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Ember Image Gallery

Ember app uses token authentication to connect to a Rails API that uses Amazon S3 to store images.


  1. Fork and clone repository.
  2. Install dependencies with npm install and bower install.
  3. Follow the instructions to setup the API.
  4. Start the font-end server with ember server --proxy http://localhost:3000


  • Logout was not working when cloned from template.
  • Changed application/template.hbs to {{my-application signOut="signOut"}}
  • Added auth: Ember.inject.service(), in app/application/route.js
  • Logout seems to be working now.


First Deployment

A User can: version.1
signup, signin, signout, and change-password Jeff-template
Update their their own profile April 20th
Create new collection w/ attached cover-image April 17th
view all Collections by all Users April 17th
Update their collection name and description May 9th
Create new Art w/ attached image April 20th
view all Arts in current-collection April 25th
view specific Art in current-collection May 11th
Update their Art title and caption May 14th

Second Deployment

A User can: version.2
view other user's profiles, not edit not yet
attach a file-avatar to their profile not yet
view all Collections by current_user not yet
view specific Collection of current_user not yet
Update their collection cover-image not yet
Delete their collection not yet
view all Collections by other User, READONLY not yet
view specific Collection of other User, READONLY not yet
view all Arts by all Users not yet
view all Arts by current_user not yet
view specific Art of current_user not yet
Update their Art image not yet
Delete their Art not yet
view all Arts by other User, READONLY not yet
view specific Art of other User, READONLY not yet


This app is using the ember-ajax service for authentication requests. Making AJAX requests in Ember applications:

  • customizable service
  • returns RSVP promises
  • improved error handling
  • ability to specify request headers
  • upgrade path from ic-ajax

Why an Ajax Service? The idea with this addon is to provide a service that can be used by Ember Data and on an ad-hoc bases and provides consistent interface for Ajax requests.


This app is using ember-local-storage for handling authentication credentials. Provides a storageFor computed property that returns a proxy and persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage. It works with objects and arrays and has a generator to create the proxy objects or arrays.


This app is using active-model-adapter for communicating with the Rails Serializers. The ActiveModelAdapter is a RESTAdapter designed to integrate with a JSON API that uses an underscored naming convention instead of camelCasing. It has been designed to work with the active_model_serializers Ruby gem.


This app is using file-picker for image upload. An addon that provides a component to easily add a filepicker to application.

  • A preview of the uploaded file
  • A dropzone to drag and drop your file
  • Currently it only support single file uploads but multiples will come soon

Source code distributed under the MIT license. Text and other assets copyright General Assembly, Inc., all rights reserved.


Ember image gallery client connects w/ Rails API that uses AWS S3 to store images.







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