parlai.utils.testing import AutoTeacherTest # noqa: F401 + + +class TestDefaultTeacher(AutoTeacherTest): + task = 'casino' diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_test.yml b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_test.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..87e3b8fa8a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_test.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +acts: +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'hello, that could be a good idea, but I think I need more rations ' + meta-info: + firewood_argument: to cook and stay warm. + firewood_val: 3 + food_argument: because I am diabetic. I need to eat small many meals + food_val: 4 + water_argument: 'to stay hydrated, I will need more water because I need to + stay hydrated, If I don''t I will faint. ' + water_val: 5 + text: "Negotiate with your opponent to decide who gets how many items of each\ + \ kind. There are three kinds of packages: Food, Water, and Firewood. Each has\ + \ a quantity of 3. Try hard to get as much value as you can, while still leaving\ + \ your partner satisfied and with a positive perception about you. If you fail\ + \ to come to an agreement, both parties get 5 points. Refer to the following\ + \ preference order and arguments for your negotiation: \n\nFood\nValue: 4 points\ + \ for each package\nArgument: because I am diabetic. I need to eat small many\ + \ meals\n\nWater\nValue: 5 points for each package\nArgument: to stay hydrated,\ + \ I will need more water because I need to stay hydrated, If I don't I will\ + \ faint. \n\nFirewood\nValue: 3 points for each package\nArgument: to cook and\ + \ stay warm.\n\nHi we would like you to consider giving us all of the rations\ + \ for the trip." +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'I need more food and water, you see I am diabetic, I need to eat many small + meals ' + text: How important are they to you? We would like to get a good mix, preferably + more food. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'let me have two food and three parts of water, I can let you have all the firewood + and one fpart food ' + text: 😡 I can let the firewood and water lax if you provide us food. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - '😡my type of diabetes needs many meals otherwise my insulin levels will be low ' + text: We do have a fire to start, but we are very hungry. Diabetics can eat less + food because of the small meals. Don't lie to me. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'your type maybe needs wild fruits which you can easily gather🙂 ' + text: I am diabetic also. +num_episodes: 200 +num_examples: 1594 diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_train.yml b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_train.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..59f1de639f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_train.yml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +acts: +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'Hello!, how are you doing? ' + meta-info: + firewood_argument: It gets cold at night where I am going camping, so I will + need additional firewood + firewood_val: 5 + food_argument: I am going with a big family and any extra food will be helpful. + food_val: 4 + water_argument: It is hot and dry during the day and I don't want to be dehydrated. + water_val: 3 + text: "Negotiate with your opponent to decide who gets how many items of each\ + \ kind. There are three kinds of packages: Food, Water, and Firewood. Each has\ + \ a quantity of 3. Try hard to get as much value as you can, while still leaving\ + \ your partner satisfied and with a positive perception about you. If you fail\ + \ to come to an agreement, both parties get 5 points. Refer to the following\ + \ preference order and arguments for your negotiation: \n\nFood\nValue: 4 points\ + \ for each package\nArgument: I am going with a big family and any extra food\ + \ will be helpful.\n\nWater\nValue: 3 points for each package\nArgument: It\ + \ is hot and dry during the day and I don't want to be dehydrated.\n\nFirewood\n\ + Value: 5 points for each package\nArgument: It gets cold at night where I am\ + \ going camping, so I will need additional firewood\n" +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - '🙂 super!, ... so you are going camping too? ' + text: I'm good - and you? +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'oh, I''m sorry to hear about that... I think I can help with the water, but + you need firewood as well? ' + text: Yep - I'm hoping you can help me out here. I've just finished my last round + of chemo and really need to flush my systm out. I'd love it if I could take + all 3 waters and 1 firewood. You can have the rest. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'The reason I am asking, is because it gets very cold in the desert at night...and + I may need that... but if all you need is one, I don''t see why we couldn''t + make a deal ' + text: Well, just one would be beneficial. I don't regulate my body heat as much + as I used to. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'Once again, really sad to hear about your condition☹️..., but perhaps being + in the great outdoors would be beneficial for your immune system?😮... So you + need 3 water and 1 firewood? ' + text: that would be amazing - I know it does get cold so I definitely don't want + you to be cold either. I don't need any of the food - not much of an appetite + right now anyway. +num_episodes: 1800 +num_examples: 14301 diff --git a/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_valid.yml b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_valid.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c0cb02a2b0c --- /dev/null +++ b/parlai/tasks/casino/test/casino_valid.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +acts: +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'Hello there! Are you getting excited for your upcoming trip?! I am so very + excited to test my skills! ' + meta-info: + firewood_argument: It is the rainy season where I am traveling, so the abundance + of dry firewood to scavenge for is slim. + firewood_val: 5 + food_argument: Due to the rainy season there has been a disease go through the + vegetation in the area, so I would like to be prepared in case the same has + happened where I am going. + food_val: 4 + water_argument: There is a lot of rain water I can collect and boil down that + is safe to drink. + water_val: 3 + text: "Negotiate with your opponent to decide who gets how many items of each\ + \ kind. There are three kinds of packages: Food, Water, and Firewood. Each has\ + \ a quantity of 3. Try hard to get as much value as you can, while still leaving\ + \ your partner satisfied and with a positive perception about you. If you fail\ + \ to come to an agreement, both parties get 5 points. Refer to the following\ + \ preference order and arguments for your negotiation: \n\nFood\nValue: 4 points\ + \ for each package\nArgument: Due to the rainy season there has been a disease\ + \ go through the vegetation in the area, so I would like to be prepared in case\ + \ the same has happened where I am going.\n\nWater\nValue: 3 points for each\ + \ package\nArgument: There is a lot of rain water I can collect and boil down\ + \ that is safe to drink.\n\nFirewood\nValue: 5 points for each package\nArgument:\ + \ It is the rainy season where I am traveling, so the abundance of dry firewood\ + \ to scavenge for is slim.\n" +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'Great! Have you checked to see what the weather has been like in the area you + are going to?? ' + text: Hi friend! I'm very excited to go to the trip +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'I have checked and see that it is in the rainy season! I know I need to pack + some extra firewood if you can spare me some?? ' + text: Definitely I will checked. I m eager to prepare each & every things for + the trip +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'Great! Can I take 2 and you can have 1?? I am willing to give you 2 of the + water then! ' + text: yes. I will definitely give you. I bring extra woods. +- - episode_done: false + labels: + - 'I suppose I could do that. I am worried a disease has possibly spread to the + area due to the very wet weather, but I can sure fish for most of my food then! ' + text: Its pleasure to me. Will you give food extra 1 to me? +num_episodes: 60 +num_examples: 462 diff --git a/parlai/tasks/task_list.py b/parlai/tasks/task_list.py index 52a9e25da17..295986ccb5d 100644 --- a/parlai/tasks/task_list.py +++ b/parlai/tasks/task_list.py @@ -1452,4 +1452,17 @@ "or the set of valid actions from the text descriptions of the world." ), }, + { + "id": "CaSiNo", + "display_name": "CaSiNo (CampSite Negotiation Dialogues)", + "task": "casino", + "tags": ["Negotiation"], + "description": ( + "A dataset of 1030 negotiation dialogues. Two participants take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements." + ), + "links": { + "paper": "https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.254.pdf", + "website": "https://github.com/kushalchawla/CaSiNo", + }, + }, ]