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Pineapple committed May 26, 2021
1 parent 5db0cf1 commit 27198ba
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Showing 11 changed files with 349 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions inc/lib/Twig/Extensions/Extension/Tinyboard.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@

class Twig_Extensions_Extension_Tinyboard extends Twig_Extension
* Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
* @return array An array of filters
public function getFilters()
return array(
new Twig_SimpleFilter('filesize', 'format_bytes'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('truncate', 'twig_truncate_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('truncate_body', 'truncate'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('truncate_filename', 'twig_filename_truncate_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('extension', 'twig_extension_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('sprintf', 'sprintf'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('capcode', 'capcode'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('remove_modifiers', 'remove_modifiers'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('remove_markup', 'remove_markup'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('hasPermission', 'twig_hasPermission_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('date', 'twig_date_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('poster_id', 'poster_id'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('remove_whitespace', 'twig_remove_whitespace_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('count', 'count'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('ago', 'ago'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('until', 'until'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('push', 'twig_push_filter'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('bidi_cleanup', 'bidi_cleanup'),
new Twig_SimpleFilter('addslashes', 'addslashes'),

* Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
* @return array An array of filters
public function getFunctions()
return array(
new Twig_SimpleFunction('time', 'time'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('floor', 'floor'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('timezone', 'twig_timezone_function'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('hiddenInputs', 'hiddenInputs'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('hiddenInputsHash', 'hiddenInputsHash'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('ratio', 'twig_ratio_function'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('secure_link_confirm', 'twig_secure_link_confirm'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('secure_link', 'twig_secure_link'),
new Twig_SimpleFunction('link_for', 'link_for')

* Returns the name of the extension.
* @return string The extension name
public function getName()
return 'tinyboard';

function twig_timezone_function() {
return 'Z';

function twig_push_filter($array, $value) {
array_push($array, $value);
return $array;

function twig_remove_whitespace_filter($data) {
return preg_replace('/[\t\r\n]/', '', $data);

function twig_date_filter($date, $format) {
return gmstrftime($format, $date);

function twig_hasPermission_filter($mod, $permission, $board = null) {
return hasPermission($permission, $board, $mod);

function twig_extension_filter($value, $case_insensitive = true) {
$ext = mb_substr($value, mb_strrpos($value, '.') + 1);
$ext = mb_strtolower($ext);
return $ext;

function twig_sprintf_filter( $value, $var) {
return sprintf($value, $var);

function twig_truncate_filter($value, $length = 30, $preserve = false, $separator = '…') {
if (mb_strlen($value) > $length) {
if ($preserve) {
if (false !== ($breakpoint = mb_strpos($value, ' ', $length))) {
$length = $breakpoint;
return mb_substr($value, 0, $length) . $separator;
return $value;

function twig_filename_truncate_filter($value, $length = 30, $separator = '…') {
if (mb_strlen($value) > $length) {
$value = strrev($value);
$array = array_reverse(explode(".", $value, 2));
$array = array_map("strrev", $array);

$filename = &$array[0];
$extension = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : false;

$filename = mb_substr($filename, 0, $length - ($extension ? mb_strlen($extension) + 1 : 0)) . $separator;

return implode(".", $array);
return $value;

function twig_ratio_function($w, $h) {
return fraction($w, $h, ':');
function twig_secure_link_confirm($text, $title, $confirm_message, $href) {
global $config;

return '<a onclick="if (event.which==2) return true;if (confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm_message)) . '\')) document.location=\'?/' . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href))) . '\';return false;" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
function twig_secure_link($href) {
return $href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href);
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions inc/lib/Twig/Extensions/Node/Trans.php
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@

* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.

* Represents a trans node.
* @package twig
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
class Twig_Extensions_Node_Trans extends Twig_Node
public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $body, Twig_NodeInterface $plural = null, Twig_Node_Expression $count = null, $lineno, $tag = null)
parent::__construct(array('count' => $count, 'body' => $body, 'plural' => $plural), array(), $lineno, $tag);

* Compiles the node to PHP.
* @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)

list($msg, $vars) = $this->compileString($this->getNode('body'));

if (null !== $this->getNode('plural')) {
list($msg1, $vars1) = $this->compileString($this->getNode('plural'));

$vars = array_merge($vars, $vars1);

$function = null === $this->getNode('plural') ? 'gettext' : 'ngettext';

if ($vars) {
->write('echo strtr('.$function.'(')

if (null !== $this->getNode('plural')) {
->raw(', ')
->raw(', abs(')

$compiler->raw('), array(');

foreach ($vars as $var) {
if ('count' === $var->getAttribute('name')) {
->raw(' => abs(')
->raw('), ')
} else {
->raw(' => ')
->raw(', ')

} else {
->write('echo '.$function.'(')

if (null !== $this->getNode('plural')) {
->raw(', ')
->raw(', abs(')


protected function compileString(Twig_NodeInterface $body)
if ($body instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Name || $body instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant || $body instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_TempName) {
return array($body, array());

$vars = array();
if (count($body)) {
$msg = '';

foreach ($body as $node) {
if (get_class($node) === 'Twig_Node' && $node->getNode(0) instanceof Twig_Node_SetTemp) {
$node = $node->getNode(1);

if ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Print) {
$n = $node->getNode('expr');
while ($n instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Filter) {
$n = $n->getNode('node');
$msg .= sprintf('%%%s%%', $n->getAttribute('name'));
$vars[] = new Twig_Node_Expression_Name($n->getAttribute('name'), $n->getLine());
} else {
$msg .= $node->getAttribute('data');
} else {
$msg = $body->getAttribute('data');

return array(new Twig_Node(array(new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(trim($msg), $body->getLine()))), $vars);
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions inc/lib/Twig/Extensions/TokenParser/Trans.php
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@

* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
class Twig_Extensions_TokenParser_Trans extends Twig_TokenParser
* Parses a token and returns a node.
* @param Twig_Token $token A Twig_Token instance
* @return Twig_NodeInterface A Twig_NodeInterface instance
public function parse(Twig_Token $token)
$lineno = $token->getLine();
$stream = $this->parser->getStream();
$count = null;
$plural = null;

if (!$stream->test(Twig_Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE)) {
$body = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression();
} else {
$body = $this->parser->subparse(array($this, 'decideForFork'));
if ('plural' === $stream->next()->getValue()) {
$count = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression();
$plural = $this->parser->subparse(array($this, 'decideForEnd'), true);


$this->checkTransString($body, $lineno);

return new Twig_Extensions_Node_Trans($body, $plural, $count, $lineno, $this->getTag());

public function decideForFork(Twig_Token $token)
return $token->test(array('plural', 'endtrans'));

public function decideForEnd(Twig_Token $token)
return $token->test('endtrans');

* Gets the tag name associated with this token parser.
* @param string The tag name
public function getTag()
return 'trans';

protected function checkTransString(Twig_NodeInterface $body, $lineno)
foreach ($body as $i => $node) {
if (
$node instanceof Twig_Node_Text
($node instanceof Twig_Node_Print && $node->getNode('expr') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Name)
) {

throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('The text to be translated with "trans" can only contain references to simple variables'), $lineno);
Binary file modified inc/lib/geoip/GeoIPv6.dat
Binary file not shown.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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