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55 lines (30 loc) · 1.87 KB


File metadata and controls

55 lines (30 loc) · 1.87 KB

1.1.3 released 2009-07-17

  • Apparently department is not an option, even though FedEx docs say it is and the test services allow it. Production services say its not valid.

1.1.2 released 2009-07-17

  • Added :department for shipper and recipient options.

1.1.1 released 2009-07-17

  • Added :just_validate options for creating shipments, that leverages FedExs validation option without creating a shipment.

  • Added more shipper and recipient options, also standardized those options between rating and shipping to create consistency.

1.1.0 released 2009-07-16

  • Added another layer to tracking. You dont get an array of events anymore, you get a Shippinglogic::Fedex::Track::Details object that has information the single shipment. Such as delivery date, signature name, etc. To access the events you just call the events method on this object.

  • Added speed to rates.

1.0.8 released 2009-07-09

  • Fix insurance request format.

1.0.7 released 2009-07-09

  • Fix decimal conversion bug, cant convert a raw float to a decimal.

1.0.6 released 2009-07-09

  • Reset the cached response if an attribute changes.

1.0.5 released 2009-07-08

  • Added request to error objects so you can see both the raw request and response.

1.0.4 released 2009-07-08

  • Added state code mapping so that we can pass full state names and have it convert it to a FedEx friendly code behind the scenes.

1.0.3 released 2009-07-08

  • Rails uses United States not United State of America

1.0.2 released 2009-07-08

  • Remove notifications with a successful severity in the errors message.

  • Added country code mapping so that we can pass full country names and have it convert it to a FedEx friendly code behind the scenes.

1.0.1 released 2009-07-08

  • Fixed delivery deadline option for rate.

  • Ship package dimensions if we arent using our own packaging.

1.0.0 released 2009-07-07

  • Initial lease