A curated list of awesome Ox frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Inspired by awesome-pyhton.
- MEM - An Ox Package for Estimating, Forecasting and Simulating Multiplicative Error Models.
- Niqlow Design, solve and estimate discrete dynamic programs.
- Ox-SwitchingAcceleration Ox code to illustrate acceleration of EM and other switching algorithms.
- SFAMB - Stochastic Frontier Analysis using Ox.
- OxCode - Rich Ox language support for Visual Studio Code.
- OxMenu - Create interactive menus for running functions or setting parameter values of a function.
- OxTest - A lightweight unit testing framework for Ox.
- Ox Console - The latest console version of Ox.
- Ox Documentation - The official documentation.
- Ox Packages Ox packages that Jurgen Doornik maintains or host.
Your contributions are always welcome!
- Add the link as follows :
* [project-name](http://example.com/) - A short description ends with a period.
- Add a section if needed.
- Feel free to submit your own project !
- I assume that authors who share their ox code on the internet are in favour of expanding their audience, but if for some reason you don't want a link to your project to be listed here, please excuse me and send me a request to remove it.