PHP repository for secure message exchange between applications. Full compatible with a equivalent Javascript code from this repository. Documentation and Demo.
cryptMessage is available via Composer:
"require": {
"falkm/crypt-message": "1.*"
Or download and include the outoloader
require_once 'cryptMessage/standAloneLoader.php';
##1. Generate RSA keys and change them on a secure way
$rsa_lib = new cryptMessage\lib\rsa();<br/>
$private_Key = null; $public_Key = null;<br/>
$rsa_lib->generateKeys($clinet1_public_key, $clinet1_private_key);
$rsa_lib->generateKeys($clinet2_public_key, $clinet2_private_key);
Client 1 get $clinet1_private_key and $clinet2_public_key. Client 2 get $clinet2_private_key and $clinet1_public_key.
##2. Client 1 create message for client 2
use cryptMessage\entity\message;
$message = new message();
$message->body->data = "test";
$crypt_message = $message->getCryptMessage($clinet2_public_key);
##3. Client 1 transfer message to client 2
$cookies = array(); /*if you receive cookies use them*/
$url = ''; /*Url of client 2 Api endpoint*/
$response = cryptMessage\lib\curl::exec(array(
"url" => $url,
"method" => 'POST',
"postfields" => $crypt_message,
"cookies" => $cookies
use cryptMessage\entity\message;
$error_message = null;
$request_body = file_get_contents("php://input");
$headercheck = function($header){
/*if message timestamt older then 10min, then not accept message*/
if($header->timestamp < (time() - 600)){
return false;
/*delay attack protection
message slug must be unique in last 10 minutes, check it over mySql table for examle*/
$request_message = message::getFromRawRequest($request_body, $clinet2_private_key, $error_message, $headercheck));
if($error_message || !$request_message || !($request_message instanceof message)){
echo "ERROR"; /*message is not create with yout public key*/
$response_message = new message();
$response_message->header->requestSlug = $request_message->header->slug;
$response_message->body->data = "hello, i receive: ".$request_message->body->data;
$rawResonse = $response_message->getCryptMessage($clinet1_public_key);
return "ERROR"; /*public key of client 1 is wrong*/
echo $rawResonse;
##5. Client 1 receice the response from client 2
/* $response is a array from culr request from step 3*/
if(!$response["body"] || $response["body"] == "ERROR"){
echo "ERROR";
$request_slug = $request_message->header->slug;
$header_check = function($header) use ($request_slug){
/*if message timestamt older then 10min, then not accept message*/
if($header->timestamp < (time() - 600)){
return false;
/*other client set slug of your message in his response as requestSlug*/
if($header->requestSlug !== $request_slug){
return false;
return true;
$response_message = message::getFromRawRequest($response["body"], $clinet1_private_key, $error_message, $header_check);
if($error_message || !$response_message || !($response_message instanceof message)){
echo "ERROR"; /*resonse is wrong, detail in $error_message*/
/*optional: cahce cookies for next api call*/
$cookies $response["cookie"];
echo $response_message->body->data;