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Notes for Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark Coursera course

fcrimins edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 13 revisions

Slides cannot be copy and pasted--ugh. Go here: /home/fred/coursera/big_data_analysis_w_scala_\&_spark

Week 1

  • sbt tutorial
    • sbt console
      • You can start the Scala interpreter inside sbt using the console task. The interpreter (also called REPL, for "read-eval-print loop") is useful for trying out snippets of Scala code. Note that the interpreter can only be started if there are no compilation errors in your code.
      • Use ~console (rather than console) to incrementally compile code changes in the Scala REPL when file changes are saved per here
    • sbt compile
    • sbt test
      • The directory src/test/scala contains unit tests for the project. In order to run these tests in sbt, you can use the test command.
    • sbt run
      • If your project has an object with a main method (or an object extending the App trait), then you can run the code in sbt easily by typing run. In case sbt finds multiple main methods, it will ask you which one you'd like to execute.
    • sbt submit
      • The sbt task submit allows you to submit your solution for the assignment. The submit tasks takes two arguments: your Coursera e-mail address and the submission password.
      • NOTE: the submission password is not your login password. It is located on the Coursera programming assignment page in a frame in the top right.
      • FWC - I had to exit sbt (even though tests were passing correctly) and go back in to get submission to work correctly.
  • Spark better than Hadoop (10x)
    • retains fault tolerance
    • but massively improves latency by keeping all data in memory (and immutable--i.e. ideas from FP)
    • more expressive APIs
  • Spark (and Hadoop) require rewriting code to handle abstractions
    • premature optimization
    • need to think about where data is located, when it is cached, where code is running (driver/executor)
    • this is why the system I built at HBK was better (user didn't have to consider such abstractions)
    • "By default, RDDs are recomputed each time you run an action on them. This can be expensive (in time) if you need to use a dataset more than once."
      • "Spark allows you to control what is cached in memory. To tell Spark to cache an RDD in memory, simply call persist() [customizable storage level] or cache() [MEMORY_ONLY storage level] on it."
      • For example, if you compute an RDD then call take(10) on it followed by count() it will be recomputed twice, but if you call persist() on it first, it gets cached when take(10) is called so that count() is faster.
      • Hugely useful if iterating repeatedly across a large collection of points, for example (to compute a logistic regression, see spark-1-6.pdf, slide 23).
  • The solutions that Spark provides don't seem to be ones that I've encountered respective problems to in the past (e.g. reiterating over data). Perhaps this is because of layered computations: once many layers of a computation have been computed and cached, there isn't any need to recompute all the underlying layers; merely reading the top (computed/derived) layer from disk is entirely efficient enough. This is why the solution I implemented at HBK worked well.
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