This project is a attempt to showcase using Factorish and the CoreOS suite of tools ( CoreOS, etcd, fleet, confd ) to build and deploy a self-configuring/clustering ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) cluster.
To spin up a three node system suitable for Development each running the whole ELK stack simply run:
$ vagrant up
See the vagrant section in Testing / Development for more details.
To build something that looks more like production you can use the prebuilt images from the Docker Hub and the included fleet units found in ./fleet
. See the Testing section in Testing / Development for a list of fleet commands to stand up an ELK stack via fleet.
Each ELK system has a directory which contains a Dockerfile
that builds upon the Factorish Java image to install the apps itself. It also contains a startup script and the templates requires to configure itself.
Each Elasticsearch image will register itself with etcd in /services/elasticsearch/hosts
as well as store some config data in /services/elasticsearch/config
Most settings are still defaults right now, and memory is restricted to 512mb for the sake of POC.
will create an elasticsearch.yml
config file which sets the cluster name and disabled multicast discovey. It uses unicast discovery and uses details from services/elasticsearch/host
to figure out who to talk to.
$ docker run -d -e HOST=$COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 -p 9200:9200 \
-e SERVICE_9200_NAME=elasticsearch_api -p 9300:9300 \
-e SERVICE_9300_NAME=elasticsearch_transport \
--name elasticsearch factorish/elasticsearch
Logstash will listen on syslog port 514 ( tcp and udp ) and attempt to filter standard syslog lines with grok filters. It outputs to elasticsearch via the http
protocol and picks the first ES server it finds in etcd
$ docker run -d -p 514:514/udp -e SERVICE_514_NAME=logstash_syslog \
-e HOST=$COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 --name logstash factorish/logstash
Kibana will listen on port 5601 and picks the first ES server it finds in etcd
$ docker run -d -p 5601:5601 -e SERVICE_514_NAME=kibana_http \
-e HOST=$COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 --name kibana factorish/kibana
There is a comprehensive Vagrantfile
that will spin up 3 CoreOS nodes, build, and then run the ELK images.
The first CoreOS node is special.. it will start a private docker registry and then build the images for the elk systems before uploading them to the private registry and then starting them. This registry and the images it stores will be cached on your host in ./registry
to help speed up subsequent runs. You mean want to clean it out if you're messing with the images and rebuilding by running ./clean_registry
The other two nodes will then pull these built images down from the private registry and run them.
Vagrant will also expose the ports for the services.
$ vagrant up
This will spin up vagrant without provisioning and will then allow you to use fleet
to schedule and run the necessary containers.
$ mode=test vagrant up --no-provision
$ vagrant ssh core-01
$ fleetctl submit share/fleet/systemd/*.service \
&& fleetctl start registrator cadvisor \
&& fleetctl start elasticsearch-data@1 elasticsearch-data@2 elasticsearch-data@3 \
&& fleetctl start elasticsearch@1 elasticsearch@2 elasticsearch@3 \
&& fleetctl start logstash@1 logstash@2 logstash@3 \
&& fleetctl start kibana@1 kibana@2 kibana@3 \
&& fleetctl start logspout
$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"status" : "green",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 3,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 3,
"active_primary_shards" : 0,
"active_shards" : 0,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 0
$ curl http://localhost:5601
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<title>Kibana 4</title>
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<script src="/bower_components/requirejs/require.js?_b=4673"></script>
<script src="/require.config.js?_b=4673"></script>
if (window.KIBANA_BUILD_NUM.substr(0, 2) !== '@@') {
// only cache bust if this is really the build number
require.config({ urlArgs: '_b=' + window.KIBANA_BUILD_NUM });
require(['kibana'], function (kibana) { kibana.init(); });
<body kibana ng-class="'application-' +"></body>
$ cat /var/log/syslog | nc localhost 5014
By this time you have a three node elasticsearch cluster, logstash listening on each host on syslog ports and kibana running on each host. The final line pushes syslog from your local machine into logstash and through to elasticsearch. You can now use kibana to browse through that data.
There are also a number of functions loaded in via via the user-data script to make it easier to mess around with things.
- start the chosen containerkill_[elasticsearch|logstash|kibana]
- stop the chosen containerbuild_[elasticsearch|logstash|kibana]
- stop the chosen container[elasticsearch|logstash|kibana]
- get a bash prompt on the chosen containercleanup
- remove the etcd keys used by ELK.
Paul Czarkowski (
Copyright 2014 Paul Czarkowski
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.